Be alone in the world

Chapter 434 Void Dragon Python (, please subscribe!)

Ye Xu saw that many wizards who were waiting for evil spirit here had white hair, and even their beards were nose-colored. Obviously, they waited here for too long. In order to harvest a complete evil spirit, they had been waiting for a long time.

These people do not dare to go deep into the Tianfeng Canyon. As the same Sanyang Realm, the strength of the wizard may be hundreds of times and thousands of times different. These people sitting cross-legged in the valley are all Sanyang Realm wizards who are not strong enough to go deep into the valley. They can only wait for the wind evil to

Ye Xu had baptized the physical Yuandan and the Yuanshen with seven evil spirit as early as the time of the Three Dans. But at that time, it was only baptized once, so that his physical Yuanshen and Zhenyuan had a pure yang smell, and did not absorb the seven evil spirit.

However, the wizards in the Sanyang Realm need to absorb the evil spirit and drive out all the impurities in the body of the fetus. Only in this way can they become a great witch.

"The wind is blowing out!" Suddenly, someone shouted loudly, and his voice was full of joy.

Ye Xu followed the sound and saw a cyan wind evil less than three miles long from the black pressure, blowing from the depths of the valley. Obviously, this wind evil is a used waste. Someone has used this evil spirit to quench the yuan fetus, and the rest are some impure evil spirits.

However, the wizards in the valley were so excited that they took action one after another to catch the broken wind, and some people even fought for it and attacked their competitors.

Seeing this, Ye Xu couldn't help shaking his head secretly and proposed, "Brother Bai, I don't know when there will be a wind evil here. We'd better go deep into Tianfeng Canyon and search for it."

The two of them flew deep into the canyon. At the end, they saw a huge black hole inside, and the wind blew out of the mouth of the cave. The wind swept everything. The wind was like tens of thousands of cows roaring up to the sky, which was deafening.

This huge cave is dozens of miles long." Like the big mouth of a monster, I saw ice crystals on the four walls of the cave, which was extremely cold.

The two flew inside along the mouth of the cave. "It's getting deeper and deeper into the ground, and the sound of the wind is getting louder and louder." The power of the wind is getting stronger and stronger. The wind here is enough to blow the pure smash the pure yang witch treasure. The wizard of the ordinary Sanyang realm is definitely

Ye Xu and Bai Nanxuan went dozens of miles into the cave, and they only felt that the pressure was getting stronger and stronger. "where they passed by, there were also many wizards in Sanyangjing sitting cross-legged" and guarding there to collect the wind that was blown out of the cave.

When these people can come here, they are obviously quite powerful, far better than ordinary Sanyang wizards.

The deeper they went, the fewer and fewer wizards Ye Xu met. When they went deep into the cave a hundred miles, the wind was so fierce that they made it difficult for them to fly. They didn't see any wizards along the way. Obviously, the wind here was so strong that few wizards with three suns could come here.

Suddenly, they only felt that the pressure was light and hurriedly looked around. When the cave arrived here, it "became extremely open, thousands of miles" like a small world.

The wind here is not loud, but there is an extremely strong blue evil spirit rushing in the sky above their heads. It dyed the sky under the ground green, and there was a continuous wind mixed with evil spirit, roaring out of the cave.

This is a cloud formed by a vast thousand-mile wind evil spirit. This evil spirit cloud is the reason for the formation of strong winds in the North Sea ice sheet all year round.

Suddenly, a wind of fifty or sixty miles long rushed out of the depths of the evil cloud, like a blue angry dragon, rushing into the cave.

This wind evil spirit is extremely pure, and it should be the natural evil spirit born in the Tianfeng Canyon.

Ye Xu grabbed his hand, and a bright moon rose in his hand. He covered the wind and put it in the palm of his hand. He smiled and said, "Brother Bai" Why don't we explore this evil cloud and see what's in it? What do you think?"

Bai Nanxuan nodded, and the two of them were bold. They rushed to the sky and rushed into the clouds of evil spirit. Ye Xu only felt that the pressure around him had increased sharply. Almost when Panhuang's tomb was prosperous, Panhuang's breath put pressure on him!

"Is this place formed naturally? Nature is really a magic work. I haven't been here before. How can I know that there is such a magical place in the world? He couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He sacrificed the minaret of the minaret of heaven and earth. As soon as the pagoda appeared, he "immediately reduced his pressure" and pushed the evil spirit around him far away.

Bai Nanxuan also sacrificed his own picture axis. The scroll unfolded, and strange-shaped demon texts emerged one by one, which forced the evil spirit of the wind to retreat.

The two of them walked leisurely in the cloud of evil spirit, and from time to time, there were wind evils swimming by them. These evils were also suppressed by the breath of evil spirit cloud, shrunk to tens of feet in size, like small green dragons.

Ye Xu and Bai Nanxuan took their own action and kept collecting evil spirit. Before long, Bai Nanxuan collected more than a dozen evil spirit, but he saw that Ye Xu still grabbed each evil spirit in his hand. He couldn't help but be curious: "Brother Ye has collected more than 20 evil spirit. Isn't it enough to make him thorough? Wash away the impurities in the Yuanshen Yuan fetus at the bottom?

