Be alone in the world

Chapter 1022 Impact on the Realm of Evidence (Middle of the Month!)

"How long can I not be trapped by the Demon Emperor in my reincarnation Tianmen? I have to fight quickly!"

Outside the reincarnation of Tianmen, Ye Xu cut off his palm and cut off the endless vast Tianhe River, and then pumped hard. He saw a loud noise from the Tianhe River, and the heaven and earth avenues were forcibly pulled out of the Daluo sky!

Daluo Tian is the birthplace of Tianhe. It is connected to the Tiandi Avenue of Daluotian, which can be said to be the foundation of Daluotian. Collecting Tianhe will affect Daluotian's Avenue.

If you want to collect Daluotian, you must first collect Tianhe and break the foundation of Daluotian.

The road of Daluotian is extraordinary. This kind of road is the way of proof, which is the most unfathomable. It is far easier and more dangerous than in other places.

The dense road is pressed on the Tianhe River, and the weight is almost like the heaven, extremely heavy!

If you want to receive this Tianhe, you must have boundless mana or power to resist the pressure of these ways of proof. Only the powerful existence of the ancestral god can tame the Tianhe and turn it into a treasure to nourish your body!

"Give it up!"

Ye Xu's body suddenly exerted his strength. He pulled out the Tianhe River together with Daluo Tiandao, and then turned over and slapped it heavily. The rolling Tianhe was slapped away by him and stamped on the reincarnation gate.

In the door of the Tao, the demon emperor led the heavenly tomb demon gods to attack the reincarnation Tianmen and the Dragon Hanxiao Gate. The power of the Dragon Han disaster burst out by the Dragon Hanxiao Gate was soon completely suppressed by him. After all, Ye Xu did not sit in the town in person and urged the Dragon Hanxiao Gate. Instead, he urged two treasures from afar with his own mana.

"As long as you suppress Longhanxiaomen, you can't trap me for a long time with reincarnation of Tianmen alone!"

The spirit of the Demon Emperor was shaken up, but at this time, he suddenly saw a sudden addition of Tianhe on the reincarnation gate. The Tianhe River hangs in the sky of the reincarnation gate, rushing down. It flows into the clear sky of Yuqing Realm, and then flows into the Yuyutian of Shangqing Realm along the Qingtian, and then the Taiqing Realm Da Chitian, Pingyu Jia Yitian, Long to Fandu Tian and other heavens!

This big river is surging. Where it has passed. Clusters rise from the river and turn into countless stars to decorate the heavens in these gates.


The Tianhe River hangs upside down, flows into three thousand worlds, rolls away, and finally falls into hell, turns into the Yellow Spring River, crosses the eighteen layers of hell all the way, and finally turns into a vast under the six reincarnations of the Underworld, and countless stars rise and fall in the underworld Sea!

The Tianhe River connects the three worlds. Da Luotian, who reached the reincarnation gate, formed the underworld again. Suddenly, the power of the reincarnation gate soared, and the breath was strong. Even the existence of the demon emperor was shocked!

The dragon Hanxiaomen flew up, and the dragon that fell into the heavenly gate turned into the Sanskrit in the sky. Another thirty-three-day treasure emerged, the sun porch of the Mingzong floating in the sky, the three-character classic of Ruan Letian's Daluo Shiyang, and the beautiful Ziwei Cloud Palace. Xiu Le banned the Ziwei long building in the sky and so on!

In the Yuxu Palace, Ye Xu Palace left the treasure for nine or thirty-three days, which was handed over to Emperor Taixu and others to guard the Yuxu Palace, but he got sixteen treasures and carried seven treasures with him.

At this moment, the seven treasures emerged one by one, blessing the reincarnation Tianmen, as solid as gold soup. In addition, Tianhe was collected by Ye Xu, so that the power of the reincarnation Tianmen rose greatly. He couldn't help but let the Demon Emperor be in the fire, and he attacked the reincarnation Tianmen more desperately

"Yu Xu, if you dare to take away Da Luotian, I will be with you and you will be at no time!"

