Animal World

Chapter 268 Variant Bone

Chapter 268 Variant Bone

Zhu Ming carefully examined the body in front of him. The body had been completely decomposed. He studied the first mutation of the body, and other base doctors around him took the body he had examined and analyzed it with instruments. In short, he did not let go of any doubts.

The people around him are all members of the evolution expert group of the Shenlong Group, led by Professor Xiao Lingshan and Zhu Ming, who are specially designed to check the mutation of this mutant and lay the foundation for better evolution in the future. These people can only be exposed to some fur things. The only people who really master the core are Zhu Ming and Xiao Lingshan, and Zhu Ming himself mastered the genetic ontology of the separation of genetics. That is to say, Professor Xiao Lingshan has no way to transform the evolutionary gene without the implanted gene provided by Zhu Ming. This is Zhu Ming to prevent the leakage of secrets. This is intentional, so he holds the core secrets, while Xiao Lingshan is in charge of all the evolution processes, which he is more proficient than Zhu Ming.

But Zhu Ming hasn't found how these people evolved until now? There is no change in the pituitary gland of the brain. It can be said that they did not evolve from the pituitary gland. How did they do it? It's been a long time, but I haven't found out how these mutants evolved from. Is he born to be a mutant?

"Zhu Ming, I seem to have found something? I'm not completely sure yet. I need to check it in other aspects. Professor Xiao Lingshan, who is also interested in these bodies, said with a leg bone.

Zhu Ming took over the bone and studied it. The leg bone was obviously much heavier, about twice as heavy as the ordinary bone, just like the heavy steel from the wood, which shows that the bone has mutated. But why didn't you find this when you checked other bones just now? He quickly compared other bones and found that only the bones of his arms and legs had mutated, but the other bones were normal without any change. What kind of evolution would only evolve bones? This completely violates the theory of evolution. This corpse seems to have evolved only local bones. How on earth did they do it?

At this time, Xiao Lingshan picked up the leg bone that Zhu Ming had just put down and said, "Look, this bone has nothing on the surface, but it is much heavier than other bones. I checked the bones everywhere and found that the only thing in common is this. You see, it seems to have been drilled through here, and they are pierced. What are the bones for? Our doctor made a hole in the bone. One is to puncture some samples from the human bone marrow, and then inject something. I judge that their genes must have injected a gene from here to change these people's genes. In this case, some people's genes can withstand changes, and two kinds of them are allowed in their bodies. Genes coexist. Generally, this phenomenon is absolutely impossible. It is impossible for a person to share two genes, as if two people are competing for control of a person's body. One is the original gene of the ontology, and the other is the powerful gene of outsiders. These bones are changed by these powerful genes, but they can only be changed. These bones injected with genes can't completely control the whole body.

"In this case, the mortality rate of these experiments is very high. Not only during the experiment, but also successful people will die suddenly at any time. This depends on the result of the competition between the two genes. Once the powerful foreign gene completely controls the initiative, people will produce quality. Changes, and our human body can only be limited to existing human beings or humanoids, which is just like a strong-willed person letting the body do a task that cannot be completed at all, when the human function will collapse and cause death. Now they are all in this situation, which is why we can't analyze these mutations from their genes.

Zhu Ming listened to Professor Xiao's introduction and picked up a few bones and looked at them carefully for a while before putting down and saying, "So we have basically mastered the basic procedures for their evolution of human beings. Now it seems that these people have no secrets to say. This genetic evolution is too risky, and it is the comprehensive evolution of our people. There is more than one level missing, as long as you know how they do it. But what I can't figure out now is why they don't use our method to inject into the pituitary gland? Hasn't this technology leaked out?"

Due to the expansion of the Shenlong Animal Research Institute, there is a well-known domestic professor among the recruits, but they did not expect that this person had been dragged into as a secret agent decades ago. After arriving at the Shenlong Animal Base, he quickly transmitted this technology abroad. The country conducted dozens of experiments, and they thought it could be skilled. Shenlong Group publicly announced the results of this test.