Not long after, Ye Xu finally collected thirty-six wind evils and was about to leave. Suddenly, there was a loud thunderous sound from the evil cloud, and the whole cave shook.


A huge head poked out of the void, opened his big mouth, clicked, and bit off half of this vast cloud of evil spirit!

"What is this?" Bai Nanxuan was stunned and at a loss.

This suddenly appeared creature was like a dragon, with huge bones bulging on its head, and its size was extremely large. He poked his head out of the void. A big mouth of blood basin was a hundred miles round. Bai Nanxuan couldn't help but be stunned, and even Ye Xu's heart was cold.

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a huge creature. This dragon-like monster bit off half of the evil spirit cloud, and then opened his mouth again and sucked hard. Countless evil spirit surged into its mouth one after another!

"This dragon python brother, you can't be so unkind." If you swallow all the evil clouds, what about others?" Bai Nanxuan looked up at this giant creature and shouted loudly.


Ye Xu couldn't help saying that he sacrificed the mast sail and pulled him away. This python is so huge that Bai Nanxuan dares to reason with it. He is really ignorant and fearless!

His speed was so fast that he escaped hundreds of miles with Bai Nanxuan in the blink of an eye, rushed out of the evil cloud, and ran out along the channel.

In the rear, the huge dragon python sucked all the evil clouds in one breath, and then slowly swam away and swam along the passage.

"Brother Ye, I know what's going on!" Bai Nanxuan's face changed dramatically and he said in a low voice, "This dragon python" must be an ancient creature. If I expected, the sun has set outside, from extreme day to night!"

"The polar night?"

Ye Xu was slightly stunned, and then remembered that Bai Nanxuan once said that if the polar night came, there would be unknown existence wandering in the North Sea ice field.

The huge dragon python behind them is obviously one of the unknown beings!

The strength of this dragon python is absolutely comparable to that of the big witch of the Three Gods. If the polar night of the North Sea ice sheet is all such horrible monsters wandering around, Ye Xu can hardly imagine how these people can survive in such a dangerous place!

The dragon python behind him swam over. Although it swam slowly, its size was extremely large, and its speed was amazingly fast, forcing it to them.

Ye Xu didn't have time to think about it carefully, and tried his best to urge the mast sail to soar along the passage, but in a moment, he rushed out of the Tianfeng Canyon with Bai Nanxuan, and in the blink of an eye, it was a hundred miles away!

At this moment, it is dark outside, and the colorful aurora hangs from the sky, resisting back and going, and there are barely a few rays of light.

At this moment, the North Sea ice field was indeed at the polar night, and there was a roar one after another in the distance, which was frighteningly loud.

And those Sanyang wizards who used to guard in the Tianfeng Canyon are obviously not the first time they have encountered the phenomenon of polar night. At this moment, these people have already slipped away, and there is no one in the canyon.

The huge dragon python suddenly poked its head out of the Tianfeng Canyon, more than a hundred miles long, and opened its mouth to bite the two of them fiercely.

Ye Xu drove the mast sail and flew through its teeth." Hearing a click from behind, Ye Xu turned around and looked through the dim light of the aurora. He saw the dragon python biting in the void. The void suddenly lost a piece a hundred miles in size, and a huge black hole appeared. After a short moment, the black hole recovered

The bite power of this dragon python is amazing, and it seems that even the void can be swallowed!

"What do you want? Why don't you sit down and talk slowly, "Why do you have to fight and kill?" Bai Nanxuan stood at the end of the mast sail and followed the good advice of the chasing dragon python.


This dragon python spewed out two air streams and almost blew him away. "It's body is too long. At this moment, it hasn't left the Tianfeng Canyon. Its body is still swimming endlessly, chasing Ye Xu and the two.

Ye Xu flew out more than a thousand miles in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, he only heard the sadness of the dragon python behind him, which seemed to be extremely painful, and then the sound of the chain came.

Ye Xu hurriedly looked back and saw that the dragon python completely swam out of the Tianfeng Canyon, but its tail bone was tied with a chain, poking out a hundred miles long from the canyon cave.

The chain pierced its body, locked this dragon python with the strength of the three immortal wizards, and pressed it here. "I can't completely leave the Tianfeng Canyon!

"What's going on? Who can press this kind of strange beast [town] here?" Ye Xu was stunned and asked Bai Nanxuan, "Brother Bai, did your master say this kind of situation?"

"Let me have a look."

Bai Nanxuan hurriedly sacrificed the painting axis, browsed it carefully, shook his head and said blankly, "No."

"I'll ask someone."

Ye Xu immediately took out the black coffin of the coffin and knocked on the coffin. "Garo Mingzun pushed away the coffin and poked out his head." When he saw this huge dragon python, his eyes suddenly straightened, and his saliva flowed: "What a big empty dragon python" really wants to eat it...",