Devil's Capital

Chapter 3 Devil from Heaven

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After the assembly, Su Fei found Carlsas in front of him under the lead of Yulin. Looking at Carlsas' majestic expression, Sufi suddenly felt a little nervous. After all, he was late and let his lord take time to wait. Although Carlsas did not say anything at this time, Sufi was still a little sorry. At this time, he stood aside obediently and listened to Carlsas' last lecture.

Su Fei is a little afraid of this heterogeneous experience. Of course, he is more curious about the unknown. In his life after rebirth, although he will not feel bored after seeing so many different kinds of demons, he will inevitably feel monotonous when he always lives the same life. Unconsciously, these demon recruits have started and headed for a transmission array. The passage of the crimson plane is on the border of the far west. It is impossible for them to walk there like this, so they have to go to the transmission array in the sickle demon territory first, first reach the far west, and then turn to the scarlet plane.

Although the demon lords had a gap between each other, they temporarily formed a combination of interests under the premise of distributing their respective interests. At least before the new master of the demon world, they still had a tacit understanding of mutual support. After all, they belong to the same demons in this dark year. No one wants to have civil strife as soon as there are signs of vigor. The Western bull-headed demon lord and Luciphate had no objection to this. Carlsas had no worries, so he vigorously transferred troops to Crimson. Looking at the black demon group, Carlsas thought to himself that when this group of fresh troops reached Crimson, the advance troops sent should have figured out the current situation of the Crimson plane. Well, although it is a gamble, Carlsas is still used to preparing in advance so as to protect his interests to the maximum extent and try to narrow the losses to an acceptable range.

The group quickly came to the transmission array. Yulin pulled Su Fei and Smod close to Carlsas. Su Fei, who had the fourth-order strength, was still too weak. Among the demons standing in it, there were many strong men of the legend of the heavenly realm. If they didn't pay attention, the pressure emanating would make Su Fei unbearable. After arriving at the teleportation array, Carls began to keep his own guards in order, and let his personal guard captain Kevin take the lead in neatly lining up these demons transmitted in batches through the plane channel to the far west through the teleportation array, and then he teleported them with Su Fei Yulin and others.

After about half an hour, tens of thousands of demons came out of the transmission array one after another and came to the far west. Many demons present have never been to this far west. Previously, because Lucifa and Capit, the lord of the bulldore, unilaterally closed the transmission array of the polar west, so everyone took this opportunity to take a closer look to see what this polar land looks like. When Carls saw that the emotions of the people could not be suppressed, he had to exude the legendary peak. Suddenly, it was like hail in summer. Everyone calmed down and stood in line one by one, ready to officially welcome the new journey!

For a moment, tens of thousands of demons stood together in a daze. How to see this scene was funny. Su Fei covered his mouth and wanted to laugh, but at this time, he was severely pinched by Yulin standing next to him. Su Fei grinned hard to avoid Yulin's attack. The scene was immediately embarrassing. Get up. For these professionals and rangers, there is no better way to manage these professionals and rangers. At this time, he just wants to send these guys all to the crimson, and the demon officers there will have a way to govern these guys.

He coughed and ordered Kevin, the captain of the guard standing aside to maintain order, to start. After receiving instructions from Carlsace, Kevin first let his soldiers enter the plane channel to convey the news to Sinjid, the resident commander in Swift City, prepare the demons over there, and then let the neat demon recruits enter the plane channel in turn. Time slowly slipped. Su Fei watched a group of demons walk into the water-colored passage, and then there was no sound. At first, he felt curious. Later, he looked at it and felt bored. At this time, it was close to the afternoon, and the sun began to tilt. Su Fei, who had not eaten in the morning, was already hungry. With a little strength, another hour passed. When they really arrived at the scarlet plane, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Carth didn't follow this time, but just gave Yulin a handwritten letter to Sinjid, the commander of Swift City, and he returned to the sickle magic collar after witnessing these demon conscriptions entering the alien plane. The crimson plane is just an inconspicuous beginning. What Carlsas really cares about is how Su Fei can develop on the crimson plane. In the case of no plane domination in the demon world, no matter how many high-level demons can be used as cannon fodder. Without waiting for the gods to come, the coalition of the gods alone can break through the resistance of the demon world.

