Be alone in the world

Chapter 5 Green Jade Seedling

Back to the house, Ye Xu immediately cleaned up his belongings. Su Qiaoqiao also helped. After cleaning up, he only heard the sudden footsteps outside.

Ye Xu opened the door and saw Ye Feng leading more than a dozen domestic slaves into his small yard. He couldn't help sinking slightly and looked around with nostalgia.

This house is the wealth left to him by his parents. Ye Xu has lived here for 14 years and is full of feelings and memories. Now that he wants to leave, he feels very uncomfortable.

Ye Feng stood in front of the gate, full of pride and high spirit. The conductor cleaned the yard as if he had regarded it as his own private house: "Clean up the yard and throw away everything you can, so that I won't be upset when I see the young master."

Ye Xu exhaled for a long time and strode out of the house with Su Qiaoqiao. He said with a blank face, "Sixth brother, take care of my yard. I hope I won't mess it up when I come back."

Ye Feng was stunned. After a long time, he recalled it and was furious. He regarded himself as a watchdog who was specially responsible for guarding his house!

Ye Feng had the intention to catch up with him, but when he saw that Ye Xu had gone far away, he suddenly felt boring. He was originally in high spirits and planned to humiliate Ye Xu severely, but he didn't expect to humiliate himself.

"Dead ducks have a hard mouth! You are a loser, and you still want to go back to the Ye family? Dreaming!" Ye Feng cursed.

Ye's horse farm covers hundreds of hectares outside Liuzhou City. It feeds all the horses transported from the Western Regions, including hundreds of horse slaves who are responsible for raising and taking care of the horses.

These horse slaves are treated well and do not eat as well as horses. If the horses are slightly injured or sick, they will be whipped lightly, and if they are heavy, they will be directly beaten to death and thrown to the graveyard to feed the dog.

Ye Xu came to the horse farm and saw hundreds of horse slaves practicing martial arts on the lawn of the horse farm. Although the martial arts skills of these domestic slaves are not as good as those of the children of the clan, they are also extremely good. Even some older horse slaves have been cultivated to a nearly innate level.

A young man in a blue shirt stood in front of him, pointed out everyone's martial arts, and shouted, "If you want to live in my horse farm, you must have strength. Without hundreds of pounds of strength in your arms, you absolutely can't hold a fierce horse!" The skills should be more flexible. The fierce horse is out of control, and the horse's hooves with a big mouth of the bowl are stepped down. If you can't avoid it, there is only one end. Die!"

Ye Xu's heart moved: "This must be Ma Sanbao, the owner of the horse farm. I heard that he was originally the clothed slave of the Ye family. Later, he was born with martial arts and became a wizard. Then he got rid of his slavery and entrusted him with an important task."

Ye Xu stepped forward. Ma Sanbao saw him and Su Qiaoqiao. He was slightly stunned, and then frowned and said, "Are you Ye Shaobao, the seventh master?"

Ye Xu nodded gently, and a buzzing sound suddenly came from the crowd. The slaves whispered to each other and said, "Is he the seventh master of the Ye family? I heard that he is a genius. He is only 14 years old this year, and he has been cultivated to the innate realm of martial arts! Even the owner of the house was shocked and ready to reuse him. How could he come to the horse farm?

"Lao Wu, you are out of date. I heard from a Servant in the inner house that Ye Xu went to the Wubei Pavilion yesterday, but he failed the wizard test. He was deprived of the identity of the son of the clan by the owner of the house and demoted him to a slave. Now he is a slave like us!"


Ma Sanbao turned around and stared fiercely, and the slaves quickly stopped.

Ma Sanbao paused and said, "Seventh Master, when you come to my horse farm, you must abide by my rules. I don't care whether you are a useless person or a son of the Ye family, as long as you violate my rules, I will definitely punish you severely!"

"The owner of the horse farm can tell you." Ye Xu smiled and said.

Ma Sanbao was surprised. To be fair, if he had experienced this kind of ups and downs, he would have been depressed long ago, but Ye Xu could still laugh. He couldn't help admiring his demeanor, dispelled his neglect, and arched his hand and said, "I don't dare to do anything. Seventh Master, your daily work is very simple, that is, to clean the stables. If the stables are clean, the horses will not get sick. After saying that, he ordered someone to arrange for Ye Xu to stay.

Ye Xu immediately stayed at the racecourse and cleaned up the bed. He saw Su Qiaoqiao rushing out and couldn't help saying curiously, "Qiaoqiao, where are you going?"

The girl didn't look up and said, "I'm going to practice martial arts with people outside. In the future, when Qiao Qiao makes some achievements, I can protect the young master!"

Ye Xu is both funny and moved. Su Qiaoqiao has always not loved to practice martial arts. Now he has the idea of practicing, but in order to protect himself, he said with a smile, "If you want to practice martial arts, you don't want the innate masters of martial arts at home. Why do you have to be with those people outside? What they practice is just shallow martial arts, but what I practice is Ye Fu's superior martial arts!"

Su Qiaoqiao's face turned red and retreated back. He said shyly, "I forgot..."

