Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 183 Target, Bermuda Triangle!

After Nima asked, she was shocked to hear the mother of the earth and said, "I asked you to command the fleet, but I didn't say that you would control the fleet!" Leading the fleet means that you are the most powerful person in this fleet, but the person who controls the fleet does not have to be you! For example, it can be your subordinate, or a professional appointed by me..."

"And Nima, don't forget, you still have a more important task! How can you waste all your time on this fleet? To put it better, this demon expedition fleet is to contain and attract the attention of the demon soldiers from the front, so that you can secretly sneak into the devil's delta; to put it unpleasantly, this so-called demon expedition fleet is a means of transportation! It's just to find a way to transport you to the Devil Delta!"

"Oh, so that's it!" However, even if the mother of the earth said so, Nima was still very looking forward to the demon expedition fleet, "Lord, I don't know what the scale of the demon expedition fleet is? I can't wait to see it!"

"Ha ha, the whole demon fleet is composed of a super mother ship and a number of battleships and destroyers. I won't talk about the specific data. You don't understand it. Besides, it's better to hear it than to witness it. Then you can see it in person! What I want to tell you is that although all these warships have been automated, it still takes at least thousands of crew members to drive these big guys! According to my preliminary estimate, I will transfer about 80% of the dragon group members from all over the world to help you complete the task together!"

After a pause, the mother of the earth thought for a while and continued: "If possible, I will communicate with the Mayans and suggest that Princess Yulia and Prince Maya temporarily cease fire to see if we can draw some people from them. As you know, nowadays, our manpower is not enough. Use..."

Nima nodded and agreed. Immediately, he and Andre established an orphanage in Pretoria and taught a large number of African street children martial arts to help them start Dantian. Nima also proudly said that because of the foundation is relatively solid, although it is only short. In just three years, some of these street children with better talent have broken through to the peak level of the first innate realm. Most of them have also reached the midstream level of the first innate realm. It can be said that these African children must be a powerful force among human beings when they grow up!

In the future, Africa will definitely become less poor and miserable because of the addition of these fresh blood! Nima and Andre felt that they had done a great good thing by doing this.

However, after hearing this, the mother of the earth did not appreciate Nima. Instead, she frowned tightly. After a long time, I only heard the mother tongue of the earth say to Nima slowly, "Do you know why for so many years, even if the crisis of the earth is serious, I have not published the practiced skills to the world so that everyone can learn, but only spread it in the dragon group and in a small range that can be controlled?"

When Nima heard the words, she naturally shook her head puzzled to show that she didn't know. Seeing this, the mother of the earth sighed and continued, "Actually, the reason why I didn't do this is because you human beings are too greedy! Throughout the history of mankind, when will there be less war? From the era of cold weapons, to hot weapons, to today's nuclear weapons, I'm afraid that if I popularize these powerful cultivation methods, I'm afraid that the earth will immediately usher in a bloody storm!"

After listening to the words of the mother of the earth, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Nima's face, yes! Once human beings have a strong power, I'm afraid the first thing to think about is not how to resist alien aggression, but to find a way to compete for benefits and enjoy their success. This phenomenon is perfectly normal for human beings.

Suddenly, Nima thought of a possibility that these African street children have suffered a lot since childhood. Will they suddenly gain such a powerful power and enjoy it? A trace of weight flashed on Nima's face. He never thought that his momentary kindness might cause such serious consequences!

"Then I'll go back and tell Andrea to cancel this education!" Nima was a little disappointed. He could even imagine the disappointment in the eyes of the children after hearing the news.

"Uh - that's not necessary!" To Nima's surprise, the mother of the earth did not let him do this after hearing the words. She only heard the mother of the earth explain: "There is nothing absolute in this world! No matter what problems we face, we should look at them from a perspective of development! Although it is a mistake to popularize this practice in peacetime, it is not far from the 2012 war, and it is time to start the popularization of this practice!"

