Devil's Capital

Chapter 22 There is a big misunderstanding!

Under Zhu Yingjun's statement, Su Fei probably knew the changes in the scarlet plane during the period of his amnesia. With the help of the three empires, the situation temporarily stabilized. Even if other duchies are unwilling, they are afraid of the powerful military forces of the three empires, and there are demon armies staring at them. In addition, they and others have stood in the wrong team before. Donald and other princes, who knew that they were wrong could only gritted their teeth and agreed to the harsh demands of the empire.

But the Duchy of Catherine played the role of a traitor in that war, so when the gods were ambushed and killed by the strong men of the three demon empires, the Duchy of Catherine was also divided by the three empires, and none of the royal family remained. Today, the Duchy of Catherine has been merged into the territory of the three empires.

Although Su Fei knew his relationship with Ephne after his memory recovered, he saved his life by chance, and he also took good care of him in the days of his amnesia. Thinking of this, Su Fei inevitably felt a little guilty about her, especially thinking about her country. My relatives were killed in this war, and I didn't like it.

He had the intention to comfort her, but Su Fei did not know where to speak. Especially after his memory recovered, after clearly knowing the relationship between the two, Su Fei was not as clinging to others as before, and he even felt that he could not say a complete word now. Judging from his inner feelings, Su Fei had no feelings for Evelyn, but she didn't rely on her in the previous days of amnesia, so she naturally regarded Evelyn, who was with her all the time, as her closest person, which led to the previous misunderstandings.

"Forget it, I'd better go back to the school and go to the office to change the accommodation first. By the way, I will move the things in the dormitory and live with you in the future!" Su Fei laughed and said to Zhu Yingjun, anyway, Smod will come back later. It's only afternoon, and the journey back to school is not far. Su Fei can just take this time to deal with the things in the school. After all, he will live on West Street from tomorrow. I believe that with the company of Smod and others, West Point Life will not be too boring.

Before Zhu Yingjun could reply, Su Fei turned directly to the door, opened the door and strode directly. Hey, ask what love is in the world, and only teach the piggy to care so much!" I sighed in my heart. It's not easy to participate in my master's emotional story. Although the human beauty upstairs has a good figure and gentle personality, there is still a long way to go if she really becomes a hostess. His little pig can't interrupt these things. Let the master worry about himself!

"Do you really come in and don't come up to see me?" Eveney sat alone on the dressing table and looked at her face in the mirror getting haggard, and the longing man came back now but did not come up to see her. Her firm belief in her heart began to waver. She began to doubt whether she was wrong from the beginning, and it was ridiculously wrong.

"Gaga! I said that he is not the person you want to protect in your dream. So far, are you going to continue to make mistakes like this? The mysterious voice in his mind sounded again, tormenting Evelyn's nerves painfully.

Eveney had a bad expectation in her heart. She hugged her head with her thin hands and moaned in a low voice: "Please, please, please, don't torture me anymore! Su Fei is a good devil. I don't want to hurt him. Please leave, stay away from my life and stop pestering me. I won't give in to your will!"

Listening to Eveney's resolute words, the mysterious voice sounded again: "Don't forget that you are human, he is a demon, and you have no good result! And the person he really likes is not you. Your lover is still locked in purgatory by me and suffers from the burning pain every day. Do you really have the heart? Do you really bear to watch your real lover gradually sink in purgatory and pursue a false love without a future?

"Well, stop talking, I won't give in to you!" Evane gradually looked ferocious and shouted almost like a roar. She just wanted to be an ordinary human girl and didn't want to be burdened by those so-called mission responsibilities anymore. Even if Su Fei no longer liked her, she would not have any complaints!

"It seems that I have to take you to relive the scenes of those years and break the seal in your memory so that you can use it for me! Eveney, but in this way, your fate will no longer be in your own hands. This is a punishment for not obeying the order!"

"Time back, go back to the scene of those years, Evene, I will take you back to your mission!"


