Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 104 Joking, how dare you let me be a living Buddha? 4

So, Nima began to train these monks according to the requirements of the Red Pine Living Buddha. Of course, the difficulty and intensity of training have been greatly reduced by Nima.

And after one day of training, although the monks were tired enough, they were muddy and didn't want to move softly at night, but they still insisted on receiving Nima's training the next day and were obedient and willing, just Nima's words--

"Do you want to be a esoteric like me? If you want, then grit your teeth to endure this hellish training! One day, your efforts will be rewarded!"


In this way, a month has passed unconsciously.

In this month, every morning, Nima has to lead these monks to do all kinds of training and challenge their limits. Although these monks were exhausted one by one, none of them gave up and no one complained.

Just because they have really felt how much they have gained these days. Nowadays, not only are their strength and speed many times stronger than before, but even their brains are much more flexible than before.

There is a huge gap between their own strength before and after training, just like a different person!

Nima's strength has also made great progress in this month. Of course, if you want to make this kind of progress, you have to pay a price that ordinary people can't imagine!

Because as the saying goes - if you don't pay, where will you get it?

In order to improve her strength, Nima gets up less than five o'clock every day. You know, he usually falls asleep at about 12 o'clock at midnight. He exercises so much in a day, but he only sleeps less than four or five hours, which is simply a kind of suffering.

After Nima gets up, she will come alone to the back mountain, that is, the place where the Red Pine Living Buddha originally lived, sit down, and then mobilize the gold elements in the Danhai Sea to cycle along the meridians in the body. Then in the process of this cycle, the whole body will constantly absorb some gold elements in heaven and earth, thus It makes the gold element in his own body stronger.

The reason why Nima got up so early is that this morning is the strongest and easiest time of absorption of the day.

After absorbing the elements, Nima was going to lead those monks to train. This training reached noon again. She hurriedly ate lunch and rested for an hour at most. Nima was going to start training those monks in the afternoon.

When she went back at night, Nima was even more idle and began to study a set of swordsmanship called "Thunder", which was accidentally found by Nima in the sword sleeve of the thunder magnetic sword.

Moreover, since Nima ascended to the fourth solid reality, he has not opened the intelligent version and has not learned the skills.

The reason why it takes so long is not that Nima doesn't want to learn the skills in the intelligent version, but because he feels that he has just entered the fourth solid reality and his strength has not been fully consolidated. If you study in a hurry, don't fall short of learning at that time, it will outweigh the gains!

Because Adam learned the skills in the intelligent version, he also reached the peak of the fourth solid reality. And Nima has just risen to the fourth solid reality, how dare she take risks?

However, everything Nima has done in the past month has been taken in the eyes of Master Dezan. While sighing that Nima is working hard, the idea in his heart has become more and more ready to move.

In particular, what Nima did next was to let Master Dezan and some hesitant monks finally make a decision!


On this day, after another day of training, Nima led a warrior monk back from the back mountain.

The monks thought that today's training was over. They dragged their tired bodies one by one and wanted to go back to their rooms quickly so that they could quickly sleep comfortably.

Who knows, Nima suddenly stopped them.

Nima said, "Presumably you can feel my training these days, and I have received certain results!" However, this is far from enough from our goal..."


As soon as Nima said this, the monks immediately began to whisper and made a mess. They also have this feeling, but they haven't said it yet!

The monks feel that although their strength has improved a lot compared with the original, at such a speed, even if they train, it should not be possible for them to become as strong secret practitioners like Nima!

Nima pressed her hand, which meant to make them quiet, and the monks immediately closed their mouths when they saw the situation. In the past few days, although Nima has admonished them, their awe of Nima has not decreased but increased.

Just because Nima is with them no matter what training, and whatever they do, Nima does with them, without falling at all!

And they heard that after training with themselves and others, Nima returned to her room, but she had to continue to train others. It can be seen that Nima's ability was also obtained by other people's efforts!

For such people, they can't be disrespected.

After seeing the monks calm down, Nima continued to say, "Actually, my training these days is not to use this training itself to make you a secret practitioners, but to use this training to make you understand a truth!"


As soon as Nima's words fell, it naturally caused a riot. This time, the martial monks were a little excited. Are you kidding us? After such a tiring training for a month, in the end, it was just to tell us a truth?

Nima seemed to have known for a long time that it would cause such a reaction. She just looked at these monks with a smile and didn't say anything. Gradually, the monks became quiet. They knew that things would definitely not be as they thought. They knew about their own changes these days and thought that it might not be so bad. It's not too late to wait for Nima to finish her words and make a conclusion.

Seeing that these monks can calm down so quickly, Nima nodded happily. It seems that they have indeed improved a lot compared with before!

Then, Nima said, "I have trained you for so many days to put an end to the psychology that you can get nothing and pie from the sky. The reason why I'm afraid of you like this is that if I want you to reach the level of secret practitioners, it's simply! It's simple enough to make you feel that you can be rewarded if you don't pay..."

Although the truth is understood, the martial monks can't figure it out, that is, Nima actually said that it is very simple to become a secret practice. Isn't this a fool's dream?

But what Nima did next brought great changes to the monks, but made them speechless...

What method does Nima use to quickly bring the martial monks to the level of mi xiu xiu zhe? This is extremely simple, that is, Nima gave each of them and opened Dantian...

Such a magical thing actually happened to themselves. At first, the monks were still very disbelieving, but a few days later, with the sudden increase of their strength, they couldn't believe it.

After that, Nima taught several unique skills of the clan, such as "Leopard Step", "Ape Hand" and "Deer Yue", to the monks, which made their strength advance by leaps and bounds again.

Although one palm can leave a mark on the stone pier, and the monks can't do it yet, those things jump up to the four-meter-high courtyard wall and usually deal with eight strong men alone, but the monks feel that doing these things are no longer a problem at this time.

The reason why Nima trained these monks so well is also considered. On the one hand, he hopes that Renqinbo Temple can be more promoted with his help, which can also repay the kindness of the living Buddha of Chisong. On the other hand, 2012 is coming soon. He taught the monks these means of self-defense. At that time, the Renqin Temple will have one more capital to save their lives in troubled times.

Nima didn't expect that she had trained an extremely powerful iron army for the future.


This day, Nima had just trained with a few monks, and suddenly Jinghai found him (the little monk who opened the door for Nima and Andre) and said that Master Dezan was looking for him. Nima didn't ask much after hearing this, so she followed Xiao Jinghai to the Buddhist Hall.

As soon as she entered the Buddhist hall, Nima felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, because in addition to Master Dezan, how could the ground be full of many highly valued monks in the temple?

When Master Dezan saw Nima coming, he didn't say anything else. He directly cut into the theme and said, "Nima, after my careful consideration and consultation with the monks in the temple, I finally decided to let you come to be the Renqin Temple and the next living Buddha of the Red Pine Living Buddha!"

When Nima heard the words, she seemed to hear something, and said incredulously, "Master Dezan, are you... all right? Are you kidding me to be a living Buddha?"