Devil's Capital

Chapter 29 Su Fei's Crisis 1

"Hades, if you think it's not easy to make this decision, why don't I pass on this news to the God of Light!"

Hraf looked at her husband sitting on the throne gloomily and couldn't help worrying. At the beginning, Hades chose the alliance of the gods of Caesar, the god of light, and the couple was destined to have no room to turn back. Now the demon world has changed, and the son of prophecy has finally appeared. Just as Hades was deeply worried at the beginning, Heraf, as a woman, has a keen intuition about this danger.

Slowly raised his head. Hades had been sitting in the hall all night. The more he thought about it, the more he felt the fear from the depths of his soul. At this time, when he heard his wife's comforting words, Hades felt a trace of warmth in his heart and thought that even if he died, after all, he had betrayed himself, but for the sake of his wife Heraf, I could not let the demon world rise. This hidden threat must die!

Hades, who figured out, looked at Heraf's concerned eyes, pulled her over with a smile, sat on his lap, and said gently, "Madam, let's go to the Kingdom of Light to tell Caesar this news tomorrow. As for how they deal with it, it's none of our business. As long as you are fine, it's not bad for us to stay in the underworld like this!"

Heraff was forced to sit on Hades' lap, and his face turned red as he listened to his husband's numb words. If the two had not loved each other deeply, how lonely the underworld would have been for thousands of years. Now that he has betrayed, he has no chance to choose his position again, and turning to the gods has become the only choice.

"As long as your husband figured it out! I'll listen to you. At most, we will no longer personally participate in the affairs of the devil's plane. Heraf looked at her husband affectionately and gently returned to the Tao.

Looking at Heraf's tame expression, Hades seemed to have returned to his youth and was no longer worried about what had happened before. He held Heraf tightly from behind and gently said in Heraf's ear, "Madam, we have had three children in thousands of years, and I think it's necessary to add another one now!"

When Heraf saw that her husband was no longer bothered by the affairs of the demon world, he was also happy. He felt that Hades began to move behind and said angrily, "What are you doing!" Old husband and wife, aren't you afraid of being seen by your men like this?

It is rare to see his wife's shy expression, and the power gives them immortality, but it invisibly deprives them of their emotions. I don't know how many years they have smiled so happily. Hades carried his wife Heraf directly from the hall to his kingdom of God, and the voice of Heraf's resistance gradually became blurred.

"husband, it's only morning now. You'd better rest early after sitting all night!"

"It's okay. Let's have a rest together!"


The Kingdom of Light is called the place of heaven by their own believers. Here, the four seasons are like spring, and flowers are everywhere. From time to time, there are two teams of little angels behind them carrying flower baskets coming in and out of the flowers. This place is heaven for believers!

"Ahua, how much pollen have you collected today?"

A little angel waved his wings around his partner, stared at the flower basket in his partner's hand with wide eyes, and came forward and asked attentively.

"Alu, I warn you that today's pollen can't be given to you anymore. Today, Brother Angel has Carducci cake, and I haven't eaten Carducci for a long time. Do you know that you can't change the price of Cardochi for a year? The angel brother who handed over the task took it out as a reward in order to take care of us.

The little angel named Ahua waved his wings to make himself farther away from Alu. He held the basket containing pollen tightly in his hand and looked at Alu. Because the two were born in the same holy spring, they have known each other since childhood, and Alu is too lazy to collect pollen and hand over tasks. Every time they come to her to rub pollen and hand over tasks. In the past, for the sake of A Lu as his only good friend, Ah Hua, he basically left some for A Lu every time to use. Receive the flower spirit.

You should know that these little angels can only cultivate with flower spirits, and if they have bad talent, they can basically only live in this sea of flowers all their lives. Although they have almost infinite lives, loneliness will burn their souls. Ahua and Alu don't know how many older little angels have experienced the decline of heaven and man. Although the angel's heart in their bodies is still alive, their souls have begun to decay and gradually become a part of the kingdom of heaven and disappear into the world.

Seeing that his companions were so difficult to deal with, he had to think of other ways. At this time, he suddenly saw two men in black flying over the sea of flowers, and the oncoming strong dark atmosphere almost suffocated Alu. A Lu stood in the air in a daze, his four wings stopped swinging, and his unsupported body began to fall straight to the ground.

