Devil's Capital

Chapter 24 Fallen Angel Lucifa

Central Plain, Devil's Hall. Since the demon city has disappeared, the demon world has fallen into a millennium-long decline. In that millennium-long dark era, the demons in the demon world once thought that there was no hope of rising again. Carlsas and other demon lords had to discuss together how to instill new hope in the hopeless demon world. Under the discussion, the central plain was built on the ruins of the demon capital, and there was only one demon hall on the central plain.

There are only a few forests dotted on the empty central plain. The original idea of several people was to put it back to its original location on the day when they found the demon capital. The Devil Hall is just to facilitate the lords to get together and have a place to discuss. As for the Central Plain and the Devil Hall, which have become new beliefs in the hearts of many demons in the past thousand years, which is beyond their expectation, but it is always a good thing, and Carlsas and others are also happy to sit and enjoy it.

Lucifa stood in the corridor on the second floor of the Devil's Hall and looked at the dark night outside.

Once the most shining existence in heaven, the law ruled the archangel Long Lu Xihua, commanding tens of millions of angels, the most powerful existence under the bright Lord God, those who have been washed clean with the long river of history.

I still remember that in the past, I stretched out twelve pairs of wings of light, fought against heresy, came to the battlefield, and rushed to the opposite plane first. Looking at his current dark wings, Lucifa couldn't help sighing deeply. Then recalling his confrontation with the God of Light on the Temple of Light, he will never forget that scene. It was because of that dialogue that he desperately threw himself into the embrace of the demon world and became an eternal shame in heaven.

"Lu Xihua, as the most shining new star in heaven, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

The projection of Caesar, the god of light, stared deeply at Lucihua, the most powerful general under his own. I really don't understand why he has the idea of betrayal. Is it just for the demon woman that it is worth giving up his current power and doing something to betray?

"My lord, Lu Xihua will always be the sharpest spear in your hand, and your eyes are the place where my sword is about to reach!"

Lu Xihua lowered his noble head and did not explain the story, but firmly answered Caesar's question.

"I know you will always be the sharpest spear under my power. But now I want to ask you, since you have no idea of betraying, why don't you cooperate with the investigation of the divine envoy to favor the demon woman? You are an angel, she is a demon, and you are doomed to have no end!"

Hearing Lucihua's plain and firm answer, Caesar had a trace of doubt in his past trust in Lucihua for the first time. Is this, as Mikael said, that his trust in Lucihua has led to his arrogant character, so that he still doesn't admit his mistakes and reflect on his mistakes? The tone of speech can't help but become harsh. I picked up Lu Xihua and should maintain enough respect for my master.

"My lord, I don't care whether she is a demon or not. All I know is that she is the most beloved woman in my life. It was she who made me feel the change of emotions and let me know how to be a truly living person. No matter how strong I am in heaven, in glory, it is just a dead object without emotion, and these You can't get it!" Lu Xihua replied faintly. At this time, he remembered the gentle woman's face and the deep desolation when she died in Mikael's hands. Is she destined to be sad when she has emotions? The heaven is about to be corrupted by this group of angels who only know jealousy. Such a heaven is not where I, Lucihua, want to stay. Mei, you don't want me to stay in this dirty heaven! OK, I will take your spirit to create a new world that belongs to us!

At this time, Caesar's projection gradually blurred, and the real body in the kingdom of God had been silenced by Lucihua. At this time, Caesar began to regret that he had given Lucihua enough power so that he could not compete with him in heaven. Almost roared, and the projection standing in front of Lu Xihua pointed to Lu Xihua and roared tremblingly: "Lu Xihua, don't forget that you have my gift today. Since I can give you these things, I can take them back at any time!"

At this time, when Lu Xihua saw that he and Caesar completely turned away and had no idea of continuing to talk, he walked directly from the Temple of Light and left a sentence: "Caesar, after having emotions, I am no longer a tool in your hand. Are you disappointed to hear this?! Yes, I'm no longer the old Lu Xihua.

"You are not his opponents. I will come to understand this traitor in person. From then on, there will be no more divine position of legal adjudication in heaven!"

Mikael and other archangels were ready to stop Lu Xihua, who was about to leave the temple, but they were stopped by Caesar's projection.

After leaving the temple, Lu Xihua immediately returned to his half-face and took away his spear of light. After coming out, he took his subordinates straight out of the heaven. At this time, a ten-winged archangel came forward and asked Lu Xihua, "Your Excellency, the world is so big that I'm afraid there will be no place for us if we leave the heaven!"

