Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 51 Intelligent Killing Mammoth

It turned out that Avril's sudden move made De Nima run away. He flashed too hurriedly, but forgot to ask Eva for the capsule that could turn into a wetsuit!

Now, seeing that the hamsters are about to catch up, Nima doesn't have the diving suit. Even if she goes to the Square of Allzhong zhong sheng, there is no way to escape. Isn't it really a fire?

Thinking of this, Nima couldn't help smiling bitterly. It's really a sin, and you can still live; if you commit a sin, you can't live! Damn it, why do you think your skin is so thin? What did you run at the beginning?

But it's too late to say anything now. Let's run for your life first! Thinking of this, Nima couldn't care so much. As soon as she bowed her body, she was about to start running.

But he suddenly felt that there was something constantly messing around in his arms, and then Nima remembered that there was still a little thing in his arms!

"Hey! Little guy, this time, I'm afraid you'll be implicated by me!" Nima said and held the little thing in her arms in case it accidentally fell down.

Then, Nima didn't dare to delay any more, and the girl began to run wild...

Since entering this 10,000-year-old ice cave, Nima really can't remember how many times she has fled for the first time. But there is no doubt that Nima's escape this time will definitely be the most spectacular!

A few hours later.

Nima walked around and didn't know how many caves she had broken into and how many miles she had run out, but the hamsters behind him still did not decrease at all.

Even Nima feels that there is an increasing trend in this group of rats! It made him cry bitterly.

In fact, the number of hamsters behind Nima has not increased. It's just his psychological effect! The reason why Nima thought so was that as he kept changing holes, some hamsters who had been running behind ran to the wrong cave before they could change them, and finally rushed to the front.

And these caves are basically interlocked and connected, so every time Nima rushes out of a cave, she sees countless hamsters rushing out of other caves.

Formately, just as Nima was running exhausted and crying secretly, the road ahead suddenly became bright. Nima knew that he finally ran to the Square of All sentient beings.

At the top of the Square of All sentient beings and above the fountain in the center of the square, there are four super huge lanterns, shining day and night and tirelessly. Outsiders can't figure out what the principle is.

As Nima ran into the square of sentient beings, the huge group of rats behind him came slowly. It turned out that this hamster did not like light, so they generally lived in dark and humid places, such as caves and other places.

But now this Nima suddenly runs to a place with light. Even if there is delicious food in front of **, the hamsters still have a trace of hesitation.

Although the mouse group behind was not so tight, Nima ran harder, because he saw that by the fountain not far away, there was an Iraqi who was looking forward to it, and suddenly looked anxious!

Before, as soon as Nima left, Eva thought that Nima forgot to take the capsule of the wetsuit, and everyone had to leave another person for Nima capsule. And although Adam and Andre are actively competing for this candidate, how can they compete with Avril in the end?

When everyone saw that Avril insisted on staying, they had no choice but to agree and told her that if they arrived at Nima, they would go to the small pool to find them.

Nima ran to Avril and didn't talk nonsense. She took the capsule and wanted to crush it. And Lavigne has already crushed the capsule, put on her wetsuit and turned on the power and was ready to dive!

There is no reason why they are so anxious. They are behind them, at the mouth of a row of caves behind the Square of All sentient beings. At this time, it is like a dam in the rainy season. What surges out is not a flood, but a hamster with sharp teeth and claws!

It turned out that although the hamster in front of him saw the light and hesitated to continue to chase Nima, the hamster behind did not know the situation in front of him. In this way, the back waves of the rats pushed forward and insisted on shooting Nima to death in the square...

With the surge of the hamsters, the whole square of sentient beings in the rear is full of black pressure. Nima took the time to estimate that he could see at this time, and I'm afraid there were tens of thousands of hamsters!

But just as he and Avril were about to jump into the water to escape, Nima suddenly remembered one thing: look at the resistance of the hamsters to here. If he jumped into the water now and fled and suddenly lost their target, would they immediately disperse and return to the nest along the original road?

Thinking of this, Nima secretly said that if things were really as she imagined, the hamster-eating group did not continue to rush forward in the end, let alone destroy the giant beast mammoth. Haven't you been running for most of the day in vain?

When Lavigne saw that Nima was still hesitant to jump down, she couldn't help but be a little anxious: "Nima, go! What's wrong with you?"

