Favorite wife

Chapter 130 Encountering Rhooligans

Xiao Manwei and Ding Ding are holding hands like a newly graduated girl, shuttled through the snack street, eating stinky tofu and fried skewers. In short, they are extremely happy.

After eating and drinking enough, the two went home for a walk together.

"Sister-in-law, I'd better call you Sister Wei." Dingding said with a smile.

"Well, it's more convenient in the company." Xiao Manwei is a smart person and naturally understands Ding's concerns. There have been rumors in the company that the relationship between the new special assistant and the president seems to be very unusual. Fortunately, when Ding Ding entered the company, it was all his own ability to go all the way, so even if someone wanted to say something, he was blocked by the human resources.

"Texer, what's on your mind today?" Ding Ding changed his expression and asked.

"How do you see that I have something on my mind and my performance is so obvious?" Xiao Manwei looked at Ding Ding, who seemed to be mind-reading in surprise.

"You have been hiding your mind, but I still see it, hehe, let me tell you a secret." Dingding suddenly lowered her voice and hooked her fingers.

"say." Xiao Manwei stretched out her head cooperatively.

"I, in addition to graduating from Oxford Management, I also graduated with a doctorate in psychology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I'm the best at observing people and so on." Ding Ding said proudly.

"Ah! I said why you pierce your mind every time. It turns out that you are a professional group player. Xiao Manwei laughed.

"Tay something about you quickly." Ding Ding asked.

"Actually, it's nothing, but my mother-in-law talked to me today. She wants us to have a baby." The smile on Xiao Manwei's face gradually disappeared.

"Then give birth. Big brother, if you work so hard every night, you will definitely have it." Dingding joked.

Xiao Manwei's little face suddenly turned red, "Damn, I think I'm in the rising stage of my career, and I don't want to have children so early." There is a little helplessness in the tone.

Dingding was silent for a moment. Naturally, she understood the expectations of the rich family for her children. After thinking about it, she said slowly, "I think you should discuss this matter with your eldest brother. After all, having a child is a matter between you two."

"I also know, but I haven't figured out how to talk to him. Okay, Dingding, let's not talk about this and talk about how you feel in the company?" Xiao Manwei changed the topic.

Ding naturally understands that Xiao Manwei doesn't want to talk more about children's topics, and also cooperates intelligently. "It's okay in the company. It's good, and the work is not tired. There is a secretarial group. I just need to be directly responsible for the president, and he doesn't bother me much."

"I heard from my mother-in-law that you bought him a shirt today." Xiao Manwei said.

"He let me go last night. Alas, I was melancholy when talking about your mother-in-law." Dingding's exaggerated expression made Xiao Manwei laugh.

"What's the matter? You're not saying that her son is bad in front of my mother-in-law, are you?" Xiao Manwei guessed. Seeing Dingding's sad face, he laughed and said that he was really smart.

"Actually, I didn't say anything. I just said that there is nothing good except that Gu Yicheng is good-looking. The key is that I really don't know it's his mother." Ding Ding covered his face and said he was embarrassed.

"Well, well, my mother-in-law has a very good personality. She also likes you very much and said that she will take her next time we go shopping." Xiao Manwei said enthusiastically that she wanted Ding to like her mother-in-law. It would be great if she really developed with Guyicheng in the future.

"Ha ha, let's talk about it then." Dingding was embarrassed to hit Xiao Manwei, who was in high spirits, but he secretly decided that he would never see Bai Weiya again.

The two were walking talking and laughing when they suddenly heard a man asking in a low voice, "Is that the one?"

"It should be."

"Why is there another one?"

"Then let's catch it together. It's not better to take it back."

"Ha ha. That's right."

Although they thought their voices were not loud, they were still heard clearly by Dingding. Dingding, who had received special training since childhood, heard much better than ordinary people. Xiao Manwei was still talking happily. Dingding had been alertly holding Xiao Manwei's hand.

When Xiao Manwei saw that her face had changed, she was surprised, "What's wrong, Dingding?"

"Call and call the police." Ding Ding said.

"Ah." Xiao Manwei was stunned.

More than a dozen big men rushed out, looking unusually abrupt on the dim road.

"The little girl and her brother go home to play." The leading man looked at the two beautiful women in front of him obscenely. His breasts were well developed, his legs were slender, and his voice was also very sweet. If he grabbed them back and enjoyed them, he would sell them and send them. This business would be great.

"Who asked you to come?" Ding Ding asked loudly, signaling Xiao Manwei to find an opportunity to call the police.

"No one asked us to come. We just felt that the little beauty would be lonely at night. My brother came to accompany you." A man with a scar on his face came to catch someone. Ding Ding kicked the man in the stomach, and the man was kicked two or three meters away before falling down.

"Bad bitch, looking for death." A group of people rushed up, and Ding Ding pushed Xiao Manwei to the other side and fought with those people.

