Devil's Capital

Chapter 6 Introduction

The night gradually came, and looking down from the sky of the demon world, the swaying lights dotted the large and small villages in the southeast and northwest, like a huge illusory demon face, changing faces from time to time with the dark clouds in the night sky.

In the vampire territory, a small village is making decisions that affect the trajectory of the demon world.

The village head Seya lit the beast oil lamp, which is hard-won, especially for the demon people living at the bottom of the demon world. Capturing large monsters has almost become an extravagant hope for the people in the village, and it is precisely because the village's former genius werewolf Magic Turk who returned from the battlefield that his life in the village has been improved to a certain extent, and the village head Saya also has enough animal oil as a reserve lighting.

"Think clearly that this matter can be big or small. If we report this matter to the baron and let the lord know, it will definitely cause disputes between the three races, and the demon world will once again fall into an era of chaos."

The village head's aging face became older under the yellow halo of the light. He turned around and pointed to the animal skin letter on the table and looked directly into Turk's eyes.

The insightful look made Turk unnatural, and the werewolf who used to participate in the alien war against the demon world couldn't help taking a step back. Turk recalled that in the previous plunder wars against the alien plane, it was precisely because each ethnic group fought alone. Although it was unfavorable because of the strength of the devil's own strength, once he entered the plane to fight, he fought separately to plunder more wealth and the interests of his own ethnic group, and the shrinking local resistance. Fight one by one without expanding the results more deeply, and win the heterogeneous plane in one fell swoop. As a low-level warrior, do other high-level demons know the truth? But the devil is selfish and greedy, and he refuses to trust anyone except his own people. Turk, who had retreated from the battlefield, wanted to protect the werewolf demon mountain village for the rest of his life. Until today, he saw Sufei, the sickle demon, the first sickle demon to come out of the sea of demons after thousands of years of the God and Demon War. He couldn't help thinking of that prophecy:

My people, I will eventually die, and I will no longer protect my people. Wait! In a thousand years, a sickle demon will come out of the sea of demons, and he will be an opportunity for the rise of the demon world. This is Satan, the only great sage in the demon world. Sofitel's prophecy, and the price of this prophecy extended to the whole sickle demon community. Within a thousand years, before the arrival of the sickle demon who brought hope, the demon sea did not come out of a sickle demon! What a cruel curse this is undoubtedly the greatest punishment for an ethnic group!

Thinking of this, Turk strengthened his mind. Looking up at the village head and saying word by word, "The demon world needs to change. This is the only chance for us to rise. The gods on that day will eventually be stepped under our feet!"

The village head's worried face did not feel the glory of the devil thousands of years ago, and then he lowered his head again. No one knew the ambition and hatred for the gods in his previous eyes. He pointed to the skin on the table and told Turk, "You go to the back to choose a fast unicorn and travel overnight. You must let the baron send a night dove to the lord. You must let the lord know about this before dawn."

"Yes!" Turk took the skin on the table and gave a full salute to the village head, turned around and walked out of the hut.

"The gods of the underworld defected to the gods and turned away from my Lord!"

The village head stared at the oil lamp on the table. When Turk walked out, he did not respond. He stood straight, and his back behind him kept swaying in the bright light. Then he thought of something and took out a dagger from the drawer of the closet behind him. Seya stroked the dagger with his dry right hand. The wolf claws in his hand were no longer sharp, but the claws on several thumbs had been broken, making a "squeak" sound on the knife surface of the dagger.

"Use this soul-eating dagger to devour the soul, and you will not return to the underworld after death. Hades will pay for your betrayal. In this way, the news of the identity of the sickle demon will be temporarily concealed. Isn't it ironic that the weapons used to slaughter in the first half of life will be used to kill themselves in old age? Saya pushed the dagger into his heart and then inserted it fiercely.

"Sofitel, I hope you don't play with me!"

At the same time, Turk was on his way to the baron and finally saw the light. The baron ruled more than a dozen nearby demon villages, which was only a dozen kilometers away. Turk jumped off the back of the one-horn demon, tied the one-horn demon to the corner on the side of the baron's castle, and began to knock on the gate of the baron's castle.

Kate is flirting with the maid in the hall with a glass of red wine. There is nothing fun in the demon world, as long as you have strength and status, and there is nothing you can't enjoy. As the illegitimate son of the werewolf demon elder, although he can't publicly give him the status of viscount as a big man, it's okay to give him the baron to eat, drink and have fun. Kate is a typical rich second generation, but because most of his living expenses are paid by his father, he did not exploit his people much when he came to the baron, and they were at peace with each other.

