Favorite wife

Chapter 336 Uncomfortable

Yaya vomited several times along the way. Finally, when it was 30 miles away from where they were going, the car stopped. There was nothing she could do. Yaya really couldn't stand it.

I can't take care of the heat outside.

She got up and rushed out of the car and stood outside gasping.

When she was sitting in the car just now, she really felt stuffy and stagnant.

The secretary was really scared this time. "Boss, let's go to the hospital." The secretary originally wanted to ask the driver to go back, but when he thought about it, how can he go back? It's better to find a hospital here.

Yaya really didn't have time to talk to her.

She just felt depressed. Occasionally, she had a feeling of scratching her chest and opening it. She held the car for a long time and didn't react. It took her half an hour to straighten up and look at the secretary beside her, "How far is it from the front?"

"There should be another 20 minutes to enter the city."

Yaya nodded, got up and walked to the car, "Let's talk about the advanced city."

The secretary can only follow the car.

There is no hospital here, and it can only be an advanced city.

After entering the city, Yaya felt much more comfortable and didn't have time to rest. She directly asked the driver to drive the car to the other party's location and get busy with several personnel such as quality inspection. It's strange that Yaya got busy and nothing happened.

The secretary followed her while carefully observing her face.

After all, she was really scared along the way.

Isn't it uncomfortable?

This sometimes looks like a small life, but it can kill people in a blink of an eye.

Yaya can't think of her thoughts. She usually has a lot of things and thoughts, but when she is busy, she can really put it all away.

After half a day's work, the three parties came to the end.

Some products are unqualified.

There is no way to check for any reason now, and it can't be checked.

You have to solve the problem first.

Several parties sat together to discuss and interrupted several meetings. It was not until 9 p.m. that a plan was finalized. Of course, it was only a preliminary draft. As for the details in the future, it was what the people below did.

Yaya looked at the time and greeted everyone with a smile, "Well, this time I treat you as an apology for your hard work. Now let's talk about what you want to eat.

Everyone cheered, and Yaya asked the secretary to call to book a seat.

She went to the lounge on one side.

I haven't felt it after a busy day, but the uncomfortable feeling at the meeting just now came again.

She has almost endured it until now.

If you don't come out again, I guess you will vomit on the spot.

Yaya just sat down, and the secretary came in with a cup of Wenshu, looking worried, "Boss, are you still uncomfortable? Let me accompany you to the hospital."

"No hurry, let's talk about it when you come back after dinner." She is the boss of the company and the highest representative. No, she may have spoiled everyone's fun at this time. The girl took a saliva, suppressed her impatience, and looked at the secretary, "Have you booked a room?"

"Well, Yuelai Building."

That's the best hotel in the city. Yaya clicked, "That's it."

Yaya naturally had to attend in person, but she was accompanied by the secretary, just saying some cross-points. After a round of politeness, Yaya directly found an excuse to take the secretary and driver back to her residence. She sat on the sofa to catch up with the two people, "You go and find something to eat quickly. "

I just followed her all the way, and I didn't eat much dinner.

The secretary shook his head, "I'm here to accompany you and let Xiao Zhou find something to eat."

Xiao Zhou's driver shook his head as soon as he heard the secretary's words, "I'm not hungry. Really, I'm outside. If you need anything, Sister Li, just call me or call me."

Secretary Li just wanted to nod, but Yaya opened her mouth, "What are you talking about? Hurry up and find me something to eat. I've told you. It's okay. Letting you come out with me doesn't make you hungry.

"Then let's order some takeaways."

They live in a hotel, which naturally serves meals, but they have always lived here before. The accommodation conditions and service attitude are indeed good, but one is not good, and the food tends to have a spicy and heavy taste.

The two people who follow Yaya, including the driver, like to eat light food.

Yaya shook her head quickly, "Don't, let Xiao Zhou go out to eat. You stay here with me."

In the end, it was decided directly. The secretary told Xiao Zhou to buy some fresh fruit for Yaya to eat. Looking at this, I guess you can't eat the food, but you can't help eating. It's good to fill your stomach with fruit.

Half an hour later.

Xiao Zhou walked in with several lunch boxes and two pieces of soup.

Yaya couldn't resist the two of them, took two sips, and finally pushed them away.

No, she really can't drink anymore.

If you drink it again, you will vomit again.

The secretary has a worried face. Where else can I eat in this situation?

But she was pressed by Yaya to finish everything.

