Devil's Capital

Chapter 34 Preparation 3

Didi stood at the top of the stairs and quietly waiting for the results of the discussion of several adults. At this time, he saw Elder Lawrence and Elder Morgana coming out together. He thought the meeting was over. After respectfully saluted the two, he quickly walked to the door of the hall, pushed open the hidden door and walked in. . At this time, the remaining three people sat quietly in the chair. At this time, they saw Didi come in and realized that today's meeting was over.

Sorent fell into meditation after Carens left. It was not until Didi came in that he suddenly thought that the partner who had worked with him for hundreds of years had left and would never come back. Looking at the remaining three people in the hall, each senior Sorent of the Devil's Guild can remember their names, and now there are two missing owners in this hall, and he is not only a little sad. Different positions have determined from the beginning that they can't be friends forever, but being able to work with this unruly Karens for so many years, Sorent recalled the bits and pieces of his memory and did not have any anger at the traitor.

With a wry smile, Sorent said to the remaining people in the hall, "Carens has left the Devil's Guild. Don't publicize this matter first. Tomorrow I will go to the sickle leader to find Carlsas in person. Although I am also a stubborn old man, this recovery plan is related to the survival of the whole demon world, and our demon guild has to choose our own position.

"Well, now you can choose to join Lord Carlsace with me or return to your own ethnic group. You are free. No matter what decision you make, I will support you!"

Philly was immediately relieved when she heard that Lord Sorent had chosen the Lord of the sickle demon. Carlsas, the sickle lord, has a good reputation in the whole demon world, and the sickle demon territory under his rule is also the most generous of all demon lords, so that there is no need to go back to the fallen demon territory to see the disgusting fallen demon lord. Fili now feels that there is no better choice than this, and she goes there with the president. Even if she is not popular with the sickle demon, at least the president will take good care of herself, so Philly immediately replied, "President, I'll go with you to the sickle demon."

Philly's answer made Solent very relieved. This fallen demon girl, who had not yet fully grown up, grew up step by step with her own eyes. At this time, she did not choose to leave, which gave Solent a lot of spiritual encouragement. Looking over Diamat, Sorent looked at Didi, who lowered his head. Sorent also hoped that he could make a choice for the servant.

"My lord, I want to see my mother in the giant demon village!" Didi summoned up his courage and raised his head to meet Sorent's eyes. When Sorent showed a disappointed look, Didi paused and continued, "Your excellency, I will come to find you after seeing my mother. I will always follow your footsteps!"

Diamat rarely saw such a warm scene. He left his chair and patted his old friend Sorent on the shoulder and said happily, "Well, old work. I have said that those who should leave will definitely leave, and you can't keep them. If you should stay, you can't drive them away."

Solent, who has experienced too much betrayal, can't hide his excitement at this moment. It is said that he can only witness a person's heart at the most difficult time. Even if he only has these few friends, he has not lived in vain for most of his life!

"Good! We're leaving for the sickle magic collar tomorrow!"


The news of recruitment floated to the whole demon world like heavy snow. This winter, the snow has not yet begun to fall heavily, and the residual temperature of winter can't catch up with the severe cold, but this can't stop the enthusiasm of demons. During the day, demons who go out to recruit can be seen everywhere, mixed with rangers and other professionals from time to time.

A San's full name is Satan. A San, a lonely plane businessman, was on his way home after knowing the news of the reopening of the demon council. His family is in the sickle demon collar. After his father's death, he walked out of his hometown and began to go out. This time, the demon world is preparing to counterattack the alien plane. Of course, A San, who saw the business opportunity from it, will not miss this opportunity.

Wearing a thick animal skin coat, Asan pulled his collar, tightened his cuffs, and followed a large number of demons to continue to walk east. Almost all the demons here have never participated in the alien war, but with a cavity of blood, they came here coincidentally. Even if they are ordinary and ordinary, at this time, they are the same as all demons, have ideals and work hard for them. Such a life is what demons need!

Along the way, A San talked differently with his fellow demons. From it, he found many unpopular professions, most of which were war professions, such as demon mage, hermit, demon doctor and other unpopular professions. These professions are not commonly used in the daily life of demons, and only on the battlefield can they exert their greatest value.

