Devil's Capital

Chapter 58 Holy War 17: In Weak Water

"What! Do you think Leah was captured by the python? After Zaru reacted, he immediately turned around and looked behind him, and suddenly found that Leah, who had been by the side before, had gone.

"I'm afraid so, boss." Lefield pointed to the middle of the lake. The black python was now rolling its tail around Leah, and the scarlet triangular snake looked at Zaru and the others.

"It's your sister! You won't watch Leah carefully, will you just watch her be captured by the python? You are such a pig!" Zaru looked at the lake, worried about Leah's safety, and had no good temper with Leffield.

"This can't be blamed, boss! Just now, we were still chatting and watching the play. Who knew that a tail suddenly stretched out from behind the tree and was originally going in the direction of Yuris. Leah quickly pushed Yuris away, and she was swept by the snake tail and pulled into the lake. Lefield spread out his hands and made a very innocent expression. Yuris, who was pushed away to avoid the disaster, was still frightened at this time and followed Kant without saying a word. She was just stunned by the sneak attack of the python and has not yet reacted yet.

At this point, it is meaningless to complain about your teammates. At present, the most important thing is to save Leah from the python as soon as possible. Although the devil's physique is relatively strong, if the python inadiently swallows Leah into his mouth, they will have no place to cry.

"Big boss, let's go and meet those natives now. Leah is now in a desperate situation and can't delay. It's easy to discuss countermeasures even if there are more people." Kant stopped Zaru's preaching momentum, pointed to the natives waiting by the lake, and made suggestions to Zalu.

I know that the longer things are delayed, the worse it will be, and now I can only be stubborn. Zaru stared at Leffield fiercely until he felt a numbness in his scalp and lowered his head with a guilty heart. Several people quickly came to the lake and kept a certain distance from the natives. Zharu gestured to the native leader to discuss how to cooperate.

However, there is no common language, and it is very difficult for the two sides to communicate. Zaru and the natives keep making gestures to each other. The purpose is now determined, that is, the black python, but how to do the two sides look at each other's messy gestures for a while!

"Zaha Road! Zaha Road!"

"How long will it take you to cut the four-class particle slate room!"

"Silk Road Coin, Mom Card!"

"Your uncle, can you speak human language?" Lefield couldn't help grabbing a native and scolding fiercely.

Perhaps when the natives saw that Lefe German was not friendly, they picked up their spears in their hands and pointed them at the Zalu people. Zaru and the native leader, look at me, I look at you, and finally reached a tacit understanding on the issue of the python and stopped the further actions of my companions.

Just when several people were helpless, Leah's voice came from the middle of the lake: "Help me! This python said that he would be strong* at night, and he would rape me first and then kill me!"

Emma, this python is going against the sky! Hearing Leah's call for help, Zaru and Leffield were like the petrified eyes of the legendary snake demon Medusa, and the four stiffened together. It's unbelievable that this black python has this hobby!

"Lia, don't worry, we will definitely come to save you!" Zaru was the first to change his mind and quickly comforted Leah. Let alone the absurdity of this matter, the mood of the team members had to stabilize first. And this kind of thing is so shameful that their team really has no face to hang out in the devil's world in the future. Damn, when I went out hunting, I actually let my companions fall into the mouth of the prey, and it was also the kind of yellow and violent prey!

"How long will it take you to cut the four-class particle slate room!" Hearing the female voice in the middle of the lake, the native leader's mood began to be obviously unstable and roared loudly at the middle of the lake.

Zaru and Lefide stared, and the language barrier is a hard injury! Not long after, Leah's voice came again: "The native leader said that the young women in their village had been taken away by the giant python, and only the little girl and the old man were left!"

"Also, you must remember to save me! The python just said that he can't beat you and is ready to go back to the cave under the water to hide. I don't want him to go back to the snake's den, and I don't want to be his wife! ..." With a "pum" sound, the lake gradually regained calm, and there were no traces of Leah and the black python on it.

Zaru finally understood why these natives and pythons fought so well before. You said that it's okay for you to take a wife and daughter, leaving only old men in a tribe, and the rest are old, weak, sick and disabled. You have to have a life-and-death feud with the natives!

"Damn it, damn it! By the way, which of the three of you is good at water? Seeing that he couldn't communicate, the translator was arrested to prepare for the bridal chamber again, and Zaru had to rely on his companions.

Hearing Zaru's words, of course, no one is willing to take the initiative to take on this challenging task. Yuris quietly took a step back and was ready to dilute her sense of existence. Anyway, Leah just said that it was a colored python. Even if there was still a step before the bridal chamber, let the time buffer first.

