Eastern Continent

Chapter 529, peace talks between the two races

The air is clear, the sky is dark blue, the sun is shining, and the breeze is blowing.

In the hot summer, I know that there is a weak cry on the tree, like the cry of a drowning man, which is hoarse and weak. Only a trace of breeze blows makes people feel a little cool. On the plain, the condensed dew at the end of the wormwood has long disappeared with the rising sun, and only the green grass leaves still sticking straight into the sky.

Phoenix Valley is destined to be a famous place for thousands of years. Even if there is no phoenix habitat, this place will definitely be a holy place for everyone in the world to admire in the future.

The platform in Phoenix Valley still exists and has been built higher, becoming a high platform. Colorful flags are flying on both sides of the platform. On the left is the fishman blue flag, and on the right is the piercing black flag.

There is also a row of pavilion-like buildings on the high platform, which are now sitting peacefully on the high platform. On the left is the representative of the fisherman led by Long Fei. Behind them are Wu Yanyong, Meng Hongzhi, straight success. On the right, there are the bone spurs led by Shen Hao, the five wolf generals except The other four who were stabbed to death by the bronze head have arrived, and Mu San, Mu Wen and Miyaichiro have disappeared.

Under the high platform, there are two sergeants on the left and right sides, the bone spur army in black armor, and the fishman army in blue and white armor. Both teams of soldiers are energetic. Although they stand upright under the scorching sun, their faces are firm, as if they had been like this since ancient times.

"Good Lord God!" Long Fei smiled at Shen Hao and said, "I didn't expect the general to be so young!"

Shen Hao looked at Long Fei and said with a faint smile, "Isn't the military division the same young? Does the military division think that except you, others can't go to the battlefield so young?"

Long Fei touched his nose awkwardly and smiled, "That's not what I mean, but I didn't expect that the divine general was still..."

Shen Hao stared and said lightly, "Does the military division mean that women can't go to the battlefield?"

Long Fei choked. Shen Hao seemed to have taken gunpowder. His tone was tied up so hard that he didn't know what to say. Later, he simply closed his mouth and looked at the old fishman who was selected as the host in a blink of an eye. The man looked old, as if he had reached the state of immobility in front of the collapse of Mount Tai, but at this time, there was also a little excitement in his eyes, which seemed to be excited about the upcoming peace of the fishman.

"The military division doesn't seem to be a fishman!" Long Fei didn't want to talk to Shen Hao anymore, but Shen Banghao talked to Long Fei in turn.

Long Fei turned his head and looked at the face opposite him, a beautiful melon seed face on his slender neck, and the delicate facial features on his face, which made her look like a supernatural charm that coexisted with both heroic and charming. The sharp chin, small cherry mouth, and straight Yao nose make people feel that she is so charming and beautiful. However, on her smooth forehead, a pair of long slanting eyebrows are far into her temples. This pair of long eyebrows, which should have grown on a man's face, grows on such a charming woman's face, actually makes her look heroic. Vigorous and handsome. Under this pair of long eyebrows, the charming Danfeng's eyes are a kind of sharp look that will never match. The two different temperaments in the upper and lower half of the face are so appropriately reflected in this face, and the matching is just right, making Shen Hao charming in his heroic spirit and heroic in his charming, forming a strange charm.

However, Long Fei not only turned a blind eye to Shen Hao's powerful and murderous eyes, but also did not show any surprise at Shen Hao's extraordinary charm. He just glanced by when he spoke. Hearing Shen Hao's words, Long Fei turned his head, looked at Shen Hao, and smiled, "God's eyes are like electricity. I'm really not a fishman, but a mainlander."

Shen Hao is just because the fishman is at a disadvantage in previous wars. It seems that there are no outstanding talents, and Long Fei does not look like a short fishman, so he tries it casually. Unexpectedly, Long Fei also admits casually. Looking at Long Fei's clear eyes, Shen Hao was a little puzzled. How much benefit the fisherman gave to Long Fei, and let people like Long Fei also be willing to work for the fisherman.

"Military master's talent! Why did you fall to the small place of moon island!" Shen Hao stared at Long Fei and wanted to take a closer look at the changes in his face.

Long Fei smiled and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I was taken to the island by others."

With Shen Hao's shrewd, Long Fei could not have expected to answer like this, but this is indeed the case now. She also thought that Long Fei was invited to the island because he met a powerful figure of the fisherman. Hearing Long Fei's words, Shen Hao was instinctively stunned. Repeat Long Fei's words, "Have you been abducted to the island?"

Long Fei was secretly amused. He knew that Shen Hao was not asking him how to come to Moon Island, but wanted to see how much benefits the fishman had given him, why he could work for the fishman so much, or whether there was anything to buy himself. But she absolutely didn't expect that Long Fei was really taken to the island by Meng Ting.

