Eastern Continent

Chapter 517, Wave the Six Gods

Birds sing in the mountains and forests, flowers bloom all over the ground, the breeze is gentle, and the water is clear.

The wide moon worship is entering summer from spring, with colorful flowers blooming everywhere, and the breeze blowing through the plain, bringing waves of fragrance.

Long Fei sat near the window and looked at the beautiful grassland outside, but his mood was not in this regard.

Since he fell into a coma in the grassland and was carried back by everyone, Long Fei has felt extremely depressed. Although everyone dared not say it clearly, they were much more careful in their actions. Long Fei didn't need to look at it. He knew that there were no less than five people beside him at any time. Although it was to protect Long Fei's safety, Long Fei felt that he was more Like a prisoner.

What is even more frustrating for Long Fei is that after the last impact, his consciousness also fell into sleep. With Long Fei's thousands of calls, he just can't come out. Long Fei knew that his consciousness had been hit like this, and he must have been seriously injured, but he didn't know how to repair and treat it.

It's funny. Since practicing divine consciousness, I have healed other people's diseases, and I have been cured, but my divine consciousness has been damaged, but I don't know how to treat them.

"Big boss!" A voice interrupted Long Fei's thoughts. Long Fei knew that it must be a bronze head without looking at it. Among the people, he was the only one who called himself.

"Big man!" Long Fei reluctantly raised his spirit. For the copper head, Long Fei did not have to pretend to smile, so his answer was also weak.

"Are you sick?" Copper's face changed and he hurried forward to touch Long Fei's forehead. After a while, he let go of his hand and muttered, "I don't have a fever!"

Long Fei pushed away his copper-headed hand and smiled softly, "I'm not sick, but there seems to be something wrong with my consciousness."

"Is there something wrong with the divine consciousness?" The copper head was so scared that his voice became a little louder: "What's the problem?"

Long Fei said, "The divine consciousness seems to be injured."

The copper head stared at Long Fei, saw the feet from the head, and then the head from the feet. Looking left and right, it was not like Long Fei lying to him. He couldn't help but wonder, "That thing is invisible. Who can see him and who can hurt him? How could you get hurt?"

Long Fei said with a bitter face, "Others can't see it, but I use my consciousness to block other people's attacks!" He told Tongtou everything before he fell into a coma.

He shook his head and felt the shallowness of his knowledge for the first time. If Long Fei hadn't explained to him that the bronze head didn't even know what the divine consciousness was, let alone what this invisible thing would block other people's attacks, it would not be a blow.

"So how do you feel now?" Tongtou asked with concern, "Are you physically or mentally uncomfortable?" Do you want me to help you?" He and Long Fei are more and more brothers. Whether they understand or not, their concern for Long Fei is sincere.

Long Fei said distressed, "There's nothing wrong with it. I just feel that my spirit is a little weak and I can't lift my mind to do anything."

The copper head sighed softly and said, "You should just rest for a period of time."

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I can rest. Everyone is looking at me in this piercing war!"

The copper head patted his chest and said, "With me and the eldest brother here, you don't have to worry. We have captured such a strong city, and we are afraid that he can't attack a six-god city."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Don't be careless. This god blessing general who is a bone spur must not be a simple thing. If you are a little careless, you may suffer a big loss from him."

The copper head suspected, "Is it so powerful?" Since he was a child, he has known Long Fei's ability and has always been very accurate. If this person is not simple, it is really not simple.

Long Fei said, "Don't even think about it. He has been fighting with the army of Wu in an invincible manner outside the Six Gods City, so that Wu Shangyong also believes that he can defend the Six Gods City, but he didn't expect that after the bone-piercing man launched the attack, he broke the Six Gods City in just one night. I think about it. Fear."

The copper head's face changed color and said, "Then I need to ask the eldest brother to come and discuss it to see how to capture the Six Gods City. However, I think the eldest brother is very angry with you.

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "That's of course. I took his advice as a whisper. It's false that he is not angry! Do you know where the eldest brother is? I'm going to accompany him.

Bron's head smiled and said, "Who made you be so self-serving should apologize to the eldest brother? Not only did you not tell the eldest brother, but even I didn't tell you. If anything happens to happen to you, how to tell Xiaolanzi?"

Long Fei smiled so much that his face turned into a bitter gourd shape. He stared at the bronze head and said, "You even told me, take me to see the eldest brother quickly!" Although Long Fei said so, he was moved by Tongtou's concern for himself. The two fell in love with each other. No matter who happened, you all felt the same way.

