Devil's Capital

Chapter 11 Wild boar


Stepping on the yellow fallen leaves on the ground and bypassed a thick tree, Kabru carefully raised his foot to move away the Su Fei who came up behind him, pressed his hand down, and motioned the team behind him to stay in formation, don't make a sound, and keep up carefully.

Pinched the dead branches in front of him, Kablu crawled forward with Su Fei, and a group of wild boars in the open space in front of him were lying leisurely in the afternoon sun. With so many wild boars, today's task seems to be overfulfilled!" It was an unexpected pleasure for Kabru to know that he accidentally found a wild boar herd! Usually, they are lucky enough to hunt a single wild boar or two. If they meet some violent monsters, such as ground bears, pythons, crocodiles and so on, there will inevitably be casualties in the team.

Although Kabru's own strength is strong, few of the logistics soldiers led have surpassed the strength of the big devil. In addition to hunting Warcraft to supplement food, the logistics often needs advanced Warcraft blood to replenish the soldiers' consumption. They just follow Lord Sinjid's personal guards out to do chores or something, help deal with the internal organs of Warcraft, pack and take away ingredients.

Looking at the wild boars in front of him, Kablu's mood is still a little excited. For so many years, he has been managing material savings in the devil's world. In the face of the complex environment and cunning monsters in the wild, people in the team are often injured and retired, and even a small number of deaths. Now that it is the scarlet plane, it is the first time to bring a newcomer to the attendance. It is really a surprise to meet wild boar, a species that is not aggressive and rich in ingredients.

Gradually, Kabru had reached the edge of the open space, quickly stopped moving forward and carefully squatted in the bushes next to him. Kabru's team members began to disperse from the middle, took out tools from the storage rings one by one, chose their own position to hide, waiting for Kabru's order.

There is no reason why Sufi's team was not looked down on by Philens. Just when people were waiting to be careful of ambush, they didn't know what they should do. Fortunately, Yi Dahanke and others inside were not idiots and did not follow them in a daze. Seeing that he and others had nothing to help, they carefully followed Su Fei and tried to touch the surrounding plants as little as possible to avoid making noise and let the prey inside run away.

"Do it! Damn it, you're cheating me!" At first sight, Su Fei was shocked to see the wild boars lying leisurely on the ground with their white belly stretched out in the sun. Shit, it's worthy of being a pig in the alien world. This Nima is too clean! Looking at the snow-white belly and skin with obvious spots, Su Fei felt that this group of wild boars was here to subvert his cognition.

Unlike the meekness of livestock, wild boars have developed a grumpy temper because they have lived in the wild for a long time and competed with other monsters for resources. This group of wild boars are also strange. They have been breeding in the Spartacus Mountains for hundreds of years and have just moved from the large ethnic group deep in the mountains to the periphery to find winter food. Under the convergence of the devil's past, no one has found a huge wild boar herd not far from the city of Swift.

Without the threat of natural enemies, the life of this wild boars is so leisurely! Usually, when you are free, you go out to fight the autumn wind and see some powerful monsters, such as earth bears, magic wolves, lions and tiger beasts, etc., which are not afraid at all. What's more, when some old wild boars take their cubs out to familiarize themselves with the environment, they will also take them to familiarize themselves with the territory of those powerful monsters. In terms of their tradition, this is called recognition.

In those years, a passing lion and tiger saw a single wild boar. It had been hungry for a long time. It couldn't stand the smell of meat and couldn't stand **. It directly came forward to bite the wild boar and had a full meal. At that time, the lion and tiger beast was rinsing by the stream and cleaning its mouth. As a result, hundreds of wild boars who heard the news chased from the north of the Spartacus Mountains to the south. Later, the lion and tiger beast had no choice but to run into a forbidden area and narrowly escaped the pursuit of wild boars. Since then, the status of wild boars has greatly improved. Even when they usually go out, the wild boars all hold their heads high, their nostrils facing the sky, and look very dragging.

Every little wild boar brought is remembered by those powerful monsters, so often some small wild boars run to their territory alone, and some not too strong monsters have to pinch their noses and reluctantly return the little wild boars to the ethnic groups. So this group of wild boars became proud. They began to have a sense of shame. They often found enough food. After eating and drinking enough, they would wash their bodies in the stream, roll in the stream, and rub their extra hair and so on. This day is a comfortable day!

