Devil's Capital

Chapter 30 A New Day

"Su Fei, let's go out for a walk!"

Yida knocked on Su Fei's door and said to Simode and others standing beside him, "I haven't been out for two days since I came to the sunset city!"

Hank was also curious about the sunset city. At this time, when he heard Yi Da's suggestion, he pulled A San to go together. Smod has no problem, but he needs Su Fei's consent. Several people have discussed their decision to come to Su Fei. Even if there is any accident with this team leader, it will be better to take care of him.

They moved here with the logistics department the day before yesterday and had no place to live for the time being, so they had to arrange for them to live in those empty residential houses first. The whole logistics was arranged in a residential house near the temple, and Su Fei and others lived in a large courtyard.

When winter came, it began to get cold outside and was awakened by his subordinates. Su Fei rubbed his hazy eyes and endured the cold. He got up from ** and opened the door. "Wow," the cold wind outside poured in, and Su Fei shivered and was about to scold the unsighted bastard. Looking up, he found that Smod and his others were standing outside and extinguished his angry thoughts.

Reaching out and tightening his collar, Su Fei stared at Yi Da standing in front of him and asked angrily, "It's so early now. Where are you going?"

Seeing that Su Fei's face was a little gloomy, Yi Da immediately understood that her feelings were disturbing the sleep of her adults, and she didn't know how to speak for a moment. Smod, standing behind, was a little cold. He pretended not to see Su Fei's black face and said bravely, " boss, let's go out for a walk!" As if you are familiar with the terrain here, you may encounter something interesting. We are bored to death when we stay here. It's not a matter to be idle all day!"

Defeated by his confidant, Su Fei is not easy to get angry directly at Smood. Since he has been woken up, he will not be sleepy when he goes back to bed at this time. Just go out with them and take a vacation to see how the exotic is. Thinking about this, Su Fei's face began to improve and said to Smood faintly, "Since you all want to go out for a walk, let's go together!"

With Su Fei's approval, Hank and A San beside him couldn't help but relax. During the war, merchants had the same status as civilians, and the only advantage of merchants was that they could obtain more benefits in the war. The reason why they joined Yida is that they hope to know more about this heterogeneous plane, and they will be more targeted when they make trade plans!

Snow began to fall in the sky, and the sunset city was instantly shrouded in ice and snow. The morning vision is particularly pleasant. Snowflakes fall from the sky and become crystal pearls under the reflection of the sun, which is pleasant.

After several days of management and renovation, the sunset city has gradually returned to its original appearance. Some potholes have been replaced, and new roads have been repaired on the street. Su Fei and his party walked on the street and looked around at the colorful snow. Pedestrians on the road began to slowly show their bodies, and some human beings appeared in sight. They are very experienced in dealing with winter. They come out for a walk when it is cold in the morning and walk when the sun sets in the afternoon, which can not only exercise their bodies, but also reduce some cold feelings.

There is basically no big difference between demons and human beings. After their strength reaches the great demon, except that the devil's eyes are still purple, which is also the only proof of distinguishing between human beings and demons in the heterotopian. Of course, even if Sinjid leads an elite army, there are still many demon soldiers who are not strong enough, wandering outside the sunset city in their primitive form.

"Hi! Hello, uncle, may I come in and have a look at your work?

After walking a long street, Su Fei never saw anyone's shop open until he found the metallurgical workshop in front of him.

The man raised his head, looked at Su Fei, and said, "You are free!" Then he continued to knock on the pig iron in his hand and ignored Su Fei and others.

After getting the approval, Su Fei led Smod to take the lead in, and Yida, Hank and others also followed.

Iron is a technical job. Several times when observing the sickle demon army hunting, Su Fei suddenly found that the weapons in the demon world were too old-fashioned. Although he carried an artifact on his body, the roots could not be used before reaching the big demon world, so many low-level sickle demons had to do it. He rushed up with a wooden stick. It hurts a little to see Su Fei here. What is this? After so many years, hasn't there been a new concept? You really can't overestimate the devil's IQ.

Bypassing the stove, Su Fei walked into the hall and began to view the weapons displayed inside. Perhaps a few days after the opening, the uncle didn't have many things on the shelf. Of course, Su Fei is only interested in the quality of these weapons. He took out a long sword from the shelf and raised his hand slightly. With a sharp blade in the dazzling white light of Yangguan, he gently flicked the blade with his hand. The crisp echo made Su Fei's eyes light up in an instant. This is a good thing!

"Uncle, how do you sell your sword here?" With the long sword in his hand, Su Fei turned around and asked the price to the uncle standing outside the door for iron.

"5 gold coins, children are not deceived!"

