Devil's Capital

Chapter 14 Battlefield 3

Su Fei supplemented the magic energy consumed in his body, put the magic core in his hand into the storage ring in his hand, and continued to walk towards the open space in front of the corpse of the fire demon. Before long, Su Fei saw a cave on the mountain in front of the open space, and the dark cave was particularly gloomy and scary at this time. Su Fei felt afraid and stopped moving forward.

"This is not the earth, and there are no supernatural events."

Resentment can be seen everywhere in the demon world, but there are some existences hiding in the distance. Demons are their natural nemesis. Su Fei cheering himself up in the bottom of his heart, thinking that this is the devil's world, a world of power supremacy, while slowly taking out the magic core put in from the storage ring, with the magic core The faint fluorescence went to the dark cave.

"Catch, click."

Along the way, Su Fei kept stepping on the dead Yan demon corpses. These Yan demons died for too long and left nothing but skeletons. Su Fei did not find a new magic core in these corpses. He couldn't help showing a look of disappointment and continued to walk deep, relying on the faint light emitted by the magic core to identify the way forward. I don't know how long it took Su Fei to turn around a cave and came to an empty hall. He was immediately shocked by the scene in the cave!

"So many magic nuclei!" Su Fei was so excited that he dropped the magic core of his hand on the ground. The cave hall was densely displayed with the corpse of a fire demon, and the messy magic core scattered on the ground lit up the whole cave like fireflies. Su Fei suddenly felt that it was undoubtedly the most correct decision to choose to keep up with this fire demon. He resisted the impulse to drool. Su Fei rushed to the magic core on the ground and picked up the storage rings sent into his hand one by one.

"I sent it, I sent it, and now I made a lot of money! It seems that the goddess of fate really favors me!" Su Fei looked like a pig brother, holding a magic nucleus in his hand, and the expression on his face raised several arcs under the fluorescence of the magic nucleus. Leaving the goddess of fate and being a member of the gods, Su Fei prayed for the blessing of this fate in his heart while collecting the remaining magic nuclei in the cave. Thinking that if you practice with these magic nuclei, you can quickly reach the barrier of the second level of body refining formula, and the absorption of magic energy will also make you reach the peak of third-order warriors. Although you can't immediately break through to the fourth level to enter the middle-level warrior, you can have a little more strength in this fourth level. Su Fei saw that he can survive. Hope.

Gradually, the hall of the cave returned to darkness. Su Fei had to take out two large magic nuclei to illuminate it. Su Fei, who came down with a faint light, began to look at the situation in the hall. He saw that the ground was covered with the bones of the fire demon everywhere, and there was no new hole behind him. Seeing that there was no new predatory target, Su Fei was ready to go back to find a safe place to refine the harvest in the storage ring and enhance his strength. Fortunately, this harvest is enough to raise Sophie's strength to a higher level, so that there is no need to be careful in this fourth level. When you meet an abyss creature, you can also try to fight.

Putting down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Su Fei quickly walked out of the cave in the direction he came. If he met the old devil who returned to the tomb at this time, he would be unhappy. It would not be fun to see Su Fei lift their resting place and pull him to be buried with him before he died.

Su Fei, who walked out of the cave, looked at the gray sky outside and found a direction to step towards the depths of the bushes. The gradually cold body of the flame demon on the flat ground proves that there has been a school case here. Perhaps the later resting person who saw the body of the flame demon will only think that he had no physical strength and fell on the flat ground in front of the tomb. Even if they entered the innermost part of the tomb cave and found traces left by the thief, which were left by the dying in his life. What can Ji do?! The abyss creatures have no faith, except to curse the shameless thief, but wait quietly for death. Different prologues in the demon world are gradually unfolding, and no demon will sacrifice any time to mourn for you.

In a bush, Su Fei killed a demon rat hiding to attack him, took out his heart and buried the body in the earth, and grandly occupied the former's cave. After repeatedly confirming that there were no dangerous creatures around him, Su Fei looked at the cave of the mouse that could barely accommodate a head and had to expand the cave by himself. Su Fei lay tired in the expanded cave and didn't have time to express his feelings about the hard work just now. Su Fei, who was rich in harvest, quickly put his spirit into the storage ring and sorted out his collection.

"One, two, three,..." Although more magic nuclei can't withstand the erosion of years and become part of the soil, there can't be too much dissatisfaction in the devil's life. Greed is the biggest original sin. Su Fei warned himself like this and looked at his harvest. Su Fei sorted out a total of 257 magic nuclei. Among them, 24 have high energy levels, 56 medium ones, and the remaining 177 are lower-class magic nuclei. Su Fei finely senses this batch of magic nuclei and divides them into three batches according to the size of the magic energy contained, almost corresponding to the strength division of the fourth, fourth, fifth and sixth levels.

