Venomous Wolf

Chapter 179 Car Destruction

"Well, the ten guards have already controlled most of the force of the family. If I don't cooperate with you, maybe I have been killed by you at that time. Those snipers arranged behind them are all his people. He will secretly order the shooting. Hey hey... This kind of thing can be prevaricate with only one gun after the incident," he sighed in a low voice. Liu Sheng smiled horizontally and smiled bitterly, "Wolf, I don't look down on you. If the ten guards hadn't deliberately released water, do you think you could successfully break into my villa for the second time?"

"It seems that you are also incompetent. As the head of the family, you have been secretly deprived of power." Listening to Liu Sheng's lonely talk about his brothers fighting in the same room, A Lang did not have any sympathy for him, but just despised him.

"Kid, you look down on me too much. If you don't appear, even if the ten guards conspire again, it will be delusional to take the position of the head of the family, ah..." Another sigh, perhaps Liu Sheng, who knew that the deadline was coming and had always been happy and angry, looked particularly emotional tonight. "But to be honest, I'm really He underestimated my precious brother, and even the people around me stood on his side.

"Do you mean those four perverted old people?"

"Not four, Lao San has always been sincere to me." Liu Sheng was a little hysterical, as if he couldn't look away from the betrayal of several old people.

"The betrayal should be the three old people who took the lead in taking action against themselves regardless of the impact." Recalling the scene at that time, A Lang secretly shouted luck. If it hadn't been for the infighting of Liu Sheng's family, he would not have rescued Xu Fen so smoothly.

"Kid, do you want to know a big secret? Maybe it will be a secret that will cause great turmoil in your country?" Suddenly, Liu Sheng's voice became strange. Maybe he was unwilling to be betrayed by his own people, and he also tried his best to stab the other party.

"Is that the reason why you tried your best to threaten Xu Ting? If you are willing to say it, I don't mind listening." Without the excitement of imagination, Alang is not even sure which country he is from, not to say that he cares about his motherland?

Being able to inadvertently hear something that may be very helpful to Xu Ting is the reason why he can listen patiently.

"They are not kind, and they can't blame me for being unintentional... Hey hey, the people who know this matter and I can count the slap...

Maybe more than ten years ago, the last emperor personally issued a secret order, an action specifically against your country Z, with me as the team leader, and was officially established. At this, Liu Sheng showed a sigh expression, as if he had infinite feelings about the past years.

Maybe it's been a long time. Liu Sheng didn't know where to start. After sighing for half of the weather, Liu Sheng finally returned to reality and then said, "That was the year of rapid development of science and technology. Under the secret organization of our Liu Sheng family, there is a game that almost surpasses modern science. Decades of biochemical research.

In fact, it is funded by the government, but because this matter is of great importance, all the superficial personnel or funds have put aside the shadow of the government, so that even after the matter is exposed, the government can also infer it as private personal behavior.

Hey... As for the research topic, I only give you an example, and you can guess, do you still remember the unprecedented plague that occurred in your country a few years ago? That's..."


"It's not good..."

With a secret cry, the wolf leaned to the extreme side, and a bullet passed by, in the middle of Liu Sheng's eyebrows. The latter did not even hum. He stared and fell into the car. The blood slowly emerging between his eyebrows prompted the evil hero to leave the world with such grievance.

It's not that he was killed by the enemy, but died at the hands of his own people, which has to be said to be an irony...


The sound of helicopter propellers in the air.

Wolf frowned, not because he did not hear the key part of the secret, but was about to face the enemy's iron-blooded pursuit.

A dazzling glance appeared, and a long list of military vehicles appeared in the back mirror. Although it was night, you could also see the fully armed soldiers on the military vehicle. How similar was this to the scene of Li Tiejun's attack?

Suddenly, A Lang realized that not only the ten guards betrayed, but even the elegant emperor wanted to die.

Maybe the emperor did not participate in the competition for the power of the Liu Sheng family, but because Liu Sheng holds vital secrets, he can't fall into the hands of others anyway. Even if there is only a moment, as long as he leaves everyone's sight, it is difficult to guarantee that the secret will not be revealed.

And the facts just prove that the emperor's decision is so correct that if the enemy comes a step later, the secret will no longer be a secret.


Bullets flew by overwhelmingly, and the sound of fried beans pulled the Wolf's thoughts back to reality.

Facing the pursuit of planes and military vehicles, can you still survive this time?

The limited acceleration of the sports car and try to drive on the S-shaped route, but even so, the land and air strikes are almost covered. No matter how the car dodges left and right, it is still an active target, allowing the enemy to pour bullets to their heart's content.