In another accidental conversation, A San learned from a demon who caught up behind that the sickle demon lord Carlus exchanged two heterogeneous planes for a crimson plane. At that time, the person who spoke was still felt unworthless for Lord Carlsas. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, one more heterogeneous plane is better than one less. But A San doesn't think so. He happened to have been to the scarlet plane once. Although it is very chaotic and survival is also a big problem, as long as people who can live on the scarlet plane will have unimaginable gains in the end. As a venture investor, he forgets the danger of life in A San for sufficient interests. It's normal to come.

It's a few days away from the place of departure to the sickle demon territory, and you can't ride the unicorn on the road in winter. Although the unicorn has become a very fast means of transportation in the demon world, the unicorn is afraid of the cold. In this bad weather, it is estimated that he will have to fall down after a few steps. A San spit on the cold wind and followed the demons to the foot of a mountain. It was almost night. If he didn't set up a tent quickly, he would not be able to sleep at night. Although he would not freeze the strong demon to death, frostbite was inevitable.


Carthus returned from the abyss to the desperate battlefield, walked out of the bottom and directly opened the space channel and returned to his lord's castle. The last time I saw the master of the abyss was thousands of years ago. At that time, as an elite of the ethnic group, it coincided with the time when I was met Standin, the abyss master who came to the demon world to find Yelloa. At that time, I didn't feel his strength, and this trip to the abys not only did not see Stantin's real body, but I felt that Stantin was getting more and more horrible. Knowing the gap in strength between himself and the plane master, Carlsas completely lost his previous calmness. Even if he ascended to the throne, as long as he came out of the demon world, he was not slaughtered by others.

All the way to the study on the third floor, Carlsas called the attendants to find Su Fei and others, while he sat behind his desk sorting out the documents piled up in the past few days. Seeing that a large number of wandering demons came to participate in the conscription and enthusiastically signed up for the heterogeneous war, Carlsas's gloomy mood suddenly became much more enlightened. If a race has not lost its fighting spirit, it can still be saved!

"Bum, bang."

Su Fei, who stood outside the door, knocked on the door and saw Carlsas looking up at himself. Su Fei strode in. At this time, Yulin and Smod also came in and stood together, ready to wait for Carlsas' instructions.

Slowly put down the documents in his hand, and Carlsas was satisfied with his officer's ability to handle things. At this time, he looked up at the people and said slowly, "The scarlet plane is the target of your trip this time. It's not safe there now, so I hope you can be fully prepared before you go."

Su Fei heard Lord Carlsus continue to emphasize the danger of the crimson plane after Yulin and said curiously, "Lord Carls, there is absolutely no heterogeneous plane. I want to ask what is in this crimson plane that is worth even for you?"

The scarlet plane once had the master of the plane, so the resources in it are absolutely rich, but the resources alone will not be paid special attention to by Uline and Carlsas. Hearing Su Fei's question, Carlsas thought it was time to tell Su Fei in advance in case he didn't know how to face an emergency, so he slowly opened his mouth and said, "The reason why the crimson plane is famous in the demon world and even many small planes around it is because there are hidden in the crimson plane. A relic, it is said that it is the surface of a barren ancient relic. Through the relic, the real ancient relic can be found, but the outside world has never found that relic, so it gradually loses interest in crimson.

"Then why do you still care so much?" Su Fei was even more puzzled after hearing this. Is it worth paying attention to for a non-existent relic?

Carsus smiled disapprovingly when he heard Su Fei's words and continued, "This rumor is true! Just when the demon lord Jeronluya conquered the scarlet, Lord Jerenluya found the ruins through the traces left by the fallen plane master. Although no ancient clues were obtained from it, the ruins were still quite useful. And when you go to the crimson plane this time, Yulin will take you to find the ruins, but more importantly, you need to sharpen yourself all the time and grow up quickly. The demon world is too short of time!"

Su Fei looked at Yulin with a surprised face, and the latter was tense. Suddenly, he knew that his itinerary had been arranged. Although he was a little repulsed with this feeling in his heart, he was still a little excited to think that he would go to the ectopic face soon!

At this time, there was only one voice in his heart: I'm back! Are you ready to welcome?