Er, Su Fei was choked at once, five gold coins! Before he came, he also saw the exchange rate of mainland common coins. The ratio of demon coins exchanged on the heterogeneous plane is 1:2, and five gold coins are equivalent to 2.5 demon gold coins, which is almost the cost of the lower class in the devil world! Although it is good, the price is still a little outrageous.

"Ky, I'm not talking about mainland generic coins, but demon coins!" Seeing that Su Fei did not answer, Kazik continued to add a sentence. He has been opening this smelter shop for many days, but the devil took away all the good things in his store as soon as he came, and there were several hard works in it! I was angry. Just after the repair of the sunset city yesterday, Lord Sinjid issued a new demon announcement. After releasing their prisoners, Kazik ran to Lord Sinjid to argue. After overturning several guards, he met Lord Sinjid as he wished.

Of course, he must not be able to beat others, so Kazbek had to reason with Sinjid. Therefore, after a bargain, the newly opened store became Sinjid's compensation to Kazbek and promised to make it as convenient as possible. So Su Fei and others naturally became the object of Kazik's venting. God knows that these are his first customers in the two days since he opened the store.

You can't understand what they are thinking! Su Fei was dumbfounded at this time. This guy doesn't want to do business! Unexpectedly, he raised prices and refused guests so bluntly. If it was an ordinary second-generation official or something, he would directly go up and slap him in the face to let Kazik know why the flowers were so red. However, Su Fei is a civilized person, and the main reason is that he doesn't have the courage to do it directly by looking at Kazik's fat biceps and strong body, and then comparing his thin body.

Looking at the ferocious little devil in front of him with an angry look, Kazik suddenly felt the pleasure of revenge in his heart! Yes, we are good people. You are powerful. I won't mess with you, but I can't afford the price of what I worked hard to build? I'm sorry, you can only watch there! The happier he thought about it, the happier he became. Kazik couldn't help laughing and said rudely to Su Fei:

"Do you want to buy this guest? Don't just look at it. If you buy it, you can take it back and enjoy it slowly!"

"Smod, give him 5 demon gold coins, and we will take the sword!" Su Fei couldn't stand this tricky tone, and he could still afford five gold coins. Gold coins account for more than half of the storage ring specially prepared for himself before Carlsas's trip, but spending so much money to buy a thing without enchantment is indeed a little prodigal.

Ah? Oh, okay, young master!" Before Smod reacted, he heard that his master could not stand the provocation and bought the sword like this. You know, he has lived in the Werewolf Mountain Village for seven or eight years and has not used so many gold coins! However, the adult's words could not resist. At this time, Smod finally remembered the words that Su Fei had warned before and changed his mind to become a young master.

"Ouch! Big customer, this young master, for your clumsy eyes, I don't see that you are actually a rich master. Why don't you look at the other weapons in my store and I'll give you a 20% discount!" After taking the gold coin handed over by Smod and looking at the gorgeous black gold, it was a good gold coin, which was difficult to see in Noland. At this time, Kazik's expression immediately became attentive. After all, it was not for money.

Kazke can leave the sunset city and return to live in the mainland, but as a blacksmith, he has no other ability to make a living. The mainland is also a world of enchanted weapons. The upper-class people generally like to buy enchanted weapons to show off, and some of their own weapons will naturally not be eye-catching, but if they are sold cheaply like other ordinary weapons, it is estimated that they will not even get the cost back. Only in this sunset city near the Spartacus Mountains, some hunters will need sophisticated weapons, so under the enchanted weapons, his Kazbek weapons have become the best choice! Therefore, Kazik, who was conceited, once hung a pair of words outside the store: the products produced by our store must be a boutique. If there is any natural damage, one will compensate the whole store!

Although the store was newly opened, Kazke still found someone to write a new one early and hung it in front of the door in person.

He was full of anger. In Kazk's fake smile, Su Fei walked out of the weapons store with Smod and others. The snow outside began to float heavily, and the sunset city was snow-white under the sun. When the snow was heavy, he was not in the mood to continue shopping. In addition, Su Fei was so angry that he turned around and kicked the weapons store. The scattered snow flew away and fell in front of the room.

"Weapon House." At this moment, I saw the name above the store, and the red paint on it looked a little bright. My eyes moved down and saw a pair of words appearing in front of me: the products produced by our store must be boutique. If there is any natural damage, one will compensate the whole store! This line is not big or small. If passers-by use snacks, they will just see it.

"Smod, Yida, Hank and A San. Don't go shopping, follow me back, and I'll show you something different!" Having an idea in his heart, Su Fei turned his gloomy face and said to several people with great interest, pulling them back to his residence.