Animal World

Chapter 383 I don't understand you

Chapter 383 I can't understand you

Zhu Shan suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhu Ming and said, "Mingzi, the more I read you, the more I don't understand you. Do you know that you are playing with fire now? Give it to them if your country wants. You can't fight against the country alone, let alone change anything. What does it have to do with you if these people can't control it? You give up all this. We don't need anything, just ask the family to live a stable and happy life together. I don't want to fight by myself anymore after listening to your words in the future. I'll help you manage the company and won't let you play the team again. Can you listen to me this time?

Zhu Ming sat motionless and asked, "Do I know what we have been doing recently? Do you know why I fly to this country all day long? I dare not let you know all this, and the country does not dare to let ordinary people know. Once you know it, it will be chaotic. This time, some super warriors in M country have had a big problem. Their unbridled killing and almost destroyed M country. The government of M can do nothing about them. It's okay for these people to mess around in country. They also think that our country continues their demonic life. It's me who took the Shenlong security guards to block them to the gate. They can't enter from normal channels and run to the crazy destruction of country E. They also want to use our tens of thousands of miles of borders with country E to enter our country to retaliate and destroy us, and It was blocked by us in country E and destroyed, and only one person rushed to our country and was killed on the spot.

"The government of M had no choice but to ask us. In order to eliminate these hidden dangers, I promised them. At the same time, they also gave us a very important military base as an overseas base of Shenlong, so that we sent troops to M. This is a top secret matter. I dare not let people know. You should also The news saw that our Shenlong security guard went to M country. Now even ordinary people in M don't know what our Shenlong security guard has done, and they are still scolding us desperately.

"In this way, we didn't have eliminated most of the terrorists in a long time, and now there are only ten people left that have not been found. Our dragon warriors are still fighting on the front line of anti-terrorism, but some people with ulterior motives in China have begun to prepare to separate our dragon security guards. Doesn't this chill us? What if we have problems again? They are the people I trained. If so, I will be the biggest sinner in the country.

"I, a commoner, really should not participate in government affairs, but they have now used their rights to interfere with major reforms of the country and even threatened the authority of national leaders. Now Chairman Liu has no right to mobilize the army, so there are two troops this time. Can I ignore the two opposite orders I received? If it goes on like this, the country will fall into a civil war, a civil war between warlords. Originally, I didn't want to care about their affairs, but they openly attacked me, and I took the opportunity to change all this. I just want to eliminate these warlords now, so that they will never have a chance to turn over and return their rights to the people. Do you think I did this wrong?

Zhu Shan was silent for a while before standing up and said, "You have said so much that I can't figure it out now, and I don't know if you are right. Now that you are single-handed, I can't persuade you anymore. Now that you have decided and are already doing it, you can continue to do it. I hope you can control your emotions. Now You have become so that I don't know you. I don't want you to go on like this. I still like you in the past. Forget it, I can't change you now. I'd better go back. I'm waiting for the final result at home. I can't make my parents worry anymore. You ask someone to send me back, and I'll go with my parents.

Zhu Ming couldn't explain it clearly for a moment, so he went out and asked the security guard who sent him to drive his eldest brother back.

I sent my eldest brother Zhu Ming back to Liu Tian's office. This office is also rarely used by Liu Tian. There is also a lounge in it, which is now reused by Zhu Ming. Other security guards guard several phones in several other rooms. They want Zhu Ming to do the first time in the situation outside.

Not long after Zhu Ming lay down, a security guard came and knocked on the door and said, "Captain, the captain of the Snow Army has news."

Zhu Ming quickly went out with the security guard and picked up the phone and asked, "Snow Army Chief, have you found anything?"

"Report to the chief, we have found all the animals. They seem to have come here by something **. More than 30 kilometers away from the base, some of them have gathered here quickly, wandering around a thing, running slowly and still rushing this way. It seems that they We have to gather here to deal with them, but there is no place to put them. Now I need support to find some iron cages that can hold these animals. The snow army reported.

Zhu Ming thought for a moment and said, "Where can I find so many iron cages for you? Don't catch these animals first, so as not to disperse them. Take people to get an isolation first, so that they can't run away. I'll send someone there right away. This time, I'll tie them with a rope. Just tie them up and can't move. I will ask the researchers here to go together. They understand that the habits of these animals are helpful for capturing them. In particular, it is important to register all these animals on site, and there is no omission. For uncontrollable animals, they can be killed and never let them run away again.

"Yes, chief, please send someone quickly. Now it's dark. I'm worried about what's wrong. I still need some lighting equipment. Just send it together." Xue Jun said.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." Zhu Ming put down the phone and called Commander Wang Ye about the helicopter, asking him to transfer all the helicopters and ask him to transfer some soldiers and armored vehicles to enter the reserve together to transport these animals. In many places in the protected area, ordinary vehicles can't be notified except for armored vehicles. Now Wang Ye immediately agreed.

As for Shaoyuxin and Shuake, Zhu Ming just informed them of the situation and did not call them to continue their original work. Their work is the most important thing. They must control these people tonight.

He went downstairs to the conference room where the meeting had just been held. At this time, the researchers gathered here again. They were still arguing about some, and even blushed their necks. When they saw Zhu Ming coming in, they immediately shut up.

Zhu Ming stood in front of him and sneered and said, "Are you all very energetic? It's better to put this spirit into work. Since everyone doesn't want to rest, I have arranged a job for you. Now that the snow army has found a gathering place for these escaped animals, you can immediately get on a helicopter and go there to cooperate with their arrest work. You know their habits and it's good for these soldiers. Well, it's important to find out whether all the animals have been caught, which is related to our problem of solving the case. Think about what else has not been missed, especially the number of animals that can never be mistaken. Now you get ready and wait for the plane to come. Let's go.

Hearing that the animals found these researchers, they were excited. Everyone waited excitedly for the plane to arrive. A researcher said happily, "Zhu Ming, you can find these animals. Don't worry, we have the strictest animal registration system here. We have registered any animals, that is, we have detailed files of dead animals, and no researchers can do anything in this regard. We also have special personnel to investigate their animal situation from time to time. I can call now. The type and number of all animals can be checked in the brain. The only secret is that we don't know what they have studied.

Zhu Ming was in a much better mood and said, "That's good. I hope I don't scare these animals when I catch them, but we don't have such cages to imprison them now, so we have to bring them back with a rope. I don't know if you have any medicine or something to make them sleep. When they come back and wake up, they will return to their original home, which will not affect your future research.

"My animals can't be tied up. They are very intelligent now. Now they will retaliate by violence against them. I'll give you some drugs I use to control them. He will settle down after taking them. He will be very obedient at that time."

"Yes, I also have this medicine. Each of us has its own way to control animals. I think it's better for each of us to bring our own commonly used drugs and food, and let us catch these animals ourselves. Don't let your security animals. They just need to help us. I promise it's much easier than catching them. I'm ready to go now.

After saying that, the man ran out, and the rest of the people also left. These animals are precious to them. They don't want others to touch them. Now they can go. These people took the Shenlong security guard into their own laboratory, took what they needed under the supervision of the security guard and rushed back, so the helicopter had arrived when they came back.

This time, a total of ten helicopters came, plus 20 previous planes. Zhu Ming only let five planes carry these researchers this time, and the remaining five planes were left for Shao Yuxin for backup. After all, there are more important things here. Five planes took off, and it was much quieter here.

After half an hour, the armored caravan arrived again. Zhu Ming asked several security guards to lead them through the research institute and set out for the distance. These people were handed over to the snow army to manage together. It seems that the matter of these animals can be settled.