Devil's Capital

Chapter 17 Battlefield 6

The body of the magic wolf behind him gradually moved away from sight, and Su Fei stopped under a hidden mountain and moved further in through the dim light. Put down the magic core in his hand, endured the pain of tearing the wound on his hands and arms, took out the heart of the magic wolf and ate it into his stomach. Feeling the magic energy surging in his body, Su Fei quickly carried out the Heavenly Demon Refining Secret and commanded the magic energy in his body to surge to his arms and repair the serious injury on his arms.

After a while, the ferocious and horrible wound on Su Fei's arm gradually grew fresh flesh and blood, and the itchy Su Fei couldn't help gritting his teeth and increasing the output of magic power. Looking at the serious injury before, Su Fei, who thought he was about to die, looked at his intact arms and had to sigh at the devil's perverted recovery ability. The new flesh and blood cannot be fully integrated, and Su Fei tries not to make a big movement to avoid tearing the muscles and causing the new body on the arm to rupture.

"Finally, we are going to start to break through to the fourth-order warrior, so it is completely possible to survive in this fourth level!" Su Fei took out two fifth-order magic cores from the ring, which contained the one that had just killed the magic wolf. There are still many fifth-order magic nuclei Sufi, which is equal to the middle-level magic power. The 56 fifth-order magic nuclei obtained by looting the Yan magic tomb have been useless. In addition to the magic wolf's one, Su Fei, who does not lack the magic core for the time being, sat cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation with two magic nuclei in his hand. The Heavenly Demon Refining Method has been cultivated to the peak of the second level, and just after the war, the third layer of the Heavenly Demon Refining Method that Su Fei practiced has begun to loosen, and the magic energy in the body has also begun to gather under the heart, ready to take advantage of the loosening of the bottleneck to break through the barrier and become a fourth-order battle. Shi.

destruction is a good skill. Previously, due to the large consumption of magic energy, Su Fei has always condensed the magic energy in his hand and hit extremely high damage by instantaneous explosion, but extinction is a more advanced skill, and the instantaneous explosive strength and attack power support are much higher than the former. This time, he became a fourth-order warrior and could afford the consumption of "destroy skills". Su Fei continued to hit the barrier in the process of promotion to the fourth-order warrior, and he began to look forward to the strength of the fourth-order warrior. In the demon world, strength is the best guarantee for survival!

"The third level of physical refining has been completed!" Feeling the powerful body, Su Fei, who has practiced the Heavenly Demon Refining Secret, is excited in his heart. At this time, the barrier to promotion also broke open and felt the vigorous magic power of the fourth-order warrior. Su Fei was full of confidence. If he met the magic wolf now, Su Fei believed that he could blow him up when he stood! Using the "destroy" skill is also a punch.

"Talent blood ability: burst fist!" Surprises came one after another, and Su Fei, who had no time to express his joy, quickly calmed down and immersed himself in his mind and realized the new blood talent. The burst fist, which accumulates the magic energy in the body, suppresses the perfect critical strike effect at the moment of punching, and the scattered magic energy splashes along the attacking fist into the surrounding air to attack nearby enemies. Finally, there is a group attack skill," Su Fei thought excitedly, "In this way, with a strong body, I don't have to be afraid of the siege of the fourth layer of monsters!" Feeling the magic power that has expanded more than several times, Su Fei, who became a middle-level warrior, finally has the capital to stand on the fourth level.


The demon wolf leader commanded the demon wolf to attack the enemy in front of him, but he kept wandering around, looking for the enemy's flaws, waiting for the opportunity to move and giving the enemy a fatal blow.

Su Fei sensed the powerful magic atmosphere around him and walked on the barren wilderness of the battlefield. Soon after, he came back from this group of wolves who came back for food. Seeing the power of the body refining method, Su Fei did not retreat and rushed up to meet the wolves. Before the wolves could react, Su Fei had come to the magic wolf standing in front of him. His body silently gathered magic energy and used the "destruction" skill against the magic wolf in front of him. He clenched his right hand, and a powerful magic energy condensed on his right fist. He punched the magic wolf. The magic wolf who was hit in an instant seemed to be hit by a boulder. After the general attack, the brain cracked, and the snow-white brain burst out, slowly flowing on the ground mixed with bright blood.

The enraged wolves immediately surrounded and slowly formed an encirclement under the command of the leader of the magic wolf, attacking Su Fei in the middle.

The smell of blood stimulated the nerves of the wolves, and a strong magic wolf couldn't help attacking Su Fei first. Su Fei poked out his hands and grabbed the magic wolf who flew over to bite his neck, and grabbed its forelimbs. The magic wolf's sharp teeth bit Su Fei's chest fiercely. The pain from his body not only did not scare Su Fei, but increased his fierceness and swung the demon wolf's forelimbs and hit it to the ground.

"Wow!..." The painful demon wolf loosened the wolf's teeth that only bit the enemy's skin, opened its mouth and shouted loudly, and then there was no sound. The magic wolves in the rear gradually became irritable and killed Su Fei under the instructions of the magic wolf leader. The magic wolf leader who was deeply shocked by Su Fei's strength also ran. Su Fei's existence made him feel the threat of death for the first time! This time, either the wolves won or they perished!