While Meng Hongzhi and others sitting under Long Fei are funny, they are also slightly ashamed. They have always regarded themselves very high. Unexpectedly, they are far from Long Fei now. Only now do they know what war geniuses are. In the past, they have become people at the bottom of the well and watch the sky. However, they were also secretly lucky in their hearts. They didn't expect that Meng Ting caught such a character on the island. I don't know if the fishman had suffered for so long, and God was pitied that the dragon flew from the sky, or the bone piercing man was always arrogant and frequently violated the fishman, and finally made God angry. Only then did the dragon fly down, so that the bone-piercing man finally ate the bitterness they had put on the fisherman before.

"God will laugh." Long Fei pretended to be modest and said, "I don't have the power to tie chickens. It happened that Elder Meng saw that I was alone, so he brought me to Moon Island."

Wu Shangyong and other people almost couldn't help laughing. Long Fei, even at this serious moment of peace talks, looked like a smile. However, if the three of them didn't know that he was caught on Moon Island by Meng Ting as a shield, they might have believed Long Fei's letter and slander.

Shen Hao was stunned again. She was finally a smart person. After thinking about it, she knew that Long Fei was talking nonsense. With such a talent as Long Fei, it was the eager military talent on the current chaotic continent. How could she be a lonely person? Even Long Fei said that he was taken to the island and thought it was a fish. Long Fei was invited to Moon Island after promising Long Fei's favorable conditions.

"The military division is so talented that it succumbs to such a small moon island, but it is useless. Does the military division ever think about finding another talent?" Shen Hao looked at Long Fei and couldn't help but finally say the tentative words.

"Alas!" Long Fei sighed and said, "I was born to work hard. I can't be rich and noble. That's not bad!"

Shen Hao looked at Long Fei pretending and didn't know whether it was true or not. However, he seemed to be quite interested in Long Fei and said tentatively, "The Japanese island is more than twice as big as Moon Island, and the bone-piercing man is also thirsty for virtuousness. I don't know if the military division is interested in visiting Japan Island?"

Long Fei's heart was amused. He just came out to practice. This time, he participated in the war between the fishman and the bone-piercing man, which was just a meeting. After the war, he had to return to the mainland. There was the importance of freedom in wealth and power. However, looking at this temptation that Shen Hao spared no effort, it was really wanted to be himself. I have gone to Moon Island. He wanted to see the piercing card and deliberately made a sound.

Shen Hao saw that Long Fei was silent and thought he was already moved. Then he said, "As long as the military division arrived on the Japanese island, the bone spur clan will sweep the couch and wait, and the benefits given must be several times more than the fish people."

Long Fei has not responded yet. Meng Hongzhi, Wu Shangyong and others sitting under him have changed their faces. Now the victory of the fish people can be said to be because of Long Fei. If Long Fei throws into the camp of the Bone Stinger Army, they will have nothing. This hard-won victory will also follow Long Fei's departure. If the smoke disappears, you will never escape the fate of being stabbed by the bones. They haven't been with Long Fei for a long time, so they don't know Long Fei's character. The straight success sitting at the end of the seat is that the old god is there, without a trace of tension. Long Fei declined the position of leader of the army several times, and was not even willing to take a real position in the army. He just wanted to be a military division like a shopkeeper, free to come and go. If Long Fei was a person who was greedy for wealth and power, he would not have been successful in becoming the leader of the army at that time. How can a person who regards the life and death power of the leader of the army as if he were abandoned? How could he be moved by Shen Hao's condition? Besides, the attitude of successfully flying from the dragon to the joke game is more or less known that he is pretending.

However, fortunately, Long Fei did not know the idea of straight success, otherwise, he was also depressed, and he was unexpectedly expected to be straight.

Today is a critical moment for the peace talks between the two races. Long Fei can't play tricks on Shen Hao too much. He smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but Long Fei has always been used to idle clouds and wild cranes and can't be bound. Therefore, I really have no luck with the kindness of the gods and generals."

Shen Hao looked at Long Fei without blinking, as if he was watching whether it was true or false behind what he said. After a long time, he said, "Can we let the military division sit one of the positions above 10,000 people? Don't the military division consider it?"

Long Fei touched his nose and had to wake up the divine general again and said, "God will be clear. I am just a mountain and wild person. I am really not very interested in these. Besides, I don't have three or two weights all over my body. How can I afford such a heavy position? For such a thankless thing, God will still ask for another master. I I really can't bear it!"

Shen Hao stared at Long Fei, then immediately turned his head, stopped looking at Long Fei, and said lightly, "Can the negotiation begin?"

