Capture love and favor: husband, keep a low profile

267: The bad taste of the little couple

"How's Mrs. Sheng?"

Sheng Tianling cooked Dong Qingcheng's exclusive breakfast and sent it to Dong Qingcheng, and waited for Dong Qingcheng's evaluation with anxiety.

"Mr. Sheng."

"Hmm?" Sheng Tianling was a little excited.

I just learned it in the morning. I didn't expect it to be so delicious.

This really makes Mr. Sheng proud.

Dong Qingcheng took a spoon and tasted it, and his face was already full of joy.

It tastes so good. Mr. Sheng's cooking skills are really amazing.

"Mr. Sheng, what should I do? The food you cook is getting better and better. If I'm addicted to eating what you cook, what should I do in the future?

Dong Qingcheng put down the spoon, took Sheng Tianling's arm, shook it, and praised it vigorously.

Mr. Sheng has cooked food for her, and it is also very appropriate to praise Mr. Sheng in time.

However, why does Mr. Sheng laugh so treacherously?

Is there something...

"Mrs. Sheng, if you are addicted to what I cook, you can't leave me."

When Dong Qingcheng heard this, he turned out to be waiting for her here.

But it doesn't matter. Dong Qingcheng smiled sweetly and said, "Mr. Sheng, as long as you keep cooking for me, I will never leave. It's both reluctant and inseparable, right?"

Dong Qingcheng continued to compliment him. Anyway, these words sounded like Sheng Tianling and wanted to die.

Sheng Tianling was complacent, and then sat down opposite Dong Qingcheng and happily watched Dong Qingcheng have breakfast.

Although I just look at it, the sweetness in my heart is sweeter than what I eat.

"Mrs. Sheng, you are very adaptable."

Originally, what Sheng Tianling was most worried about was that Dong Qingcheng could not live in the farmer's house at all.

Now it seems that his worry is a little superfluous.

Dong Qingcheng can not only sleep well here, but also eat well.

And looking at the natural scenery here, it's simply lingering.

"Yes, the baby's adaptability is also very strong."

Before he came, Dong Qingcheng still felt some reaction. But when he got here, the little guy was in Mommy's stomach and was very obedient. I also understand that Dong Qingcheng is very good, so Dong Qingcheng can be so comfortable here and enjoy the natural scenery.

"My son is awesome, Mrs. Sheng, are you full?"

Looking at Dong Qingcheng eating up a bowl of fermented glutinous rice eggs, he thought that Mrs. Sheng's appetite is getting better and better.

"I'm full. It's so comfortable."

"Mrs. Sheng, what shall we do next?"

Although I know that there are still a lot of things to do, these things can't be done in a while.

And the most important thing is that Sheng Tianling obeys Mrs. Sheng's arrangement. It is necessary to put Mrs. Sheng's physical condition first.

"Well... the acquisition of medicinal materials is imminent. Today, Anya and Brother Lan should also arrive. Why haven't you contacted us yet? Can't you find Uncle Liu's breakfast shop?

Dong Qingcheng thought doubtfully that she called and notified Lan Yushen.

"No, can't these two people find a way? You don't have to worry about this. Maybe you saw some beautiful scenery on the way, which was delayed.

As Sheng Tianling said, it was as if the two were ignorant children.

"Mrs. Sheng, if you look at Mr. Sheng like this, Mr. Sheng will blush."

"..." Bah, why is Dong Qingcheng so disbelief?

"Mr. Sheng, what should I do with Uncle Liu's roof?"

"This... I'm not good at it."

Sheng Tianling looked at Dong Qingcheng with an aggrieved face.

I thought that if Dong Qingcheng asked him to do this, he would really not be good at it. Not only was he not good at it, but he would not do it at all!

How to repair the roof? This is really a test, isn't it?

"I didn't let you go up and mend it. What does it have to do with whether you are good at it or not?"

"Oh, it turns out that Mrs. Sheng didn't plan to let Mr. Sheng make up for it." Sheng Tianling is happy, and now there is no need to worry.

Dong Qingcheng held back his smile, glanced at Sheng Tianling and said, "Even if I send you up, you won't.

There is a lot of rain in autumn, but I'm afraid of rain at night. Look, the sun hasn't come out today. The weather is gloomy.

If it rains, won't all the rain leak into the house? That's not good. Why don't we find someone to mend it early? Anyway, we are also idle people and grow crops, but we can't help.

Dong Qingcheng said and walked to the holed room.

You don't have to look up, you can see the light thrown on the ground.

"Oh, it's really a big hole. How can I make up for this?" Sheng Tianling looked sad. This is really... difficult for him.

Dong Qingcheng looked at Mr. Sheng, then patted Mr. Sheng's chest with a smile and comforted him and said, "Mr. Sheng, he specializes in art. You are a president-type talent. This kind of rough work is not suitable for you!"


Sheng Tianling was comforted by Dong Qingcheng and hit a black line.

"Well, Mr. Sheng, why don't we have some fun?"

Dong Qingcheng had a whim, with a treacherous smile on his face.