The supreme heavenly tomb is now very angry. He sacrificed all the three treasures he got in the Mira Heaven and Earth Tower, and shouted harshly, "Fate! Hit me hard! Be sure to break through this Tianmen defense as soon as possible, and don't let Yuxu win!"

The sound of killing in the tomb of the ancestor god shocked the sky, but in the sky of Daluo, Ye Xu walked leisurely to the altar left by the first king of the Yuan Dynasty. He said to himself, "Now that I have collected Tianhe, I can finally stop the demon emperor for a period of time, so that I can calmly collect the emperor

He came to the center of the Daluotian in a few steps. He saw the pillars in front of him inserted into the sky and held up a grand Taoist platform. This was the altar left by the Yuanshi Heavenly King in the realm of the emperor. At that time, the Yuanshi Heavenly King did not have enough mana to take away the Daluo .

However, his move was stopped by the ancestral god. The ancestral god left a word "seal" to seal the Daluotian, so that the first king could not take away the Daluotian sacrifice.

The last time Ye Xu came to Daluotian, he once realized the Tao here, and his cultivation strength has made great progress.

Now he is already an emperor, with three certificates, which is much more powerful than the ancestor god and the first king of the Yuan Dynasty at that time. When he saw this altar again, he no longer had the original shock.

"The King of the Yuan Dynasty wanted to take away the Daluotian in those years. There was an ancestor god to stop him. The two were each other's opponents and proved the way of witchcraft, so that they could go hand in hand and reach an extremely profound state."

Ye Xu was a little distracted and said to himself, "Now, I also want to take away Da Luotian. Unfortunately, there is no talented strong man like the ancestor god to stop me..."

He climbed straight to the altar and had a heavy meal under his feet. The seal at the foot of the virtual shadow of the ancestor god was suddenly broken and was abruptly erased by his cultivation. Then the sacrificial word on the head of the virtual shadow of the Yuanshi Heavenly King was also broken.

The virtual shadow of the first king of the Yuan Dynasty and the ancestor god was also shattered by him!

The split of these two strong men has been here for millions of years, and no one has ever tried to remove them. This is because the split of the two of them is really powerful and connected with Da Luotian. Even the strong of the King of Zhengdao, it is difficult to erase these two splits.

What's more, the status of the two of them is extraordinary. Even if they have been dead for a long time, they still have unparalleled prestige. If they erase their splits, they will be pointed out by thousands of people.

Ye Xu didn't ask about this. He had a great plan, and the split of the Yuanshi Tianwang and the ancestor god were connected with the weather of Daluo. If he wanted to collect Daluotian, he must first erase the sopupon of the two of them, otherwise it was impossible.

On the altar, there was only a loud bang. Ye Xu's Shen Yun soared around him, and the Shen Yun extended hundreds of millions of miles, integrating into the void of the Daluo sky. Try to sacrifice the whole Daluotian!

Cock! Bock! !

The roads of Daluotian appeared from the void out of thin air. In an moment, thunder and fire spewed and flowed. They gathered together to the altar. The road pressed the city, and the sky became extremely gloomy!


The avenue in mid-air manifestation. He turned into a god and demon and stood in the air. Like a demon emperor who has appeared in the history of Daluotian, and even the ancient existence of the ancient times, witches and immortals coexist. Witchcraft and immortality burst into an extremely brilliant and tragic light at this moment!

Other than that. There are also the forms of the road turning into treasures of the road. There are countless buildings, bells, towers, tripods, furnaces, plates, beads, flags, buildings, platforms, doors, palaces, halls, pools, lotus, trees, flowers, and forests!

A heavenly emperor, a demon emperor and an immortal emperor held all kinds of treasures of testimony, all of which were manifested by the road of Daluotian, encircling Ye Xu heavily!

This situation is like a peerless disaster, and Ye Xu will be completely destroyed!