"Don't go, I'm coming." With the voice, Ye Guoming opened the curtain and came in.

"Big brother!" Seeing Ye Guoming come in, Tongtou and Long Fei stood up at the same time and shouted in unison.

"Second brother, third brother." Ye Guoming nodded to the copper head and immediately turned to look at Long Fei. He said with concern, "What do you think of the third brother? Is there any discomfort there?"

Long Fei smiled shyly and said, "Thank you for your concern. I just can't lift my mind, but nothing else!"

Ye Guoming was worried and said, "Are you depressed? Something is wrong?"

The bronze head rushed and said, "What kind of divine consciousness he was injured!"

Ye Guoming's surprise is also a great surprise. Although he has not practiced divine consciousness, he also knows that divine consciousness is the essence of human consciousness, which is closely related to people. If the divine consciousness is injured, the body must also be damaged. The light person's spirit is depressed, the heavy person faints, and even loses his life.

There is nothing wrong with divine injury.

Ye Guoming took a few steps forward, approached Long Fei, and reached out to touch Long Fei's pulse.

Long Fei smiled bitterly and let Ye Guoming's hand touch his wrist.

For a while, Ye Guoming put down his hand and stared at Long Fei.

Long Fei was embarrassed by Ye Guoming and said with a smile, "Brother, do you see anything?"

Ye Guoming shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I don't understand the divine consciousness. It seems that the third brother should be careful to take care of himself. It seems that no one in our army knows, unless it is Jia He, the third elder of the Jia family mentioned in the second story, this kind of person who came out of the family may know, but the war is in full swing now. Tight, we can't rush back to Jiuzhou City yet.

Long Fei looked at the copper head, then at Ye Guoming, and said, "For me, I'm worried about the two brothers."

The copper head snorted. Ye Guoming looked at Long Fei and said softly, "The third brother is now in the future of the fish family. You have to be careful. You can't act recklessly in the future."

Long Fei nodded and said, "I know it's wrong. Don't worry, brother. I must think of the fishman before I act in the future."

Ye Guoming secretly promised that Long Fei was the commander-in-chief of the fishman army, and he was only a deputy general, but Long Fei still respected himself as a sworn brother as before, humbly listened to his preaching, and never complained.

"Everyone has to wait for the third brother in the main account. Let's go there now!" Ye Guoming.

Ye Guoming and Tongtou followed both sides of Longfei, followed Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and five Song Chunbing, supporting Long Fei like the stars and the moon and walking towards the middle tent. Before I got to the main account, I saw two rows of figures in front of the main account. It was the generals of the fisherman who quietly obediently obediently with the arrival of Long Fei.

Ye Guoming helped Long Fei, walked through the two rows of generals, and went straight to the handsome position and sat down.

The generals wanted to hug him to say hello, but they found that Long Fei's face was pale and needed Ye Guoming to help him to act. This shock was not small. They all stopped at the same time, but silently looked at Long Fei's back and walked to the seat that belonged to him in the middle.

The generals hurriedly followed and walked into the tent.

"Good job, military division!"

Waiting for Long Fei to sit down, he suddenly shouted, and bowed deeply to Long Fei.

"Good job, military division!"

After the success, the generals in the account bowed to Long Fei.

Long Fei was moved, raised his right hand slightly, smiled slightly, and whispered, "Everyone is fine. Sit down, everyone!"

Ye Guoming and Tongtou were even more moved. They didn't expect that the fisherman loved Dai Longfei so much.

"Guys, how is the military training and material preparation during this period? Please talk about it." Long Fei looked at the general below and looked at him with concern and said, "I want to see how rich our family is."

Meng Hongzhi, the commander of the foot army, first stood up, saluted Long Fei, and said, "There are 20,000 people in the foot army. The training department is in good condition, fully equipped, and you can go to the battlefield at any time."

Long Fei nodded with satisfaction and praised, "General Meng, thank you for your hard work. If you can defeat the bone-piercing people, you should remember the first-class achievements of General Meng.

Meng Hongzhi said modestly, "I'm apologator. I just did my best. Next, please continue to talk about your situation!"

The cavalry commander Zhi Chenggong and archer Ye Guoming stood up separately and explained the situation of their army. Wang Feng, the deputy commander of the water army, reported the situation, and the quartermaster Meng Bo also reported the situation.

Finally, it was Ding Chajie, the captain of the scout, who reported the bone-piercing situation to Long Fei.