"Alu, Alu, what's wrong with you? Isn't it pollen? I'll give it to you. I'll give you all the pollen. Don't worry! Without you, how can I survive in the future? I will become strong with you, walk out of this sea of flowers and see more beautiful scenery! Alu, Alu!"

Because the attention has been focused on Alu in front of her, Ahua did not notice the two unusual breaths. At this time, when he saw Alu fall straight down, a bad idea flashed in his heart. He hurriedly waved his wings and glided towards Alu, hugging Alu's body. Because his strength was too small, the two of them staggered to the ground. Seeing that Alu gradually lost her breathing, Ahua panicked. Although she didn't like Alu's laziness, her heart was blank when she saw that Alu was in danger. At this time, she put all the angel's advice aside, thinking that the little angel in front of her could open his eyes, even if she woke up and continued to rub her flowers. Powder,

After the two figures left, A Lu continued to stiffen his face and hide his surprise. He suddenly opened his eyes, hugged Ahua from below, and said seriously, "Ahua, that's what you said! Hurry up and give me all the pollen, and I'll get the Carducci cake!"

Ahua, who reacted at this moment, was tightly hugged by Alu, feeling the vibrant heartbeat of the people under her and the warm breath from the skin next to her. She had no time to resist Alu's almost naughty words and lay quietly in Alu's arms. Ah Hua thought to herself that if she was with A Lu every day and hugged each other every day, she would not feel lonely after 10,000 years like this! But why does Brother Angel always warn us not to feel this way? Ah Hua was puzzled, and then immersed in this warm moment.

Alu holds Ahua just to hide his inner shock. Just now, those two are absolutely evil beings, but why are they related to the great Bright Father God? Looking at Ah Hua lying on his body, who has been immersed in his own world, Alu can't do anything about this good partner for a long time. After all, without her, he has become like other little angels over the years, ignoring everything! Great Father God, thank you for your kindness and making us, but why do you want to take back the emotions you have given us?

"Gapre, I finally found you! Take us to see the split of the God of Light. Our husband and wife have important things to report to face, about the devil plane!"

Hraf came to the Land of Light early in the morning of the next morning with Hades. After showing their identity certificates, the two hurriedly found the archangel Gabriel. After meeting with him, Heraf said heavily to Gabriel.

Gabriel has the most lenient attitude towards Heraf and his wife among all archangels, perhaps because they are both women. Gabriel has had a good impression of this lady of the underworld since he first saw Heraf. Although the reputation of the traitor made Hades and his wife not very popular in the whole alliance of gods, Gabion has been taking care of the interests of the underworld for thousands of years, which has relieved a lot of pressure.

Seeing his friend Heraff's solemn face, Gabrill immediately knew that something big had happened and did not ask in detail. He directly led the two out of his residence and walked towards the Temple of Light.

On the way, he met Mikael. Heraf and the two greeted him politely out of respect for Caesar, but Gabre directly ignored Mikael's existence and led them straight into the Temple of Light. Mikael, who stood still and stretched out his hand to greet Gabrell, stopped awkwardly and couldn't suppress his curiosity. Mikael followed the three into the hall.

Caesar, who was covered by a halo, turned around and saw Gabre, who came in. He couldn't help but wonder, "Gable, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the great Father God, even if it was a split, Garbailie still knelt down and said respectfully, "Father God, you need to contact me about this matter!"

"What's so serious that you have to contact me? You should know that I am exploring a deeper mystery in the heterogeneous channel, which is related to the supreme throne. Now I have less and less contact with me. Gabre, are you sure you want me to contact me? Looking at this beloved archangel, I can't help reconfirming the importance of this matter!

Hearing the inquiry of God the Father, Gabrire turned around and looked at Heraff, made a decision in his heart, looked at God the Father, and replied affirmatively, "Yes, God the Father, this matter is related to the devil plane!"

"Demon plane?! What's wrong with that place that is about to become a primitive plane!"

Mikel, who had just walked in, thought disdainfully when he heard Gabriel's words, but in front of the Father God, even if they were split up, they dared not show a full look on their faces and suppressed the disdain in their hearts. Mikael came forward and prepared to wait for the Father God in front of him to contact him. ..