He sacrificed Da Luo Tian, which aroused Da Luo Tian's resistance. The Daluotian has been the habitat of the testator throughout the ages. The road of heaven and earth here is the way of the testimony. Collecting the Daluotian is bound to be counterattacked by the whole Daluotian, and the road will be crushed!

Ye Xu immediately felt extremely heavy pressure. A stream of Da Luotian Avenue poured in, and the Taoist testator from the ancient times to the present appeared one by one. This pressure was almost equivalent to the existence of a respected Taoist emperor and fought against him at the same time. Give it to him!

In an all-time vision // Book fan building's fastest text update no pop-up window no advertisement // heavy, the tower shakes the bell, the tower presses the tripod refining, an emperor-like existence, the treasures of the Tao, all attack Ye Xu!

"Yuanshen, sacrifice!"

Ye Xu's eyebrows flashed, and the Yushu Yuanshen soared into the sky. In an instant, it became bigger and taller, propped up the big Luotian, and almost burst the heavenly world!

Countless attacks fell on the Yushu Yuanshen in an instant, and immediately beat the jade tree to wither. With Ye Xu's current strength, it is difficult to support at all!

Not only his halmator was severely damaged, but even Ye Xu's body was also attacked by many times. Da Luotian's way of proof was transformed and bombarded, marking the scars of the road in his body, which was shocking!

But at this time, another extremely majestic world tree flew over, but it was the world tree of the ancient fairy court era. It came to the Yuanshi altar with a bang. Ye Xu's yuan god was immediately compatible with this world tree, and the extremely huge essence flowed from this withered world tree into Ye Xu's body and In the Heavenly God, strive to fight against the crushing of Daluotian Avenue!


Ye Xu erected a huge six-way reincarnation behind him, which was tattered, but it was the real six-way reincarnation, not an imitation in the reincarnation gate. Ye Xu urged the six-way circle to compete with the body of the Yuanshen to compete with Daluotian!

He stood firm and immediately sat down. Under the world tree, he let the road of Daluotian attack. He did not move, and countless attacks bombarded him, beating his body to pieces, and the blood flowed. It seemed that he could be smashed to death at any time!

Ye Xu turned a blind eye to his injury. Instead, he tried his best to urge the King of Pan to open the scriptures and absorb the essence of the world tree. At the same time, he also refined the scars of the road one by one and understood the way of proof!

His breath is soaring, which is his real purpose. Collect Daluotian, attack with the help of Daluotian's way of proof, and understand the realm of Taoism!

If he practices step by step, it will take him at least thousands of years to accumulate enough background and impact the realm of the Taoist emperor. However, in the supreme sky of Daluotian, while fighting against the attack of countless ways of Taoism, he is also understanding these treasures of Taoism and forcing his realm and cultivation to improve at the same time!

In Daluo Tianzhong, you will definitely prove Taoism more than other places, gain more strength, and be able to get more baptisms!

A few days later, Ye Xu's body and yuanshen were able to compete with the attack of Daluotian Avenue, began to absorb Daluotian's avenue, and quickly climbed to the realm of enlightenment. At the same time, his charm has spread all over Daluotian, and there is a faint tendency to refine this heavenly world!

Da Luo Tian's crush on him became more and more violent. Suddenly, many heavenly emperor demon emperor immortal emperor incarnations stopped attacking one after another. The flag stopped, and an extremely heavy pressure came. Ye Xu looked up and saw that the road of Daluotian surged more violently. Gradually, a god and demon was born by the road, At the ground, great, the breath was extremely domineering and wild, strode to Ye Xu!

"The ancestral god..."

Ye Xu's face was solemn and he slowly stood up. The ancestor god obviously also proved the Tao in the Daluotian. His own road was branded with the Daluotian. The Daluotian's avenue reproduced the posture of this most powerful witch, giving him unparalleled pressure!

However, at this time, another powerful breath that was not inferior to or even surpassed the ancestor god appeared. Ye Xu was shocked, took a long breath, and his eyes became extremely fierce: "Yuanshi Heavenly King!"

--Ask for a monthly ticket in the middle of the month, and ask for a recommendation ticket! ( To be continued)