Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 7 Savage Boy

Zhuomu Lausang is an honest Tibetan young man. He grew up in Motuo and has never even been able to walk out of this remote county.

Because Lausanne's family is relatively poor, he has never read a book for a day, and finally has to sell meat in the market in the north of the city.

This day, Lausanne came to the market to sell meat alone as usual. But obviously, his business is not very good today, and he hasn't made much money after selling for a day.

Therefore, Lausanne did not go home until dusk in order to sell more meat and make more money.

Looking at the gradually sparse crowd around and other vendors who were preparing to disperse, Lausanne knew that today's business was almost over.

However, just as Lausanne looked depressed and was about to go home, suddenly, he accidentally found that something seemed to rush down on the towering hills in the north of the city.

Because the sky was already a little dim, when he was far away at the beginning, Lausanne could not see clearly what it was.

Gradually, when the thing got closer and closer, after Lausanne saw it clearly, it shocked him fiercely!

Lausanne rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it - there are still people dressed like this in this world!

I only saw that person, whose age seems to be about a teenager. His hair was messy, and his dirty face looked very excited.

In this cold winter, the man's slightly thin body was just surrounded by a layer of animal skin. Moreover, he is still running with his feet, as if he is not afraid of the cold weather.

What's more strange is that the man's neck is wearing a necklace surrounded by huge animal bones. His ** chest is also full of various mysterious lines, which is very scary.

Now, the man is running to the stall market in Lausanne at a very fast speed.

After a short time, some people found this strangely dressed "little young man" one after another. There were few people left in the market, but at this time, they all came over one by one to find out.

The "little young man" in strange clothes is none other than Sanmao, who has just arrived here.

Sanmao looked at the costumes of those people in the distance and was also very puzzled. Sanmao is thinking: Why do people outside wear so much that they even cover their upper bodies and arms? Are they so afraid of the cold? It seems that these outsiders are still far inferior to their own and ethnic groups!

Thinking of this, Sanmao had a trace of contempt for these people, and the new tension disappeared. Then, it became a curious look and began to run around.

He touched this for a while and then played with that, which looked very naughty.

Finally, it didn't take long for Sanmao to find Lausanne who was selling meat there. Sanmao has been sleeping outside these days and hasn't had a good meal.

At this time, as soon as he saw the fresh pork, his face turned green. No matter what, he ran over and grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth. Looking at his relish eating, he did not mind that it was raw meat!

Sanmao's move scared the people around him. The crowd that had been very close to him was far away from Sanmao. And Lausanne, the meat stall owner, was shocked and angry!

Lausanne's business today was not good, and it made Sanmao eat so much that he didn't know how much he would lose in the end.

Whenever he thought that he would be scolded by his wife when he went home tonight, he couldn't help getting angry.

He first stopped talking, but saw that Sanmao ignored it at all. Lausanne watched that his "heart" was getting less and less. How could he agree?

This time, Lausanne, who is honest, is really forced to be anxious. Lausanne wiped his sleeve and wanted to teach him a lesson no matter what it was in front of his mother.

At this time, Sanmao was almost full. Although he had the habit of eating raw meat like the people, he didn't know why he was born with a resistance to eating raw meat, so he generally didn't eat much.

So, when Sanmao saw that Lausanne was coming aggressively, he immediately wisely chose to put down the meat in his hand, and then turned around and ran away.

Only then did Sanmao find that he was surrounded by the crowd! These onlookers who wanted to see the bustle inadvertently surrounded Sanmao in the middle, limiting his freedom.

This time, Sanmao is also a little anxious.

He saw that the road around him was tightly blocked by the crowd, and he was alone.

There was nothing he could do, but Sanmao had to jump suddenly, then stepped on the top of the head of this group of people, and then ran a few steps forward to highlight the encirclement of the crowd.

It is not difficult to expect that such an extremely impolite behavior of Sanmao will immediately attract public anger.

The people who were caught off guard and were trampled on by Sanmao's head at this time were all shocked and angry, so they wanted to catch Sanmao's theory.

Sanmao saw that these people were not good, and then he ran away. In revenge, Sanmao ran away from some vendors on the roadside, picked up some things, and threw them away without looking at them.

In this way, Sanmao offended more people, so he ran like this and immediately followed a large area.

These people who chase Sanmao: there are those who have nothing to do, are curious, and chase after the fun; there are those who have just been trampled on the head by Sanmao and want to avenge Sanmao; there are also those who are market stall owners like Lausang and have lost their belongings.

This is good. This large group of people hanged behind Sanmao, attracting passers-by to watch together. Finally, the gossip passers-by simply chased after them in order to find out what happened.

In this way, there are more and more people following Sanmao, and it is a little difficult to end, but Fortunately, Sanmao is full of physical strength and does not feel tired after running for so long.

However, those who chased him began to be exhausted and fell behind.

Now this scene is very much like Sanmao rushing forward alone, leading hundreds of aggressive younger brothers to find a scene in other people's territory.

I don't know whether it's because Sanmao runs fast or because this place is too small. Anyway, it didn't take long for Sanmao to cross the north and south of this small Motuo County.

It was not until Sanmao ran to the southernmost part of Motuo City that he stopped in front of a high mountain.

At this time, there was no one behind Sanmao.

Because although the physical fitness of those people is relatively good, the air on this plateau is weak, and they usually exercise little, so when Sanmao comes here, all the people who watch the bustle have been left behind by Sanmao.

However, it is estimated that it will not be long before those locals who are familiar with the road conditions will catch up again!

So, Sanmao looked at the mountain in front of him that blocked the way, so he had to gritt his teeth again and get up and climb up.

Because the ground is full of stairs, it is also very easy for Sanmao to climb up the mountain.

Not long after climbing, a solemn and majestic scarlet building suddenly appeared in front of Sanmao. On the two thick sandalwood gates, there is an old plaque that has been hanging for some years.

On the plaque, four large bronzing characters are neatly written - Renqinbo Temple!