Devil's Capital

Chapter 64 Holy War 23

"I'm going to find Stiding. He must give me a reasonable explanation!" Donald took the casualty report in his hand, which was difficult to accept for a while. All his troops had been maimed, and this was only the beginning of the war.

Victor* saw that Donald's mood was out of control and quickly came forward and took Donald's arm. At this time, even if he knew that the Otter Empire did not report and delayed the fighter plane, they came to the door to say. In the past, it was okay to have at least more than 100,000 troops in their hands, and they still have a little confidence in Stiding, but now the troops have been completely disabled, and their only capital is gone.

"Your Excellency, you can't go. Now is not the right time!" Victor's face showed a painful look, but he still said resolutely.

Donald was dragged by Victor and couldn't move. He thought that his tens of thousands of troops had been abolished, and the remaining half of the wounded soldiers were immediately angry. He turned his head and asked Victor* loudly, "Do you think my soldiers died in vain? Could it be that you just watched Stiding and his three empires continue to be so free? Now I can see that before leaving, they all want the strikers and flanks awe-inspiringly, and even the logistics are all their people. They are really good at calculating!"

"Your Excellency, that's what you said, but it's really not a good time to turn around now!" Although Victor was quite uncomfortable with the death of the soldiers, if they tear their faces at this time, they would only benefit from the Protestant leadership of Odis, and the Duchy of Catherine would not launch a campaign against Odys in advance because of an ally, so that their situation in the Principality of Baclar would be even worse. .

"So, Victor, when exactly are we going to wait?" Donald slowly calmed down and began to measure the gains and losses in this war.

At this time, Major General Nora came in and saw Donald talking, so he went straight over, handed the invitation in his hand to Donald, and said respectfully, "Duke Finner just arrived in Shenen City in the afternoon. This is the invitation he sent by the messenger. I just met when I was patrolling outside. So I brought it to the Grand Duke in person.

The dialogue was interrupted, and Donald was a little unhappy. After sending the young major general out, Donald picked up the invitation in his hand and read it: Dear Principality, I will listen to the rain pavilion in the east of the city tonight to discuss the big plan of the alliance! - Nafir, January 15.

After reading it, Donald suddenly had an idea. Although he didn't know what the three empires were doing recently, as long as he told his allies tonight, with the help of gods outside and the army of the alliance, at least they would not let the armies of the three empires live so comfortably every time. .

Thinking of this, the gloom in Donald's heart was suddenly swept away. At this time, Victor saw that Donald's mood had completely stabilized, so he let go of the hand of the Grand Duke tightly and stood aside and asked curiously, "Your Excellency, Grand Duke Finner what did he ask you to do at this time?"

Victor is Donald's confidant. Donald felt the need to make peace with his confidant, so he watched Victor slowly say the plan between their duchy: "Our Holy Alliance has decided to form an alliance with the envoy of God, and Archduke Feinar asked us to go there now. It is to discuss how we should deal with this war!"

Although Victor had heard the wind before and had a certain understanding of the Protestantism and traditional sects represented by the envoys, at that time he simply thought that their sacred alliance was just a private deal with the envoys, but he never thought that they had formed an alliance now.

"Your Excellency, I didn't expect that the current situation has been so bad. I, Victor, am not talented. I will fight for the Grand Duke with the sword in my hand!" Now that he has chosen his position, as a subordinate, Victor still knows clearly what he should do now. As a warrior, he should serve the master.

"Well, you are my confidant. Now the situation is getting clear. Since the three empires don't give us a way to live, don't blame us for being cruel at that time! As long as you do your own thing and don't publicize this matter outside, we still need to fight against demons with the flag of the three empires for the time being!" Donald whispered to his confidants that their joint affairs still need to be kept secret for the time being. After all, it is not the time to really tear their faces with the three empires.

After saying that, Donald began to tidy up his clothes. It's afternoon now, and it's not early. It's time to get ready to go to the meeting.


"The Philips family was completely destroyed, and none of them, including the servants, were spared. The perpetrators must be ruthless people, not only slaughtered the whole family, but also burned the whole mansion."

Fenaar got out of the carriage and walked into a hotel. As soon as he sat down and took a sip of tea, he heard the report that he had smashed three teacups in a row. I just received the news that in addition to the Philips family, the Reagan family, the Dove family and the South China family all had an accident in Zhongzhou. All four families were destroyed overnight. Except for the split families operating outside the family and some direct families that did not return home in time due to business, all the direct families of the four families have died. It's light.

