Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 53 The tip of the iceberg

When Adam and Nima came out of the sleeping bag, they saw that Eva and Avril also came out of the sleeping bag.

I saw these two beautiful women who usually have extremely important images. At this time, they were all angry and their eyes trembled slightly. Obviously, they looked like they had just woken up.

But as the saying goes, lazy beauty is the most attractive! This scene made Adam's chin almost fall off. Or Nima pushed him with her elbow, and then Adam remembered what he was doing.

"Eva, I have something to ask you!"

Huh? What's the matter?" Eva's beautiful blue eyes are mixed with a little confused look.

"You said you lived with the mother of the earth since you were a child, right?" Adam said.

Awa said doubtfully, "Yes! What's wrong?"

"So when you lived with Mother Earth, was she sealed?" Adam continued.

"Hey. The mother of the earth has been sealed for tens of thousands of years! We were all born after she was sealed.

"Then I don't understand. Since the mother of the earth is sealed and you are with her, how did you come out of the earth?" Adam finally expressed his biggest doubts.

When Nima and Lavigne heard the words, they suddenly thought of this question. Yes, how did this baby come out of her heart?

"What do you think you have in doubt? So that's it! I didn't tell you before because I think you will know when we enter the center of the earth and see the mother of the earth, but now that you have asked first, I will talk about it first!"

"Do you remember how we entered the ten-thousand-year-old ice cave?" Eva said.

"Isn't it because of that rare millennium solar eclipse?" As soon as Nima finished speaking, she saw Eva shaking her head with a smile.

Avril carefully recalled the details at that time, but her eyes lit up: "Is it that five-e elements array?"

"Not bad! It is indeed because of the five elements array. In fact, this five-e elements array has another name, called the space array! For hundreds of millions of years, although the mother of the earth has been trapped in the heart of the earth, she has not been idle for a day until finally one day, she has collected the purest five elements in the world.

"Wait, I can't understand. Since the mother of the earth has been trapped in the center of the earth, how can she collect the five elements?" Adam said with a puzzled face.

Awa smiled when she heard this: "Do you think we are the first to break into the heart of the earth? Since the solar eclipse is a thousand years old, it shows that every thousand years, there is a chance to enter the center of the earth. When the thousand solar eclipse appears, not only outsiders can break into the center of the earth, but also the mother of the earth can also obtain short-term freedom. However, this freedom is only the freedom of the soul, and if the soul leaves the body for too long, it will immediately dissipate. Therefore, the mother of the earth can not be outside for too long.

In this way, the Mother of the Earth found countless warriors from the world to rescue herself, but none of them failed in the end. Even in the end, I couldn't even see the mother of the earth.

And this situation continued until the arrival of the Mayan civilization. I think you probably know that we human beings are emotional civilizations, while Mayan civilizations are digital civilizations. But in fact, there is one thing you don't know that the Mayan civilization is not only a digital civilization, but also an alien civilization! And the planet of the original Mayan civilization is very close to us. It is the only superplanet in the solar system - the sun!"

Eva paused for a moment, and she knew that it would have a certain impact on everyone's hearts. After all, these seemed a little ridiculous. After everyone's emotions calmed down, Ewa continued: "For some unknown reason, the Mayan civilization escaped from the sun. Of course, although I don't know, the mother of the earth is likely to know what's going on.

After escaping from the sun, the Maya civilization first came to the earth, but finally they found that the earth was not suitable for them and moved to the moon. Of course, all this is allowed by the Mother of the Earth.

The price they can survive on the moon is to find the purest five elements in the universe for Mother Earth. Unexpectedly, they really did it, and later they successfully broke into the center of the earth and gave it to the mother of the earth. And these five elements are exactly five of us.

After our birth, the mother of the earth used the remaining five elements to build a five-element array at the center of the earth, which can be freely transmitted, but it is very regrettable that the mother of the earth could not use the array to leave the center of the earth for some reason.

Although the sun god said that he successfully sealed the mother of the earth in the center of the earth, the price he paid was not small and would sleep for tens of thousands of years. Therefore, he has not intervened with the earth over the years. However, the mother of the earth estimated that the day when the sun god woke up was not far away.

"It turns out that there are so many secrets in the world!" After listening to Eva's introduction, Adam sighed.

And when Ava heard the words, she sneered and said, "What is this? Compared with what the Mother of the Earth wants to tell us, this is at most the tip of the iceberg!" If we can really break into the heart of the earth and see the mother of the earth, then we will really know some shocking secrets!"

After listening to Eva's words, everyone sighed, and their understanding of this industry was more profound. Subsequently, everyone put away their sleeping bags, tidyed up their bags, and began to restart the journey that penetrated into the center of the earth.

After walking through the long and dark passage, everyone finally came back to the magnificent door of life. At this time, there was basically no change from when everyone came last time. The only thing that changed was that there was a huge skeleton on the ground.

Adam smashed his mouth and knocked on the white bone. While knocking, he said, "Let you be fierce again, and let you be arrogant again!" Don't open your eyes to see who Adam is! How dare you bully me? Look, I won't kill you!"

And when Eva heard Adam's words, she looked very disdainful and said, "This is obviously Avril's plan. It took her life to kill this mammoth beast. Does it have anything to do with Adam?"

The latter blushed when he heard this, laughed twice and said nothing. Anyway, it's good for him to vent his anger! Not to mention that since Adam was with Nima and others, his temper has become better and better. If someone had dared to hurt him like this, even if he was the President of the United States, he would dare to turn against him.

There is no need to waste time on this pile of white bones. After a short pause, everyone came to the door of life again. However, the scene that everyone saw next was completely opposite to what they imagined, and everyone couldn't help but be shocked!