Be alone in the world

Chapter 26 Ten Thous Dangerous (, Ask for Tickets)

Ye Xu stared at the flying copper ball and turned his mind. He originally planned to escape on a dry firewood dragonfly, but now he changed his mind and planned to fight with this mountain fire and kill the monster in the palm of his hand!

He made a bet with Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen, but both of them are innate masters of martial arts with one foot. How can they be better than them?

Only by killing this mountain firefly can you have the capital to gamble with them!

Two big copper balls roared. Ye Xu made a quick decision, turned his head and shouted, "Hide!"

The two front legs of the dry firewood dragonfly jumped up and made a hiss, which looked extremely excited. He stepped on the horse's hoof, did not retreat, and rushed to the mountain fire happily!

"Damn it, I'm asking you to hide, not rush forward!"

The big copper ball in front of him had come to his eyes. Ye Xu had no choice but to stand up, stepped on the top of the dry firewood dragon's head, turned his hands into thousands of purple butterflies, and fell on the big brass ball in front of him!

Big Chiba hand, thousands of butterflies dance together!

Sang! Oh!! Oh!!

The explosion is endless, and thousands of butterfly-shaped palm prints suddenly appeared on the surface of the brass ball!

Ye Xu only felt that his palm was numb, and he was stunned.

Now he has cultivated the Cangming refining formula to the sixth peak, but his strength is even more terrible than the seventh peak, and he can't take the blow of this mountain fire!

The momentum of the brass ball was slightly reduced, and then the big ball behind hit it, making an earth-shaking loud noise, and the speed suddenly became a little faster, crushing Ye Xu and the dry firewood!

If you are hit by these two brass balls, even if the dry firewood dragon has the bloodline of the dragon, it will be crushed into meat sauce!


Dry firewood dragon leaped up, like a dragon leaping through the air.

Ye Xu saw two copper balls roaring past his feet and broke a towering ancient tree hundreds of years old behind him!

The ancient tree creaked to the ground, lifting a large piece of dust.

The dry firewood leaped more than four feet away and finally landed, but came to the back of the mountain fire. Then the horse turned around again, suddenly hissing and rushed to the mountain fire!

"What's wrong with this horse?"

Ye Xu had no choice but to cheer up and stare at the mountain fire.

I saw the mountain fire roaring and shaking hard. The black chain shook like a spiritual snake. It pulled up two big copper balls, broke through the ground, flew back, and bumped into Ye Xu!

"Although this mountain fire cod is fierce, the two copper balls are too heavy, so its attack speed is not fast!"

Ye Xu stared at the flying copper ball, turned his mind, immediately jumped from the horse's back, tipped, and landed on the big copper ball in front of him, and his body sank.

"Thousands of pounds!"

The big brass ball fell, Ye Xu jumped up, and his toes clicked on another big copper ball. The two copper balls collided together and fell deeply into the soil!

Ye Xu's eyes turned cold, and he kept stepping on the black iron chain and went straight to the mountain fire. Where the toes of his toes passed, the black iron chain seemed to be hit by a spiritual snake seven inches. Without the original agility, it fell to the ground like a dead snake!

The mountain fire saw Ye Xu rushing, and the brass ball was useless. He immediately roared, shook his hand away the chain, and leaned to meet Ye Xu.

One person and one beast encountered in mid-air. The mountain fire was more than ten feet tall, condescending and majestic. In contrast, Ye Xu looked pitifully small!


The mountain fire Xiao smiled strangely, and his two claws grabbed his forehead!

Ye Xu and Zhang ** drank, and the cyan sound wave rushed to the forehead of the mountain fire. The huge sound wave shocked the monster slightly, and the action was half a beat slow.

At the same time, Ye Xu's green butterflies flew all over, printed on the chest of the mountain fire, making a bang!

This mountain fire was harder than steel, and it was abruptly hit by his big Chiba hand. Unexpectedly, it was unharmed and screamed angrily. One paw grabbed his forehead. His nails were sharp, and he cut open the air and sneered.

Ye Xu hurriedly shrank his head, but saw that the five claws of the mountain fire moved gently and almost crossed his forehead. The airflow was like a knife, piercing the skin, leaving five blood marks!

If he hadn't hid quickly, his skull would have been divided into six pieces!

One person and one beast staggered in the air. Ye Xu fell to the ground, turned around like a whirlwind, strode to the mountain fire, and his footsteps fell, and the real gas exploded, making a muffled sound, blowing up the ground into holes half a foot deep!

Around the pit, weeds grow wildly, but it is his true qi that contains vitality and stimulates the metabolism of weeds!

His momentum climbed to the peak in an instant!

He saw the purple gas on his head, and his body was like a green bat. He was several feet away, and his palms were ever-changing. In an instant, he integrated the martial arts such as Cangming Zhenqi, Da Chiba Hand, King Kong Fu Mogong, Green Winged Bat King Jue, Qiang Quan, Golden Snake Winding Hand Go!


The boxing wind broke the body, setting off a strong wind, which is almost comparable to the power of the big copper ball of the mountain fire!