At this time, Zhu Ming sternly ordered anyone in the base not to argue with the outside world about this matter. Foreigners who are willing to fight for this name will fight for it. The people in the base only need to do their own research. So the world knows that this genetically modified technology was invented by country I, but no one knows the real inventor. As for the spy, he was soon found out and secretly executed by Guoan.

"Haha, Zhu Ming, you, the inventor, don't care too much about the situation outside. The current transgenic project is full of flowers and hundreds of families. They have studied it. They have been confirmed by conducting pituitary tests like us. This method can only be tested in newborn animals. Once it is super It is dangerous to test again in five days, and there is no example of testing on adult animals. The use of people to carry out experiments has never been reported. I guess someone must have secretly carried out such experiments, but if they want to use people to carry out experiments, they will have to wait more than ten years later to grow up. I theoretically analyze that it is feasible. Some people have experimented with injecting genes into animals from bones, and there are also successful examples. I think that's how they use this technology on humans. Zhu Ming, which country is this black man from? How did they master this technology? How do they eliminate the high mortality rate with this technology?

Xiao Lingshan asked incomprehidently that Zhu Ming did not tell him the origin of these people, so he didn't know what had happened.

Zhu Ming said heavily: "This matter is now very serious. This is an evolutionist trained by the government of M. They call them mutants. I think their name is also right. They are just local mutants. There are now 80 such people, and now they have collectively * turned M country upside down. This is the first batch of people we caught in Z country. There are four of them in total. The purpose is to think that our country Z is also making a scene, which is why I called you to study them urgently.

"How is that possible? How can they do this? How did they solve such a high mortality rate? The use of people for experiments is strictly prohibited by the international community. How can the government of M carry out such a construction team regardless of international law? Are they crazy?" Xiao Lingshan said in shock.

"They didn't solve the problem of mortality. These people were piled up at a 15-1 ratio. They used prisoners, some heinous criminals, and now they have tasted the bitter fruits. Not to mention them, didn't we also experiment with people? We ourselves have violated international law. If we say it, first of all, we will be unlucky. Zhu Ming said with a wry smile.

Xiao Lingshan pointed to Zhu Ming and said, "You, this is nonsense. You are not an experiment. You evolved with a successful method, and the person who tested it is precisely yourself. This situation does not count. Don't blame yourself. If you want to blame those people, go."

Zhu Ming shook his head and said, "I don't blame myself for this?" In fact, all this was caused by me. If I hadn't pioneered genetic transformation, how would they have known how to experiment with this method? It's useless to blame them now. You can only blame yourself. I think M country has evolved so many mutants. Do other countries also have such experiments? Did those countries miss this opportunity? It's just that they haven't revealed things like Country M, so no one knows. It seems that there will be more and more things we have to deal with in the future. We have a little fewer 600 people now, and I think we need to expand it more.

"You are right. It seems that they are really risking the world to expand the experiment. Now there are too many countries in the world. M has now taken this precedent, and it is impossible for other countries not to carry out the experiment. What I am worried about is not these countries, but that some extremist organizations have mastered this technology. There is often a lot of economic support behind them. It should be possible to carry out this kind of experiment. This kind of experiment is now just like * in those years. Everyone knows the basic principles. It depends on how to invest in it. If it is not strictly managed, the world will really be chaotic. Zhu Ming, please discuss with the national leaders quickly. Next, do we have to stop this situation quickly? Otherwise, mutants are everywhere, how do ordinary people live? How do these mutants manage them?

Xiao Lingshan is now more and more afraid. He has unconsciously trained more than 600 people. These people still have hope to control it. What about the others? Have they taken any restrictions?

Zhu Ming sat there and stopped talking. Now it is not a matter of his own. Genetic evolution has been out of control. Now it is useless to blame the spy. Professor Xiao Lingshan is right. He still wants some ways to remedy it, otherwise the world will really be in a mess. How to control it? In today's world, no one is convinced. Everyone really wants to crack these secrets. Only by mastering the core secrets can they have the opportunity to control others. Now ZM is in this situation, and it is not easy for the two countries to sit down, let alone cooperate.