Be alone in the world

Chapter 300 ravaging Wei Xuan (second consecutive update!)

Chapter 3 ** Wei Xuan (second consecutive update!)

His hair is as heavy as a mountain. Although it is only a hair, Song Gaode has no doubt that if he is cut by this strand of hair, the Wanjie Infinite Heart Sutra and Jiu Zhuanyuan Gong can't resist it, and he will definitely be split into two pieces!


A finger suddenly appeared and blocked the hair. The hair suddenly exploded with a bang. Ye Xu stood in front of Song Gaode and said with a smile, "Brother Wei, it's very coincidental. Someone once said that my body is strong, which is completely comparable to the body of a master of the US dollar! Why don't we compete?"

Wei Xuan's eyes were murderous and he shook his head and said, "Brother Ye, you are not my opponent..."


Ye Xu took a step forward and his fist fell on the tip of his nose. Wei Xuan suddenly flew backwards and landed a hundred meters away. Ye Xu punched his nose like a dough cake on his face, and his skull was almost smashed by this punch!

"Brother Wei, without the primordial spirit, how can you be arrogant?" Ye Xu withdrew his fist and smiled.

"Looking for death!"

Wei Xuan was furious, the jade tower above his head suddenly flew out, and the spiritual mansion fell.

He grabbed the spiritual mansion with both hands and patted Ye Xu with this mansion as a weapon. It was the first time that he was so humiliated and angry that he used his strongest witch treasure as soon as he took action. Although this witch treasure was not supported by the Yuanshen, it was still a treasure refined by the master of the Three Gods. It could crush the master of the Yuandan period by weight alone!

The Lingfu is 50 meters in size, which is extremely heavy. He grabbed the edge of the Lingfu with both hands and covered it fiercely, as if to slap Ye Xu to death like a fly!

"What a coincidence, I also have a heavy treasure refined by the strong man of the three gods!"

Ye Xu laughed, took out the golden bridge, hugged the golden bridge with both hands and greeted it fiercely. He only heard a loud bang, which shocked Song Gaode and Feng Yan's soft blood, and his face turned pale.

The two quickly retreated far away, so as not to be too close and attacked by sound waves.

Ye Xu snorted, and there was a loud bang in the acupuncture points around his body. One side of the star flag was shaken out of his body and flew around his body.

Wei Xuan also snorted, and his face was extremely ugly, but he was shocked by the other party's huge force, and his body was slightly injured.

The two of them, one is a strong man who refines the yuan god. He uses the yuan god to quench his body day and night to reborn. The other is to practice the nine-turn yuangong since childhood, and also practice the infinite heart sutra and the ten paths of the heavens. The body is like a barbarian dragon,

However, Zhou Tianxingfan in Ye Xu's body was shaken out by the other party's strength. From this point of view, his physical strength is still slightly inferior to Wei Xuan's.


Ye Xu laughed, and the star flag snapped into his body again. He strode forward, raised the golden bridge and smashed it down, and said fiercely, "Brother Wei, it's been a while since you chased me. Now it's my revenge, right?"


Jinqiao collided with Lingfu again. Wei Xuan took a step back and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

The corners of Ye Xu's mouth were also overflowing with blood. Zhou Tianxingfan came out again and flew around him, but he was like a crazy tiger. He ignored his injury. He strode forward, waved the golden bridge and swept to Wei Xuan, and didn't care about his injury!

"What about the strong man of the Three Gods? Without the Yuanshen, you can only be beaten by me!"

Ye Xu shouted, and the star flag blended into his body, like a god. Under the pressure of the golden bridge, Wei Xuan had to fight with him!

Both of them are extremely powerful in body, and they can even make the ancient beasts who have cultivated Yuandan ashamed. Their strength is enough to tear up the mountains and kill dragons.

Sang! Oh!! Oh!!

Two heavy treasures are constantly hammered, and Wei Xuan's spiritual mansion has become tattered at this moment, and the golden bridge in Ye Xu's hand is also pothole and dilapidated. These two heavy treasures are treasures that can only be refined by the strong in the Three Gods Realm. Now they have been beaten with brute force

"Brother Ye, you really surprised me that you have refined my body to such an extent! Your Golden Bridge is actually of better quality than my spiritual mansion. It seems that you have an adventure!"

Wei Xuan laughed, erased the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said proudly, "But you are not my opponent yet!"

"The real body of the devil!"

His body was swollen and his muscles were ferocious. He sneered his clothes. His whole body was as black as iron, and his body was like steel, full of surging power. He raised the spiritual mansion and patted Ye Xu. The power was even stronger than before!

"Today, I will use pure power to smash you into meat sauce and make you convinced!" He is like a demon, and his whole body is full of violence and murder.

"Nine tripods into the trick, the secret of ten thousand magic demons!"

Nine big tripods appeared on Ye Xu's head and integrated into himself. He urged himself with the power of Jiuding and Jiudao Zhenyuan Changhe. Suddenly, countless ancient beasts' claws came out of his body. He grabbed the golden bridge one after another, smashed Wei Xuan fiercely, and sneered, "Brother Wei, !"