"Baron, someone knocked on the door outside the castle. There must be something urgent at this late hour!"

At this time, Philip, the housekeeper and dog-headed soldier next to him, stepped forward and leaned his head and whispered to Kate. He had just heard the doorman report that there was a werewolf knocking on the door outside. He wanted to pass it away, but he didn't want to sweep away the baron's interest because of such a small thing. But I remembered the old advice of the baron's lead: the baron's collar is a small place. You are optimistic about Kate and play whatever he wants, but if there is a situation, you must report it! This seems to mean something else. Although it has been ridiculous to follow Kate in this baron for several years, Philip dares not neglect this sentence and ordered the doorman to bring the werewolf who knocked on the door to the living room, and he personally invited Kate to the banquet.

Kate heard a few words behind Philip's aggravated tone and suddenly woke up a lot. Although Kate indulged himself and was greedy for money, important things could still be distinguished. After coming here for several years, the life housekeeper and military division next to him all helped him handle the big and small things in the territory properly. Dang. He couldn't help looking up at the thick night, and it seemed that the stable days had come to an end!

"Let's go and take me to the living room to meet this guest."

Kate pulled Philip and turned to the living room.

In the castle of the demon lord, Moffett was gathering elders and generals to discuss the ownership of this season's new werewolves. Suddenly, Moffett stopped his speech and turned around and looked up at the huge black map behind him, which was his territory with a red on it. The colored stars gradually faded away and merged with the fishy black map.

"A legend has fallen?"

The conference hall calmed down, and these bigwigs stopped discussing. At the legendary level, life expectancy is measured in thousands of years, and except for the war between gods and demons thousands of years ago, the legendary demons now have handed over the mark of life to their lords, so that the lord can watch these legendary strong men. Moffett integrated his spirit into the map on the wall, but could not find any information about the fallen legendary demon. No backup of life marks? How can it be that it is the werewolf demon predecessor who survived after the war of gods and demons thousands of years ago? Moffett was puzzled, and then regained his mind and continued to start the meeting.

"Baron, this is a letter from the village head. This matter is very important. I hope you can immediately convey the message to the vampire lord with a night pigeon!"

After saluteing the Baron, Turk took out the hideous skin and said to Kate eagerly.

"What's important? It's so late to disturb Lord Kate's rest. If there is no proper explanation, I'll make you look good!"

Kate endured nausea and took the animal skin and spread it out. Philip, the housekeeper, also leaned his head and looked at it together:

The sickle demon appeared in my werewolf demon village, hoping that Moffett, your boy can move quickly and personally send the child to the sickle demon collar in front of the giant demon. I believe you won't regret today's decision!

--Karl. Saya

Holding their breath, the two people who read the message looked at each other and faintly saw that the flame of ambition in each other's eyes began to burn.

"Tuke, right? You're a good boy. You are right to report such important news as soon as possible. You go back to the village now and treat the sickle demon well. I will go to the backyard now to send a letter to the lord with a night pigeon!" Kate patted Turk on the shoulder. When he walked out of the castle, she asked the housekeeper Philip to go to the backyard to release a huge night pigeon, carefully tied the animal skin to the night pigeon's feet, and cut the night pigeon's skin with wolf claws and carved a demon rune with blood.

"Go ahead and bring the news to the lord!"

The night pigeon flapped its wings and flew into the thick night. Watching the night pigeon gradually fly away, Kate breathed a long sigh of relief, and Philip beside her also wiped the cold sweat from her body against the pillar. The two leaned their backs against each other and looked at the thick night, and the dark clouds covered the moon. The night covers the whole demon world. Who will open this dark curtain?

Su Fei got up and opened the window. The moonlight came through the clouds and shone on his slightly ferocious face, and the symbols on Su Fei's body began to condense. He began to awaken his first blood talent: as long as he fights with the enemy, he can condense magic energy on the palms and destroy the vitality of the opposite side.

Su Fei came to his senses, and this ability is a pervert. Thinking of suddenly destroying the opponent's physical function when fighting with the enemy, this function is unbelievable! In this demon world, I finally have a certain survival strength. Su Fei clenched his hands and felt the power of becoming a second-level warrior. He was much relieved.