Poison Overlord

Chapter 004 Picking up the booty

As soon as Lu Longxiang's treasure search came out, Mu Qinger and others also flashed with hope in their eyes. Looking at the five people lying on the ground who were seriously injured, Li Yun bit their teeth. A mouthful of blood spit out and sprayed on Baojian, the golden point contained in the scarlet blood, which is the essence of Li Yun's cultivation.

As soon as it was stained with the blood, the ghost head decoration on the treasure mirror burst into red. The whole body of the treasure mirror was made of black copper-like raw materials, and one side of the mirror was carved with strange runes and several fierce ghost heads. The originally fierce ghost is now stained with blood and the red light blooms, which is even more horrible.

Li Yun immediately sacrificed her Xuanling, which was a light red flame, emitting a cold atmosphere. The disciples of Huoling Sect could feel the Huoying Xuanling, but as for the quality, it depends on their own luck and strength.

With the influx of Xuanling and spiritual power, the treasure mirror is also constantly changing, and a small whirlpool suddenly appeared in the small treasure mirror. Li Yun pinched the formula and saw the spiritual power constantly enter the treasure mirror. The small mirror is also getting bigger and bigger. And Li Shang and others also continued to sacrifice their Xuanling to help Li Yun.

The Xuanling in Li Yun's hand was immediately sucked into the whirlpool. In an instant, the wind suddenly rose. The small whirlpool flew out of the treasure mirror and turned into a huge hurricane in a few breath. The dark tornado raged in the air, and countless small red and black flames rotated with the hurricane several feet high.

Under Li Yun's order, the hurricane hit the ghost fire corpse. The ghost and fire corpse did not hide. The long green whip in his hand ignited a fire like a fire snake. The flame burned. For example, I don't know how strong the blow was. The green to the ink flame showed his power.

The ghost fire corpse whipped the flying hurricane. The flames burned on the whip, and the inverted thorns condensed by sharp flames exuded a horrible side. The long whip in the air wrapped the hurricane like a long snake, and then the long whip completely bound the hurricane, and the hurricane collapsed in an instant. The seemingly powerful blow dissipated and collapsed.

At this time, Li Yun seemed to have completed some kind of ceremony, with an excited face and an unusually red face. The blow just now was just to delay the time, and now is the move and power she really want to use.

"Treasure mirror, ghost word formula, up"

The black cold flame in Li Yun's palm immediately strengthened several times, and then a small pinch of flame appeared on the treasure mirror, which was a black and white flame. Although it was only such an illusory touch, the power emitted in the flame alone could show that the flame was unusual.

Li Yun operated all her spiritual power, and the black mysterious spirit in her hand immediately turned into a red skeleton, wrapped in a layer of burning flame outside the skeleton. Then I saw the big mouth of the skeleton, and the small flame on the treasure mirror was swallowed up by the skeleton. The red skeleton quickly changed from red to red and black, and the power of the red and black flame skeleton is now comparable to that of ghosts and fire corpses.

This black and white flame is not simple, very simple. Lu Longxiang feels so, because the black and white flame gives him a more dangerous feeling than the ghost fire corpse. However, Lu Longxiang didn't have time to think much about it. He kept sharing the weak place of the corpse to Li Yun and others.

When the black and white flame appeared, the expression of the ghost and fire corpse was very excited. Obviously, he was very eager for the black and white flame, but he was deeply afraid, which also made Lu Longxiang more curious about what the flame was. The black and white flame and the strange mirror made Lu Longxiang very curious. The magic weapon like the mirror is obviously not simple.

"Treasure mirror, mirror word formula, up"

Under Li Yun's seal, the treasure mirror floated to the top of the flame skeleton, and then cast a red light. As soon as the red light was closed, two beams of light were cast next to the flame skeleton in the mirror. The light column disappeared, and the other two red and black skeletons touched the same as the flame skeleton. All this was completed in a very short time.