Long Fei's mind finally couldn't help trembling. Shen Hao's eyes were full of strange anger and anger. Even Long Fei thought that his mind was like a stone, and he couldn't help jumping gently.

"The peace talks begin." The mermaid old man standing in Taichung as the host shouted angrily, "The representatives of the two sides came to the stage!" No one expected that this old man, who was about to leave, also had such a loud voice. It seemed that the peace between the fishman and the bone-piercing man made him excited and inexplicably, and his whole body seemed to be rejuvenated with a kind of strength.

In the eyes of Long Fei and Shen Hao, the bone-piercing man was the first blow of the five wolves, and the fish man was Wu Shangyong. He stood up from his seat and walked to the platform placed in the center of the high platform.

Soon, the negotiations between the two ethnic groups were over. At the repeated request of Long Fei, Shen Hao accepted the following clause: In Shen Hao's lifetime, the bone spur clan shall not invade the fishman. In this way, the fishman has gained decades of peace. As for what will happen decades later, it will be left to future generations to worry about.

Zhi Pengfei and Shan Yijun were also exchanged. Zhi Pengfei's expression was tired and ashamed. He felt ashamed of his failure and ashamed of Long Fei and others. Shan Yijun had another look. He looked at Long Fei and others with anger and bitter resentment.

At the end of the negotiations, the fish people were so happy that they couldn't help laughing. They were quite satisfied with the result of the peace talks. As for whether the bone-piercing people were satisfied or not, it was not what they paid attention to.

The poem praises: Once the country's achievements, the ten generations of peace, hundreds of generations of merits and virtues, the phoenix platform throughout the ages.

Under the supervision of the fishman army, the bone spur army withdrew from the Six Gods City and slowly retreated towards the sea until it returned to the bone-piercing ship. Until all the bone spurs army retreated, the fisherman did not embarrass the bone stabbing people.

Although the brigade left, Shen Hao stayed with a young general and named him to meet Long Fei.

Before Long Fei agreed, the copper head had already shouted and shouted, "What kind of divine general is so bold that he dares to stay alone against our thousands of troops and horses? Could it be that he bullied us and let me capture him."

Ye Guoming stared at the bronze head and said, "How can we lose our rudeness and be looked down upon by thousands of troops and horses?"

The copper head said sullenly, "What did the eldest brother say?"

Ye Guoming said, "Of course, I went to see him, but it should not be left by the military division. The military division has no martial arts and can't use his consciousness. In case Shen Hao has bad intentions, it's too late to regret it!"

Gou Zhitong also felt the same way: "You can't have the intention to harm others, but you can't have the intention to prevent others. It's better to deal with this matter safely. The military division is very important and should not take risks. It should be replaced by others."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "You are worried. I feel that Shen Hao may have sincerely wanted to talk to me, and there is no malice. Don't worry."

Jia He smiled coldly and said, "Do you want to be strong again?"

Long Fei bowed to Jia He and said, "Mr. Jia, please rest assured that the boy has his own moderation. Besides, the boy still wants to live a hundred years old. How can he joke about his life?"

Jia He stared at Long Fei and was silent. After a while, he said to the others, "Let him go!"

Long Fei was overjoyed and said to Jia He, "Jia Lao still understands me!"

Ye Guoming said nervously, "But..."

Jia He shook his hand and interrupted Ye Guoming's words and said, "People who cultivate their divine knowledge have a sense of safety. We don't need to worry about him, just let him grasp it by himself."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Mr. Jia is really a boy's bosom friend!"

Jia He shouted in a low voice, "Go and come back quickly."

"Dead!" Long Fei walked out of the army and walked towards Shen Hao.

Shen Hao handed over the war horse to a beautiful young general. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Long Fei. He was swaggering over, with a changing look in his eyes and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, Long Fei stood in front of Shen Hao, looked at Shen Hao, and said with a smile, "God will call you. I don't know how to teach him!"

"Military is a good means!" Shen Hao looked at Long Fei and did not answer Long Fei's question. Suddenly, he said, "It turned out that he had been peaceful for the fisherman for decades."

Long Fei looked at Shen Hao and said in a very sincere tone for the first time: "No, no, that's the wise god. Knowing that the two clans continue to fight, they are really tired and need to rest and recuperate. Therefore, by the way, Long Fei can't know that Long Fei has a face to complete this matter. Decades later, if the bone-piercing man wants to invade the fishman again, it will not be captured.

Shen Hao said with a serious look, "In the past, I might have had this idea, but now this idea has changed after seeing that even military personnel are willing to work for fishmen. Now I only hope that in decades, the fisherman will not invade bone-piercing people."

