Be alone in the world

Chapter 266 Biochemical Dan (, please subscribe!)

The so-called crane life in the year of the turtle means that the turtle crane has a long life. The Turtle Demon King even cultivated Yuandan and had a lifespan of thousands of years. At this moment, when he saw Ye Xu's arrogantness in the Zhouguang array, he couldn't help it any longer. He immediately flew into the array and killed the two.

As soon as he stepped into the battle, he immediately appeared, but it was a brown-shelled eagle-billed turtle with a eagle's beak like a knife. It is extremely large, about 200 meters square, like a floating island flying in mid-air.

I saw the old turtle swaying on his limbs, flying as fast as in the water, rushing straight to Ye Xu, and the demonic spirit filled his body!

"Just now, they were at home, and we were away from home. Now the home and away are in different positions. This old turtle dares to kill him. It's simply seeking his own death!"

Song Gaode stared at the turtle demon king. He saw that the old turtle did not use witchcraft, nor did he sacrifice the witch treasure, but rushed straight. He suddenly woke up and shouted, "Brother Ye, this old turtle is going to enter your map to avoid aging. Then kill us!"

Ye Xu also noticed this and couldn't help admiring the twit of the Turtle Demon King. If he entered the star array map, his longevity would also stop passing.

An old monster in the Yuandan period, I'm afraid that the Star Fighting Chart can't suppress him!

"Are you coming alone? Looking for death!"

Ye Xu's mind moved slightly, and he saw that the Dazhou Tianxing array map was getting smaller and smaller. From the circumference of 50 miles, it turned into a range in the blink of an eye, and it was also rapidly shrinking.

After a while, this array was only more than ten meters. Ye Xu and Song Gaode stood in the array. They saw that the old turtle was still rushing faster, but his face showed anxiety. Obviously, he noticed that Ye Xu had narrowed the array and there was no place for him.

"Two bastards, kill you first, and then take the map!"

The tortoise demon king suddenly shook his body and turned into a human form, holding a shield. He held a knife in one hand and killed Ye Xu. The knife was like a rainbow, and his eyes were bright: "My eldest brother underestimated you, and he was seriously injured by you, but I was already on guard at this moment. Even if you have the means to go to heaven. Don't hurt me!"

He didn't say it yet." Ye Xu held up the sky umbrella and turned into a shield to block his knife light.

The turtle demon king was bold, and the knife light poured down like a waterfall. He slapped Ye Xu fiercely. However, no matter how exquisite his moves are, he was still blocked by Ye Xu with a shield without any damage.

"Bad boy, why don't you attack?" The Turtle Demon King was a little anxious and said angrily.

In this short short film, he consumes more than half of his longevity, which makes him look even more old!

"Why do you want to attack?"

Ye Xu's old god is there. Feng Qingyun took over his attack lightly and said with a smile, "Anyway, if you can't hold on for a long time, you will run out of Shouyuan and die in the array of Zhouguang.

The turtle demon king had a chill in his heart. I just felt that Shouyuan was passing quickly. My body was getting older and older. I quickly stopped attacking and turned around and left.

"Wance to go? It's not that easy!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly. The umbrella in his hand suddenly turned into a tall building and fell down with a bang, pressing on the head of the turtle demon king!

This tall building plus his own true element. Like dozens of mountains, they crushed the turtle demon king and didn't let him leave.

The tortoise demon king shouted loudly, suddenly turned into its original shape, turned into a brown-backed eagle-billed giant tortoise, carrying a tall building, struggling to move his limbs, and rushed to the edge of the array. However, there are high-rise buildings that have been transformed by umbrellas. His speed suddenly slowed down dozens of times, really crawling slowly like a turtle.

After a while, the old turtle's limbs became weaker and weaker, and finally slowly stopped and floated in the air. His body rotted rapidly, and even the knife was corroded by time and turned into ashes, leaving only a huge tortoise shell floating in the air.

The people standing on the edge of the array fell into silence and were speechless for a long time. The longest turtle demon king of Shouyuan also consumed Shouyuan in the Zhouguang array. Even if they enter, there is only one way to die!

"Good! This turtle shell is a strange treasure, which is not inferior to the witch treasure at the town level!"

Ye Xu launched the star array, put the turtle shell into the array, and then threw it to Song Gaode, saying, "This turtle shell should be able to help you deal with several thunderstorms."

Song Gaode was overjoyed. He hesitated for a moment and quickly refused. He said, "Brother, you should also practice the infinite heart sutra. I don't know how many times more times your thunderstorm is worse than mine. I can't take this treasure, or I'll leave it to you to resist the thunderstorm!"

Ye Xu smiled and said, "I have a red essence gold mother in my hand, which can be refined into a red tripod. I don't know how much better than this tortoise shell. I don't need it."

When Song Gaode heard the words, he put it away and sighed, "After we joined hands, I haven't made much effort. Only get benefits behind your back. It makes me a little ashamed."

"Brother Song, it will be time for you to contribute!"

Ye Xu laughed loudly. Looking at Huang Can and others, he saw the hundreds of masters standing on the shore, frowning, and no one dared to enter the universe.

"A bunch of scum!" Ye Xu laughed loudly.

Someone gritted his teeth with hatred and shouted, "Stinky boy, stay here and see if you can stay in the universe for the rest of your life!"

"As long as you can't help getting out of the map, it's your death!" Someone measured the channel.

"At that time, I will be good at concocting you, and it will be difficult for you to die!"

