Devil's Capital

Chapter 12 Campus Storm 1

The course "Xinghe Balance Axiom" is held every five days, so there is not much time to study, but it listens to the teaching of the class. This course is quite strict at the end of each academic year, which also puts great pressure on Su Fei and others. After class, they usually stroll around the campus to chat. In addition, I went back to the dormitory to carefully study the content of this course.

The curriculum is full of classes every day, two classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. In addition to the evening break, life is quite boring and monotonous. Cassie and others have basically not listened to even a lesson carefully, whether it is "Mainland Common Language Specialization", "World History Evolution", or "Detailed Explanation of Devil Inheritance", which they have not listened carefully in class. It is not the most important thing for them to talk about their studies. If those second- and third-level elite teachers are still there, Cassie and others may also be interested in studying hard and trying to cater to teachers, because these teaching elites have at least one or more powerful inheritance, which is their most important purpose.

And now these elite teachers have been transferred to all sides to cooperate with the army to suppress the resistance of the local indigenous people because of the war on the front line, and there are only some first-level teachers left in the school. Therefore, Cassie and others' enthusiasm for learning suddenly became cold. The reason why they chose to come to the West Point Military Academy is that in addition to learning a higher level of demon inheritance, another purpose is to pass the West Point Military Academy and send it directly to the upper middle class of the army after graduation, so that they can accumulate enough. After the meritorious service, it will be much easier whether it is the continuation of the family or your own promotion!

The time of the demon world is five days and one round. According to the record method in the demon world, 30 days a month is almost 6 rounds and six weeks. It happened to be Monday at the beginning of the class, and I had been in class for two days. Today, Wednesday, the first class in the morning was Detailed Explanation of the Devil's Inheritance. Su Fei and Ellis came to the classroom early and waited for the teachers to come to class.

Walk into the teacher and look at the scattered demons sitting in the empty classroom, scattered throughout the empty classroom. As the teacher thought, Levinck's teacher walked into the classroom and saw that there were less than 20 students sitting in it. The last class was held on Monday. At that time, it was also the same situation. Levinck thought it would be good to let him go for the first time. Don't let him see it again, but who would have thought that this was the only time he came here the second time. Point people. Levinck has been teaching for about 100 years. He thought that he could lead a class by himself after getting the second-level title after this exam, but today, the behavior of the students in this class really angered him. Now he doesn't care about anything. He takes out the class registration book, prepares to start verifying the list of students, and then prepares to find the general teacher. Mr. Lilith communicated well.

"Now let's start to call the name. Please raise your hand. From now on, all students who have not come in will be absent from class, and the comments of the school year will be lowered by one level."

"Ellis, have you arrived?" Levinck's teacher clicked one by one according to the list on the student list.


"Su Fei?"





Remember absenteeism. Next classmate, Sarah?"



As a result, most of the class was spent on the call. More than 40 demon students in the class had not yet arrived yet. At the end, Levinsenke's tone was getting faster and faster, and his mood was getting worse and worse. He even began to doubt how bad the quality of this class of students should be. It has only been a few days since the class officially started. These new students are good. They are either absent from class or ask for leave and go out to play. You should know that they have really studied for less than three years, no matter how prominent they are outside. If they don't work hard and rely on a graduation certificate after graduation, will they continue to spend their long careers like this?

Of course, the students sitting below may not be clear. They may think that there is nothing wrong with occasional absenteeism, or that many of the courses offered by the school are preparations made by the school to pass the time. But they often miss a little. Why does the school insist on adding more seemingly simple and useless courses?

Yes, in the demon world, one's own strength is the core criterion for measuring the size of a demon's own value. But please don't forget that it was precisely because the demon world had a powerful power that it took simple and crude measures against any enemy to plunder, conquer, kill, and then gain a lot of wealth and benefits. But can these last, make the demon world strong forever, and make the demon world eternal in the vast galaxy here?

It turns out that this is not feasible!