Thinking of this, Karsas couldn't help feeling that time was more urgent. He decided to hold another demon meeting to convene these lords to discuss the next steps, and the one in the abyss was finally moved by himself. This meeting had to discuss how to create more conditions for the abys to invade the main material plane. . There is no selfless dedication in the world. The reason why Stantin promised that he could temporarily attract the attention of the gods for the demon world is just that the demon world, which will be sufficiently developed, can bear more pressure for the abys at the moment of resisting the gods. Therefore, at present, the most important thing is to create a more favorable development opportunity for the demon world. Even if the number of cannon fodder is enough, it can slightly block the footsteps of fate. Time is too important for the current demon world!

"Su Fei! Don't let me down!"

Stepping on the crimson land, Su Fei is marveling at the majestic gate in front of him - Swift. I don't know what to expect from him. Su Fei's most urgent idea now is to go to a restaurant to have a good meal, and then have a good sleep. As for the battle, let's think about it when he wakes up tomorrow!

At this time, Swift opened the door to his compatriots, and many sickle soldiers came out of it. After Kevin's captain and the leading officer made a handover, the soldiers began to lead the demons outside into the city. Kevin came to Yulin and whispered, and then looked at Su with a little profoundly. No, he turned around and stepped into the plane channel and returned to the demon world. He only listened to Kevin mutter to himself in the end: "Good luck!"

I didn't pay attention to the strange words of the captain of the soldier who had met once, Su Fei began to follow Yulin with Smod and entered the majestic pass with the demon in front of him. As soon as he entered the city, Su Fei was deeply shocked by the buildings in Swift City! What a scene: There were broken walls everywhere, there were no intact buildings, and even the discernable streets were potholes. Su Fei looked disappointed with this Xiongguan in his heart. At this time, he suddenly remembered something, suddenly turned to the wall, and then contacted the scene in the city. He was guessed by himself. The test is scared! Is this to hollow out the whole mountain and build a thick wall outside by relying on the mountain wall?

Looking at Su Fei's shocked expression, Yulin couldn't help approaching her body and whispered to Su Fei, "You're right. Swift is a hollow mountain. At the beginning, there was only one culvert here. Roland, a designer in our demon world, saw it when he resisted the crazily counterattack of the crimson indigenous people. After this culvert, a whim suddenly told the plan to the commander Rogge at that time, and the two hit it out, so they had the prototype of Swift. Although the war at the beginning was very difficult, the stationed demon stubbornly persisted and continued to expand later, forming today's majestic pass - Swift!"

Seeing Su Fei pointing at the building debris around with a puzzled face, Yulin replied carelessly, "That's because the indigenous army on the crimson plane later united and saw that they could not break through the outer city, they ordered the Dragon Knight to throw* from the sky. After being enchanted by the human mage, the thunderstone fell from that path, although However, the devil's loss is not very serious, but the buildings inside no longer exist. He pointed to the sky and motioned Su Fei to look at it himself.

Su Fei followed Yulin's finger and looked at the sky, only to see a big entrance above which was a vast sky, and he and others stayed in the belly of the mountain. At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and the light in the city was even darker. The sickle demon soldiers who had been preparing for a long time added animal oil to the mountain wall and lit the light. Suddenly, the whole mountain became bright.

Smod around him is not interested in these strange things around him. From the moment he became Su Fei's servant, Su Fei became his faith. In addition, only by strengthening his strength can he give Smod his motivation. The demons followed the sickle demon to an open area. Looking at this flat land, Su Fei had to admire the architectural art of these demons. Nima, although the independent development of a flat land in the mountain is enough to prove the excellence of the original designer, is this place where they rest tonight? Su Fei's mood at this time can no longer be described in words. At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of the words in the Lord's Fort Yulin, and this was just the beginning. Su Fei had a ominous feeling about his future experience.

At this time, seeing that Yulin left the team to find a small soldier leader, Su Fei knew that she was going to find Commander Sinjid, and thought that she would also get on this line. Anyway, let's muddle through tonight first. With a smile on his face and about to say a few words, he was immediately reprimanded back by the sickle demon:

"Team up, neatly. Sit down and have dinner on time at 8 p.m.!"