Seeing that the three of them retreated tacitly, Zaru suddenly smiled, but he was concerned about Leah's safety, so he had to say with a gloomy face, "Speaking, who will go first this time? If you delay and don't save the complete Leah, I will kill you!"

Lefield! Just Leffield!" Yuris and Kant said in unison as if they had made an appointment. Random Kant continued to add the reason: "Lefield is from a bull-headed demon. Look, those cows in the demon world are deep in water and can move freely in the water. He must be the one who seduces the python this time!"

Yuris also stood aside and said with approval, "Yes, and Brother Lefield is strong, thick skin and thick, even if he is accidentally bitten by a python, it won't matter!" Of course, there is another sentence that he didn't say in his heart: As soon as he saw this burly man, he knew that he was a brainless muscular man. The meat quality must be quite good, and he was not afraid that the python would not be hooked!

"Fight you! Why don't you say that you are small and have tender and smooth skin that you are still attractive to that stupid x python? Lefide didn't want to do such a hard job, so he immediately retorted.

The natives over there have not made any movement since they saw the python dive into the water. They were cleaning up the javelin on the ground and helping their companions' bodies to rush back to the tribe. Knowing that things really couldn't be delayed, Zaru didn't have time to joke. He walked behind Lefield, didn't wait for him to react, kicked him into the water, and whispered, "Big buttocks, it feels different to kick it up!"

"You, you bully cheap labor!" Lefield fell into the lake, and the cold lake soaked into his eyes, which hurt. Before he could speak, Lefield, who reacted, was choked by a big mouthful of cold lake water. He looked up and scolded at the people of Zalu, and then swam to the bottom of the lake.

"What are you doing! Are those barbarians over there from the legendary tribe? And what happened to the previous cry for help?

Just as Zaru and others were standing by the lake watching jokes, a quiet voice came from behind them. Yulin followed the sound source all the way into the valley. Just as she was about to carefully distinguish the direction of the sound, the sound disappeared. At this time, standing in mid-air, she saw the barbarian who picked up the javelin and the laughing Zaru Yuris, while Leah and Leffield in the team disappeared.

Hearing the sound, Zalu suddenly turned around and saw Yulin falling from mid-air. When he was exposed to his face, Zaruton was a little embarrassed and rubbed his hands. He was thinking about how to reply to Yulin. He didn't expect that the adult had the leisure to follow and supervise the progress of their mission.

"Uh, Lord Yulin. We followed the natives over there to this valley," Zaru brewed the next sentence, pointed to the natives over there, and said to Yu Lin, "We happened to see the natives fighting with the python in the lake. In order not to beat the grass and startled the snakes, we lurked down to watch the battle between them. Unexpectedly, when the two sides were deadlocked, Leah was found by the python, and then was swept into the lake with a snake's tail by the python.

Hearing this, Yulin frowned, and then thought that the cry for help she had heard before should have been made by Leah. However, Leah was captured by the python, so there should be four people left, so they continued to ask, "Lia has been captured, what about Lefeud? It won't be eaten by a python, will it?

"I haven't been eaten just now, but it should be almost done." Yuris stood aside and said quietly.

"It's not like that, Lord Yulin. After Leah was caught underwater by the python, we were discussing how to save her. Lepid volunteered to go into the water to lure the python to appear because of his deep water. Then we waited for him to come out of the water and kill the python in one fell swoop to save Leah!" Seeing that Yulin's face turned dark, Zaru quickly kicked Yuris away and came forward to explain.

Youlin can't deny Zaru's words, but she has a little interest in the python in her heart. Looking at their look, it seems that something interesting has happened to the python in the process of taking away Leah. However, these are not a problem. As long as they can complete the tasks they have delivered on time, they will not care about the process.

"Have those natives over there identified themselves?" Yulin did not continue to ask about their team, but turned her attention to the natives. At this time, the native leader saw another person coming here, and a woman, and immediately turned his eyes. After cleaning the battlefield, he did not leave immediately. He stood still as if he was waiting for something.

"Damn it, damn it! The python came up, and the girl actually ate both men and women, saying that I was strong and prepared not to kill me, and asked me to serve him all the time!" As soon as Yulin's voice fell, Lefield broke out of the lake and galloped towards the shore. While running, he shouted and scolded. The python was really not a good thing. What kind of world outlook and outlook on life did his parents teach him? It was really too chaotic!

The python jumped out of the water behind Leffield, staring at Lefield, who was about to swim to the shore with a huge snake head and two lantern-sized heads. He stretched out the red snake letter, licked his scarlet lips, stopped on the lake, and looked at the situation on the shore of the lake with his triangular eyes.