Passive beating has never been the character of A wolf. He controls the steering wheel with one hand. A wolf holds the gun out of the window with one hand and pulls the trigger casually. The wolf is only inferior to Wu Yang's gun skill. The shooting is also particularly accurate.

The gun was obtained from Liu Sheng's guard. The bullets were all steel core bullets that could penetrate the steel plate. They were just a few simple bullets, but they penetrated the hood of the nearest military vehicle. With a burst of thick smoke rising, the next second, the fuel tank was ignited by sparks rubbed by the bullet obliquely rubbing the iron sheet, and then exploded.

The loud noise was accompanied by a dazzling firelight, and a military vehicle full of soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces was scrapped.

It seemed easy to kill a military vehicle, but A Lang was not at all relaxed, and the few bullets left in his hand were second. The military vehicle that ignored the explosion and followed again indifferently was really a headache. Not only that, the helicopter in the sky was no longer satisfied with machine gun shooting.

As if provoked by the wolf's behavior, the scaffold launched by the military helicopter* slowly unfolds, and the steel killer is in place. As long as the driver can easily press the button, it is a test of life and death for the wolf.


The bullet did not stop roaring for a moment. Several bullets even flew past the wolf's body. The high temperature caused by the hot warhead burned the skin and was instantly restored by the powerful cell activity, but the pain of being roasted by the high temperature was also extremely difficult.

Son, several rockets were launched by high-altitude helicopters in the night, dragging out their long tails behind them and going straight to the wolf's sports car.

Wolf saw everything, and the fast-running sports car suddenly braked. The speed of 400 miles per hour did not mean to stop. It rotated in place and did not drive a meter forward.

Finally, after drifting back and forth horizontally, the sports car stopped steadily.

At the same moment, the road fireworks shone, accompanied by a loud noise, and the cannonballs exploded less than five meters in front of the body.

The huge power caused the sports car to tremble, and the wolf sitting in the car trembled up and down, which was shaken vigorously by the car body.

The whole process took only more than ten seconds. After a blink of an eye, the enemy behind followed.


Without waiting for the pursuers to approach, the wolf started the vehicle. Bugatti Veyron's performance was better than that of ordinary vehicles. With the driver's abnormal driving skills, all the process was controlled in five seconds.

and other battered sports cars passed through the thick smoke, and the rear military car had just arrived at the parking place before the wolf.

"Cut, you're a fucking pervert." Several helicopter pilots cursed at the same time, very much about not being able to hit it with one blow, but at the same time, a new round of ballistic aiming procedure has been completed, but this time all the factors are planned. No matter how the wolf avoids it, he will never escape the end of being shot.

Back to the wolf car.

Temporarily avoided a disaster. At the same time, A Lang knew that if he sat down and waited for death like this, then he only needed another round of bombardment, and he would definitely finish it.

When I was worried about what to do, a sea appeared in front of the sports car.

The straight road was pulled high in a corner of the sea by a majestic cable bridge, and an viaduct across the sea flashed in front of you. Looking at the viaduct, the wolf who crossed the DJ map knew that the DJ city was not far from the viaduct.

"Do you want to jump into the sea?" The sports car is getting closer and closer to the cable bridge, and there are pursuers up and down. The only way to survive is the sea, but the wolf who does not have any protective life-saving tools. Is there really a way to survive when he falls into the sea?

did not let the wolf think too much about it. The helicopter* was in position again and locked the target. Several pilots easily pressed the firing button. As in the previous time, several shells dragged out their long tails and flew straight towards the running Bugatti Veyron. The only difference from the previous one was that the drop point of the shells this time was scattered, which calculated that each sports car A dodge trajectory.

With no hesitation, the sports car is less than 100 meters away from the viaduct. A Lang's heart is crossed and only plans to drive into the sea with people and cars.

However, it's too late...

Extreme Mercedes-Benz, just when the sports car was only a few dozen meters above the sea, two shells accurately hit Bugatti Veyron, and the loud noise made the earth tremble. The huge power lifted the whole sports car more than ten meters into the air. In the dazzling firelight, the wreckage of the burning sports car fell to the ground and slid forward, the most Later, he broke the railing on the edge of the steel cable bridge and fell straight into the sea.

At this point, Bugatti Veyron, with thick smoke and dazzling sparks, was swallowed up by the sea water with his car, and the wolf in the car was even more alive and dead.

When a group of officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces who were chasing stopped and came to the front, except for the occasional waves on the dark sea, where is there a shadow of people and cars?

PS: Children, the wonderful plot kicks off. Can the wolf who fell into the sea survive? Hey, it should be nonsense, but will he gain new abilities when he comes back to life? Please look forward to it... By the way, please collect it!