Be alone in the world

Chapter 900 Jade Tower Wreck (Chapter 4 Outbreak, please subscribe to the monthly ticket~)

When the old man heard the words, he smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Guys, my true face has long been seen by the owner of the house Ye. Although I can hide it from the gods, even the emperor can't see my true face, but I can't hide it from him.

The king of the god of creation and the princess couldn't help but look at Ye Xu repeatedly. The king of the god of creation smiled and said, "Lord Ye, I'm more and more sure that you are the reincarnation of that man."

The old man's body moved slightly, and there was a crackling sound from his body. He retracted back to his body in the blink of an eye and changed his face. He was burly and tall, with a national face. His charm was deep and moderate, just like a teenager, but he gave birth to a silver hair with snow roots. It Wang!

Now Ye Xu is the lord of the Yuxu Mansion. Dr. Guangzheng is not on the wanted list in heaven. Naturally, he is no longer the first demon on the list.

After the Tanzu God King killed the Tianji God King, Dang Ren was not allowed to become the first person on the list. The heavenly kings hated him to the bone. Unexpectedly, at this juncture, when the gods and emperors gathered here, he dared to go deep into the tiger's den.

Ye Xu already knew the true face of the Anzu God King, and he was not surprised at all.

The king of creation suddenly sacrificed the divine mountain in his hand and sealed the whole Qingyang Palace to prevent outsiders from spying. He said in a low voice, "Lord Ye, I have heard that in the ancient times, when the ancient immortals and ancient Buddhas were reincarnated, there was a mystery in the womb. Even after the birth,

"God King, princess, the reincarnation of the ancient immortals must go through six reincarnations. Now the six paths do not exist, and no one can live to the second life. This is a well-known thing, and no one can be an exception.

Ye Xu's face remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "I have also heard of the mystery of the fetus. After the reincarnation of the ancient immortals, they will not remember all kinds of previous lives, but after becoming immortals, the mystery in the fetus will be solved. How do you think I am better than the ancient immortals?

Tanzu God King said in a low voice, "The current strength of Lord Ye is earth-shaking. Although he is inferior to you and me, his strength surpasses all witches. Even if the emperor comes back to life, he is inferior to him in the same realm."

The king of creation looked solemn and said, "I heard that ancient immortals also have many grades, and the strength of immortals is only equivalent to that of the witch emperor in today's world. If Lord Ye has the strength to approach the god king, in the ancient immortals, it is equivalent to the peak of the golden fairy, close to the realm of the real king.

Ye Xu nodded and smiled, "Now that I am close to the cultivation strength of the ancient immortal king, why haven't I solved the mystery of the fetus and restored the memory of my previous life? It can be seen that I am me, not the reincarnation of others. "

The Tanzu God King and the Creation God King couple looked at each other and laughed in unison, "We have already speculated this situation, and we have our own speculation. I guess the six reincarnations are damaged, and many functions are not as good as before, so you can't restore your past memories.

Princess Zoro's eyes flashed and giggled, "However, we are fully sure that you can restore the memory of your previous life."

"The master Ye probably doesn't know the origin of my wife yet."

The King of Creation smiled and said, "You only accepted three disciples in your previous life, and you are also a teacher and friend with these three disciples. The youngest disciple is the Tanzu God King, and the other two disciples, one of whom is the real master of Chunyang Palace, the Emperor Hauri, died in the battle. The other person is the Emperor of South China, guarding the world tree. The world thought that the Nanhua Emperor was alone, but they didn't know that the Nanhua Emperor had a daughter.

"When the Nanhua Emperor died in battle, his only daughter was not noticed by the Emperor Cangtian and the queen. At that time, the daughter of the emperor had married the God of Creation. I was able to live until now thanks to the thoroughness of the God of Creation and the princess."

Tanzu God King said, "Lord Ye, about your life, only the princess can untie it in the world. Princess, please!"

Ye Xu heard that the three of them were so cautious, and he couldn't help but be nervous. The Tanzu God King, the Creation God King and the Creation Princess are all the god kings in the world today. They have high power and infinite power. It can be said that only under the emperor, they will not be aimlessly, let alone deceive themselves about

If they guess, don't they say that they are really the reincarnation of that existence?

He rashly changed from "self" to another person, lived in the world and memory of others, and became part of another person's memory. Ye Xu was very disgusted with this strange feeling.

"The world thinks that my father died under the tree of the world, but they don't know that my father practiced the two emperor-level mental methods taught by the existence. One is the natural Taoist scripture created by Xuanyuan Emperor, and the other is the Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra. Hongmeng Qinglian has three flowers on the top,

The princess of nature rose slowly, with thousands of postures. She came to Ye Xu, and the charm on her face disappeared, but there was a kind of holiness: "In that war, after my father was killed by the emperor, he was rescued by his inner son in a piece of the world tree through the natural road. My father took the world tree as his body, urged the resurreation of the Hongmeng Qinglian Sutra, refined a jade building to accommodate the world tree, and urged the forbidden art with his own longevity, searched the sky and the earth, and gathered the remnant soul of that existed.