Long Fei listened carefully and finally nodded with satisfaction. During his few days in a coma, everything in the army was operating in good condition without any abnormality.

"Brothers, how can I, Longfei, deserve the wrong love of many brothers? I'm really ashamed that I, Longfei, will definitely advance and retreat with you until I drive the bone-piercing man out of Moon Island."

Ye Guoming shouted, "Go forward and retreat together, fight with the bone-piercing people to the end, and never retreat."

The generals in the account shouted loudly, full of momentum and full of fighting spirit.

The voice paused for a moment, and Meng Hongzhi suddenly said to the guards outside the tent, " Pull it up."

Long Fei was still ignorant. The guard had pulled up a man with his hands tied back and knelt in front of Long Fei. Looking at his awkward appearance, he seemed to have received a lot of punishment.

Looking at Long Fei's inexplicable face, Meng Hongzhi pointed to this person and said ashamedly, "This man is Wang Feng, a general surnamed for me. What I am ashamed of was that I was not strict enough to let him hurt the military master. Now I tied him up and ask the military division to punish him."

Long Fei remembered the masked man who hit his back with two palms. If he hadn't had a divine protection, he might have been out of his soul and whispered, "Wang Feng?"

Meng Hongzhi grabbed this chin and raised his face. The purpose was a ferocious and twisted face, as if there was unbearable pain in his body. His body twisted and opened his mouth, but he could not speak. He just looked at Long Fei with blood-red eyes, and the bitter hatred in his eyes made the dragon fly. I had a chill.

Long Fei looked at Wang Feng's distorted face and said, "Why did he attack me? In my impression, I don't seem to have sinned against this person.

Meng Hongzhi smiled bitterly and said, "It's also a little my fault to say this. It's my fault that I obeyed this person. When the military division and others first arrived in Tianbacheng, this person was satirized by General Ye and Tongjiangguo. Since then, he has been hated it. He once encouraged me to suppress your military power, but he was unexpectedly recognized by the military division. After this failure, This man was even more regretful and had been trying to revenge on the military division and General Ye and others. This time, the military division went out, and this man had followed him for a long time. After seeing that the military division was left alone, he couldn't help stabbing the military division.

Reach out between Wang Feng's chest and abdomen, untied his acupuncture point and shouted, "Let's see if you have anything else to say."

As soon as Wang Feng's acupuncture point was untied, he stretched out his finger and hissed. There was both fear and hatred in his eyes. Suddenly, he shouted "ah", stood up and rushed to Longfei.

Meng Hongzhi stood beside Wang Feng. How could he rush over, waved his hand a little, and then clicked his acupuncture point. Wang Feng stood in a posture, pointing to Long Fei, and twisted his face.

Everyone looked at it inexplicably and didn't understand why Wang Feng was still like this. Everyone in the account was a master, especially Ye Guoming and Tongtou. With these two people present, how could they hurt Long Fei?

The copper head looked at Wang Feng's chaotic eyes and suddenly said, "He is crazy!"

Ye Guoming also nodded and said, "He is really crazy!"

Wang Fenghan flowed into his brain and should have been crazy a long time ago, but because Ye Guoming and others were waiting for questions, they woke him up with internal skills and forced Zhouzhou to retreat the cold current. Later, he clicked Wang Feng's acupuncture point to make the cold current impossible to move forward, so he has dragged him to the present. Now after Meng Hongzhi untied his real way, the cold current burst It suddenly jumped into his mind and made him go crazy immediately. Under the deep hatred, he just believed that Long Fei was the only one, so he rushed to him.

Everyone in the account, including Ye Guoming and Tongtou, looked at Long Fei in a blink of an eye.

Although Wang Feng's martial arts skills are not the best, he is not such a useless person. He is also a moderate person in the fishman army, and this person has always been full of tricks, vicious, and determined. However, the consequence of his attack on Long Fei was that after Long Fei fell asleep for a few days, he woke up, but Wang Feng was crazy!

Long Fei sighed, "You can't live. Pull him down and sacrifice the flag for us before fighting with the bone spurs."

"Yes!" Meng Hongzhi answered, waved to the two soldiers to call in and took Wang Feng down.

Looking at Wang Feng's back, everyone in the account sighed secretly. This person was originally a figure with many tricks, but he came to such an end because of his narrow mind. He did not die on the battlefield with bone-piercing people, but died under his own knives.