He is a wise, sunny and handsome python. He just saw through Leffield's trick at a glance. However, recently, I have been really hungry and thirsty. There are no strong men in the tribe not far from the valley that meet the requirements. The rest are covered with yellow. The smell is so bad that it can't be washed away even if thrown into the water, so of course, the great Lord Salas will not be in the mood to steal men.

"Myss, there is a rare beauty besides a beautiful man! Tut-tut, think about a beautiful woman in the cave. Is today the lucky day for my Lord Salas? Great Snake God, I'm starting to believe in you now. You must give your devout believers more grace and more beautiful men and beautiful women!" Salas turned the snake's head, pointed his triangular eyes at Yulin, and licked his lips. With so many attractive prey, he couldn't help drooling!

Lefield took three steps and two steps, ran back to the shore, quickly hid behind Zaru, and didn't even feel the presence of Yulin. As soon as I stood on the ground, the nausea in my heart suddenly gushed out and squatted on the ground and began to vomit. Damn, what the hell! This snake is definitely a pervert. I have never seen anything more shameless than him. It actually eats both men and women. It is really big and has a good appetite!

"Oh! I didn't expect to see a psychic Xuanshui giant snake here. Did you just say you wanted to catch me? Yulin didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest this time. In a good mood, she did not immediately take down the python, but stood still and joked with the python in the lake.

"Huh? The little girl actually knows my race! It seems that you must be an obedient girl. Hurry up with me, Sarahs, and you can eat whatever you want. Uncle, I will make you rich all your life!" Salas instinctively felt a deep sense of crisis from Yulin and dared not go ashore for a moment. Seeing that the two wonderful targets did not dare to come forward to receive them, Salas stayed on the lake and flirted with Yulin.

When the natives over there saw the python go and return, they suddenly became nervous again. From the previous performance of the python, it was not difficult for them to see that the python had developed a mind. For a while, it was neither offensive nor retreating, so they stood in place under the leadership of the leader and looked at Zaru to see if these people could make a breakthrough.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid you don't have that blessing to enjoy!" Yulin was successfully angered by the python and thought to herself: even if this is the legendary Xuanshui giant snake, she might as well let him suffer a little before capturing him. Maybe she will be more obedient after being caught like this!

Yulin moved, took a light step, and slowly stepped on the lake, leaving a beautiful figure on the lake with her graceful posture. Salas was alert when Yulin started. Although his head was still swaying on the water and even abused Yulin with his eyes, the body of the snake already underwater had begun to keep swinging, tightening his nerves and preparing to hide in the water as soon as there was a situation.

Seeing the python's eyes from sharp to dodging, she knew what the stinky snake was thinking, but how could she allow the Xuanshui giant snake to run away? She also expected the giant snake to compensate Su Fei for him!

"Would you like to run? Do you think it's that easy? Now that you have appeared in front of your aunt, stay for your aunt! Such a thick snake body can be taken back to have a beautiful meal!" Yulin said coldly. Before the snake's head shrank into the lake, her right hand leaned out, twisted it into claws, and grabbed Salas's snake's head in the air. The huge pressure made him stay on the lake and unable to move.

Zharu covered his face when the python flirted with Yulin. He knew that when he said that, the end of the python was doomed to be a tragedy. Yuris and Kant also pretended to cover their faces, and Yuris even drew an angel-specific cross posture on their chest to observe Salas together.

Lefield vomited for a while and found that there was nothing to vomit. Then he remembered that he had drunk a bowl of oatmeal porridge this morning. There was nothing in his stomach this afternoon. Feeling slightly better in his heart, Lefield looked up at the lake and looked at the picture with huge differences. He didn't react for a moment. Maybe his brain cache was not enough, and he held the big tree next to him and began to vomit again.

"I'm not dreaming!" This time, he still didn't spit anything out, and Leffield suddenly woke up. What he saw just now, he saw Yulin stepping on the snake's head of the python, and standing next to Leah who was wet all over. You can use your imagination:

In a quiet lake, two wet beauties stood in the middle of the lake. Their graceful figures were completely revealed, concave and convex, sexy and seductive, and their eyes were full of lethality. At this time, a giant python with a length of more than 200 yards slowly swam out of the lake. The scarlet triangular eyes actually gave people a meek feeling, stretching its huge snake head under the bodies of the two beautiful women, and its long tail kept fiddling with the lake, splashing ripples.

These are not the key points. There is a premise: Nima, that python is a pervert who kills both men and women! Yes, yes, yes! Dare to cheat my father a little more... Lefield simply rolled his eyes and fainted directly on the ground. His world outlook and outlook on life has collapsed, and it will take time to buffer it to rebuild.

"Don't be obedient in the future, and I'll eat you if you don't!"

"Yes, aunt!"

"Also, don't call me aunt! Please call me Queen!"

"Yes, aunt..., Your Majesty!"