The fierce flying legs were captured fiercely. In a short time, he beat several people all over the ground to find their teeth. The leading man saw that he could not beat Dingding and hurried to catch Xiao Manwei. Xiao Manwei had just dialed 110 to call the police. The man grabbed her wrist. Ding Ding flew over and kicked the man away. The leading man was ashamed. Angrily, he pulled out the dagger and stabbed the two of them. Xiao Manwei shouted in horror.

Dingding kicked the leader's wrist and flew out of the dagger. He went up and knocked him down again.

Five minutes later, 110 police cars arrived.

Seeing two weak women standing under the light, snuggle with each other and comforting each other, there were more than a dozen big men lying on the ground, their hands and feet were broken, and the blood flowed into a river.

The corners of the police's mouths suddenly pulled out a few times.

"This, did you two do this?" One of the junior policemen asked in surprise.

"I hit it. It's none of my sister's business. These people want to kidnap us. I'm in self-defense." Dingding said crisply.

The little policeman immediately showed admiration.

"Cough, send the injured to the hospital first, and then get the surveillance video of this section. The two ladies also need to go to the Public Security Bureau with us to make a record." The older policeman came to his senses and said procedurally.

"Okay, no problem." Dingding pulled the frightened Xiao Manwei and went to the public security bureau together.

Xiao Manwei was indeed scared. Although her family was ordinary, Xiao Manwei had never been stabbed in with a knife like this. Her little face was pale, and she took out her mobile phone with trembling hands and easily dialed Gu Yiheng's phone.

As soon as Gu Yiheng's meeting over there, the phone rang, thinking that he and Xiao Manwei were so close to each other.

"Wife." Gu Yi's constant warm voice sounded, and Yi Yang beside him couldn't help looking at him for fear that others would not know the love between them.

"Husband." Xiao Manwei cried as soon as she heard Gu Yiheng's voice.

"What's wrong? What happened to Yaya? Don't cry. Where are you?" Gu Yiheng suddenly became confused.

"Husband, we met bad people, woo, in the public security bureau, woo, and the hospital." Xiao Manwei's incoherent words brought Gu Yiheng's heart to his throat.

"Good boy, I'll be right there." After hanging up the phone, he ran to his car, and Yi Yang followed him into the car.

"What's wrong with my sister-in-law? I'll go with you." Yi Yang sat on the co-pilot and tied his seat belt.

Gu Yiheng nodded and started the car quickly. The car rushed into the night like an arrow.

Outside the Public Security Bureau, a military vehicle suddenly stood up, and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground pierced people's eardrums. Gu Yiheng and Yiyang got out of the car and hurriedly rushed into the Public Security Bureau.

"Two comrades, what's the matter?" The little policeman naturally recognized the bar of the chief of staff and asked politely.

"Find someone, have two girls been brought back at night?" Gu Yiheng asked anxiously, and he really forgot to ask why he was brought back.

"Yes, those two ladies, alas, are really miserable." The little policeman remembered the bloody ground with goose bumps and couldn't help sighing, but made Gu Yiheng's heart hang even more.

The little police took them to Xiao Manwei and Ding Ding's room.

As soon as she opened the door, Xiao Manwei saw Gu Yiheng and rushed over and hugged him tightly. Ding Ding was relatively calmer. She was thinking about the dialogue of those people. Obviously, these people either came for herself or Xiao Manwei, but if she wanted to catch herself, she should not send some timeless hooligans.

"Ya, don't be afraid. It's okay. It's okay." Gu Yiheng hurriedly comforted Xiao Manwei.

Ding Ding got up knowingly, went to the door and left the room for the two of them. Yi Yang and Ding didn't know each other, or asked tentatively, "Have you had an accident with your sister-in-law? Are you injured?"

"No, there are about ten of them, all in the hospital." Ding Ding said concisely.

Yi Yang was stunned. It turned out that the hospital just mentioned by Xiao Manwei referred to those bad people.

"Did you hit it?" I couldn't help asking and subconsciously took a step back.

"Oh, you are not a hooligan. Don't be afraid." Ding Ding didn't say what he was worried about, so he decided to check it first and then make it clear, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Not long after, the director of the Public Security Bureau came in person.

"Gu Chief of Staff, I'm really sorry to scare your wife." The director of the public security bureau is very polite.

"Please go there in person. Can I take my wife home? She was a little frightened." Gu Yiheng's voice was full of cold.

"Of course it's okay. We checked the monitoring. It's really a group of hooligans. Don't worry, we will deal with these people well." The director made a positive promise.

"Thank you, Director. My sister has injured those people and will not be held accountable." Gu Yiheng asked.

"No, Miss Liu is in self-defense and doesn't need to take any responsibility." The director said with a smile, "If Miss Liu is willing, the criminal police force is also recruiting now."

Ding Ding smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I will consider it."

The group left the police station.

Gu Yiheng took Xiao Manwei home.

Yi Yang volunteered to send Dingding home.