Ye Xu snorted coldly, and the array unfolded. He flew straight to the first circle of Xingsha in the Zhouguang array and said to himself, "Since you have come in, you might as well take away all the treasures in the treasure house of the Eternal Demon Realm!"

The closer he got to the first lap, the pressure faced by the Great Zhou Tianxing array map became more and more huge, forcing this array to shrink rapidly.

The Great Zhou Tianxingdou array and the Xinghe Zhouguang array. These two arrays have the same root and are compatible with each other. The closer they are to the Zhouguang array, the more severely suppressed by the universe light array. When Ye Xu came to the first circle of Xingsha River, the Dazhou Tianxingdou array map has been reduced from 50 miles

Ye Xu's heart was awe-inspiring, and he suddenly knew that the power of his star array was far less than that of this cosmic array. If the power of the two arrays was equal, he could completely restrain the cosmic array.

However, now the power of the Star Fighting Chart is not enough. He can only come to the category of the first circle. If he enters the second lap, maybe the Star Fighting Chart will be suppressed to protect them!


A medicine tripod flew past them, and Song Gaode hurriedly grabbed the big tripod and pulled it into the map. He smiled and said, "Brother, the medicine tripod here is a collection of this ancient school, and the elixir in it must be the same!"

Ye Xu couldn't help but move the two of them to lift the medicine tripod together. The strong fragrance of medicine immediately came from the tripod, and then the babbling song came. He saw five blue elixir demons the size of his thumb flying out of the tripod. His hands were short and his legs were short, but his head was dis The song is just speechless, which makes people unable to understand what they are singing.

Due to the long years of anger, these elixirs have been cultivated into demons in the medicine tripod.

These little elixir demons are like pocket versions of boys and girls. Their big eyes make people can't help but feel pity. They can't wait to hold them in the palm of their hands and take good care of them.

"What a cute Dan demon..."

Song Gaode picked up an elixir demon's eyes, which was rare for gentleness. He smiled and said, "Brother Ye, this elixir is called Shengshenghua elixir, which is a kind of elixir of heaven. The next one can greatly improve your cultivation..."


The elixir suddenly grew in the wind, and his head was as big as a mill. He opened his mouth wide, his mouth was full of sharp teeth, and his face clicked and bit half of Song Gaode's body in his mouth, leaving only two legs outside!

"Eat these two human wizards!"

Other elixirs burst one after another, and the head suddenly became bigger. The other elixir bit Song Gaode's remaining two legs. The two elixir demons tore hard but did not tear him apart. He shouted, "This human wizard's body is so strong and chewy, and it is much better than other brothers and sisters!"

"We are trapped in the medicine tripod. We have nothing to eat over the years. We only eat our brothers and sisters, and the birds have faded out of our mouths for a long time!"

The remaining three elixir demons also opened their mouths and bit Ye Xu. The momentum was so fierce that they could be comparable to the wizard at the peak of the mixed Yuan period!

"Looking for death!"

Ye Xu is cold. With one more sound, three big hands poked out of the bright moon above his head, one by one, grabbed all three elixir demons, shook off the demon spirit, and directly shocked to death.

The size of these three elixir demons shrank sharply, turning into three light blue elixirs spinning in his palm, and the fragrance was pervasive.

At the same time, Song Gaode also scattered the true spirits of the two elixirs. He came out, hurriedly touched his body, and found that he was unharmed. Then he was relieved and had a lingering fear: "Grandma, these little things are so cruel that they almost ate me!"

Ye Xu couldn't help admiring his strong body and said with a smile, "The elixir here has been cultivated into a demon, and it is difficult to guarantee the existence of a great demon with extremely high cultivation. When we open the medicine tripod, we should be careful. Brother Song, what is the function of the life-making elixir?

"The elixir is extremely rare. It is refined from thousands of elixirs, and the success rate is extremely low. After taking it, it can greatly improve the wizard's cultivation! This kind of elixir is sold in the overseas fairy pavilion, but the price is frighteningly expensive!"

Song Gaode pinched a raw chemical elixir and said with a smile, "It's like this elixir, which can directly improve my cultivation, saving me a year or two of hard work!"

Ye Xu couldn't help but be moved. He has everything now, but his cultivation has never been able to go up, but with these elixirs. He can greatly improve his cultivation in a short time!

"Brother Ye, don't take it for the time being. If your cultivation continues to improve, practice the infinite heart sutra. I'm afraid your first disaster will be the great disaster of the mixed Yuan period, and it will be a hundred times more difficult to cross every disaster in the future!" Song Gaode's face was solemn.

Ye Xu's heart was stunned. He nodded and said with a smile, "Brother Song. Why don't you take the next one first? Let me see how powerful the thunderstorm affected by the infinite heart sutra of the ten thousand robs. I have some confidence in my heart.


Song Gaode took the next elixir orally. Suddenly, the Zhenyuan River gushed out above his head, and the Zhenyuan was chaotic. It turned into a big river composed of thunder, surging!

Ye Xu noticed that his Zhenyuan was getting thicker and thicker, and his cultivation surged up at a straight speed. What surprised Ye Xu more was that the beard on Song Gaode's face was quickly retracted back to his chin, and his skin became more and more shiny. Between a few breaths, Song Gaode, who was already fifty or Then it returned to its original appearance!

"The elixir can actually prolong the longevity!" Ye Xu was shocked.


Song Gaode's cultivation has climbed to the extreme. I saw a huge wave in his Zhenyuan River. Suddenly, it seemed to break through a certain level, and the Zhenyuan River suddenly doubled its length and width!

When he broke through, the thunder clouds were slowly condensing in the sky, emitting a terrible pressure!