She is talking about a thrilling past. This past full of cruel struggles is very widely involved, involving almost all the god kings and emperors in the world today, including the queen, the deceased emperor of heaven, and a god king who has died in battle.

These incomparable characters played disgraceful roles in the earth-shaking war.

Although this past was abruptly erased from the world by the emperor of heaven with his magnificent magic power, even the memory of the wizard was erased, making the name of the existence a taboo, and no one can remember what his name is.

However, after all, someone escaped the Great Purge, and the three god kings present were the characters who escaped from the Great Purge.

The king of the god of creation said in a low voice, "The Emperor of South China used the forbidden art to burn Shouyuan to collect the existing remnant soul. Unfortunately, if he failed to collect all his remnants, he has run out of oil. He left my creation gate and got up and went to nine days away. The first king of the Heavenly King of the Miura sat in the place of transformation, looking for the fragments of the six reincarnations, intending to stimulate the fragments of the six reincarnations, so that the remaining soul of the existence can be reincarnated, change his life against the

Princess Chaohua sighed and said lonelyly, "When he went, he never came back. It is estimated that he has been buried in the sitting place of the Yuanshi Heavenly King, and even his third life has been consumed there."

Ye Xujing listened quietly to this unknown history of being buried. The Emperor Nanhua escaped from killing and came back to life. In order to resurrect his master, he exhausted his last two lives. He couldn't help but have admiration and sympathy in his heart. He shook his head and said, "The Emperor of Nanhua is indeed a respectable I'm sure I'm the reincarnation of the existence, or some Meng Lang, right?

The King of Tanzu said, "Before leaving, Brother Nanhua left the fragments of the master's treasure of proof. He once said that if he succeeded, the master would return to his life. If he didn't remember himself, he could give him the fragments of the treasure of proof. Under the breath, he would naturally Remember the past and recover yourself. Princess, please take out that treasure."

Princess Zhaohua took a deep look at Ye Xu and suddenly shouted, only to see a dilapidated jade tower rising and floating in front of Ye Xu.

Although this jade building is so dilapidated that only the base and the first floor are left, it can still be seen that the once grand scale must be the treasure that contains heaven and earth!

Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who can break through the achievements of the emperor and refine the treasure of the Tao. There are not even a few people in the emperor of heaven, and the existence has proved the Tao before becoming the emperor of heaven, which shows that his talent is amazing.

However, even the treasures of the Taoism have been shattered. The tragic extent of the battle in that year can be seen. In that battle, not only the emperors of the gods and the emperors of heaven participated in the war, and maybe more than one treasure of the Taoism was used!

Ye Xu looked at the broken jade tower in a daze, and his heart was shocked. How similar this jade tower is to his jade tower? It's exactly the same, like a mold carved!

However, this jade tower is the wreckage of the treasure of proof of Taoism. There is no divine pattern of the god king or the charm of the emperor. The road that covers this jade tower has been refined into an invisible existence. It is self-contained, compatible with heaven and earth, invisible and traceless.

Although it is a fragment, the power of this broken jade tower is incredible. It gives Ye Xu the feeling that it is many times more powerful than the divine soldier, and even surpasses the divine soldier, reaching the level of the imperial soldier, surpassing the power of his jade tower!

"This jade building is the treasure of the testimony that my teacher once refined. Relying on this treasure of the testimony, he proves the world, transcends the emperor, and achieves a new realm. Even the emperor needs to look up! Throughout the ages, few of them have achieved his achievements, and they are all emperors of heaven!"

Tanzu God King's eyes were bright, staring at Ye Xu's face, and refused to miss any expression. He said in a low voice, "Master Ye should not be strange to this jade building, right?"

Ye Xu was stunned. Although the treasure road of the road is invisible and integrated into heaven and earth, he can still feel the familiar road of heaven and earth from the wreckage of this jade building. This is the road of the thirty-three days, which is more, larger and more complex than the thirty-day road he has understood so far. It is also mixed with Tao and so on.

How similar all this is to the way of mind handed down in his jade tower.

"Lord Ye, this jade building is refined in your previous life, containing the painstaking efforts of your life, the road of your life's understanding, and in the wreckage, there is the breath of your previous life and everything about you."

The king of creation quietly looked at Ye Xu and said word by word, "There is still a layer of space in this jade building. After you go in, you can understand all kinds of previous life and all the memories will be awakened."

The king of the emperor couldn't help taking a long breath, but he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. His eyes turned red, and he wanted to laugh and cry: "Master Ye, after you come out of the building, your memory is revived. When the disciple calls you a benefactor again, the disappearing existence will definitely reign in the

The princess couldn't help showing excitement and whispered, "Dad, did you see it? This is the myth you created, the myth you created with your own hands..."

"I'm me, not anyone."

Ye Xu's face was hesitant, and he suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief. He made up his mind and walked to the space of this jade building. He smiled and said, "I will completely give up the last hope in your hearts!"

His body flashed and disappeared into this dilapidated jade building.

————Today, the four chapters have broken out. Open a small chapter to predict the explosion in the next few days. Please look forward to it~