Fight the scorching sun

Preface The Arrival of the Holy Baby

1987 is a day that many countries should always remember. In the west of China, over Mount Everest on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a colorful beam of light suddenly rose to the sky and shot straight into the sky without any warning.

Then, the beam of light began to accumulate in the high sky, and finally began to gradually hold into a mass of light. The next moment, the light suddenly burst into a dazzling light, blooming like a ceremonial flower!

After a closer look, it was found that the light mass had turned into five meteors, shot away in all directions, and disappeared after a moment.

Because it was early morning at the time of the incident, the sky was still a little gloomy, and the surrounding people were very sparse, and only a few Tibetans lived here. Therefore, few people have seen this spectacle. So over time, this matter was gradually forgotten by people.

However, not long after this happened, several unforgettable things happened in several countries on different continents...

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Canberra, the capital of Australia, is located in a secret research institute deep underground in a remote suburb.

The rapid and sharp alarm suddenly made a great deal in the research institute, and the original rigorous and orderly atmosphere here was immediately swept away. Some soldiers in charge of guard shuttled back and forth between the laboratories, making the whole research institute look a little flustered.

A middle-aged man with military ranks rudely pushed the door opener and flew into the monitoring room. He pointed to the surveillance image of the radar on the screen and roared loudly, "Who can tell me what that thing is?"

Several soldiers who had just talked about nothing at this time. They looked at each other one by one, and obviously there was no countermeasure. Just as the atmosphere was deadlocked, a group of people suddenly broke in from the door.

Most of these people have thick glasses on the bridge of their noses. Although they are wearing dusty white coats, their hair is messy - it has probably been a long time and has not been taken seriously taken care of.

Among them, one with white gloves on his hand, was obviously an old man who had just arrived here from the laboratory and said first, "ColoneL Bond, what's going on here? Why don't we continue our research? No matter what difficulties you encounter, please feel free to tell us and hope there is something we can help! But please don't let us stop studying!"

The colonel, who was still furious just now, has slowly calmed down, showing his good qualities as an excellent soldier. The colonel took a deep breath and pointed to the image on the screen and said:

"Dr. Hilaire, according to radar monitoring, an unidentified flying object from the sky is rapidly attacking us! The researchers have just made a preliminary judgment that this may be a meteor from outer space. Therefore, I immediately arranged for the Air Defense Department to conduct an air interception. However, unfortunately, I don't know why there was no explosion after intercepting the unidentified flying object!

I think it will not take long for that thing to hit us, and no one will know the consequences at that time! Perhaps, we are now facing an unprecedented crisis! So, Dr. Hilaire, I hope you can take your scientific research team and cooperate with us to retreat immediately!"

"No! I refuse!" The old man named Hiller did not hesitate to refuse Colonel Bond's favorable request. He exchanged glances with the people around him and then said firmly, "I have been doing academic research here for more than 20 years, during which I rarely go out or rest. My partners and I have made countless contributions to our motherland here. It can be said that we have regarded this place as our common home. Let's give up the home where we spend the day and night when the disaster comes. We can't do it!"

When Hilaire finished his words, Colonel Bond's eyes were completely wet. He affectionately looked at the great scientists in front of him who had given up their lives for his motherland and may now lose their lives, and paid his most solemn military salute! Then he said word by word, "Dear Dr. Hiller, I will always be with you, and may God be with us!"

Five minutes later. The imagined disaster did not come as expected. On the contrary, it brought a great surprise to Australia...

At this time, in the research institute, everyone stared at the baby who fell from the sky and did not know how much protection he had broken, but was still intact. So much later, no one noticed that there was still something in the baby's arms - it was launched by the Air Defense Department when it intercepted an unidentified flying object just now!

"Di~di~di..." A rapid alarm suddenly woke everyone up. A lieutenant of the Air Defense Department exclaimed after hearing the sound: "It's not good! That is the latest developed KN-2 interception micro* built-in detonation device. If the micro* does not explode successfully for the first time, then, in order to prevent the micro* from falling into the hands of others and leaking confidential information, the device will self-destruct through the built-in microcomputer to control the micro* in five minutes!"

"What did you say?" Colonel Bond, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately raised his heart to his throat. He hurriedly asked, "So what else can be done to stop that thing from exploding?"

"As far as I know, if you want to decipher the security password of the microcomputer and stop self-detonation, you must not only break through the defense system of the microcomputer, but also issue multiple orders. If you want to decipher the password in five minutes, the possibility is almost zero!" The captain shook his head as if he could not help.

Colonel Bond was stunned when he heard the words, and then roared almost with all his strength: "Then what are you waiting for? Everyone, hurry up and evacuate the No. 3 monitoring area and take shelter in the safe area!"

Just as everyone was preparing to evacuate here and flee collectively, the sleeping baby suddenly woke up. She first looked at the world around her with a pair of confused eyes, and then suddenly noticed what was in her arms. The baby giggled and began to manipulate the keyboard that came with the microcomputer with her unopened small hands!

After three minutes. At this time, everyone had forgotten to escape, and even Colonel Bond, who had always been calm, had enough to stuff an egg into his mouth. The reason for all this is that the mysterious baby, who fell from the sky and may have just been one month old, successfully deciphered the security password of the microcomputer in just three minutes and successfully prevented the self-detonation of the micro*!

"This... what kind of IQ should this be?" Even Dr. Hilaire, who always thought he was a genius, couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing, and there was quite a sense of self-deprecating in his tone.

