Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 39 Bloody Battle Sword-toothed Tiger

Although it is an ice cave, the width of this hole is not narrow at all. Even if Nima and others walk side by side, it can be accommodated. Because of the lighting, Adam walked ahead, and five people walked in the ice cave, looking at the colorful and strange stone scene in front of them, not to mention, it was really scary!

It didn't go far, but there was a fork in the hole in front of him. Adam took the lead in stopping and looked back at Nima with inquiring eyes. He didn't know which way to go. The latter shrugged his shoulders with a rogue face and swept Aiwa with his eyes. The meaning was obvious - if there is a problem, come to her!

Awa looked at the two left and right fork holes, and her expression looked very solemn, because she knew that if a choice was not good, it was possible to put everyone in an eternal place.

"I remember that the mother of the earth once said that all the caves in the ten-thousand-year ice cave will eventually lead to one place, so we don't have to worry about getting lost. However, some caves are very dangerous, and there are many ancient creatures living in them, so we still have to be cautious about choosing this path!"

Adam gave Ai Wa a white look and said in his heart, it's really nonsense. Isn't this the same as what he didn't say? So Adam's tone was quite bad, and he said impatiently, "It's useless to say something! Just tell us which way to go!"

When Eva heard the words, she stared at the situation, which was to lose her temper on the spot and quarrel with Adam for 300 rounds. Seeing this, Nima's heart came again. He quickly took a step forward and took the lead in saying, "I saw Eva say this, probably because she didn't know which way to go. In my opinion, let's go to the left! I always feel that it's safer to go to the left..."

I heard Nima say so, so Eva just stared at Adam and didn't say anything more. Avril, who had been motionless, suddenly had a completely different opinion from Nima. She was confident and said with a solemn face, "If you want me to say, we should go to the right!"

"Why?" Ava was confused by Avril's sudden self-confidence. Can she know this place better than herself?

I saw Avril's mysterious smile and said, "I'm the one who said it. I'm afraid you don't understand! Anyway, in my opinion, it is safer to go to the right than to the left! Believe it or not..." Avril is knowledgeable and has a wide range of knowledge. She has seen theories about caves in some books, such as the terrain, dryness and location at the entrance of the cave, which can roughly judge whether there is danger in the cave.

Hearing Avril say this, Nima quickly said, "Since Avril is sure, let's go from the right! I said to go to the left, but it's completely nonsense. Don't listen to me!"

Since the captain had said something, Adam immediately walked to the cave on the right. Andre also followed him, but Eva still stood still, frowning as if she was thinking about something.

Eva remembers that the mother of the earth once said that Nima's spiritual power is very strong, so he is very accurate in predicting some things and should listen to Nima's opinions in case of trouble. But now...

Hey! Looking at the proud and extremely confident Avril, Ewa has finally come to a conclusion - just listen to this little girl once! After all, Avril's performance along the way is obvious to all, but as for the nonsense inference, it seems a little elusive.

Without hesitation, Eva also entered the cave on the right with Nima and Avril. At this time, she didn't know that in fact, Nima's judgment was correct! If they walk along the cave on the left, they will enter the next level smoothly without any obstacles.

However, Avril's self-righteous cleverness brought them to another situation. What awaits them are those horrible unknowns...


After walking for several hours, I rested several times on the road, but I was still moving forward in this cave. Everyone didn't know when it would end.

Lavigne's original firm confidence was also shaken at this time: "Is it because I made a mistake? But that's what it says in the book?" Avril thought so, but she didn't know that in fact, there is a kind of knowledge called forgery, and there is a kind of book called piracy... (So, piracy is harmful! Brothers, don't look at piracy. Hee hee!)

Just when everyone was confused and helpless, the sight in front of him suddenly widened, and Adam, who led the way, suddenly shouted excitedly: "Look, there is still water ahead!"

Nima and others looked forward when they heard the sound, didn't they? Although the fire light made by Adam was not very bright, everyone could still faintly see that this space is not very vast, and there will be a pool of lake water in the center!

Seeing this, Adam ran over like a child, took out some empty kettles that had been drunk and used to hold water, and prepared to store some water in it.

Andre, who followed him, came out like a wooden stake, nailed there motionless, and others really couldn't figure out what was thinking in his head all day long.

Nima walked out of the cave and came to this space. He looked at the happy Adam and sighed slightly in his heart. He said that this guy's temper was not good, but his behavior was like a child. Although he always quarreled with Eva, his heart should not be bad at all.

Nima smiled, and then he began to take a good looked at the surrounding environment. It doesn't matter, but Nima frowned. Why does she always feel that there are other creatures breathing besides them?

Nima only saw that within the reach of the light, the center of this space was just a calm lake, and then surrounded by some dense caves. Looking far away, it is dark and you can't see anything clearly.

Just as Nima, who was alert and was about to speak out his doubts, Eva and Avril Lavigne, who walked behind him, also entered this space at the same time.

Because they were far away before, they did not hear Adam's exclamation. It was not until they came in that they saw the lake in the middle of the space.

Seeing this, the two women were not as excited as Adam. Instead, their faces changed. They looked at each other and found the panic in each other's eyes, and then said with one voice, "No, there is danger here!"

Eva and Lavigne know that where there is water, there will definitely be some beasts living around it, so now that they have met the water source, I'm afraid they are not far from those fierce beasts!

Adam, who was pouring water, turned his head and said disdainfully, "What's wrong? What's the danger here? In my opinion, it's not that you have been scared out, right? Haha!"

But as soon as Adam's words fell, his afterglow was swept away, and a white shadow suddenly flashed next to him. Then, Adam felt as if something had brought a fishy wind and was quickly rushing to him...

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