Lie on the flat ground and bask in the sun, turning down from time to time, so that the sun can shine evenly on the whole body. These dozen wild boars came out to forage under the leadership of a strong wild boar. Winter came. Although there were no natural enemies, the wild boars had to run far away from the territory for food. Deeply know the power of unity, this wild boar herd is in groups every time it is far away from its territory, so that even some monsters in the mountains who hate wild boars often have no way to speak.

However, once a group only has the emotion of pride, they often have no opportunity to turn over in the face of irreversible disasters. This group of leisurely wild boars greedily enjoyed the sunshine and did not know that the extinction crisis had come.

"Pay attention to my order, and all the team members are in place!" Kabru saw that the wild boar saliva had been left. If there were only a dozen wild boars, it would be nothing, but once a larger group was found, their logistics would no longer worry about the ingredients for a long time. After wiping the corners of his mouth, Kabru gestured to the team member hidden at the foot of a tree not far away, ready to catch all the wild boars in front of him first!

Squatting quietly in the bushes, Su Fei's team has never participated in hunting. At this time, it is inevitable to be a little excited to see that the prey is about to arrive. If this ticket is successful, it means that the professionals present have successfully stopped on the other plane, and the road ahead will naturally be smoother.

He took out a big net from the storage ring in his hand. Kabru suddenly strung out, and his left hand issued a command to attack. He was the first to throw the big net at the wild boar herd.

"Do it!"

After Cabru gave the order, the team members threw out the big net in their hands and rushed to the wild boar in the open space with the long-prepared stum.

Su Fei and others were like bystanders at this moment. Looking at the flowing movements of the Cabru players, they were stunned for a moment. No one expected that this hunting would be so easy. The situation in the field changed in an instant. The wild boars who were still basking in the afternoon sun leisurely before were so bound by the big net and struggled to scream.

Kabru has led this logistics team for a period of time, and has also experienced a lot of cooperation in the demon world before. At this time, the sophisticated cooperation between partners is invisible. Although the wild boars in the field are trapped at once, for this group of irritable and irritable creatures, they have to embank it. Our counterattack.

Carefully approached the center of the field, and Carre took the stumbling thrown by the team members and threw it at the wild boar closest to him. The stum made a beautiful arc in the air and hung on the wild boar's tusks. "It worked!" Kabru's nervous mood couldn't help relaxing. He turned around and let his subordinates continue to throw stumbling. As long as the tusks of these wild boars were wrapped together with stumbling ropes, the wild boars would really pose no threat to them!

"Wo! Wow!"

Who dares to provoke the great little prince of wild boar! When I just narrowed my eyes, I suddenly felt something on my body. It was very uncomfortable to press myself. The youngest son of the wild boar king, Zhu Santong, was unhappy. He opened his confused eyes lazily and looked at them casually. At this time, the fangs on his mouth just met a trip rope and screamed loudly in pain.

Stay beside the wild boar king and enjoy the worship of the wild boar below. When you are happy, you can casually choose a hot sow from the wild boar below and pull down the woods behind. It's a great day to drive in three buckets of pigs! Isn't life just to eat, sleep, eat, eat after eating, and continue to eat when you wake up? Such a pig can't be pursued by the wild boars below in their lifetime.

The weather is good today. Looking at the smiling face hanging in the sky, the pig three buckets feel happy. Although his old wild boar king has been correcting the view of this youngest son, the one in the sky should be called the sun! In front of his father's dead pig-like expression, the pig extinguished his mind of continuing to argue and wanted to chat with his father here. It's better to find a few pig sisters to discuss pig life!

So, on this sunny weather, three buckets of pigs escaped again with their bodyguards and several pig ladies. After that, everyone knew that after being targeted and caught by Cabru and other demons, they didn't know that the three buckets of pigs they were about to report to the Great Death were still there, hoping that these two-legged creatures in front of them could recognize themselves.

Life is like flipping cards. You never know when good luck and bad luck will visit you. Cabre saw that the netted wild boar began to get irritable and continued to throw in with unfinished stumbling ropes. Only by successfully making them lose their minds can they minimize losses.

Dear readers, three buckets of pigs are asking you for collection, rolling, brazenly asking for support...