"Military!" Meng Hongzhi suddenly said, "There is no way under my subordinates to do such a rebellious thing, and I would like to ask the military division to punish him severely."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "It's not to blame Commander Meng. This man's heart is too narrow to accommodate things. Sooner or later, he will break to this point, but this time I happened to meet him."

Meng Hongzhi bowed down again and said in horror, "Although there are a large number of military divisions, I dare not forgive myself. Please remove me from the position of deputy leader and change to someone else!"

Long Fei chanted for a moment and said, "Well, Meng Hongzhi will concentrate on the foot army. I hope that the foot army will shine in this war with bone spurs under the command of your civilian copper general. As for the position of deputy leader, let it be empty first and wait for General Meng to make contributions before returning it to you."

Meng Hongzhi said, "Thank you for your generosity. I am very grateful."

Everyone in the account saw that Long Fei's reward and punishment was clear, and it was not because Meng Hongzhi was one of the two deputy leaders. They did not admire it and secretly feared, reminding themselves not to commit crimes in Long Fei's hands in the future, otherwise it would be ruthless.

Long Fei thought for a while, looked up at the crowd and said, "Guys, since all the services are ready, let's go to the six gods and drag on. I'm afraid my brothers will complain."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Long Fei's relaxed tone made everyone in the account feel relaxed and no longer as dull as before.

Zhao Ke continued to laugh and said, "Yes, I worked hard to transport grain and grass to fill the warehouse, but let them stay here every day. I have no complaints, but those who collect grain and grass are really complaining."

Tongtou looked at Zhao Ke and said, "What do you know? Brothers are desperately practicing their ability to kill the enemy. Aren't these also part of the war?" Since the copper head met Zhao Ke, the two of them have been very speculative. They have to fight and drink together. Although Zhao Ke's fight is not the opponent of the copper head, drinking has drunk the copper head to a mess. Therefore, both of them speak straight and there is no taboo.

Zhao Ke looked at the copper head and said, "It's easy for you to say. Why don't you come and raise grain and have a look? As soon as the big and small officials heard that they wanted military food, they almost cut me off with a knife."

The bronze head said strangely, "Don't they know that we are fighting against bone spurs?"

Zhao Ke said, "It is because of the name of fighting with bone stabbing people that I can raise these food and fodder. If it is presented by others, I believe they have the idea of killing me and eating meat."

Ye Guoming said, "Is the fishman brothers so poor that they don't even have anything to eat?"

Meng Hongzhi sighed and said, "Ye Guoming, the military division and the copper general have not been on the moon island for a long time. Maybe they don't know the situation on the moon island. The fish people and bone-piercing people have fought for generations. Ben *ji is not developed. This time, there was a sudden civil strife, but they were invaded by foreigners, which has reached the end of mountains and rivers. To raise so little grain and grass for us, the people can only eat tree turf. It's even possible to starve to death."

Long Fei sighed and whispered, "In troubled times, it's the same there. There is also a lot of war on the mainland, and there are dead people everywhere!"

Meng Hongzhi looked at Long Fei, deeply felt his worried mood for the world, and said in a low voice, "So we will drive the bone-piercing people out of Moon Island with all our heart and return a peaceful environment to the fish people. Otherwise, even if they are not destroyed by bone-piercing people, they will starve to death."

Long Fei said, "I thought that bone spur people lacked food because the supply line was too long. I didn't expect that we were fighting in the local area, but we also encountered a food shortage. It seems that not only bone spur people want to fight quickly, but also we must do the same!"

said successfully, "It's true. Every day of delay, the fishman brothers will kill more people."

Long Fei sighed, "Actually, these are two losing wars. Even if we win, it's just a tragic victory. It's not necessarily much better than bone-piercing."

The copper head shouted, "No matter what he does in the end, defeat the bone-piercing man first. If the fishman brothers want to live a good life, they must drive the bone-piercing man back to their hometown."

Long Feitou said, "That's the end of the war. It just depends on how we can minimize our loss."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Ye Guoming said, "While our losses are reduced, we should also increase the loss of bone piercing people."

Long Fei nodded and said, "I'm exactly what I mean. Next, I will serve you as a public task. I hope you will live up to the fish brothers, the accumulated general, and live up to my expectations."

Ye Guoming shouted, "Military, don't worry, we all work hard to live up to your hopes."

Everyone also echoed loudly, and Tongtou shouted, "His grandmother's, don't beat the bone-piercing people. My copper head and their surnames."

Everyone burst into laughter.

Long Fei looked at everyone's high spirits and carefully assigned tasks when it was a good time to go to war.