Watching the wolves rush, Su Fei suppressed the vibration in his heart. In the past, this scene could only be used to open up the eyes in the animal world on TV, and the immersive scene could experience the shock that directly hit the soul! Slightly bowed his body, Su Fei suppressed the magical energy condensed in his body while observing the figure of the magic wolf gradually appearing in his pupil. Just as the first close magic wolf opened its mouth and was ready to attack Su Fei, Su Fei leaned back to the ground, got up and jumped to avoid the attack of the magic wolf and waved out to the group of wolves behind the magic wolf, "Explosive fist!" Su Fei, who finished the burst fist, felt that the magic energy in his body began to wither, and before he could react, he fell straight down from the air. At this time, the leader of the magic wolf waited for the time he had been longing to take action, and his fellows, who were killed or injured, rushed to Su Fei, who had not yet stood firmly on the ground.

Feeling the powerful magic breath in front of him, Su Fei realized that he was targeted by the leaders of the magic wolves. Unexpectedly, the consumption of the "explosive fist" was so great that he didn't have time to appreciate his results carefully, and Su Fei was thrown to the ground by the oncoming demon wolf leader. In a hurry, Su Fei could only protect his cheeks with his hands, block the sharp teeth of the wolf leader, and endure the pain from his hands. Su Fei thought in his heart, "Why do you bite your hand every time!" Slowly moving his body to the side, Su Fei raised his strength to lift the magic wolf's head above his body.

"Wow!..." Su Fei, who had not yet stood up straight, looked at his hands full of wolf tooth marks. In anger, he was ready to come forward and fight with the wolf leader. At this time, there was a pain in his buttocks, and Su Fei resisted a wolf howling and jumped up from the ground. The pain nerve of his buttocks made Su Fei's bite very comfortable. He felt that he should beat the magic wolf with his own hands to let it feel his kindness.

Damn wolf! Su Fei immediately put down the leader of the magic wolf who had been lifted aside and put his hand behind him and caught him in front of him. The fierce demon wolf had been blinded by blood. He opened the wolf's mouth and was fiercely ready to attack Su Fei. After being twisted, he could only make bursts of "woo" and could not retreat in the air. Feeling that the magic wolf moaned around from time to time, there was a cruel and fierce look staring at Su Fei. Su Fei knew that this was the magic wolf leader brewing the next attack. With a force of his right hand, he cut off the neck of the magic wolf in his hand and casually threw the body of the magic wolf into the scattered magic wolf group in front of him.

"Wow, wow!"


Feeling the death of their companions, the seriously injured wolves lying on the ground made a sad cry in their mouths. The fear of death woke them up from the rage, and now they have given up continuing to attack Su Fei, just thinking that the killer can let them go. There are no fairy tales in the demon world. The demon wolf leader deeply understands this truth. The law of the jungle is the eternal melody of the demon world. Looking at the body of the magic wolf thrown over, the leader of the wolf who couldn't hold back the fierce anger in his heart came out of the wolf pack and slowly walked towards Su Fei on the wilderness. This is a battle for survival, and both sides deeply understand this truth.

Su Fei secretly took out a fifth-order magic core from the storage ring and held it in his hand to constantly absorb the magic energy to supplement the consumption in the body. Looking at the leader of the wolf slowly walking forward, Su Fei wanted to come forward and try to discuss with the other party whether he could have a break before the battle. It is said that hatred is the greatest driving force of every creature. Even if the demon wolf leader knows Su Fei's idea, he will not agree. Related to the survival of the ethnic group, the demon wolf leader has to pay attention to Su Fei, opens the wolf's mouth, reveals his gloomy fangs, and pedals his hind limbs to the ground and is ready to attack Su Fei.

Feeling the few magic energy in his body, Su Fei accelerated the absorption of the magic nucleus in his opponent while rolling away on the ground and avoiding the attack of the magic wolf leader. The leader of the magic wolf saw Su Fei rolling on the ground, and the wolf's mouth raised a beautiful arc, and then quickly rushed to Su Fei on the ground. At this time, the fifth-order magic core in Su Fei's hand had been absorbed. Although the magic energy had not yet returned to its ideal state, Su Fei, who had the power to fight back, leaned on the ground with his right hand, moved sideways, and once again dodged the attack of the magic wolf leader, but his left foot was fiercely grasped by the magic wolf leader with his front claws due to a slow beat.

Once again, the empty demon wolf leader continued to attack Su Fei. At this time, Su Fei, who had recovered his little half of the magic power, did not avoid it. He bowed his body and secretly condensed the magic energy on his knees, and blocked his face with his hands straight. Su Fei, who could not keep up with the speed, could only grab it at the moment of the magic wolf leader's attack, and then give a heavy one. Hit! The magic wolf leader bit Su Fei's hand, and there was no expected picture of blood vessel rupture. Suddenly, the magic wolf leader immediately began to retreat. At this time, Su Fei endured the pain on his hand and smiled ferociously. Facing the face of the magic wolf, his hands firmly grasped the magic wolf. At this time, his right foot, which had been prepared for a long time, kicked fiercely into the abdomen of the demon wolf leader, once, twice,...

Throw down the wolf corpse that gradually lost its sound, and Su Fei's tired body sat down against the wolf corpse. There is only one purpose of killing, that is to strengthen yourself! Fate, one day I will unveil your mystery!