Fight the scorching sun


"The earth does not belong to human beings, but human beings belong to the earth."

——Maya prophecy

"After the night of December 21, 2012, the dawn of December 22 will never come."

——Maya prophecy

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The Mayan civilization is no longer seen, and after years of research, the author of this prophecy cannot be found. But the Mayan prophecy has been passed down to this day, and even many of them have been accurately verified, which seems a little strange and mysterious. The most complete record of the Maya prophecy is the Chronology of K'Odiland.

According to the Mayan calendar provided in the Crotland Chronology, our solar system is experiencing a 'big cycle'. The time is from 3113 BC to 2012 AD; and the era we are living in now belongs to the so-called "fifth solar era" in the prophecy. The previous four solar eras have passed, and at the end of each solar era, a thrilling catastrophe also took place.

The first solar era is Matraktyli (Gandaya civilization), which belongs to the superpower civilization. The Gendaya civilization was finally destroyed and sank on the mainland, that is, the flood flooded the earth.

The second solar era is Eorkotl (Mesopota civilization), which belongs to the food civilization. Mesobitha civilization occurred on the Antarctic continent. In mythology, it was destroyed by the "wind snake". In fact, it was destroyed by the magnetic pole conversion of the earth.

The third solar era is Qujavilo (Muria civilization), also known as the biological civilization. The civilization was eventually destroyed and sank on the mainland overnight. The specific reason is unknown.

The fourth solar period is Zondririk (Atlantean civilization), also known as the civilization of light. In mythology, it is said that it died because of the rain of fire, but in fact, it was destroyed because of the ancient nuclear war;

So, the fifth solar era - human civilization, that is, our civilization, emotional civilization.

And December 21, 2012 will also be the end of this human civilization. After that, mankind will enter a new civilization that has nothing to do with this civilization.

Although modern science seems to be unfavorable, the mysterious Mayan tribes in Central America, with their amazing ruins and predictions, have always been shrouded in a layer of fog, blurring our already unclear vision.

Prophecy is the original model of science, which is a possibility of thought. Only predictions with scientific ideas are actually real predictions!

In the Mayan prophecy system, the Mayan calendar stopped abruptly until December 21, 2012. This mysterious nation, which originated more than 5,000 years ago but in some ways, is far beyond ours. Are the prophecies and sacred artifacts left by them heralding the end of the world? Is it a false alarm? Or a conspiracy? Is it the countdown to the destruction of the earth? Or is it a new opportunity for human rebirth? Is it a "shuffle" of the whole world? Or is it the full opening of the new era?

And, most importantly, the Mayan prophecy also told people several times: "A new god will come!"

At that time, at a certain time, thousands of new era human beings will gather in spiritual places (centers) around the world to guide the peaceful arrival of the earth, pray for the unity of all life, and meditate on the advent of a new era.

At that time, the earth will begin a new historical era——

The era of science!

The future is always far away. But for everyone, the future is always to look forward to, especially when we vaguely or clearly feel that something unusual and surprising will happen, this expectation will make us more and more excited and double our confidence and courage.

Prophecy is such a hint to the future. Although there are countless predictions in history, most of them are like soap bubbles, which are silently shattered in front of reality; but the predictions are still endless, breeding and spreading in the fertile soil of human inner curiosity.

The wheel of history is constantly running, and can the people living during this period catch the fleeting ancient mystery in the quietly passing time-

The vast universe is infinite. Is there any wisdom beyond human beings?

Is there an amazing secret in the vast sky and the change of stars?

Is there an unpredictable fortune in the long life, ups and downs?

Is there a huge connection between life and death?

In today's era when technology is prosperous and the light of reason is so bright, are human beings capable of getting rid of everything that has been arranged in the dark? What will happen to the future of our human beings and the earth after all kinds of hardships and experiences?

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