"You go first! I just suddenly remembered something. I'll come to you later!" Nima didn't have time to explain anything to Avril. He saw that Avril still didn't react, but the hamsters behind him were already close by. Nima, who was anxious, had to push Avril down first.

"Vier, you go first! If I haven't come to see you in a day, then you can go by yourself!" With that, Nima didn't listen to Lavigne, turned around and ran to the dark passage.

Although Avril was caught off guard and pushed into the water by Nima, the good thing is that her wetsuit is ready, so she is fine. However, she saw that Nima still refused to come in and couldn't help but be very anxious, but there was nothing she could do. Finally, she had to watch Nima's back disappear into the dark passage.

Seeing this, Avril seemed to understand something. Tears surged silently into her eyes, but finally, they flowed down again.

"Nima, you are so stupid! You are such a hero! Well, since this road is your choice, then don't regret it!" Then, a string of blisters floated from the fountain of the Square of All sentient beings. It turned out that the Iraqis had gone...

And the black torrent composed of hamsters also followed Nima and poured into the dark channel...

The temple of life has calmed down for tens of thousands of years. With the arrival of Nima and hamsters, it is destined to turn upside down! And the first thing to suffer is destined to be the giant beast mammoth that looks at the gate.


The surroundings are so dark that Nima has been unable to figure out where she has run. So he simply stretched out his hands forward and stopped whenever his hands hit the wall.

Finally, Nima's hands seemed to hit something, and his body was also stagnant, but it was just stagnant, and then Nima felt that the thing blocking her hands was gone.

Un Coincidentally, it can't be a book. Unexpectedly, Nima, who hit it by mistake, directly opened the door of life successfully!

Because Nima's palm came into contact with the door of life, she entered a trace of anger. Therefore, with the angry temple of life, it naturally turns into a golden and brilliant appearance.

"Great! In this way, the giant beast mammoth must also wake up.

Sure enough, Nima saw that the giant standing next to the gate of life began to recover and gradually regained the vitality of life. At this time, the hamsters closely followed Nima also began an unprecedented riot.

Because the hamster's sensitive nose tells them that at this time, an unprecedented smell of meat is getting stronger and stronger, close to them!


Seeing that a good play of "dog" biting "dog" was about to be staged, Nima was not in a hurry to leave for a moment. As soon as he climbed with both hands, he grabbed some of the bulges of the door of life and climbed up the huge door.

It is said that the enhanced version of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers - sitting on the door and watching the rat fighting, that's how it comes!

"I'd like to see if you are a powerful giant who pulls mountains and rivers? Or are these little thieves more ruthless!" Nima, a boy, sat on the golden gate shaking his legs, holding an unopened little thing in his arms, with a bad smile on his face.

Since ancient times, there have been many sayings that mice eat elephants, unity is strength, and people's hearts move together, which are conducive to hamsters, so this final result is certainly not difficult to be expected.

As soon as the mammoth was released from the seal, he looked around, because he knew that in such a short time, someone came to the Temple of Life. It must be those bastards. And as long as it sees human beings, it can't wait to smash them into thousands of pieces. What's more, that group of people have a lot of energy with it.

But it didn't find humans, but it was full of disgusting mice. And these mice are like some of the hair it encountered before. Spring's mother mammoth desperately surrounded her. Before long, it was three layers inside and three layers outside, circled one after another.

Moreover, these stinky mice even have to climb up to themselves, and even some bold mice are biting themselves! It seems that this group of ants that are not even reptiles really don't know how to write dead words!

Thinking of this, the mammoth beast once again used its killer mace - the earth roar! However, the effect this time is not very obvious.

Although those nearby hamsters were shocked by one by one, they also became the resentment of the mammoth, but more of them, as always, rushed to the mammoth one after another. Moreover, their mouths are also merciless, and they bite into the moving food.

Even if the mammoth skin is rough and thick, it will take a while to eat off a layer. Now, the giant beast mammoth, which has never been feared, is finally afraid!

At this time, it looks very manic and keeps tossing and furious, but there are so many mice that they can't be killed.

In the end, exhausted, it had to let the overwhelming ants gradually annihilate its own wild beast...

When it was dying, it finally saw the Nima sitting in the Golden Gate watching the play. In an instant, it understood why it was in such a situation.

However, even if it regrets again, everything has become a fore and irreparable.

If this mammoth beast has an afterlife, I hope it must learn a lesson and learn to distinguish who can be provoked and who can't be provoked!