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At the same time, the U.S. capital* is in front of the prestigious White House.

At that time, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who had just attended a speech, was returning to the White House with the motorcade in a special car. But before the motorcade stopped in the White House, several middle-aged men in black suits and with various documents on their chests rushed to the convoy. After reporting something to Reagan, the men saw Reagan immediately get out of the special car and hurried into the White House surrounded him.

The United States has always been the only hegemon in the world. Both technology and economy are far better than other countries, even in 1987. The United States is the first country in human history to fly out of space and successfully land on other planets, so the U.S. government holds more secrets than any other country in the world.

is also a base built underground, but it is obvious that this base is the largest in the world in terms of scale and value, far from being comparable to other countries!

Even if he is the president of the United States, Reagan can only slowly conduct security checks one by one when passing through the secret passages under the White House. After a while, Reagan came to a dreamlike world.

The reason why it is said that this place is dreamy is that it is not built of reinforced concrete like other bases. At a glance, it is just some instruments and laboratories. Obviously, many little-known high-end technologies are used here. The whole place is like a collection of various landforms on the earth: lush forests, undulating deserts, blue sea water, and even an active volcano with hot air and magma!

Don't think that Americans have a lot of money and no place to use it. It's a lot of effort to build so many natural landscapes just to be beautiful. In fact, Americans have ulterior motives in this way: because many experiments and studies need to be completed in a real environment, and most of these experiments and studies need to be carried out in secret.

Therefore, in order to better carry out experiments and research and prevent the leakage of secrets, the United States has already begun to build this base, which was finally built after decades. This base has also become the world's first simulation base. After the completion of the base, the previous president excitedly named it 'Genesis'. Naturally, its intentions and ambitions are self-evident.

Led by those middle-aged men in black suits, Reagan went straight to the still hot active volcano!

Five minutes later. Reagan sat in an ultra-low-flying helicopter, with one hand covering his face to block the heat coming from his face, and the other pointed to the active volcano directly below him and said, "Is that the object swimming in the magma--"

A white-haired old man sat next to Reagan and answered in a trembling tone, "Yes, Mr. President, that's a newborn baby!"

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At the same time, in front of the municipal government building in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa.

The early morning is the most sleepy time of the day. At this time, several soldiers in charge of guarding the building were already a little sleepy, yawning, sleepy, and a little confused.

Suddenly, everyone in the building was awakened by a violent roar and the crying of the baby. Although he was extremely reluctant, in line with the natural duty of a soldier, someone immediately went out to investigate.

It doesn't matter. On the spot, a well-informed professional soldier was almost terrified--

I saw a dark and naked baby lying on the open space in front of the government building, crying. The strangest thing is that with the beating of the baby's little hand, the reinforced ground made of pure natural marble was smashed and cracked! Even the surrounding roads are constantly cracking by this huge force, and there is a danger of collapse at any time!

Half an hour later. All streets leading to the center of the city government in Pretoria have been completely blocked by the police and the army. After the incident, according to the statistics of relevant sources, the South African government dispatched thousands of military and police on that day; hundreds of heavy weapons were all in place; even the top-secret troops of the South African government, a special operation team codenamed 'Hurricane', were dispatched for the first time.

What exactly happened? Except for a few parties and core members of the government, almost no one knows; and what is the final result? There are few people who know...

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At the same time, there is a place that human beings have not been able to detect - the core of the earth, that is, the center of the earth.

The temperature here is frighteningly high, and it is full of hot slurry. Looking at those dark red ** boiling and invincible postures, it seems that they can swallow everything in the world.

However, a magnificent and huge blue underground palace stands on this molten, which has to be said to be a huge irony.

There is more than one underground palace, but a community similar to the Forbidden City. In front of the largest underground palace is a huge pontoon bridge across the north and south. The huge bridge could not see the end at a glance. Standing at the head of the bridge, there was no end of the bridge, and the bridge was full of deadly molten slurry.

In the middle of the huge bridge, there was a "person" standing at this time, and she was looking at the underground palace thoughtfully. Suddenly, the "person" muttered to himself, "Huh? Didn't I send them all away? Why are they all back? No! Only Xiaoshui is back?"

After the "man" finished speaking, he hurried across the huge bridge and returned to the underground palace. Entering the magnificent palace, although there is no sun, moon and stars, it is still as bright as day. Moreover, the environment here is also completely opposite to that outside, and it can even be said that there is a difference of 18,000 miles.

Looking around, the mountains and rivers are green and trees are overgrown; the air is fresh, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant - a vibrant scene.

At this time, there was an extra baby in the center of the hall for no reason. The baby was neither crying nor making noise, and lay quietly on the grass like that. Just next to the baby, there were also countless young saplings. Then, the saplings were growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, it has grown into a towering tree.

The "person" looked at it as if he understood something and said thoughtfully, "It turns out that although their mission is very important, they also need to find a suitable place for their own survival. I live in the center of the earth. Although the external conditions are very bad, the interior is the most vigorous place on earth, so Xiaoshui finally returned here. Hey! I didn't expect that the final result would be like this. Without small water, none of them can get in at that time. So what?

Finally, the "person" sighed helplessly: "Well, since you have taken root here, let's stay here first!" So, when you become an adult, I will send you to the earth to see them! Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, among these five elements, you are the only one missing!"

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When the Son falls from heaven on earth, there must be something important for all sentient beings!