Devil's Capital

Chapter 38 First meeting

It's rare to think of the role of pig three barrels of soy sauce. I haven't seen anyone for a few days, and Su Fei still misses him a little. The destruction of the whole ethnic group still hit him quite hard. In the two days when Su Fei left Swift City, the three barrels of pigs were obviously more silent. They squatted in the corner all day, ate and slept, eating and slept, no different from pigs, although he himself was a pig.

After two days of busy, a new alchemy workshop was built next to Kazik's weapons shop. During this period, Yida finally had a general understanding of the architect's career plan under the guidance of Su Fei. With new goals, these people began to become motivated.

The bellows were also built as expected. Using the principle of closed compression, Su Fei successfully raised the temperature of the living area by six times to seven times the normal temperature. At this time, they are testing whether the steel can be melted. Carefully put that piece of steel in, and under the command of Su Fei, Kazbek personally came down, rolled up his sleeves, and began to pull the bellows with full strength.

"I said, how long will it take?" Kazkra's arms were sore, and Su Fei still didn't mean to stop and couldn't help complaining.

This problem is really a problem. Although Su Fei knows some common sense of smelting, he still hasn't tried the actual operation. He said vaguely, "This should be enough to pull it for a while!"

Launching for a while, Kazik thought that he didn't want you to pull the bellows. It's really not painful to stand and talk. He had just pulled for a while. He said that he would pull a little longer, and now he said that he would pull a little longer. Kazke was about to collapse!

"I can't pull it anymore, but how long will it take for the steel to melt?"

Hearing that Kazke began to complain, Su Fei was embarrassed to let him continue to work hard. Recalling the process of casting steel on the earth, the current temperature is at most 700-800 °C, and it takes a period of time for the steel to reach the melting point. Half an hour has passed, and the steel has almost melted. "It's almost done. Open the lid!"

At this time, Kazke, who was tired of shrimp, still had the strength to lift the lid. Hearing this, Singhding was happy to help him complete this work. He gently lifted the lid of the calcutery furnace, turned his face, avoided the fluttering enthusiasm, and looked inside. The black steel had disappeared, and a pool of iron Water flows quietly back and forth in the instrument,

"Kazke, we succeeded, we succeeded!"

Hearing Singhding's excited cry, Kazik, who collapsed on the ground, immediately stood up and came over to see his achievements as if he had eaten an invigor. Er, cough, cough!" Too excited, Kazik's nose was blocked by the high temperature and didn't have time to shout for pain. Singhding covered his nose and began to look inside. He saw that in the mold made of enchanted materials, the black steel had turned into molten iron, reflecting his face, so quiet and beautiful!

"Next, we should buy a magic array that can freeze quickly. Only the weapons created by the materials that have experienced rapid freezing through high temperatures are high-quality!" Su Fei began to talk, "Weapons are only our first step. After the magic furnace is built, we can study different aspects!"

"This is a great plan. I even see the near future. My tombstone will not be engraved with a forger, but an alchemist!" How long has it been since Singhding was called a forging master? This is not only a great leap in the history of alchemy, but also a glorious moment in their lives!

Hank saw a human beauty entering the door and couldn't help coming forward. These days, they have to stay here to help with these irony workshops. The most important thing is that they are still closed during this period of time, which is really unbearable for businessmen. At this time, it was rare for a human beauty to come in, and Hank felt that his life began to shine.

"Hi, beauty! Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I want to see the weapons in your store. Can you show me around?"

"I'm very happy, it's my honor!"

So Hank began to lead the human girl to slowly visit the weapon rack. Although he did not study the weapons, as a merchant family, Hank still has the eyesight. He could quickly talk about the color, use, and even some common materials, and the two chatted happily.

"Has your weapons store just opened?" The girl stopped and asked Hank.

"Yes, it's only been open for a few days. The former boss was recruited by our adults, so this store has been under renovation and is ready to reopen after a period of time. Deeply attracted by the girl's sweet smile, he thought to himself that it was a pity that this was a human girl, otherwise he would definitely pursue her and marry her home. At this time, when talking about the weapons store, Hank finally regained his senses and introduced the general situation to the girl.

"Oh, that's it. Can I meet this new boss? I want to buy a self-defense weapon, but I don't know what to choose. I hope to listen to the boss's advice. The girl raised her head and sincerely asked Hank.