The secretary helped Yaya cut a few kinds of fruits and put them in front of her, "Boss, you can eat whatever you like." Xiao Zhou has left. He lives at the other end. Originally, the secretary had decided to stay in the next room, but looking at Yaya like this, he directly left the room.

She is worried about living alone.

You can deal with the night directly on the sofa.

When Xiao Zhou left, he was also worried and told his secretary to call his mobile phone directly. When he was about to sleep, he looked at his mobile phone several times to confirm that the battery was full, the mobile phone signal was good, and the sound was adjusted to the maximum to ensure that he could hear it at the first time.

Yaya smiled a little, "You two think of me as a clay figurine."

The secretary curled his lips and said, "How scary it is that you don't look at yourself."

The two talked again, and Yaya's mobile phone rang.

took a look at Gu Yiheng's.

Picking up, Gu Yiheng's soft voice came, "Are you still busy?"

"No, I'm done. I'm already in the hotel room now." Yaya smiled and didn't mention anything during the day. In her opinion, there was really nothing to do. She was afraid of the heat. With such a big sun, coupled with carsickness, it was normal to feel uncomfortable.

She just drank some Huo Xiang medicine to relieve the summer heat. Isn't it much better?

The couple were talking in the room, and the secretary was bored watching TV on the sofa.

are all soap operas.

Look at those crying, who still gritted their teeth and cursed, and firmly wanted to separate from the man. He turned his head and was coaxed by others in a few words, and then turned back directly.

There are also those mistresses with the original match.

What do you think is good about you?

When the turntable saw a figure directly, with white clothes and wide-sleeved light skirt.

Looking at the back alone is really a good fairy.

It's a pity, you can look at the front again.

The secretary closed his eyes and turned the stage directly.

The sound echoes in my ears. How many times do you miss me?

300 times.

Not enough, so little...

Is this also the little dragon girl?

The secretary almost spit out what he had just eaten.

It was decided in an instant and resolutely did not look at this in the future.

It's simply poisoning her eyes and ears.

Yaya and Gu Yiheng finished talking on the phone, threw out a quilt and looked bad at the secretary. "Really, I told you. You don't have to look at me here. You have to sleep on the sofa here. If you have a room, don't sleep. Don't say that I abuse employees."

"How can it be? I call it the boss who doesn't lag behind."

Yaya stared at her and waved her hand to her, "Take a quick rest. You have to get up early tomorrow, finish dealing with the things here, and try to rush back at noon."

The secretary also felt tired and panicked, yawned, nodded and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the secretary was awakened by the sound.

After a moment of fright, she immediately reacted.

The sound comes from the bathroom.

She jumped up directly, "Boss?"

The light is on in Yaya's room, but no one...

There is someone in the bathroom.

She ran over, and Yaya was already lying on the ground with a pale face.


Half an hour later.

Yaya was sent directly to the hospital by the secretary and driver.

This is not something that Yaya doesn't want to come, but that she has no strength all over her body.

I can't breathe.

When she was sent to the emergency room, Yaya took the secretary's hand and said, "Don't call home."

She really feels that she is not sick. If she calls back like this.

Gu Yiheng will be scared to death.

And his two sons are still young and can't stand this scare.

The secretary is so angry that she wants to beat people. What time is this? Can you not care so much?

But looking at Yaya's persistent eyes, she could only nod and agree.

At the door of the emergency room, the secretary's heart went up and down.

In her eyes, her boss is really a strong woman.

Look, until now, I still want to work and don't want men to come.

In the secretary's opinion, this is stupid.

You are just a woman. You are not feeling well. You are sick.

What do you want to find a man to do if you don't let your husband come?

Is it just to live together and have a child?

Although I know that Yaya and his wife have a good relationship, women don't have to be so considerate.

But this is Yaya's own private matter, and she just wants to think about it.

The driver on one side was very uneasy, "Sister Li, you really don't need to call Mr. Gu?" The boss's face was very bad just now, and the doctor was also very cautious after listening to their description. In case something happens to the boss here, Mr. Gu will blame them.

"No hurry, wait until the result comes out."

The driver thought so, but the result hasn't come out yet. Let's wait.

A lot of tossing and testing in the hospital.

8 a.m. Yaya fell asleep when she was ill, but the secretary and the driver were anxious to walk around outside the ward. Why hasn't there been a result? What a broken hospital? He also said that the doctor was the best in this hospital. According to their view, it was useless, so he thought that the doctor came to the two with a heavy face, "Who are the patient's family members?"