Poison King

Chapter 57 Fan Wei's First appearance

"Hmm! Let you taste the power of the poison fan.

Zhu Shaoyang no longer retained it. With a long roar, the luster of the suspended poison shield around him was more eye-catching, blocking the destructive momentum. At the same time, the mouth of the "Manta Python" python opened angrily, and a green light spewed out of his mouth. The poisonous fan appeared in the void and rose in the wind. It instantly expanded to dozens of meters high. The fan opened and stood there. At first glance, it was like an upside down huge mountain. The bright light can compete with the sun and the moon. On it, the ripples are regular. The dispersion of the law, only the first ripple, resolved the attack of one-tenth of six people, which was poison, highly poisonous, and the leader of the poison. Even if the energy attack is contaminated, it will be corroded and extremely domineering.


Ma Ruoyan's poisoning technique can't be compared with these ripples. In an instant, her means were broken. She was also poisoned, and her face turned pale in an instant. Countless emerald green lines like snakes moved in her body, eroding her internal organs. However, fortunately, Ma Ruoyan herself was poisonous. Sex, so that the toxicity that rushed into the body can't hurt her source for the time being, but it still won't last long.

"Little sister!" Ma Tao was the closest to Ma Ruoyan. Seeing her situation, he was immediately angry and anxious.

"Don't worry about me, you must kill him." Ma Ruoyan said with a ferocious face.

Ma Tao's attack just broke a poisonous light shield and was about to fall on the manda python. Unexpectedly, a hundred poisonous fans suddenly appeared, forcing him to retreat and narrowly escaped the poison. This time, his furious body expanded again, and his whole body had been transformed, like a human balloon.


The violent roar came from his mouth, and the rolling sound was endless. It shook the sky like a bell, presenting earthy yellow sound waves with ripples, colliding with the ripples emitted by the poison fan and buzzing.

The four beast kings used another method to suppress the momentum of the hundred poisonous fans, and the power is difficult to explode and the toxicity is difficult to spread.

"Hmm! The wave of the fan!"

The wave of the fan, the fighting skills taught to him by Mu Chunchun at the beginning have reached the horrible Kun-level two-star. How powerful will it be if it is really displayed?

At this moment, Zhu Shaoyang also began to fight desperately. Even if he combines with the poisonous beast, I'm afraid he will be drained of the fighting spirit in his body!

Perhaps feeling the pressure from the outside world, in Zhu Shaoyang's body, the little dragon suddenly opened its eyes, shot out thousands of glows, and roared. The cyclones below also seemed to be infected, surging violently, layer by layers, like rivers overflowing and surging. The colorful "Manta python" is covered with a layer of gold color, and its body has shrunk a circle, but its momentum is stronger, and there is a tendency to turn it into a python.

In the "Mando Python" body, all the energy rushed to the poison fan, urging the use of fighting skills, and the strong energy waves were turbulent. Lei Xiang, who was fighting fiercely in the sky, Ma Xiaofeng felt a strong sense of crisis and stopped fighting one after another, staring at the wonders below with constered faces. At this time, the "Mando Python" Just like a real dragon with wings on its back, it will cause landslides and tsunamis during the turmoil.


Just as the light around the "mantha python" gradually faded, the poison fan made a slight sound, the core array was activated, and the horrible fighting skills were about to come.

Another few hums, intermittently, but the earth has begun to tremble. The peaks of dozens of miles are under pressure. The peaks burst, the stone and soil splashed, the trees rolled down, and the birds and beasts fled. Countless rivers boiled as if they were boiling, and dead fish and shrimp kept surfaced. The big array outside Shui Miaozong was broken, and dozens of disciples spit blood and flew backwards.

At the same time as Ma Tao and the attack of the four beast kings, they were all disintegrated, and the uncultivated Wolf King turned pale and suffered internal injuries.

Kun-level two-star fighting skill is only a precursor to attack, and its power is so grand. If it is really completely released, what will be the result?

"That's a hundred poison fans! Isn't it rumored that the murder weapon in the world is no longer in the world? How come?" Lei Xiang frowned and muttered.

"Damn! How could this happen? It turned out to be a poison fan! How could he exert such great power? Ma Xiaofeng also showed a trace of panic. Knowing the past and the present, he naturally knew the origin and power of the poison fan.

"Dip that little bastard first!" Ma Xiaofeng was almost crazy, and his huge body suddenly rushed down to destroy Zhu Shaoyang in person.

"Don't go, your opponent is me!" Of course, Lei Xiang would not sit idly by, wave the thunder axe, and brazenly smashed down the Ma Xiaofeng, bringing a roar.

"Get out of here!" Ma Xiaofeng was furious, and his huge feet suddenly stepped away and collided with the thunder axe. The light waves were scattered and muffled endlessly. Lei Xiang was not strong, his body retreated violently, and his qi and blood surged.

"Stop him." Nangongqin shouted and also rushed to Ma Xiaofeng. Once Zhu Shaoyang made a mistake, their situation would be passive again. Moreover, Zhu Shaoyang is now her only relative.

Shui Miaozong, the remaining five elders of Lei Fengzong pressed on Ma Xiaofeng at the same time, and the treasure light flashed and the momentum was compelling.