Long Fei's eyes lit up and whispered, "Since God is worried about this, it's better for us to promote the peace between the two races, trade for generations, and live in peace."

Shen Hao looked at Long Fei and suddenly smiled and said, "The military master is not a fishman. I didn't expect him to think so much about the fishman!"

Long Fei scratched his head again and said, "In fact, I think that the two ethnic groups get along well with each other than to live and die. There is no tomorrow today."

Shen Hao muttered, "Since the military division has such a compassionate heart, I dare not do it, but this is a long way to go. It's not up to me what happens."

Long Fei nodded and said, "I know, I know, as long as God will have this heart and do his best, the fishman will be infinitely grateful."

Shen Hao suddenly curled his lips like a little girl and said, "The fishman is grateful or not. I don't care much. As long as your military commander Longfei promised me three things, I will try my best on this matter."

Long Fei looked at the action like a little girl and suddenly appeared on a powerful general in armor and felt a feeling of upright, but this action was charming and infinite, causing Long Fei's heart to beat slightly. However, fortunately, I was still clear-headed and alert: "I don't know what God will want me to promise. If it is against God and my nature, please forgive me for nothing."

There was a smile in Shen Hao's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He said proudly, "Military, don't worry, I will also know the priority and will never let you do what you don't want to do."

Long Fei was interested, looked at Shen Hao's eyes, and smiled deeply and playfully. Shen Hao actually said that he would never let himself do the opposite of his wishes, that is, what he asked for was also what Long Fei wanted to do. Otherwise, Long Feida said that he did not want to do it.

Seeing Long Fei's mocking eyes, Shen Hao, a majestic god general, rarely blushed and stared at Long Fei and said, "Whether the military master agreed or not?"

Long Fei sighed and said helplessly, "The rabbit has been put into the cage. Can I not agree? What will God say?

The smile on Shen Hao's face quickly bloomed, like a budding flower bone, which bloomed the most beautiful flower in an instant. Shen Hao became wonderful in an instant. He glanced at Long Fei and said, "I didn't expect that when I thought of it, I would find a military master to cash it."

Long Fei touched his nose and said with a wry smile, "It seems that I have entered the hub of the god general and kneaded it by the god general. I only hope that the god will look at me as a poor person and pinch it leisurely."

Shen Hao sneered, as if he had only now found that Long Fei was such a tired figure and stared at Long Fei fiercely. He looked like a general leading thousands of troops, but like a little girl who was acting coquettishly. Then he said, "The good news waiting for me is that I hope the fishman is also sincere, otherwise, I can't guarantee that the angry bone-piercing man will do anything."

Long Fei said with a serious look, "Please rest assured that the fisherman has been looking forward to this day for a long time. If you have this opportunity, you can't hold it firmly."

Shen Hao jumped on the war horse, grabbed the rope, looked at Long Fei and said, "The military division should remember to promise to do three things for me, but don't regret it. Otherwise, even if I find the ends of the earth, I will ask you to settle accounts."

Long Fei smiled and said, "God will rest assured that although I am useless, I happen to be praised."

Shen Hao smiled, his face turned red, turned his horse's head, and went away in an instant, but the last sentence still came to Long Fei's ears: "As long as the military division does not live up to me, I will live up to the military commander!" However, he never turned his head again.

Long Fei opened his mouth wide and didn't know what Shen Hao was saying. Is it a matter of peace between the two ethnic groups? However, Shen Hao has gone far away, and Long Fei can't ask, so he has to go back.

Exactly: Do you still say goodbye and live up to each other? Is it for the sake of sorrow, or the two races?

Just before returning to the army, the copper head had hurriedly grabbed the front, intercepted Long Fei's horse's horse's head, grabbed Long Fei's horse rope, and said strangely, "What are you talking about?"

Long Fei glanced at the bronze head and said angrily, "What eyebrows? I think you are frowning. We are discussing business. Your head is just thinking about some dirty things!"

The copper head sneered and said disdainfully, "What can you do with her? Do you have anything to do with him?"

Long Fei was really helpless. He almost hit him with an ear scraper and stared at the copper head and said, "He is discussing how to make the people of the two ethnic groups live in harmony forever and communicate with each other."

The bronze head shouted strangely, "Really, this is a matter of boundless merit. Boss, you finally did a good thing seriously."

Meng Hongzhi, Wu Shangyong, Zhi Chenggong and others are also happy. If the two ethnic groups can get along well for generations, the people of the two ethnic groups will trade with each other and communicate with each other. This is really a great thing with great merit, which is bigger than killing tens of thousands of enemies on the battlefield.

Therefore, everyone, including Jia He and Gou Zhitong, was sincerely happy. Therefore, no one asked what else Shen Hao said to Long Fei!