Devil's Capital

Chapter 1 Drop Surface--Scarlet

The crimson plane is composed of three divided continents, connected by the sea and mountains. In the era led by the Lord God of Kazate, human beings dominated the whole crimson.

A long time ago, Kazate, the god of knowledge who was promoted to the throne in scarlet, joined the alliance of the main gods. That era was the most shining era of the scarlet plane. In the face of the explosion of information and the frequent exchanges between planes, after being exposed to more ethnic groups and plane knowledge, the crimson plane began to develop rapidly, and the human races of the three continents began to unite and continue to strengthen their own strength.

After learning more plane knowledge, Kazate began to have a deeper understanding of his priesthood. The god of knowledge is the god of omnipotence; the god of knowledge is the god of knowledge and insight. In order to establish his magnificent divine kingdom, Kazat began to explore and travel to other planes alone, and constantly guided different ethnic groups to his own divine kingdom to study their beliefs and lifestyles.

While not constantly improving his rules, Kazat gradually discovered a secret - a secret that is enough to destroy the whole alliance of gods: the final way of the god of faith can only become one and believe in a main god to have enough divine power to impact the supreme existence in the thousand plane! Kazat, who knew this secret, was very afraid and confused for a long time. He quietly stayed on the crimson plane to manage his people and coordinate the development of all ethnic groups in the Kingdom of God. But the more control and selectively forget the experience, the deeper the picture is in my mind! Desire slowly eroded Kazate's soul and made him uneasy all day long.

Finally, he couldn't stand this torture. Kazat went to the ruins of the last time. He wanted to find the powerful history of gods and demons in the last era, hoping to get rid of the current state. Once again, coming to the island floating in the void, Kazat slowly approached and observed. This time, he did not allow himself to miss any opportunity to find out. After carefully distinguishing the species and age of the island's biological remains, and in connection with the magnetic disorder of the island itself, Kazate came to a conclusion that he was faintly afraid of: this was once a continent that had been destroyed by war.

The different plane not only has the protection of the plane rules itself, but also has the destruction of the ecological landscape inside to make it lose its vitality and slowly wither, it is impossible for the gods of this era to destroy the whole continent with one hand. Kazate affirmed his guess and was frightened by this inconspicuous floating island. How powerful the strong men in ancient times should be! Fortunately, Kazat found a demon's body in a cave on the island. Although the body had dried up, after taking samples taken from the skeleton and analyzing it in his own divine kingdom, he came up with a more shocking answer: the devil did not believe in ancient times and even in more distant times. Road, becoming a god by law, and being holy by the flesh is the most common route taken by demons!

At this time, Kazat finally felt real regret. He himself chose the wrong direction from the beginning. The omnipotent god can only be the most powerful one, and he can only be regarded as a second-rate character in the alliance of gods. He did not dare to announce this news to the gods, because he knew that Caesar would kill himself immediately and then let time slowly dilute this rumor that was unfavorable to him, and the devil would certainly welcome him and invite him to the demon world to continue to study the topics of the last era, but these were not what Mozart wanted.

The god of knowledge originally refers to the god of wisdom. From the beginning, Kazat chose the wrong direction. In this era of supreme withering, no matter where the foundation of faith is found, there is only one way to erase it. Kazat immediately sealed all the information and threw all the research equipment and project records into a relic on the crimson plane. He couldn't bear to bury his own efforts, hoping to leave a glimmer of life for the future crimson.

At that time, Caesar began to gradually doubt the omnipotent god. For Katzate, he liked to travel to increase his knowledge and complete the rules in his kingdom of God, which was already a semi-public matter among the gods. Perhaps other gods did not care about Kazat's unusual performance in recent days, but Caesar, who had been curious about Kazat's research topic, paid enough attention to him. After discovering that the god of knowledge had made an unusual move, Caesar began to secretly follow Gaddat and follow him to see what he did. What has appeared?

But after Kazat left, Caesar did not find anything useful on the floating island in the void. He thought that he would rather kill wrong than leave a hidden danger for himself. Caesar quietly revealed to the demon world that Kazat had obtained a demon skeleton from the ancient era. Yellua was very late when he got the news. He didn't believe much in the information from the gods, but his strength had reached a bottleneck, coupled with the strong support of the seven demons, so he decided to go to the Crimson throne to ask for the demon corpse.

On that day, when he heard that the demon master began to invade the alien plane of the members of the alliance of the gods, the demon lord below began to gather troops and prepare to take the crimson plane as food for the future of the demon world. Yelloa did not object to his subordinates' self-assertion. Although this trip was to ask for something, the devil's creed is that what he wants is mine! You don't give? I'll kill you first and then take out what I need from your body. Demons prefer the following way

The harmony and tranquility in the crimson plane have been broken. They have never experienced a plane invasion war, and the crimson people do not know how to resist the invasion of demons. An individual began to use up the only courage left in his body with weapons to fight against the devil, but more people began to be defeated. A demon general wrote in his memoirs: I have never met such an incompetent human race in my life. They don't even have the most basic defensive lineup. After the initial bloody grinding, the next step is a unilateral slaughter. That day, blood filled the whole land. But when they arrived at the center of this continent - the crimson capital, no matter how fierce the demon's attack was, they vowed not to retreat. In the end, when the wall was broken, they filled with corpses, and the wall of the whole crimson capital became a city of flesh and blood.