The purple fist print is as heavy as a mountain!

This is the wonderful use of integrating skills into one, and the power is doubled!

Ye Xu only felt that his meridians were almost bursting out by his strength in an instant. His face turned red, and the surface of his skin began to overflow with small blood beads!

This is because he has integrated several different martial arts, which is too strong and exceeds the load of the body!

The mountain fire roared, revealing his ferocious steel teeth, and the mane at his neck exploded, condescending, which was also a simple single punch!

The strong wind was shining, and the lawn on the ground was raised abruptly by the aftermath of the fight!

The figure of the mountain fire cod shook slightly, and the little blood-red eyes showed a look of horror. It never thought that in this head-on confrontation, its power was comparable to that of this seemingly weak human being!

This result immediately stimulated the wildness in its bloodline, roaring and rushing!

"How did my power become so great?" Ye Xu was also shocked and happy in his heart. Cang Ming's body refining secret is one of the four martial arts, which has the wonderful use of body refining, but it is absolutely not as horrible as he is now, and he can actually compete with the ninth-order monster!

He can only attribute the reason to the new Cang Ming refining formula.

In his body, the speed of Cang Ming Zhenqi was urged to the limit by him. The purple gas on the top of his head steamed like clouds, and the meridians were about to crack. He forcibly suppressed the severe pain and punched it out again!

The power of this punch is more powerful than the previous one. With a shout, it actually pumped out the surrounding air and formed a vacuum force field!

The mountain fire was finally pushed back a step, so angry that the ninth-order monster pounded its chest and roared. The figure moved as fast as lightning, and its claws were inserted into Ye Xu's forehead!

It is so fast that it can go in and out in the blink of an eye, leaving shadows beside Ye Xu one by one. From afar, it seems that six or seven mountain fires are attacking him together!

Ye Xu's feet were nailed to the same place, allowing the mountain fire to rush from anywhere. It was a simple single punch to repel it!

The meridians in Ye Xu's body were shaken by this fight and covered with small cracks, but the speed of Cang Ming Zhenqi is running faster and faster, and it seems that the meridians may be completely crushed at any time!

If the meridians are broken, he will definitely lose all his cultivation again!

The mountain fire gave him too much pressure, so that he had to integrate all kinds of martial arts, improve his strength, risk the risk of breaking the meridians, and fight in an extreme way!

The running speed of Cang Ming Zhenqi finally broke through to a bottleneck. Ye Xu only felt that Dantian was turbulent. Suddenly, there was a loud roar in his ear. The purple clouds formed by Cang Ming Zhenqi in his body split together, turning from 300 purple clouds to as many as 600!

Ye Xu couldn't help roaring, and the power in his hand suddenly doubled!

The mountain fire cod finally couldn't resist his power. He punched him and hit his back against a big tree!

The thick and thin tree of the bucket was broken by abruptly, and the canopy of the upper body flew out flat and fell two feet away!

There was a look of fear in the small eyes of the mountain fire, and there was no longer the original ferocity, and he rushed to the big brass ball.

This monster is quite smart. He knows that it is impossible to beat Ye Xu with bare hands. Only with the help of the power of weapons can this teenager be killed!

Unexpectedly, it just jumped in front of the big copper ball, and suddenly two bowl-sized horseshoes flew in front of it, kicked it in the chest twice, and flew backwards again!

The mountain fire fell to the ground, staring at it with round eyes, only to see that it was the dry and thin horse that kicked it away!

The skinny hairy horse stood in front of the big brass ball, sniffed, and looked at it arrogantly, with a rather disdainful look.

Unexpectedly, he was despised by a broken horse!

The mountain fire was so angry that he turned his eyes around the brass ball, the dry firewood Jiao and Ye Xu a few times. Finally, he was sure that he could not get back his original weapon. He roared a few times and jumped to a big tree. His two claws climbed the branches and fell together, rippled away like flying.

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the real qi in his body vibrated, and the pores on the skin surface burst. It was stimulated by the real qi, forming a purple-red blood mist!

He forcibly urged Cang Ming Zhenqi, promoted the speed of Cang Ming's refining formula to the limit, and broke through to the seventh realm. The pressure on the body was too great, which exceeded the load of the body, resulting in the burst of capillaries all over the body!

When fighting with the mountain fire Xiao, he forcibly suppressed the injury with real qi, but the mountain fire Xiao retreated, his mood relaxed, and the injury suddenly broke out!

The true qi was overloaded, and the blood vessels could not bear it at first, and the second was the meridians. He fought with the mountain fire, and there were also large and small cracks in the meridians.

If you continue to fight, it will not only exceed the tolerance range of the meridians, but even exceed the load of the heart, and the heart will burst to death!

If the mountain fire does not retreat, I'm afraid it's him who can't support it first!

" Fortunately, this mountain fire was retreated by the dry firewood, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable! This horse is actually equivalent to a ninth-order monster. It is indeed a good BMW horse with dragon blood flowing. No wonder this guy dares to collide head-on with the mountain fire...

The third update, ask for tickets, collect and recommend, um, and click!!