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, compared with the magic power of the magic core, Su Fei recalled that the attack strength of the previous late fire demon was about the peak of the fourth level. If it were Su Fei, he would definitely not be his opponent. It's really hard to get along with weak strength. Su Fei sighed, and then took out a fourth-order magic core from the storage ring and put it in the palm of his hand to carry out the second layer of the mind method of "Heavenly Demon Refining Body Secret". The magic energy in the magic core pulled out and was sucked into Su Fei's chest along Su Fei's arm. Gradually, the volume of the magic nucleus began to become smaller, and finally turned into a white powder and dispersed from his hand. Su Fei felt that the strength in his body had increased a little, compared with ordinary days of practice.

Su Fei was excited. If he absorbed all these magic nuclei, he would soon reach the peak of the third-order warrior and find an opportunity to become a middle-level warrior. Thinking of this, Su Fei continued to run the refining method in his heart, and took out four magic nuclei from the storage ring at one time. His left and right hands dragged two to continue to absorb magic energy and strengthen his strength.

"Bah! How bitter!"

Spit out the bush in his mouth, swallowed the dewdrops on it, and breathed Su Fei, who stopped this two-day boring practice. The Heavenly Demon Refining Secret reached a bottleneck yesterday, and Su Fei, who refined the magic core for another day, also raised his strength to the third-order peak. Staying in this place can only replenish the water in his body by swallowing shrub branches when the water vapor evaporates in the morning. Two days of boring practice has exhausted Su Fei's patience. Standing up and shaking off the skin covered with the white powder of the magic core energy. Su Fei spread out his powerful hands and prepared to go out and get close to the fourth layer of abyss creatures. If you have strength, then fight! The sickle in my hand has smelled the delicious undead!

All kinds of chaotic atmosphere filled the confused air. Su Fei walked out of the bushes, turned to look at this mountain that brought good luck, and carefully sensed the free magic energy contained in the air. "Sure enough, the magic energy on the whole battlefield can't be absorbed!" Feeling the disordered magical energy in the air, Su Fei sighed. Since you can't get magic energy from the environment, you can get it from the abyss creatures with your own hands for a long time! Su Fei clenched his fist and strode forward.

Once again sensed the chaotic breath of magic energy in the air, Su Fei walked back in the direction he came and carefully restrained his breath along the way. In the past few days, Su Fei has been well integrated into his own breath after being edified by the chaotic atmosphere on the fourth battlefield. Although there is no need to carry the attacks of abyss creatures all the time as when he first came in, it is better to find the prey by himself. Passive beating has never been Su Fei's wind. ge.

Carefully avoided a group of abyss demon wolves who went out to hunt. Su Fei patted his chest and lay pale under a * mountain bag. He dared not move a little. Once he attracted the attention of this group of demon wolves, Su Fei had to die.

"Damn, it's true that wolf cubs like to hug together."

The figures of the wolves gradually left outside their sight. Su Fei spit out the dirt in his mouth and stood up. Su Fei couldn't help but be glad that he met a lonely wolf last time. When he saw that he restrained his breath, he cheated him. Su Fei deeply despised this group of demon wolves, had a deeper understanding of the fourth level of crisis in his heart, and became more and more careful when searching for ideal prey.

In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer young sickle demons participating in the battlefield, resulting in no trace of sickle demons in the battlefield below the fourth level.

The swaying figure appeared in the passage from the first floor to the second floor, and his animal skin clothes were ragged. Thinking that this was the last dress for her mother, he was reluctant to throw it away. Although he had killed many low-level abyss creatures along the way, he didn't know how much he had collected. At first, he wanted to take his prey with him and was ready to take it out to find a chance to give it to the villagers. We. Later, killing has become a common practice. He didn't even have time to collect those good-looking animal skins. He sat down on the spot and used all the time he could seize to speed up his recovery. I don't know when the next wave of biological attacks began. He had to accumulate physical strength and survive became the only idea in his heart. .

Lying in the passage leading to the second floor, he did not immediately step into the water-colored gate, but sat down cross-legged and fell asleep. Looking closer, the devil's body has been covered with demon runes, and the cross runes on his forehead have begun to*, and the soul-eating dagger lying on the hands of the child quietly emits gray light, guiding the changes in the body. Finally, the runes on the boy's forehead* came together. At this time, the runes on the boy's body began to emit a bleeding red light, lingering brightly and darkly above the boy's body.

Gradually, the light faded, and the rune began to melt into the body of the boy. He finally broke through the first-order warrior, awakened his blood talent ability, and became the second-order warrior. The soul-eating dagger in his hand also lost its luster and became ordinary.