At this time, Lu Xihua, who was moving forward, stopped his pace, turned around and looked at his subordinates gathered behind him and said sincerely, "Gentlemen, today, I, Lucihua, have defected from heaven, and Caesar, the god of light, will not let me go. And when you go back now, I promise Caesar will forgive you. You don't have to give up your future for me!"

"Your Excellency, we are willing!"

"My lord, we will never regret it!"


A few tears fell from Lucifer's eyes, and he always remembers that day when he took tens of millions of his subordinates to seek shelter in the demon world to escape Caesar's pursuit. The price is to remove the white feathers and give birth to a pair of black devil wings. Too many low-level angels died in the first step of transformation. Their temporary expression finally stopped smiling, and they were infected by the devil's origin and finally had their own emotions for the first time. Lucifa did not remember how many angel's bodies he buried with his own hands that day. When he saw Caesar standing angrily outside the demon world pointing at him and scolding, Lucihua smiled bitterly. He said to Caesar, "From now on, my name is Lucifa, the fallen angel Lucifa!"

Caesar will not know that Amei's secret was not revealed by the divine envoy. Because Mikael and other archangels were jealous of Lucihua's talent, they set up a trap for Lucihua after discovering Amei's identity as a demon. Lu Xihua, who was forced to defend himself from beginning to end, did not defend himself. In his eyes, the heaven is like a pool of stagnant water, and Mikael and the others are like fish in the stagnant water. They never know how vast the outside world is. Such a heaven is not the place he should stay.

The wind blew, and Lucifa wiped the tears dried by the wind, looked at the completely dark night sky, and muttered, "Amei, I'm staying well in your hometown now. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it for you. Heaven, one day I will take the devil to step on your door, Caesar, I will help you destroy this hypocritical place!"

The discussion in the hall gradually subsided, and Lucifa also began to put away his memory and went down the corridor on the second floor to the hall.

At this time, Carlsas finally came. After entering the door, he saw the werewolf lord Moffett's concern with a smile and walked into the left head of the hall and sat down. After discussing the demon issue all afternoon, there was finally a preliminary result. The lords couldn't help but be relieved when they saw that Carlsas came back. If only Lucifa was here, the final terms would not be satisfactory except Lucifa. His appetite was too great.

"Lord Karsace, since you are back, please take a look at the preliminary provisions of the Devil's Council this time!"

Moffett, the werewolf lord, is the person who cares about Carlsas the most. After all, he, who has given the goodwill to the sickle, can be accepted by Carlsas, and it has become particularly important to establish an offensive and defensive alliance in the Devil's Council. After saying that, Moffett handed Calzas a title page, which roughly recorded a series of provisions for the reopening of the demon council and the approximate division of the heterogeneous plane.

After a slight scan, Carlsas put down the title page in his hand. The president of the Devil's Council is Lucifa, the vice president, Carlsas. The elder group is composed of members sent by the rest of the lords, and the elder is taken over by werewolves. The president has three votes at the time of the resolution, and the vice president and the elder each have two votes, while the elders only have one vote. Carlsas is more satisfied with this division, and the alien plane is also divided according to the number of votes in the Devil's Council. Thinking of this, Carlsas couldn't help but stand up and say to the lord present, "We can reduce the heterogeneous plane controlled by the sickle demon, but I want the crimson plane. What do you think?"

Lucifa had returned to the position of the right head at this time. Hearing Karsas' words, he was a little puzzled. Why did the always strong sickle lord make such a big concession today? Crimson plane, right? Lucifa also knew this plane. When he first divided it, he allocated enough resources in the scarlet plane to allocate it to his own hands. At this time, he heard that Carlsas was willing to take out two planes to exchange for scarlet. Although he didn't understand his idea, in order to get enough resources, he rushed to get enough resources. Immediately after the words, he replied, "Of course, Carlsas, my good friend, although I don't know why you changed today unexpectedly, I still have to thank you for your generosity today!"

"Well, Lucifa, take care of your greed and don't be blinded by desire and hatred. Now that you have agreed, let's hand it over now. Carlsace's enthusiasm for Lucifa is undeniable. Although Lucifa was a firm resistor and hid under the abyss to escape the pursuit in the war thousands of years ago, he has gradually deviated from the original path for desire and hatred in recent years.

Lucifa didn't care about Carlsas' advice. The two changed the agreement and announced the official reopening of the demon conference together.