Devil's Capital

Chapter 37 Devil's Song

"Su Fei, get up! Lord Carlss has begun to gather these professionals, and now he is preparing for a lecture outside the lord's castle!"

"Su Fei, Su Fei!"

Ulin came to Sufei's room under the leadership of Smod and knocked hard on the door. On such an important day, this guy doesn't know if he should get up early and get ready. Yulin complained in her heart and continued to knock hard on the door.

Su Fei, who fell asleep, was awakened by the movement outside the door and slowly poked his head out of the quilt. The severe winter cold made Su Fei feel uncomfortable. You should know that the cities that used to live on the earth basically do not need to think about keeping warm in winter. The sun sprinkled through the window. Su Fei, who had just opened his eyes, was pierced by the dazzling sun and narrowed his eyes slightly. Su Fei was about to continue to lie in the quilt and sleep back asleep. At this time, he suddenly woke up: it was almost noon. Turning over, he immediately got up from **, dressed randomly, jumped down from **, got up and walked to the door, opened the door, and looked at the two people who had been waiting outside the door for a long time. Su Fei said a little:

"It's really bad. I went to bed a little late last night. I didn't expect it to work at this time today."

Listening to Su Fei scratching his head and yawning, he couldn't help but show Hao Ran's expression. Last night, he discussed his newly acquired inheritance from Lord Carlsas. When he returned to his room, Su Fei couldn't sleep and had to continue to run the "Heavenly Demon Refinement Recipe". Feeling the gradually growing breath in his body, Su Fei was still not confident and continued to practice hard. As a result, when the magic energy he had stored was exhausted, he began to sleep. As a result, the next day, when the whole lord's castle began to operate in an orderly manner and the sun was about to hang in the middle of the sky, Su Fei got up and was still not used to the life in the demon world.

Smod saw that the boss was stunned, and then looked at the clothes wrapped around Su Fei. He thought that Su Fei was afraid of facing the unknown danger of the alien plane. He immediately straightened his chest and said proudly, " boss, I finally felt a panic before leaving!" I guess I'll have to stay there for a long time this time. Boss, don't worry, I'll protect your safety.

Listening to the brainless words of the werewolf, Su Fei completely woke up, directly ignored the heroic words of his follower, and asked Yulin, who was standing aside, "Miss Yulin, are you ready to drive to the crimson plane after this gathering?"

Ulin's body tilted back slightly, avoiding Su Fei coming out of the room. The Lord was finally willing to come out. You know, she and Smod had been knocking for a long time, and at this time, Uncle Carlsas had organized the gathering of demon professionals outside the Lord's Fort. Thinking of this, Yulin suddenly said angrily to Su Fei, who had consumed her time, "Thank you for waking up!" It's almost noon, and the demon professionals outside are almost ready to gather. We will set out for the scarlet plane later, and our Chinese meal today will be solved in the scarlet plane. Why don't you go out to find the lord and die in a frantic way!"

Ulin's few words made Su Fei very embarrassed. When he woke up, he thought he had to have lunch before leaving. Last night, the whole lord's castle was brightly lit, and those demon professionals and rangers who had just arrived had just settled down to rest. Su Fei also wanted to take advantage of this time difference to be lazy. Unexpectedly, he almost missed this heterogeneous experience because of his sleepiness. Touching his nose, he followed Yulin silently and walked out of the castle. Smod looked at Sophie's bald appearance and wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. His previous tense face unfolded in an instant. When he was about to smile secretly, his eyes met Su Fei's vicious eyes turned around and stared at him. Suddenly, the look on his face was like a pickled eggplant and silently followed the unreliable master.


"Guys, be quiet! Please listen to me first. First of all, I, Carlsas, am very grateful that you can come to the sickle from far away. This time, everyone present must have confirmed the authenticity of the news. Yes, it's time for the rise of the demon world! We finally ushered in the best moment to completely get rid of the shackles of the gods, and this news is the message brought by the sickle demon boy who came out of the sea of demons!"

Karsas stood on a temporary high platform outside the castle, and the three-meter platform allowed him to see the expression of the demon standing underneath. He pressed his hand slightly forward and motioned the demons gathered together to keep quiet. Carlsas continued,

"Now, I, Carlsas, am here to confirm the authenticity of this news to you again. The sickle demon is in the lord's castle behind me. And he will also go to the crimson plane with you this time. Everyone also knows that the scarlet plane is a plane where crises and opportunities coexist. So far, there is not even a safe demon stronghold for this, and the only place to stand, the Swift Pass, is still under the counterattack of the scarlet plane from the indigenous people from time to time. Now I want to ask you, are you afraid?