"Otherwise, when 2012 comes and the magic soldiers invade, what will human beings do to resist the invasion of these guys and use nuclear weapons? Don't take out that kind of thing that hurts 1,000 people and damages 800 yuan! Therefore, although there are still many shortcomings in your approach, you can't let it completely annihilate like this, just take it as a bold attempt! Moreover, the status of human beings living in Africa is indeed too low. They have the right to be favored by God. However, Nima, I want to remind you that you must strengthen the education of these children! Let them understand that they have power to protect their country and the earth, not to use them to fight for fame and enjoy crazily!"

Nima listened carefully to the mother of the earth, and then remembered them one by one, and nodded firmly to show that she knew what to do. The mother of the earth said, "Since you said you know, I'm relieved! Without saying that, today should be a day worth celebrating! What I want to tell you is that the demon fleet is all ready to go, waiting for the arrival of your commander and other crew!"

"Oh?" Nima's eyes lit up when she heard the words, "So where is this demon fleet at this time?"

"Ha ha, haven't the people of the Dragon Group told you before that they also have a base near the Bermuda Triangle? At this time, the demon fleet was already secretly docked there! You can start now, and I believe that soon, you will be able to see its true face!"


After talking with the Mother of the Earth, Nima immediately began to pack up. On the one hand, he was looking forward to the demon fleet and the upcoming sea journey. On the other hand, because he is eager to complete the task now, he is eager to take back the artifact immediately, so that he can feel that the moon will meet Avril and help them as soon as possible. You know, Nima and Avril and others haven't seen each other for more than three years!

Although the two sides also exchanged some photos during this period, after all, this photo is not more realistic than a real person. In fact, Avril and others have not had any free time in the past three years, but the reason why they did not return to the earth to see Nima is that they are afraid of affecting Nima's cultivation. Moreover, the mother of the earth also said that it is not too late to see each other when they are busy with their affairs!

In this way, Nima, Andre and others spent a day packing up their clothes. In fact, the two big men had nothing to clean up. The most troublesome thing was the two twin sisters.

Before, Nima told them that the four of them and Andre were going to leave here and start a dangerous journey and let them choose to stay. Nima thought they would choose to stay, because after all, the Bermuda Triangle is famous and too desolate.

But to Nima's surprise, she didn't expect that these two sisters would choose to go with Nima without hesitation. In fact, it's right to think about it. All four of them were selected into a special department for training from an early age and later sold. They thought they would be with some fat and smelly rich old man for the rest of their lives. The man passed it, but he didn't expect that it was finally bought back by Nima and Andre.

And Nima and Andre have never regarded them as servants and have never done anything extraordinary to them. They even took good care of them and taught them something that looked extremely magical. At this time, these two sisters have naturally become strong against Nima and Andre. Lie's dependence and trust are unwilling to leave here.


In this way, the next day, after packing up everything, Nima, Andre and others will leave the place where they have lived for three years. Last night, Nima and Andre finally went to the underground ring, greeted the boss there, and got some money by the way.

In the past three years, Nima and Andre have made a lot of money in the underground boxing court, and they have also made a lot of money for the underground boxing ring. So when the boss heard that they were leaving, his face was naturally extremely painful. This was not pretending, but because he loved money!

Even if they made so much money, Nima and Andre didn't take a penny away when they left. Because money is no different from waste paper for them, and it has no effect. The two of them injected all their savings into the orphanage to maintain its normal expenses.

Although the two of them are about to leave, Nima and Andre have nothing to worry about the orphanage. Because there are the martial monks of Renqinbeng Temple sitting here, and Nima is not afraid that some unsighted guys will come here to make trouble. Moreover, when Nima and Andre left, they also told Keaton to help take care of the orphanage. After all, some things could not be solved by force alone.

After arranging everything, Nima's party of six people, according to Keaton's arrangement, finally boarded a special helicopter and went to the base of the dragon group near the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

At a height of 10,000 meters, Nima looked down at the land of Africa and knew that this red land, which had been soaked in the blood of many Africans, would certainly get rid of the poverty and sufferings in the near future. It is very likely that this is the last side that Nima can see it! Therefore, Nima couldn't help but meditate in her heart at this time: "Erewell, old Africa! I believe that in the near future, you will definitely make a new face in front of my eyes!"

Then, Nima raised her head again, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and smiled brightly--

"Bermuda Triangle, my Damn, I'm finally here!"

(red ticket... Do you have it?)