The ghost fire corpse was not scared by these three flame skeletons. The long green whip shook, and all the flames seemed to merge into a dark green fist-sized fireball. The ghost fire corpse held up the dark green fireball, and the flame condensed in its mouth. Five dark green fireballs of the same size condensed into six fireballs formed a rotation. The shape of the wheel. The ghost and fire corpse held six fire wheels and struggled to attack the three flame skeletons.

"Spiritual ghosts, three spirit fire scrolls." Three flame skeletons formed a triangle at this time, and roared in a low voice. Under Li Yun's order, a light curtain was formed between the three skeletons, and then a huge red and black flame tornado was formed in an instant. The huge tornado was dozens of meters high and surrounded by three small tornadoes more than three meters high. The three spirit dragon rolls brought out a gully to meet the six fire wheels. The collision between green and red and black is extremely gorgeous under the night.

A loud noise bloomed red, black and dark green at the same time, and two of the three skeletons were destroyed in an instant. Li Yun was also shaken out and half lying on the ground with black blood in her mouth. The ghost fire corpse's green mouth opened, and the green flame exploded all over her body. Li Yun ignited green flames all over her body, and Li Yun's angered in pain under the green flame.

"If you want me to die, you can bury me together." Li Yun's face is ferocious.

"The mirror, the sacrifice of ten ghosts, and the ten ghosts are broken." Li Yun's original Xuanling flew out of her body and was absorbed by the black and red treasure mirror, and Li Yun's body also withered at a visible speed. If Mu Qinger hadn't been recovering Li Yun's vitality and anger, I'm afraid Li Yun would have been taken as a mummified corpse at this time.

After absorbing the mysterious spirit and blood, the treasure mirror rose to a radius of more than two meters. The simple and strange patterns were clearly visible. The mirror began to ripple like water, and a huge black skeleton emerged from the mirror. Strangely floating on the mirror, the red light in the mirror rose to the sky, and ten identical skeletons were copied in an instant, and the red light of ten skeletons flashed to surround the ghost fire corpse.

The green flame of the ghost fire corpse kept up and down, indicating his excitement. The two flames in his hand quickly closed, and then pulled out to both sides, and a dark green boundary protected the ghost fire corpse.

At this time, the treasure mirror has almost floated on the ghost fire corpse and locked the ghost fire corpse. Ten skeletons suddenly became black and prosperous.

"It's not good" Lu Longxiang saw this, sweated coldly, and quickly retreated, just when Lu Longxiang escaped from the mass grave. The central seat of the mass grave made a shocking noise, and the aftermath of a huge wave quickly destroyed the whole mass grave. In the sea of fire in the center, several figures were thrown out.

Li Yun is dying, but she is very excited, because there is a small figure trapped in his treasure mirror, which is a ghost and fire corpse, which has been surrendered at this time. Although Li Shang and others were injured, they are not too heavy now. Then Li Shang took out four wooden boxes and handed them to Lu Longxiang and said, "This is a reward for you. See you later."

After saying that, the four people left quickly, because the ghost fire was too valuable, and they were also seriously injured. The last blow had consumed their last combat strength, and the isolated formation was also broken. These spiritual fluctuations will soon be felt by Ye Wucheng's monks, and this place should not stay for a long time.

Mu Qinger also nodded and said, "Go to the coffin to see what you use. Take it away quickly. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. See you later." Mu Qinger also left at a high speed. At this time, she needed to go back to adjust her breath and absorb the power of Xuanling. These remnants were no longer very good.

And Mu Qinger didn't want to stay more. When Lu Longxiang saw Mu Qinger and others leave, he also quickly entered the dilapidated center, where there was still a hot air wave. After Lu Longxiang came to the center, he saw the broken observation. There were a lot of things in it, but they were all rotten.

There was only one inconspicuous stone token that seemed to be incomplete, and a scroll, and some broken armor. Lu Longxiang picked up the token and the scroll covered with gray soil and included it into the ring. At this time, the sky had flashed a few stream lights, and obviously someone was coming this way.

Just as Lu Longxiang was about to leave, his eyes caught a glimpse of the place where the ghost fire gushed out, where an oval yellow-brown jade was lying quietly. Lu Longxiang did not think about it. After picking it up, he went straight into the night and left quickly.