With the powerlessness alone, it seems that there can be a rich harvest, but the demon world without foundation has no future and no tomorrow. These are short-lived! The universe is balanced, and the plane crystal law is also balanced. Without knowledge and wisdom, blindly relying on force and killing may be able to enjoy a moment. Even if it rules the whole universe and the whole crystal system, it is doomed not to last long! Without the demon of civilization, civilization will be lost every time it is defeated by the rebels, and the inheritance will be buried by history. These are the most precious assets in the demon world. How dare you have the courage and courage to abandon these inheritances so resolutely?!

Levinsonck was born in the middle and late part of the dark era, when the dark order under the demon world gradually grew from a prototype. He had a painful experience in his childhood. At the beginning, Levinck was just an ignorant little devil living at the bottom of the demon world. Some of the demon elders in the village died of hunger and cold. Some of them were occupied by those underground evil forces, occupied young children, and were bullied and tortured by local small nobles. Suicide, these dark memories accompanied his childhood.

So when he was admitted to the West Point Military Academy, he was angry and studied hard, not only to strengthen his own strength, but also to strengthen his heart. While having a strong power, you should also have a clear brain to ensure that you will not lose your direction and heart! It is the nature of every demon to worship power, but if you don't use power well and become a martial artist, you will also lose the value of his existence.

This class is quite depressing, just because Levinck looked at the students who did not come to the class on the name book. In addition to his disgust, he had a deep regret in the hearts of these sickle demons born in the new era. In fact, when the first principal advocated the establishment of the West Point Military Academy, a large number of pros and objections poured out in the demon world at that time. They insisted and argued with each other, and finally established the school with the strong support of the principal. The school has been built, but there is no teacher. How can there be students coming to class?

Later, the first principal personally visited the demon world and invited the demon sages who were famous in the demon world at that time to form the first teaching team to teach those students who were brave to sign up. The original process was difficult, but the harvest was also huge! With systematic education, many of the students' doubts have been answered, and even some upper-class people in the demon world at that time volunteered to donate some valuable historical documents and some long-lost top inheritance to the school.

These new students don't know why West Point is so famous now. They are all standing on the shoulders of their ancestors. They should have been a hundred feet ahead and go further. Now, the class is collectively absent from class. If this atmosphere is really brought into West Point, this is the biggest irony for their school.

"Ding Ding..." After class, Levinck ended his brief introduction to the course and walked out of the classroom. He felt that it was necessary to talk to Lilith.


With a ding-dong, Levinck gently knocked on Lilith's office and politely asked, "Is Lilith' chief teacher there?"

"There, please come in!" Lilith was reading the book about how to communicate with the students. Hearing someone knocking on the door outside, she reached out to close the book on the table and put it aside.

The door opened with a "squeak" and saw that it was Levinck's teacher who walked in. Lilith couldn't help looking down at the curriculum. Didn't this one just take his class? Why did he come to me now? A trace of bad idea flashed in her heart. Lilith smiled kindly at Levinck and asked, "Levinsonk teacher, I don't know what you want to do with me now?"

"Chief teacher, I just finished my class and found some particularly bad phenomena. Now I'll come to report to you." Levinck stepped forward and pulled out the schedule in his arms and continued to Lilith, "This is my attendance in this class. You can have a look. This matter is big or small, but I think it is still necessary to come and discuss it with you. Now those second- and third-level elite teachers have left, and now almost all the students who stay in the school are first-level teachers, and now the second- and third-grade students have begun to return to school one after another, relying on us first-class teachers alone. I'm too busy. But now there is a collective absenteeism of students. If we don't stop it in advance, it will be more difficult for us to manage it in the future!"

Lilis took the attendance sheet and looked at it carefully. After seeing that Ellis passed the attendance twice, she breathed inexplicably. To be honest, she was really afraid that the werewolf student would fool around with the students. Just a few days after the start of school, the situation has developed to such a bad point. Lilith thought about it carefully, looked at Levinck, and said solemnly, "Now that the elite teachers have not been returned. This kind of thing should not be an example. It seems that it is time to convene a meeting of the instructors to discuss how to deal with it. That's right!"

"So good! I'll go to the principal's office and ask the principal's assistant to report this matter to the principal. After saying that, Levinson turned around and left the office and walked towards the principal's office.

At the same time, different scripts are being staged on the other side of the school.