Kazat wandered anxiously in the kingdom of God, and his pace became more and more urgent. At the moment when the plane channel was opened, he wrote a letter for help to Caesar as soon as possible. After that, he felt unsteady and sent a letter for help to several of the main gods in the alliance of gods, and he huddled in the kingdom of God and erased all traces of the kingdom of God with plane rules. The demon master is too powerful to resist the suppression of the rules of the plane. He has reached the peak of this era, giving him enough time to understand the demon road of sanctification of the body and the law of becoming a god, then this is a disaster for the whole thousand planes.

Kazate, who couldn't wait for any support news, was almost desperate. He sat alone on the throne, raised his hands slightly and put them down. At this moment, he understood everything. It was not the devil that really killed him, but Caesar! His recent abnormal behavior was finally detected by him. Since Caesar did not come to silence himself this time, it means that he did not know what this secret really meant. In this way, his death was a good thing for the gods. As for whether the devil benefited, it was not something to consider. Kazate, who figured it out, smiled indifferently, tidied up his clothes and stepped out of the Kingdom of God.

The seven first demons who were constantly paying attention to the fluctuation of divine power over the crimson plane were shocked. Seeing Kazat appear, several people quickly stepped forward and tightly surrounded Kazat. Ye Lengluya in the distance was happy to see that this incident was so smooth. There was no annoyance of the insects of the League of Gods, and she was in a good mood for everything. He slowly came to Kazate and stared at the god, hoping to read something from his eyes.

"The gods are known as the gods of omnipotent knowledge, and I deeply admire your achievements. Of course, I didn't come here to chat with you. Are you ready for what I want?

Yelengluya slowly revealed the true purpose of this trip.

Without paying attention to the words of the devil's master, Kazate stared at his exclusive plane. At their level, the existence of external objects could not shake their minds, but looking at the bloody land, watching his people being slaughtered and do nothing, Qazit felt deeply sad at this moment. The honest man also had moments of anger. Gaddat did not answer Yelloa's question, but laughed crazily. His mind began to fall into madness. At this time, there was only one idea: kill all the invaders!

"The plane will hidden in the depths! I, Virgil. Kazate - the God of Knowledge and Wisdom is here to ask you to come! I am willing to destroy these invaders at the cost of destroying myself and integrating into the plane!"

"I promise you the conditions!"

Yelenluya and others did not care about Kazate's crazy behavior. At this time, when they heard the dull answer of the plane, they were shocked and immediately gave up their entanglement with Kazat and hurriedly turned to the demon army on the ground.

Ferrett! Convene the demon army to withdraw from the plane, and soon the plane law will reject the demons. Although we will have nothing to do, these demons can't resist the counterattack of the plane's will without the legendary strength! I lost a lot this time, but I didn't expect this Mozart to be so stubborn!"

While telling the most powerful first demon, Ferret, Yellua tried to exude an atmosphere against the plane will to fight for buffer time for the demon below.

"Destroy! Destroy it all! The world is incomplete. If you want to reach the peak, you can only find the truth buried by history and find out the secrets of ancient times and even ancient times!"

Kazate's mood began to fall into madness, and with a strong hatred for Caesar, he subconsciously said the most important secret to Yelenlua.

learned the news and the demon master who endured the strong counterattack of the plane's will showed a long-lost smile. Although this experience has gone through several twists and turns, he got this secret. He believes that he can reach the peak one day. As for conquering thousands of planes, that is After that, there are things to consider. He, Yellengluya, only pursues his own strength and can protect his own plane. He is not a complete ambition. Power, and there is no strength to attract him in his eyes.

is the battle, and the scarlet plane falls. Although the counterattack of the plane's will killed a large number of demons during this period, after being forcibly suppressed by the demon master, the follow-up troops of the demon world began to station on the scarlet plane and plunder them until the war between gods and demons thousands of years ago. Although he is not ashamed of Caesar's conspiracy, the winner is qualified to evaluate history, and the silent demon world has lost its dominance in controlling the crimson plane like other planes.

Kazat melted the whole divine kingdom into crimson. Although it was given a considerable amount of time as a buffer, when the demon's threat was no longer the first, the problem of the plane itself began to highlight, and the hidden dangers finally broke out. The whole crimson plane fell into a long period of chaos. There was a year-round war between various ethnic groups. The shape leaves room for the devil to continue to settle down. But thousands of years later, the demon world has begun to recover a little bit of ferocity. The indigenous people in the crimson, what have you made in the past thousand years?