Devil's Capital

Chapter 67 In the Sacred Surrence

"In this way, write an invitation letter to Su Fei in my name, and the location will be written in the redwood forest five miles outside the sunset city, so that he will agree!" Eveney, who accepted part of the inheritance of Kazate, has completely changed into a person, not only becoming more mature, but also more resourceful.

Discussing over and over again, several gods still think that Ephne's plan is feasible. They came mainly for Su Fei personally this time, and they actually didn't have much idea about the 50,000 demon army in the sunset city. After the temple received the inheritance, their attitude towards Ephne changed greatly, as if she was not an ordinary human saint. At this time, Odys also echoed Evelyn's proposal and watched Eveny take away the inheritance of the main god that belonged to him. At that time, Odys almost couldn't help but restrain himself in the inner hall below. When he was about to vent, he thought that he would face the siege of the five gods, and then calmed down. But he changed his mind. No matter what this Evelyn has*, he will get her and get back what belongs to her!

"We have no problem!" Stiding, Capnochi and Christine exchanged glances with each other, and there was no other proposal for this plan. Previously, they proposed to deceive Sufi out of the heavily guarded sunset city, so that they could not worry about the siege of the demon's spell mage and the legendary strong man in the devil's tent. Now the only thing they need to do is to pass the news to the sunset city as soon as possible, and then wait for the temple and the gods to take the bait.

"Then let's do this. Ephne, you write a letter to Su Fei in your personal name first. As for Su Fei's failure to be fooled, that's another matter!" Finner finally stood up and made a final statement about this discussion. At this time, the latent practitioners of the temple began to return one after another. The cunning Finner did not play his card at the first time, but was still ready to take advantage of it.

Now that the results of the discussion have come out, the imperial side of the temple has begun to get up and prepare to leave. Although Oddis vaguely knew the deeds of some latent practitioners, no one would prove anything to him now, so he had to walk out of the living room in the city owner's mansion with doubts in his heart. Now as long as you wait for the devil's reply, if Su Fei arrives at the appointment, then they will complete the task and Odis will have little to worry about doing things.

The three Stidings walked to the end. Although they had little contact with the devil, they thought that the Duchy of Catherine was also the inner responder of the devil, but now it is estimated that the Dodge Chamber of Commerce supported by the Duchy of Catherine is really the inner responder placed in the temple inside the devil. Stiding politely greeted Ephne, the current saint, and complimented: "Praise the god of knowledge, Kazate! Saint Eveney, your wisdom makes us feel ashamed. I believe that under your glorious light, more glory of the Lord will be scattered in this world!"

Praise God the Father! Your Majesty Stiding, may your body be as strong as ever. If you can't stand it, don't be polite. Although you make a request to the temple, we will send the best divine officer to treat you!" Evelyn replied enthusiastically that proclaiming the glory of the Lord will be the only color in her future life!

"I'm sure you won't be polite then!" Stiding walked out of the living room with a loud laugh. They had more important things to do, and the news must be sent to the devil as soon as possible. This time is different from the past. In the past, they were on the opposite side with the devil. They did not have any contact with each other in old age and death, and there was no connection at all. Now, unlike today's Noland, the three empires are obviously the most powerful, but compared with the other two forces, they are just strong outside.


After sending the last few people away, Ephne ordered her nominal uncle, Finner, not to disturb herself. Next, Evelyn left the city lord's mansion and came to Catherine's residence. After layers of investigation, Evelyn came to her room, poured herself a cup of tea, sat down and slowly drank tea and began to think that she was not really 'Ephne'!

In the underground hall, when Evelyn accepted the inheritance ceremony of the Lord God of Gaddat, it was mixed with other things. When the fire god and the goddess of dawn gave the fragments and residual divine power of the five gods, Gadzate were mixed with something that did not belong to Kazat, which directly led to Ephne's acceptance of the inheritance of the two main gods. In addition to Kazate, there is another god's inheritance. No, it's not so much inheritance. Now according to the situation of Eveni, to be precise, it is the divine surrender of another god!

