Devil's Capital

Chapter 10 Lesson 1: Analyzing the truth of the world

"Hear everyone!" Aslant walked into the classroom and said hello to the students in the classroom.

"Teaching well!" There was a neat voice from the students. Today is the first day of class. After returning to the dormitory, Su Fei and Ellis looked at the class schedule and immediately knew the name and content of the teaching that came to class today. Judging from the name, Aslant should be a little old, and the professor's course also sounds quite profound. It is actually a Xinghe equilibrium theory. As a result, it is inevitable that Aslant will feel a little disappointed when he sees the door. I believe you will not agree when you see a young teacher.

"I believe that the first time you see me, you should feel quite bad," Yaslant walked to the podium and said to himself, "But I need to remind you that since you have chosen the Axiom of Balance for your first lesson, and you will study this subject until three years of graduation. Yu said that this course will accompany you for three years, so you can take my words seriously, but don't come and beg me to give it when you graduate!"

Looking at the students who regained their composure, Yaslant sorted out his voice and continued, "Since you are willing to listen to my story, then keep quiet and listen to me slowly tell you the outline of this course and the reason why the school offered this course:

Maybe as Morgan Freeman said: "The universe is too big for human beings to grasp. In many cases, we may have to shift from what we know to what we believe.

Compared with the previous ones, there is one thing that may be more impossible to verify, that is, the reality of the universe, because our vision is too narrow and the functions of the senses are too limited.

Since it cannot be verified, science cannot give you the answer. Let's use our brains to deduce the truth with our thoughts.

The biggest confusion brought by the Big Bang theory is that the universe is limited, so what is outside the universe? If you think of the universe as a big balloon, where is this balloon itself? Is it placed by God in the garden for angels to watch?

There is actually only one answer to this problem, that is, the universe is not the only one. The world where our cosmic balloon is located should be another universe.

In the early days of the rise of science, especially in the era of the prevalence of materialism, it is generally believed that the universe is boundless and endless. This potential inference is that there is only one world. However, as the Big Bang theory revealed that the universe has a beginning and boundaries, scientists began to consider the possibility of a "multiverse". Martin Reese said, "What we usually call the universe may be just one of the members. There may be countless other universes with different laws. Our universe belongs to a different subset, which allows complex things and consciousness to develop.

Cosmology also emerged at that time. The plane and the plane are connected by the legendary array and the portal, but in addition to these, the planes can also be reached by shuttle plane storms.

A basic principle of science is verifiable, and this verification is based on our sensory perception. But there are too many things that we can't perceive. There are dark matter and dark energy far away, and our own souls. Our cognition of these things cannot be verified by our senses, but can only rely on the derivation of our thinking. But this kind of derivation can easily be denounced as "wancy" and basically cannot be recognized by the scientific community, and often becomes the target of attack.

In fact, the scientific community is not always so principled. Although evolution has a theoretical system, it is actually a complete guess. Who has seen monkeys evolve into adults? Or one species evolved into another? There is not even a transition, so what kind of evidence can be said? But it can also be regarded as a truth and has long occupied a monopoly in academia. String theory is even more outrageous. Even a decent theoretical system has not been established, and no one can explain exactly what string theory is. Verification? Not to mention that there is not even a formed theory or a core equation, what else can be verified?

This is the systematic theoretical knowledge brought back from the human world by Constantine, the materialist at that time. It is said that this is Carmen, a human master of materialism. What Cannon said before his death. But such a thing that is not even theoretical has become popular in the field of physics. Carmen. Before his death, Master Cannon also raised such a question, indicating that there was no systematic theoretical explanation of people's real research on the world at that time, and it is still a question hanging in people's minds.

Hogankinsh said in Big Design that the scene of the generation of the universe, like the formation of steam bubbles in boiling water, generates not just a universe, but an infinite cosmic group. Our universe is one of the bubbles, and there are infinite other universes.

If there are many worlds, how are they arranged?

There are two different answers to this question.

The first answer is that these worlds are parallel and parallel.

And another materialist, Jialai Daoxiong, wrote in the book Parallel Universe: "We may live in such a cosmic ocean, and every universe is like a soap bubble floating in the ocean."

The second answer is that these worlds are layer by layer.

In the controversy that swept all planes 500 years ago, Alien Intruders, it presented a strange multi-level world. At that time, the concept of the dark side of the world had been widely known, but it was also limited to the materialist group, and there were some people standing at the top of the world.

Are different universes parallel or contain each other? We have to talk about the concept of "dimensional space".

0-dimensional space is a point, which has no direction; 1D space is a line, which can only have 2 directions, that is, front and back; 2D space is 1 plane, which can have 4 directions, front and left and right; 3D space is the three-dimensional space we are in now, which can have 6 squares: front and back, left and right, up and down. To.

And so on, the 3D space we are in may only be a virtual space in a 4D space; and this 4D space may be a virtual space in a 5D space...

In this way, it is easy to answer the question of where our cosmic balloon is.

For today, the Creator is a human programmer living in three-dimensional space, and it is these people who created the universe on which he lives. He is in the human computer host. When he is thinking about who the creator is and where they are, his creator - human beings are staring at him silently in front of the screen. They are close at hand, but for Jingtian in 2D space, it is close to the end of the world, and he will never find human beings in the 3D space in front of him.

Then push down. Since there is a 2D space in the game world and a 3D space in the real world, why can't there be a 4D space? Jingtian is life in 2D space. We are life in 3D space. Can't there be life in 4D space? From this point of view, it is most likely that our universe is just a virtual world in four-dimensional space.

Where is the 4D space? Just as the world of Jingtian is within reach of us, but he will never see us, maybe we are now in front of four-dimensional space creatures. But they can see us, but we will never find them.

It is unlikely that we are the only virtual world in the four-dimensional space. There should be countless other worlds, which are our "parallel universe".

It can be seen that in the two answers whether many worlds are "parallel" or "mutually inclusive", the accurate statement should be as follows: vertically, the spaces of different dimensions are mutually inclusive; horizontally, the different universes in the same level are parallel.

Now we can easily answer the previous question: Where is the big balloon of the universe? What is outside the universe? As long as you think about where the game map is and what the situation is outside the map, you will understand everything.

Of course, these are just conjectures. Our senses can't confirm such a statement at all, so science does not recognize such "wancy". But what you don't know is that these ideas are not completely impossible to prove, but the channels of proof may be completely beyond your expectations.

All truths may be false, but at present, it can correct and temporarily solve people's confusion, so it is called truth.

When the truth is broken by another truth, the previous truth will be called fallacy, but it is undeniable that it does affect people's minds and solve most people's confusion over a certain period of time.

With the emergence of new ideas, the truth is always correct. If you believe in other people's theories, you have to analyze them theoretically. Remember those truths in education. The knowledge you learned 100 years ago is not correct. Just like the knowledge you have learned today may be overthrown in 50 years. You will feel that it is Everything you have learned before is in vain. Is it a fallacy? No, because he would still think he was right at that time and never thought about whether there could be a counterarth to overthrow it, so he could only choose to believe it.

"Well, today I will tell you an overview of this course, so that you can have some understanding of this course. I believe that in the future learning process, you will find many problems and solve many problems. When you find that some problems can't be solved by yourself, come to me! I believe that I can still help you with this. Although I am only a first-level teacher, my professional title is far less than that of those second-level elite teachers, let alone a higher-level third-level teacher. But now they are all out, and there are only us first-level teachers left in the school. All right, let's finish the class, students, see you next class!"