"When we are air?" Hong Yan and others were unwilling to lag behind and rushed to the target one after another to buy time for Ma Xiaofeng, and the melee opened again.

"No, the fighting spirit needed to perform this fighting skill is too huge. I can't stand it anymore." Zhu Shaoyang secretly complained. After all, the power of the poisonous beast does not belong to him. He can't fully exert it, and the assistance of the little dragon in his body is also limited. The wave of the fan has not really been released, and his remaining fighting spirit is insufficient.

"It doesn't matter. I have some fit with the poison fan, and it should be no problem to use this fighting skill." The voice of the poisonous beast sounded. This hundred poison fan was originally the weapon of the owner of the poisonous beast. The poisonous beast had practiced in it, so it was vaguely related to the hundred poison fan. Although it can't be said to be easy to master, it can also help Zhu Shaoyang complete the wave of the fan.


The poisonous fan finally shook slightly, and the buzzing sound was louder, like tens of thousands of bees singing together, disturbing people's minds and disturbing the sea. The green light and shadow are stacked, gorgeous, like countless ribbons floating in the air, charming and enchanting.

The waves of the fan began to be powerful, and the horrible breath instantly enveloped the heavens and the earth, with a strong sweet fragrance everywhere, and the green stars flashed, as if countless fireflies were dancing and falling on the world. The precursor of the attack is highly poisonous.

From afar, it is particularly charming, like a fairyland, but the people in it have no time to enjoy such a scene. On the ground, the disciples of the Beast and the Fire Sect, and the disciples of the Fengxiao Sect, who have just escaped the disaster of poisoning, have to face more powerful erosion, which is originally coveted sweet fragrance. Now they are taking their lives. Once they are inhaled, they will immediately disappear, and the bones are empty. Only by closing their breathing can they escape. Strangely, these poison gas bypassed the territory of Shui Miaozong and left the disciples of the other two sects unaffected.


Ma Ruoyan's body is very poisonous, and now she is disturbed by the outside world. Finally, she can't offset it. She fell from the sky. Her whole body is white and scary, and there is no blood color. The long hair at that end dissipates like decay, and the breath of life quickly passes away, and she is about to live.

Although Ma Tao was anxious, he did not dare to call. He flew down Ma Ruoyan and slowly fell to the ground. He waved his right hand. A golden mask formed by energy wrapped his brother and sister, and the poisonous emerald green star could not be broken. Ma Tao stuffed some elixir into Ma Ruoyan's mouth with an anxious face and entered the origin for her to continue life.

Boom! Rumble!

With the cooperation of Zhu Shaoyang and the poisonous beast, the hanging poison fan finally exerted its strong power. The fan's body was shiny, and ten rare poisonous insects were even more vivid, as if they were about to break away and come to the world.

Air waves surge, roar, the sky seems to collapse, and the earth seems to collapse. Countless emerald green lights and shadows are like rolling huge waves, stacked and continuous. There are green everywhere, and there are "waves". The sound of big waves hitting the huge stones can be faintly heard, as if the world has fallen into the vast sea and drifting with the waves. Life seems so fragile and powerless that even the strong people at high altitude feel threatened and avoid its edge one after another.

"Three Beast Kings, the Realm of Warcraft!"

The main target of the fan wave is the four beast kings and others. The attack they bear is the most powerful. At the first time, the ghost king is in danger and shouts calmly.

The realm of Warcraft is a skill jointly performed by the four beast kings. It is a field of their own, that is, their own field. In the field, they are the masters and gods, and time and rules are controlled by themselves. You should know that only a top-level strong man like the Fighting Emperor in the world can open up space, have their own field, and dominate everything in it. It can be seen that once you fall into enlightenment, how terrible it will be!

In front of Zhu Shaoyang's eyes, the scenery suddenly changed, and a flood and famine came to his face, as if he had entered the flood and famine period. He saw that there were huge beasts everywhere, different sizes, heights and lows, but they were all terrible existences, and even unicorns, ground dragons, mammoths, etc. that he had only seen in books in his previous life... Roared constantly , filled with the smell of killing and blood. Here, he is like a boat in the sea, which may fall at any time. Even the poison fan is temporarily sealed, and the attack stops dumb, constantly trembling and wants to break free.

"Is this the power of the field?" Zhu Shaoyang inhaled cold air, his eyes flashed, and he was careful.

"It is indeed a field, but it is only a prototype. The wild beasts in it are illusory. If it is a real field, we can't escape with our strength." The poisonous beast's tone is low, and he obviously cares about it.

"You mean we still have hope to break through this place?"

"As long as the seal of the poison fan is lifted, the field will definitely be cracked."

At the time of the conversation, those wild beasts have found the outsider Manta Python. Their eyes are fierce and slowly approaching the Manda Python in all directions. Although their momentum is illusory, the momentum still makes Zhu Shaoyang feel weak and unable to resist.


Xiaofeng knows that the update is too slow. I'm really sorry for everyone, but she can't help but beg for collection, ask for tickets, collect first, and then watch it after fattening, right? Hold your fist!!!