Devil's Capital

Chapter 36 Secret

Su Fei's mood was particularly good for the success of this abduction. He only needs to use Kazik for traditional cast iron technology, but he can't only take over the business of weapons in his future alchemy workshop. Whether it is for Su Fei's own ideals or to drive the development of the demon world industry in the future, a large number of talents are urgently needed, which is why Su Fei is so eager to recruit subordinates.

"Your Excellency, do you live here?"

Kazke looked at the old courtyard in front of him and couldn't help asking Su Fei in a low voice. He didn't believe that the status of the owner who spent five demon gold coins would be ordinary, but the small courtyard in front of him looked really shabby.

"This is our temporary residence. The situation in the city has just stabilized, and there will be no leisure to arrange accommodation for us at this time." Su Fei answered casually and stretched out his hand to push open the door. As soon as he walked in, he turned back and prepared to take Smod and the three of them back. Smod was pulled back by Su Fei. He was confused. His eyes close to the gate suddenly found Hinjid sitting in the middle of the yard. He suddenly stiffened and prepared to quietly leave the place of right and wrong with Su Fei.

"Su Fei, why do you want to run when you see me?" Sinjid looked at Su Fei like a mouse meeting a cat. As soon as he saw him, he immediately turned around and left and said playfully.

Seeing that he was found, Su Fei extinguished his luck and obediently led several people to open the door and walked in. After entering, he saw Sinjid sitting in the middle of the yard, and Edahanke and others were adding wood fire to a new cauldron. Suddenly, he understood Sinjid's intention, and Su Fei was so flustered. He clenched his hands, stepped forward and greeted Sinjid respectfully, "Lord Sinjid, I don't know what you want to do with me this time?"

"Ha ha, that is, I have nothing to do, go out for a walk and come to see you casually," Sinjid saw the two people standing behind Su Fei, was a little curious about Su Fei's next move, and then said:

"I heard that you haven't practiced well recently, so I want to see what you are doing. Now treat me as a bystander, and you continue to do your business!"

Listening to the implicit reproach in Sinjid's words, Su Fei was still a little grateful. In the demon world, strength comes first. Other things, such as wealth and power, without the guarantee of strength, are all over the past and can't stand the test of time. Although Su Fei felt the pressure of these big people around him for him like a mountain, pressing on him and making himself unable to breathe, he was still a little moved.

"All right, all right. Stop first. I ran out of diatomite yesterday, which is that kind of special loess. Su Fei was signaled by Sinjid, first ran to let Hank and Yida and others stop their work, put out the fire in the cauldron, and then replied to Sinjid:

"Your Excellency, if you are patient, you might as well sit there and watch. I will show you something new later."

"Well, I'll watch it here. I hope you won't let me down!"


"Your Excellency, just make this box-style thing?" Singhdin looked at the drawings in front of him and asked incredulously. It's not that it's too difficult for Singhdin to make to question Su Fei, but that the rectangular box is too simple and indicates that the material is made of wood. It was hard for Singhdin to believe that this kind of work that any carpenter could do would let Su Fei test himself and still have his own professional ethics. Singhing did not think deeply.

"Of course, it's not just that." Su Fei was a little guilty at this time. He knew that he would not take out something of the super-era. I believe that these onlookers would not mind falling into the well, so he changed a confident smile and pointed to the sample in his hand and began to explain:

"This is the bellows, which is the key to ensuring the power of the alchemy workshop. You will know its specific use in the future. Of course, there is no need to invite Master Singhdin, the most important core of the alchemy workshop - the magic furnace, which is the top priority of the whole alchemy workshop. Next, I will slowly describe it for you, and the construction process needs to rely on you, Master Singhdin.

Singding seemed a little satisfied at this time, so he calmed down and was ready to continue to listen to Su Fei.

"Ancient alchemy included not only the smelting system, but also various fields such as potions, runes, magic arrays, etc. However, with the passage of time, many skills have been lost in the long river of history, and the magic furnace I want to talk about is the power source to support the whole alchemy system. As you all know, the reason why ancient alchemists are so popular is not only because they are a huge mobile treasure. You can not only get materials from them, but also get many things that you can't imagine.

