Poison Overlord

Chapter 0083 Great Magic Demon King [kneeling for subscription]

Holy Gate, demon religion, fanatical and persistent monks, they are only loyal to themselves, act according to their preferences, fearless of the views of the world, fearless, and murderous. Thousands of years ago, the emperor of the central heaven had ordered to eliminate all demon scum and kill them without mercy. It's more horrible than the forbidden Buddha order.

But the hundred-legged worm died but did not stiff. Less than a thousand years have passed, and the remnants of the Demon Gate are about to make waves again. However, what surprised Lu Longxiang most is that a Li family in this area is actually the stronghold of the Demon Gate, and Ye Wucheng does not seem to be so simple. The former Huitian liquid to the forbidden treasure.

Now the skills obtained by Lu Longxiang on the tenth floor of the Yuanyun Pavilion, as well as the empty tomb and magic gate, Ye Wucheng's past life and this life are intriguing, but this is not something that Lu Longxiang needs to work hard now. The crazy behavior of the two demon monks has illustrated this matter.

The black light rushed up, and the magic weapons in the hands of the two thin old men rotated and hit the three magic pesters on the Buddhist shrine. He Yan was the first to come to come to her senses and shout; "Stop them, there must be magic masters under the three bodies and the shrine. If they are released, none of us will want to live."

This was recognized by everyone, but there were not many people present. There were only two people left by the most powerful master of the Ye family. A group of people also ignored the matter of the hall and fled to the outside of the tomb, but the two magic monks laughed, and the rest of the Li family played two charms in their hands.

Suddenly, I saw that the previous two stone tablets at the door emitted black light, which were forbidden under the prohibition. The black light flashed, and the black light under the ground appeared like a spring. Some monks who had no time to react were directly turned into ashes. Wu Tao sacrificed the circulation of white jade porcelain bottles and He Yan's ice beads combined to barely block the black gas.

The Qinggang dead of the Ye family is also incapable. The thunder array of the remaining two great masters restrain these things, and it will be fine for a while. As for the spiritual power of the Lulong elephant, it is not afraid of these dead. Several people all used their means to kill the forbidden seal and wanted to crack it. Several Li family laughed; "This prohibition can't be completely destroyed inside, and there are seven emotions and six desires outside, and it is difficult to get close to. When the seniors of the Holy Church come alive, you can't escape anywhere."

Lu Longxiang looked at these people coldly and spit out black gas and flew towards the prohibition. The psychedelic atmosphere of the seven emotions and six desires made Lu Longxiang a little trance. He hurriedly read the sound in his mouth, pinched the lotus seal into thousands of forces, protected himself, and dispel the miscellaneous thoughts for Li Yun and others.

Those Li monks were originally eager for a while. The demon pestle on the Buddhist niche over there emitted infinite Buddha light, and the Buddhist niche was also full of Buddha power, expelling most of the black gas and seven emotions and six desires here. A group of people also lacked a lot of pressure. The Li family looked ferocious and seemed very afraid of these Buddha lights.

The two thin demon monks were also screaming repeatedly. The magic weapons in their hands were sacrificed, and the arrays were constantly engraved around them. Lu Longxiang looked at the dark red lines on the ground, which was similar to the taboo patterns that Xing Wu wanted to use on himself before. They couldn't help but be shocked, but now the realm is wrong and they can't come out directly. Hands.

In the end, the Lulongxiang sat cross-legged. This array was powerful and played repeatedly. Lu Longxiang did not seem to feel too much power from it, but had a trace of Buddha's power, or the fusion of Buddhism.

"Gaga, these old bald donkeys have died and caused so many troubles. The second brother is ready to eat blood and dirty the bald donkey's magic weapon." After saying that, a mass of sticky flesh and blood gushed out from the two people's magic weapons, and the strong smell of blood permeated. These blood and food have been sacrificed by many things to deal with Buddhist magic weapons. The blood food was thrown into the magic pestle, and the blood gas on the other side continuously moistened the three treasures.

As time went by, the breath on the magic weapon became stronger and stronger, as if a wild beast woke up at this time. Lu Longxiang said to Li Yun and others; "Later, once there is a chance, run, no matter what happens, run to the entrance and leave. This is probably an ancient demon. We have to explain this. Li."

Li Yun is obviously a little afraid. Although their brothers and sisters have a lot of experience, they have never really encountered such a desperate situation, especially the people of the demon sect are rendered very cruel in the sect. Now the only way is to rely on the Lu Longxiang. Although they can use secret methods, in the face of those demon sect monks The front is vulnerable.

At this time, Mu Linger is not too afraid. He has the method of divine purity and can resist most of the illusions. The most important thing is the resurrection of the magic door. Finally, three weapons, big knives and short swords and beads have begun to temporarily shine, emitting the breath of **. The four brothers of the hot sect laughed and gradually lost their eyes. Brilliant.

Walking towards the Buddhist niche, Li Yun's four brothers and sisters were gradually lost. Seeing this, Mu Linger immediately used the skill of divine cleansing and immediately pulled the four people back from the loss. The four were also scared to death and immediately operated their magic power to protect their minds. On the other hand, Wu Tao also used the skill of divine cleansing to protect himself. .

Because the soul power of the great master is relatively strong, several great masters of the Ye family can still resist, but none of the others are spared to walk towards the stage one by one. The black light in the weapon suddenly swallowed these monks into mummified corpses. No one was spared, and the survivors were not good-looking.

Lu Longxiang was also worried. Now things are getting more and more troublesome. Three weapons came out, and the demon pestle suddenly flew out, directly smashing the thousands of forces. Six magic weapons fought and immediately knocked off the prohibition around them. Seeing this, a group of people fled directly to the outside.

At this time, the two stone tablets outside the door stand high, and the divine light is dim. It seems that there is not much magic power. Others can't feel it, but Lu Longxiang can feel the powerful power from it. It seems that it contains great power. People's hearts and six desires, and the two stone tablets suddenly turn into palm-sized and suspended, but it seems to be in place. There is a Buddha's magic power to imprison it.

The rest of the things can be left, but the two stone tablets can't be let go. He practiced seven broken and seven great explosions. If these two stone tablets are added, it is even more like a tiger with wings. The land dragon elephant reached for the stone tablet. However, someone has already grabbed the front of the Lu Longxiang. He Yan only looked at his hand to grab it, but saw the power of Buddhism suddenly emit a golden light.

He Yan's palm hole through a big hole, Lu Longxiang laughed, and thanks to He Yan helped him take it. At this time, the ground in the temple shook, as if a strong existence was slowly recovering, and the power of the two groups of Buddhism wanted to roll these two stone tablets away towards the sky, and suddenly saw the Lu Longxiang hand between thousands of mana. Pinch the lotus seal and recite the sound in your mouth.

The white lotus blew up and rolled up two golden lights into its arms, and the madness of the Li family and others came faintly in the big tomb at this time; "The Great Magic Demon King, your people are waiting for your recovery. Wake up. The rise of the Holy Religion is waiting for the help of the Great Magic Demon King." Suddenly, the whole small refining world rolled up the black wind, and it seemed that the whole small refining world had collapsed in order to destroy the demon king.