"Mrs. Sheng, what are you thinking? It shouldn't be..."

"Mr. Sheng, aren't there two idle people in that sweet potato cellar?

Those two... You see, since they will climb on the roof and break the roof. Do you think it won't be difficult for them to repair a roof?

Dong Qingcheng's face still has a harmless smile.

But this move is a bad move.

"What, Mrs. Sheng, your proposal is very good!"

Sheng Tianling suddenly stretched out his thumb, yes, there are two idle people!


Half an hour later.

Two bitter-proclaimed 'killers' crawled on the roof while studying how to repair the broken roof. While watching Sheng Tianling and Dong Qingcheng's bodyguards standing around, they trembled.

This Nima, it's not enough to kill people. There is no one to play with people like this, right?

It's not so tricky!

"Hey, hurry up. Look at the weather. If it rains, you haven't repaired it yet. Tonight, I will continue to live in the sweet potato cellar. Do you hear me?"

Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling sat on the chair moved by the bodyguard. While peeling oranges and eating, he supervised the workers.

Dong Qingcheng found that, hey, it turns out that the supervisor is also a very fun thing.

"Mrs. Sheng, Nuo, the oranges have been peeled."

Sheng Tianling said and handed the orange to Dong Qingcheng's hand.

Dong Qingcheng reached out and took it, and then broke it into pieces and put it in his mouth.

With a bite, the sweet and sour taste really suits her appetite as a pregnant woman.

"Mr. Sheng, do you have any oranges? Give me another one."

After Dong Qingcheng finished speaking, Qingzi quickly went to get one and sent it to Sheng Tianling's hand.

Sheng Tianling peeled it and handed it to Dong Qingcheng.

At this point of view, it really looks like the Empress in the palace in ancient times, enjoying the service of Xiao Shengzi next to her.

On the roof, the two hard-working 'killers' studied for a long time and finally figured it out.

You have to make the raft with no holes on the roof, order it with nails, and then cover it with new tiles.

However, how can this thing called a raft be made?

The two thought about it and didn't dare to take the time in the end. He boldly reported to Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling, and then Dong Qingcheng directly ordered the two.

She said, "You just climb on it. You don't have to rush down. I'll ask someone to find and borrow it.

In a word, you must, must, absolutely fix it today, otherwise, hum..." Dong Qingcheng smiled evilly twice.

The two bitter 'killers' only feel hair all over their bodies.

I thought to myself, my God, this woman looks gentle and charming, kind and generous, why...

What about such a demon?

Who on earth did they provoke? Can they still live to go back to see their parents?

"Mrs. Sheng, look at them. They are crawling on it and their legs are going to cramp. Is this really good?"

Sheng Tianling looked at the trembling little appearance of a 'killer' on the roof, and she really couldn't bear it.

However, even if you can't bear it, there's nothing you can do.

Who made everyone so bad that they wanted to kill his Mrs. Sheng?

"I don't want to, but this roof was obviously broken by them.

You forgot that they were still on it last night and were ready to kill me.

Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling spoke loudly, but the two bitter 'killers' on the roof could be heard clearly.

Listening to Dong Qingcheng's words, there are also all kinds of sorrows in his heart.

In order not to let Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling torture them more cruelly. So the two quickly begged for mercy and said, "Please, just think of us as a fart. Let it go." We really... I don't know that you two are so wise, and we just want to earn some money to support our family. This is the first time to come out to take over the work, this..."

With that, the two killers wiped a handful of bitter tears.

Dong Qingcheng couldn't help laughing.

"The first time?" Dong Qingcheng held his smile and asked before the internal injury.

"Yes, it's really the first time."

The killer is about to cry. Haruko looked at the two people, although she had some skills. However, if they are killers, they won't believe it.

"Miss Dong, they don't look like killers who have been working for many years."

Haruko's voice is not loud, and only Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling can hear it clearly.

On the roof, the two killers begged and did not forget to adjust the crawling posture to kneel.

The purpose is only to be able to plead with Dong Qingcheng and let her live.

It's okay to repair the roof. That cellar is really not a place for people.

Forget the bugs, and there are rats.

Last night, I don't know how many super fat rats ran through their foreheads.

"Don't beg me, repair the roof. You broke the roof. You can't deny it, and the weather is about to rain. If you don't want to go back to the sweet potato cellar to sleep with the mouse, just hurry up.

Dong Qingcheng said and laughed again.

Two big men nodded in a hurry.

This means that as long as the roof can be repaired before it rains, you don't have to go back to the cellar.

"Miss Dong, these two people may really be forced by life to do this kind of thing."

For so many years, Haruko has seen all kinds of people.

Dong Qingcheng listened to Qingzi's words and nodded.

It is definitely not a professional killer to beg for mercy like this.

It is also difficult for monks who have been monks halfway to read this scripture.

At this time, Dong Qingcheng and Sheng Tianling were ready to continue to supervise the work. When they stopped talking nonsense, Sheng Tianling's mobile phone rang.

Sheng Tianling took out his mobile phone and saw the beating name with a cunning smile on his face...