And some alchemists who have reached the peak can even turn decay into magic. Some simple materials can be transformed into a lot of wealth, materials, and even power through their magical hands! And every qualified alchemist has his own magic furnace, which is not only the source of their alchemy, but also the key to their continuous growth. The magic furnace I mentioned is such an item, and this kind of thing that only belongs to the legend, I think no one can make it except the Singhding forger!"

Listening to Su Fei narrating the history of the alchemist, even Sinjid only occasionally dabbled in his own clan's volumes, not to mention the others present. Smod was confused and didn't know what Sophie was talking about. On the spot, Kazik and Singhdin happened to have been inherited by some alchemists. After hearing the function of the magic furnace, they immediately thought of the memory in the inheritance and looked at Su Fei's eyes immediately eagerly.

"Give me the design drawing, and I will definitely build the magic furnace for you!" Singhding came forward and solemnly promised Su Fei. No one knows the pain of their descendants of alchemists. After losing the inheritance of alchemists, they have become the lowest level of forgers without a magic furnace. The objects they create are not even comparable to the enchanters. Only those who have experienced the hardships can feel it.

Su Fei is also difficult to get off at this time. Originally, he just wanted to slowly transfer the modern technology on the earth and help the people at the bottom. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that things needed to be used for his own inheritance. It's not that he made up the magic furnace. In the mysterious sickle, there are many inheritances from the last era, even the previous era, but Su Fei subconsciously doesn't want to pay attention to the inheritance of the sickle.

As the saying goes, there is no reward. After experiencing rebirth and becoming a member of the demon world, Su Fei deeply felt the power of fate. He got the stone sickle and came to the demon world. The trajectory of fate began to deviate from the original track and began to move in a new direction. The unknown means that there are opportunities and dangers. Su Fei does not want to have too much intersection with the stone scythe, because once completely contaminated, it also means that his fate trajectory will move in a new unknown direction. Move forward. With the mission of revitalizing the demon world, Su Fei does not want to live in the shadow of fate without seeing the dawn.

But at this time, it was no longer Su Fei's turn to consider the gains and losses. Looking at Xingding's expectant expression, Su Fei really couldn't bear to continue to fool the old man and muttered in his heart: Just a drawing, just a drawing! After making the decision, Su Fei felt much better. Seeing that others did not care about his silence, he only regarded it as if he was recalling the details of the magic furnace. With a wry smile helplessly, Su Fei has made up his mind not to rely on the extra inheritance in the future and began to draw on paper with a charcoal pen.

Looking at Su Fei painting, the onlookers were quiet. The explosive news just gave them a great impact, and now they felt much more relaxed when they saw that Su Fei did not continue to talk.

Sinjid is still carefully thinking about the origin of Su Fei's inheritance. Judging from the records in the volume, the complete alchemist inheritance has begun to be lost in the ancient era. At the end of the ancient era, the alchemist began to disappear in the eyes of the world and be buried and destroyed. So is Su Fei's inheritance complete or incomplete? Sinjid can't come to a conclusion at this moment. When Karsus summoned himself, he only said that Su Fei had got a method of refining in ancient times, and the ancient alchemists hated the refiners the most. The clues began to mess up. Sinjid did not have a clear idea for a moment, so he had to give up for a while and read quietly. Drawing a picture of Su Fei.

"Do you think he will get two inheritances?"

Ulin came in for a long time, but everyone was listening to Su Fei's speech just now, and no one paid attention to it. Yulin also hid among the onlookers and listened carefully. Of course, her guess at this time is not a momentary intention. In the record of demons, some demons with different talents and birth with imperial signs often get two or more inheritances! However, that's all before the ancient times.

"I don't think so! Not to mention the purity of blood, the demon will received by the current demon sea is not even comparable to thousands of years ago. How can those disappeared inheritances reproduce the demon world, and they are two completely different inheritances! When Su Fei finishes the alchemy workshop, let's ask in person. It doesn't make sense to discuss these now. Singid heard Yulin's guess and said disapprovingly that this controversial matter should wait for the owner to give them an answer! So the two then looked at the field, where Su Fei was still drawing unfinished pictures.

A blueprint leading to the alchemy gate spread out between Su Fei's fingers, and a corner of history is about to be unveiled.