Ye Xu laughed and said, "Cangming's body refining secret is the secret of my Ye family. It can't be passed on to foreign surnames, and this kind of martial arts is extremely domineering and not suitable for girls to practice. I once saw a book of Xuanming Zhenqi in the arsenal, which is also a first-class martial arts, suitable for girls to practice. Although it is not as good as Cangming's body refining formula, it is not a little different.

Ye Xu immediately recited the original version of Xuanming Zhenqi and explained it in detail. He found that Su Qiaoqiao, the little girl, was really strong. She only said it once, so she wrote down the completeness of Xuanming Zhenqi, only a few wrong words, and roughly understood the mystery of the mental method.

After more than half an hour, Su Qiaoqiao finally found a sense of qi, and a trace of mysterious qi in Dantian was born at the right time, turning around Zhou Tian in her meridians.

"Qiao Qiao's qualifications are no worse than mine, far more than other children of the Ye family. If this little girl didn't like to learn martial arts, I'm afraid that her achievements would not be much inferior to me in the past..."

Ye Xu also sat down on his knees and looked inside at the Dantian meridians. He was surprised to find that one of his meridians had healed, and the width, toughness and strength of the meridians were greatly increased than before. He said to himself, "What is the green jade seedling in the Baiyu Tower? How can it

His consciousness entered the jade tower again, and the seedlings on the small island in the Yuhuayao pond were a little stronger, growing to two inches high, and two green leaves appeared at the top, like two tender palms, holding the sky.

In the space of the jade building, there is vigorous vitality everywhere, which is stronger than not long ago.

This seedling is still small, and Ye Xu can't tell whether it is grass or a tree, or a plant such as flowers and vines.

"What? Where did the dew come from?

He suddenly noticed that between the two tender leaves of the seedlings, there was a crystal clear rain dew, and he couldn't help but be surprised. The Yuhuayao pool in the White Jade Tower has dried up, and there is no half a drop of water at all. Moreover, the White Jade Tower is floating in his Dantian and can't touch the outside world. Where did this rain and dew come from?

The rain and dew exude a fragrant fragrance, which makes people want to swallow it.

But Ye Xu was keenly aware that this rain and dew was full of violent energy. If he swallowed it rashly, his body would definitely not be able to bear it. It was definitely not a good thing!

Ding Dong!

The rain dew slipped from the tip of the leaf and dripped into the Yuhua Yao pool, making a crisp sound, like mercury, rolling around in the Yao pool without evaporating.

"A strange drop of water, a strange plant, a strange jade tower..."

Ye Xu withdrew from the jade tower space, focused on pulling the vitality in the jade tower, and poured into his own meridians. His broken meridians seemed to meet the rain after a long drought, greedily devouring the vitality from the mysterious seedlings and repairing the damage of the meridians.

"Now that one of my meridians has been connected, I should be able to practice Cang Ming's body refining formula."

Ye Xu sat down cross-legged, silent, and operated Cang Ming's body refining formula. Soon after, Dantian slowly produced a wisp of Cang Ming's true qi.

Cang means cyan, Ming means the sky, and Cang Ming's refining formula is to make Dantian into a cyan sky, so the true qi generated is also cyan.

Ye Xu once cultivated this kind of skill to the innate realm. Although his cultivation has been lost, the foundation is still there. His Dantian has become extremely broad, and it is extremely easy to practice at this moment.

However, to his surprise, as soon as this wisp of Cang Ming Zhenqi was born, a strong gravitational force came from the white jade building and inhaled the real qi.

Ye Xu's consciousness also followed this wisp of true qi into the white jade building. He saw Cang Ming's true qi rushing to the mysterious green jade seedling and suddenly penetrated into the seedling's body. After a while, it then drilled out from the tip of the leaf. The original light cyan true qi turned dark green

Moreover, there is also a strange breath of life in his Cangming's true qi, which should be the change in the body of the mysterious seedling, which is similar to the authentic Cangming's true qi.

Ye Xu was surprised, but this change was not only harmless to him, but also quite beneficial, which helped to repair the meridians, so he did not pay attention to it and immediately manipulated the ray of true gas to swim into the meridians!

With the help of this wisp of true qi, Ye Xu was surprised to find that the speed of repairing the meridians was a little faster, and in half an hour, he opened up another main meridians, and the repair speed was amazing.

At the same time, in his Dantian, new Cangming Zhenqi was constantly generated, which was inhaled into the body by the green jade seedlings in the white jade building, and then spit out, turned dark green and swallowed.

Ye Xu's true qi is also growing, and the speed of opening up the meridians is getting faster and faster. The more the meridians are connected, the more real qi will be generated, forming a virtuous circle.

After a long time, Ye Xu finally opened his eyes. Unconsciously, he had been practicing all night. The sky was white outside, and Su Qiaoqiao didn't know when to leave.

After such a long time of cultivation, most of the meridians in his body have recovered!

"Two days, only two days at most, I can repair all the meridians!"

Ye Xu was surprised and happy, and said secretly, "As long as the meridians are repaired, I hope to return to the innate realm of martial arts, and becoming a wizard is just around the corner!" I want to show those who insult me, who is the real waste!"