Wei Xuan's legs fell to the ground by his blow. The real body of the heavenly demon was shattered, and the body and spiritual mansion were shaken to pieces by the huge force, and he couldn't help spitting blood.

Ye Xu grabbed the golden bridge and smashed him down again, hammering him into the rock like a nail, banging. He smashed it several times, and the spiritual mansion was smashed by him and scattered in a mess!

"Brother Wei, in this valley, I can abuse you as much as I want! Die for me!"

Ye Xu waved the golden bridge and hit Wei Xuan again. The power of his blow was even stronger than just now. Countless ancient beasts came out of his body, and even nine fire dragons rushed out of the hole, grabbed the golden bridge and increased his strength!

"Ye Shaobao, you angered me!"

Wei Xuan roared, and suddenly a snow-white light shot out of his jade tower and swept across the golden bridge with a sneer. The golden bridge fought hard with the spiritual mansion, and it was not even broken, but as soon as the spiritual light swept, it turned into two halves and fell to the ground with a sound.

"Do you still remember the spirit of the golden essence?"

Wei Xuan jumped up, took two breaths of breath, spit out the blood phlegm in his mouth, and reached out to grab the qi of the golden essence. After this qi of the golden essence was sacrificed by him, he could no longer hurt his body. He sneered and said, "This qi of the golden essence is from Now you will die in the hands of your own treasure!"

"The spirit of the golden essence, not to mention the body, even the yuan god can kill it. Today, I will use your treasure to chop you up!"

He strode to Ye Xu, and saw that the golden spirit was ever-changing in his hand, sneer and cut, as if he could smash the void.

"I will chop you up little by little, so that you can't survive and die!" He laughed.

Ye Xu looked at him walking to himself step by step, and said lightly, "Brother Wei, your yuanshen is trapped outside, and you can't even sacrifice the spirit of the golden spirit. Why do you want to die? Your golden spirit, the attack range is too short. And my yin and yang are long and thick, which can attack dozens of miles and kill people dozens of miles away!"

In his eyes, two auras, one black and one white, slowly came out again, like two spiritual snakes.

Ye Xu smiled and said, "Although the yin and yang are not as sharp as the qi of the golden essence, it is enough to kill the body of a master of the Yuanshen period!"

Wei Xuan's face changed dramatically, and he turned around and fled. He rushed out of this small valley. He could no longer care to kill Ye Xu or collect the ten thousand years of empty green. Now he has only one wish, that is, to escape. He can escape as far as he can, and escape as fast as he can!


He rushed into the array of the forbidden god of the underworld and rushed forward. Suddenly, two auras, one black and one white, flashed past his neck, and Wei Xuan's head and neck suddenly separated.

Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to take back the yin and yang, but he saw Wei Xuan's headless body running out with his head in his arms. The scene was strange.

"You won't die like this? The strong man of the Three Gods is too powerful!"

Yin and Yang swept over again, but saw Wei Xuan's headless body suddenly raised his hand and threw his head out of the array. Outside the Cangming Forbidden God array, the six-eyed golden toad jumped up, swallowed his head with his mouth open, and then jumped and roared away.

"Brother Ye, you break my body and destroy my body. I must avenge this!" His voice came from the mouth of the six-eyed golden toad.

Ye Xu laughed and said, "Brother Wei, go slowly. If I meet you again, I will see you once and cut you once like your son! Wei Kongshan, I cut my limbs, and you, I only cut my head. I hope you can spare more bodies!"


The six-eyed golden toad roared, crashed into a mountain and disappeared.

"Wei Xuan, this guy, is small-minded, may be pissed off by me..." Ye Xu laughed. The yin and yang slowly qi slowly submerged into his eyes, and there were two lines of black blood in the corners of his eyes. Although his body has been much stronger during this period, the use of these two aura still put a

"Brother, are you all right?" Feng Yanrou hurried forward, hugged him, and said anxiously.

Ye Xu rubbed his eyes, and his vision gradually became clear. He shook his head and said, "I'm fine. Miss Feng, please take Wei Xuan's body and the golden spirit. This time, the old man lost a lot of money. He not only returned the golden spirit to me intact, but also gave me his spiritual house. He must be very painful at this moment, right? Ha ha, I forgot that he has no heart at this moment..."

Feng Yanrou was about to enter the array of the forbidden gods. Song Gaode quickly smiled and said, "Miss Feng, please take the headless body of the old boy Wei Xuan. I plan to use his body to refine it into a witch treasure. Tut, although I can't refine Brother Ye into a witchcraft, Wei Xuan's body is not weaker than Brother Ye's. If it is refined into a treasure, it will be enough for me to use the Three Divine Realms..."

"A move is a headless corpse, how cool it is..." He whispered.

Feng Yanrou shook her head and walked into the array of Cangming Forbidden God. She said to her heart, "What is this strange hobby, Brother Song? He actually likes to use headless corpses as witchcrafts..."

She took Wei Xuan's headless body and the golden spirit. Song Gaode hurriedly held the headless body in his arms. Even claiming to thank you, Ye Xu also received the golden spirit. The three of them were happy, and the three looked at the ten-year-old empty green. RO