The demons under it began to appear small-scale **, and from time to time demons questioned Carlsas:

"Lord Carlsace, why did you choose such a dangerous plane?"

"Wouldn't it be better to send us to the heterogeneous plane under your jurisdiction that has made progress? Such a plane can not only accelerate the plunder of heterogeneous resources and strengthen itself, but also promote the process of heterogeneous warfare!"

"That's right! Your decision is not in line with the rules of the interests of the demon world.


Without waiting for the demons below to discuss the results, Carlsas continued to say to himself:

"Maybe some demons will think that such an alien plane cannot get enough resources and rewards in a short time, and you may also think that such an act is like taking out all the few cards left to bet on an act that is doomed to have little profit. However, I, Carlsas, have a different view from you. Do you think the gods can give us enough time to strengthen ourselves? Do you think the gods can watch the demon world rise like this without taking any measures? Do you think that the silence of the demon world for thousands of years is just because we are not strong enough?

"Isn't it?"

At this time, Liefield, who stood next to Zaru, couldn't help retorting loudly. His words resonated with the demon professionals and rangers on the field, and the atmosphere began to become lively.

When Carls heard the following retort, he smiled angrily and said, "Look at yourselves, what the dark era of thousands of years has made you like!" Do you know why the demon world has existed from ancient times to ancient times to today? Do you know why it is not because of the law opposed to the gods in the demon world, nor because of the rumored equilibrium theory in the whole thousand planes? It's because the fighting spirit and courage passed on to the next generation after the death of generations of pioneers! No one is afraid of death, but there are many more valuable things in the world that deserve to be done, even if we pay the price of our lives for it! Do you know? This is the foundation of the demon world for hundreds of millions of years!"

The winter sun shone on the open space outside the lord's castle, and the lingering cold clung to the demons, and the demon professionals and rangers in the field fell into silence. Carlsas's words directly revealed the memories hidden in their hearts that they did not want to recall. The dark era of thousands of years is not a year or two, nor a hundred years! When generations of elders went to die with deep regret and gradually reduced to a semi-closed plane in the whole demon world, the shadow of the gods has been hanging in their inner world, and no matter how hard they try, they can't dissipate.

Refield felt that Captain Zaru's hands covering his mouth gradually lost his strength and struggled away, but at this time he could not say any inverse words. The demon world has been silent for too long. If the awakened demon world chooses the wrong direction, the only way to guide it is to extinction!

Ulin took Su Fei and the two quietly circled from the side door of the lord's castle to the field and stayed with these professionals. Hearing Lord Carlsas's speech, several people were also silent. The so-called inheritance of glory is to pass on the will of the demon plane from generation to generation. Only in this way, even if the demon world is destroyed, as long as there is a demon, the demon world can be rebuilt!

Looking at the demon professionals and rangers who fell into silence, Carlsas knew that these new recruits did not have the iron-blooded iron will, so he must first let them know what they are fighting for!

"The crimson plane is very dangerous. For now, demons are killed by the natives of the plane every day in defense. And does our demon world seek benefits and avoid harm when we see danger? If you choose a different path, where will you hide in the abyss when the gods attack again? We don't have much time, or even very urgent. Once the eyes of the gods focus on the demon world, the cleansing of the demon world will unfold again! We can be said to be racing against death, so we must seize the time available at every moment to strengthen ourselves. So, I ask you now: Are you afraid?

Refield answered first, "I'm not afraid!" Successfully aroused the inner ** and blood of Carlsas. Regardless of the desperate look of the boss beside him, Liefield said it bluntly.

This sentence was like Mars falling into an oil barrel, and the whole site burst into a deafening roar: "Don't be afraid!"

"Do you remember the vows in the demon world thousands of years ago?"

"Don't dare to forget!"

"Gods standing on the top of the clouds and looking down on the earth

Your sacred smile is in our eyes

How despicable and ugly

We are about to fall into sleep

You can laugh at this time

I hope you can still keep your smile in the distant future

Say the devil's fist in your face

Ding on your kingdom in the footsteps of the devil

At that moment

I hope you can continue to smile

The demon world will never sink

Even if there is only one demon

I won't compromise with you

After our death

There will be new demons

To inherit our unfinished business

There will be one day

The Glory of the Devil

It will ring through all planes