Hank was a little embarrassed by those sincere eyes, and he was a little ashamed and replied vaguely, "I'll take you to the backyard. I'll ask the boss for you. As for whether the boss is willing to see you or not, I can't guarantee it." Finally, Hank summoned up his courage and continued, "Even if you don't get the right advice, I can provide you with some valuable references."

The girl smiled sweetly at Hank and said happily, "Big brother, thank you!"

took the girl to the backyard and moved a chair for the girl to wait for the news here. Hank went to the alchemy and made up his mind to let him see the girl even if he was blamed by Su Fei. Maybe his life is too depressing. Seeing such a sweet and innocent girl, there is no idea in his heart, and he only thinks about how to help this girl.

"Lord Su Fei, there is a girl outside who wants to buy weapons. I hope you can recommend it to her!"

It's not as complicated as Hank thought. After hearing his words, Su Fei signaled to go out and have a look. Then he stopped his work and let Kazbek and Singhdin continue, and he took Hank out of the alchemy workshop to meet the customer, the first guest of his new store.

"What, interesting to that girl? Even if you speak so rigidly, well, will I eat you if you are more casual in the future?

Frightened by a little devil who didn't know how old he was, Hank felt a hot face and smiled and did not answer. Nima was despised by a little devil who was less than one years old. Although his wisdom was almost the same as that of an adult, Hank was really shameless. Thinking about what the girl asked him to do, he had to follow Su Fei dullly and began to despise Su Fei from top to bottom, from left to right. Damn, do you dare not cheat my father! Anyone who finds that he has an adult brain when talking to a one-year-old child will subconsciously treat him as an adult!

There are beautiful women in the north with a smile.

The first time he saw the girl, Su Fei thought he had crossed the earth, and it was still in ancient times. The face is like the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the color is like the flowers of spring dawn, the temples are like knives, the eyebrows are like ink paintings, and the face is like peach petals. These are difficult to describe a woman's face, empty valleys and secluded, and natural. Su Fei is not very clear about the aesthetic concept of the world, but looking at the girl standing in front of him, she is as fresh and refined as the girl next door.

"Hi, beauty. What's your name? Su Fei couldn't help whistling and preparing to flirt with the pure girl.

"Wow! My name is Eveny. Which child is so cute and cute? Come and let my sister hug me!" Before Su Fei reacted, the girl rushed up directly, which was similar to Su Fei's imagination, but can we ignore the specific operation? The answer is no!

Efne was deeply attracted by the little devil in front of her. She hugged her and began to pinch everywhere. The fat face feels good, but it seems to be a little oily. Change to another place, followed by ears, arms and thighs. Fortunately, Su Fei's little brother escaped. Banana, Balie, without such a thing, Su Fei looked at his height of less than one meter and hated his body refining method. What kind of broken skills and bad skills are actually making people shorter and shorter these days. He was originally more than 1 meter tall, but he didn't react to it until now. Come on, I'm getting shorter again!

"My name is Eveney, little brother. Are you the child of the store owner? Take me to see your father. I want to choose a suitable weapon." After playing for a while, Eveni remembered that she had something to do, so she pinched Su Fei's face and said kindly.

Su Fei recovered and quickly took a breath. Seeing that he was still being held, he put his hands on Ephne's shoulder and said sullenly, "My lord is not free. Come back in a few days!"

"Little brother, be good! Listen to your sister and ask your adult to come out, and your sister will give you candy!" She handed Su Fei a milk candy, and Evelyn pulled one** Su Fei in her hand. However, she forgot that the child in front of her had adult thinking, and Su Fei directly chose to ignore Evelyn's **.

Originally, I wanted to flirt with the beautiful woman, but I was teased by the beautiful woman. Well, under the wind of the world, can't you get rid of the "doom" on the earth? You know, although Su Fei's girlfriend on earth is gentle, generous and very obedient outside, once they are alone, Su Fei is often the one who accepts instructions.

"Well, this lady, didn't you ask us to recommend weapons to you? Why are you holding him like this?"

Hank had just left for a while. As soon as he came back, he saw Su Fei being picked up by the girl. He thought Su Fei was silent!

PS: A witty chapter, tomorrow's final exam, this period will not be able to deal with the unreasonableness of the plot. I dug a hole silently, and so far the previous story can't be connected to a line. There are many problems with this book, but I don't want to finish it so early, continue to bury the pit and continue to update