'Efne' thought for a while, but still didn't come up with her exact background, but she vaguely heard a person in her memory who had been calling herself "Ahua!" Ah Hua!" Unfortunately, she even forgot his name. Knowing that her original name was Ah Hua, 'Efni' was inexplicably happy. At this time, she was distracted and had something important to do. So Ah Hua took out a stack of letter paper from the drawer on the dressing table, picked a blue letter paper, and began to write with a brown magic pen beside her:

Dear Su Fei,

I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me? Evelyn misses you!

You know, Su Fei, I have been paying attention to you since the first day I saw you. You are so small, but you always know a lot more than others. There seems to be nothing you don't know! Humph, you big bad guy! You must also know why I always ran to you during that time, but I always pretended not to care and didn't care about others. Oh, I'm not saying you're not good! It's just that your attitude is really bad, and the boys don't take the initiative.

At the beginning, my father wanted to marry you demons, but now you don't have to worry about the generation of mutant offspring after marriage of different races! Last time, Ximen, the master of ethics who traveled in the East, demonstrated this authoritative theory: in addition to the known dragons, if other races marry each other, the dominant gene in the genes of the general offspring will only be the powerful one, and the weaker spouse will only inherit the recessive genes to the offspring, which will not affect the future of the child. Normal life!......

The current problem is that I was forced to marry the nephew of a great elder of the temple by my father in the city of God, in order to please the temple and let them let go of the Duchy of Catherine. After all, our Duchy of Catherine has been helping you demons over the years, and now there are some voices against us throughout the Norland continent. If we don't make a decision, our family and our country will suffer misfortune! ...

But this is not the ending I expected. I'm just a simple little human girl. I fell in love with you, the little devil! You captured my heart and made me not look forward to prince and princess-like love, so that I would not dream of meeting a great hero one day, dressed in brocade, riding colorful clouds to marry me! I just want to see you now. We all bear different fates and are destined to have no fate in this life, but I hope that in the future, if you are lonely, you can think of me!

Location: Redwood forest five miles southeast of the sunset city.

Your friend,



At the end of Ephne's writing, tears began to slide down from her eyes, flowing through her face and rolling on the letter paper. After writing the signature and date, Evelyn wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, suppressed her countless sadness, put the letter paper into an envelope, sealed it with grease, folded it, and took it out to a father's cronies.

She doesn't know what she is sad about. She is Caesar's daughter and steals Kazate's faith. Next, she will cooperate with several divine envoys to take down the wanted criminal with the highest reward in the Lord God Alliance - the demon Su Fei! Things are so logical that everything is arranged properly. She just needs to do it step by step. But for some reason, as soon as she woke up from her consciousness, she faintly felt that someone was calling her far away, "Ahua! Ah Hua..." The voice gradually returned from high to nothingness.


"Lord Sinjid, you know the plan of the five envoys, so as long as you give an order, the elites of our three empires will definitely turn to your side and catch all the clergy!" This time, the messenger is still the same as the last one, because he has his own life-saving skills - Yi Rong. Therefore, it's good to wander around without being caught, so let him act as a messenger this time. At first, Sinjid didn't recognize who the man was. He just took Stiding and the others to change a messenger, and then he reacted when he changed his voice back.

"I'm sorry to bother the messenger. I wrote down the last time the three majeties saved my love for the generals. Tell the three majeties that I Sinjid owe a favor to their three empires. In the future, I will promise those who can be personally satisfied except for business! The plan for this cooperation will be done according to what the three majeties said. We demons will ambush the redwood forest in advance and wait for the temple to enter the urn!" Hinjid couldn't finish laughing. They were worried about how to give the temple a suitable reason to throw the bait out at the right time. There is such a good opportunity now!

A dramatic scene was staged. Demons, kingship, theocracy, outsiders, Sifang came together for their own purposes and began to fight! At this moment, the winner will have the power to take away the fruit and write brilliantly, while the loser will have nothing! This is the law of plane: the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, the king of the strong, and the king of the emperor!