"How can it be? How can it be? Has his Ordis really become so rampant?" Finar then threw another cup, still not relieved. He calmed down and thought about it and asked the servant to tell him, "Give me the news that you must find the surviving people from the four major families at all costs, secretly gather to escort them to a safe place, and give them some compensation, so that they can hide their names and be ordinary from now on. People's life!"

After dealing with this, Finner asked the servant to go back to the Minister of Finance to receive the reward, and he sat alone in the lobby of the room and fell into meditation.

The founder of the Duchy of Catherine was a man who received favors from loyal Kazate believers. Thousands of years ago, with the help of that priest, Catherine. Kyle founded the Duchy of Catherine and established diplomacy with the surrounding duchy. The story also began from here and laid the foreshadowing.

The great priest has a respected position in the temple, and uses the transmission array left by the Lord Quzate to exchange messages with the fire god and the god of dawn on the main plane. When the great priest reached his twilight years, he finally decided that the previous one had been entangled in his heart. Things. When the Vult and the God of Dawn saw that the followers of Kazate could actually contact themselves through the plane storm, they were sad about the death of his old friend. At the same time, when talking to the priest, they once discussed how to nail a nail on the crimson plane.

At that time, the prophecy about demons was prevailing, and the fire god and the god of dawn took this opportunity to persuade the god to persuade him to promise to insert a confidant of their theocracy from the local forces of Noland and penetrate into the demon. On the one hand, not only can you know the news of the resurrection of the devil in advance, but on the other hand, this is also a way left by the two gods.

Although the two main gods, Hephaistos and Eos, had a good personal relationship with Kazate, even though they had received the wind before when Kazat was killed, they did not dare to support Kazate under the ** power of Caesar. Even after the fall of Kazat, the two main gods did not want to avenge him, but about the broken kingdom of Kazat. Kazate was originally the god of knowledge and traveled around the world over the years. After his fall. Not only will the broken fragments of the rules in the country have a sense of the rules in front of him, but the resources collected during the journey are also the eyes of the two main gods Hephaistos and Eos.

The great priest was still alert when he was young and did not give a reply at the first time. Later, he kept procrastinating from replying, and things have been delayed. Originally, the Vistor and the God of Dawn thought that this shortcut was almost hopeless. Next time they went to Crimson, they had to wait for the storm to subside. Unexpectedly, the great god in his later years changed his mind and agreed to the proposal of the two gods. This is the origin of the Duchy of Catherine.

And this time, Odys made such a big move on the first night of the arrival of the envoy. Overnight, he silenced the four families in a row, in order to make a time difference. As long as the dark line dies, the envoys want to know the latest news, they can only wait until the end of the war to ask the major empires now. The status of faith. It was also because of time constraints that with the demise of the four families, Odys had no time to confirm whether the so-called inside line was right for a while. With the outbreak of the war, the gods also had to get up and go to the front line, and things were put on hold.

Because several families usually exchange letters, they will burn the letters after reading the news. Otis, who can't find any evidence, is still not clear about the role played by the Duchy of Catherine in this. With four families in front of them to prevent the disaster, their Duchy of Catherine survived the disaster.

Now that Odys has accompanied the divine envoy on the way to the city of God's grace, Finner compared it based on the information taken by Odys in the past hundred years. Although he was a little desperate, he still had to face a heavy fact that Odys had stabilized his semi-god peak strength. Unlike outsiders, Odis is a strong native of the crimson plane. Over the years, the situation in the Norland has always been an absolute advantage of the temple, which is not without reason.

According to the division of strength, the peak of legends in major imperial principalities has reached the upper limit, because closed crimson is difficult to understand the complete rules, which also means that on top of crimson and legends has disappeared. At this time, Odys, who has demigod strength, naturally became the whole scarlet uncrowned king. Whether it is the Tianqing continent on the other side of the endless sea in the south or the orc continent behind the Spartacus Mountains in the north, his attitude towards the Norland continent suddenly improved after learning the rumors of Odith' real strength. Because they clearly know that there is no God's crimson, the demigod is the master, and no one can resist.

The more I thought about it, the more inappropriate I felt. Finner first took out a special piece of writing paper from the storage ring. The yellow letter paper gave people a very old feeling. After Finard quickly wrote a few big words on it, he put the letter paper in the air. The letter paper was not affected by any external forces and floated in the air like this. In a short time, he only saw oval ripples in the air around the letter paper, which scattered around the letter paper. When he looked again, the letter paper had been slowly Disappeared in the air and came to a dark hole.