Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 94 The plan has changed to support Maya

After a long time, everyone finally realized that Avril's ability was to heal others!

The so-called wood is a tree. The vitality of the tree is one of the best among all living things in nature.

If Avril can deliver the wood element in her body, in other words, vitality, to an injured person, then the person's injury will soon recover.

Just like Andrea was injured by pterosaurs before, and later quickly healed his wounds with the essence of life of pterosaurs.

In this way, everyone finally understood why Avril didn't know the reason for her ability no matter how she experimented before.

The reason for that is that Avril didn't use her ability in the right place before!

Because as the saying goes - good steel should also be used on the blade, right?

Everyone saw that Hilaire not only gradually recovered his health under the healing of Avril, but also his face became more and more red. The original fatigue had long disappeared, and even the wrinkles on Hillier's face suddenly disappeared a lot. The already gray hair has appeared with pieces of blue silk.

In a word, Hilaire now looks not only not depressed because of injury, but also replaced by an unprecedented powerful vitality!

It seems that Avril's ability not only has the effect of rebirth, but also seems to have the effect of rejuvenation! What an incomparable BT!

Seeing that Hilaire is now fine, and everyone has not been delayed here. As for the people behind him, Nima and others ignored it. This time, the price paid by M is already heavy enough! Enough to redeem the crimes they committed.

And [From time to time] finally watched the monsters leave, and he was greatly relieved, but then a sense of powerlessness surged up all over his body, because he knew that the next thing waiting for him would be an extremely tragic storm...

Because of M country, *, it was almost destroyed in his hands!


As soon as everyone came out of the underground passage, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them!

Is this all caused by yourself and others? No, it shouldn't be!

"My God! Those three little guys are really not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Even Andrea, who has always been calm, couldn't help sighing. It can be imagined that the scene presented in front of them at this time had a great impact on them.

Looking around, within a radius of dozens of miles, there is no grass, and there are potholes, green smoke and burnt black land everywhere.

Originally, there were many high-rise buildings and towering downtown area, but at this time, a building that could exceed ten meters could no longer be seen.

Even the towering and once invincible Pentagon collapsed at this time. Everyone really wanted to know how it was caused.

Even the tall buildings have been destroyed like this, and those who are known as the most trump cards and the most powerful iron-blooded armies of M have long left without a scum.

Eva and Avril covered their mouths and nose with disgust, because there was a faint smell of blood in the air at this time, and the burning smell of the body made them feel very disgusting.

Avril was eager to save the teacher and didn't have much other considerations. At this time, she couldn't help but feel a little sad and sorry to see that she and others had caused so many casualties.

Nima and others seemed to feel very guilty at this time, but it didn't take long for them all to figure it out.

In this world of the law of the jungle, if you don't bully people, others will also bully you. If you hurt the bully in order not to be bullied, should you feel guilty about it?

The answer is - no!

Nima and others obviously understood this truth, so their guilt was reduced, but they still felt very resistant to here, and everyone wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"Where should we go next?" Avril asked casually. After the teacher was rescued, Avril finally relieved the burden, and her whole body seemed to have become much more relaxed and lively.

Yes! Where to go next? There is still seven years to recapture the artifact from the Bermuda Triangle. How to spend these seven years?

Just as everyone was thinking, suddenly, Eva's return journey flashed, and she glanced at everyone doubtfully. Something is wrong!

Because only five of them have the way home. At this time, everyone is also together, so who is calling themselves? Is it--

An answer was about to come out. Thinking of this, Eva quickly connected the way home. In an instant, a holographic impression was thrown in front of everyone, as if she were immersed in the scene.

This place that appears in the holographic image is familiar to everyone except Dr. Hiller. It is the altar in the depths of the earth!

I saw a sacred and dignified shadow sitting on the altar. Who can she be if she is not the mother of the earth?

"Mother of the Earth?" The five people were stunned when they saw this. Although this is only an image, they know that the mother of the earth can also see them at this time, and they are not much different from facing each other!

After a moment of shock, everyone hurriedly and respectfully greeted the mother of the earth. The mother of the earth also nodded politely.

However, her old man's face looks a little gloomy, and everyone has never seen it. The mother of the earth's face is so ugly!

I only heard the mother of the earth say in a short sentence: "Children, the situation has changed! I'm afraid your task will change! The difficulty is several times higher than before..."

"Hm?" Everyone was nervous when they heard the words, and the situation came too suddenly!

The Mother of the Earth continued: "I just received a notice that there is a big problem within the Maya now, almost to the point of deciding the survival. Just now, they contacted me and asked for my help! The Mayans will be our most loyal allies and helpers in the future, so no matter how difficult it is, we have to help!"

"After careful consideration, I plan to ask Adam, Eva and Avril Lavigne to go to the moon to support the Mayans, but the original task, that is, to take back the burden of the thunder magnetic ring, will all fall on Nima and Andre! I don't know what you think of my arrangement?


When the five people heard the mother of the earth say this, they immediately exploded. Doesn't this mean that the five people are going to separate?

After a moment of noise, everyone was silent again, as if they were thinking about something. Eva was the first to say, "I have no objection!"