At West Point Military Academy, after asking Zhu Yingjun to pester, Su Fei rushed back to school and found a teacher on duty in the office. After explaining his situation, he changed his school residence information to outside. Taking advantage of the gap on Friday afternoon, there were not many people in the school. Su Fei met several students in the class along the way and greeted them warmly. Although he felt that the other party looked at him a little strange, Su Fei, who was in a hurry to move things in the dormitory, did not care too much, but just patted his clothes. He thought he was himself. The clothes were covered with unclean things by Zhu Yingjun's dead pig.

"There's nothing on my face!" Back at 207, Su Fei came to the balcony outside the dormitory room and looked in the mirror. He didn't find anything on his face, and his clothes were fine. I really don't know what the students are crazy about! Shaking his head, Su Fei was too lazy to take care of it. He turned back to his room and began to clean up the books on his desk. Fortunately, he now has a storage ring, otherwise he would be exhausted if he moved to the dormitory. After discovering the benefits of the storage ring, Su Fei put all the things that he could basically use into the storage ring, although The space inside is not particularly large, but there is still no problem with some little guys in the space of more than a dozen cubic meters.

For good, now he has been promoted to the big demon, otherwise, these things are not enough to be loaded into the storage ring at one time. Sure enough, in the demon world, everything can be measured by strength. He sighed a little. After Su Fei took out a book "Xinghe Balance Axiom" and put it into the storage ring, there was almost nothing on his desk. The rest were only some small pieces such as paper and pens. At this time, Su Fei suddenly found something pressed under the paper on the desk. He remembered himself There was nothing underneath!

"A comb!" Looking at the exquisite comb in his hand, Su Fei was full of doubts. He clearly remembered that he had not bought a comb in West Point during this period. Moreover, I knew at a glance that the style of the comb was not for men. I don't know if it was Eveny's. Su Fei suddenly came up with this idea. Although he thought it was a little incredible, he still picked up the comb and prepared to put it in the storage ring.

With a "squeak", the door opened from the outside. Walter took the door key and came in. He happened to see Su Fei holding a beautifully made comb in his hand and preparing to put it into the storage ring in his hand, and there was also a ringed emerald pendant on the comb. After confirming a certain guess in his heart, Walter's face suddenly became gloomy. Before Su Fei said hello, he said sullenly, "Su Fei, are you packing up and ready to move out?"

The door opened, and Su Fei saw that Walter came in. Originally, the two had a good relationship, but at this moment, Su Fei saw that Walter's gloomy face was not easy to come forward to disturb others, so he was ready to put the comb in and continue to install his things. Hearing Walter ask himself, Su Fei thought that he was going to live outside, so he told Walter truthfully and said, "Yes, my friend rented a house outside and came to move things today."

"Sure enough, it's a villain's behavior. When things are exposed, I want to escape, and I'm not responsible at all!" Walter whispered. Seeing that Su Fei is still like this, he also feels that Alice has done nothing wrong. This kind of demon villain can't get any sympathy and recognition! Thinking that Alice's beloved comb was stolen by this little man, Walter was even more angry. If he hadn't been worried about Su Fei's identity, it seemed to have been a little big, he would have gone up and flattened him and vented for Alice by the way!

"What are you talking about? I didn't understand!" If you are busy packing up, it's okay if Walter doesn't help. It's nothing to stand aside and curse! Su Fei couldn't help but be a little angry when he thought of this, and his tone began to harden.

"What, you want to hit someone after saying a few words! You can't say what you do? I said you were too domineering!" Walter was stimulated by Su Fei, and his words in his heart suddenly fell out. "Don't think that you don't know that you have been someone else. Isn't you trying to get close to Miss Alice just to win your heart? Don't admit that the comb in your hand is the best evidence. Fortunately, Miss Alice found it early, otherwise I will always be kept in the dark by you, a guy with a mask of hypocrisy. Tell me, did you steal this comb while Miss Alice was out?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. Who is Miss Alice? And this comb was accidentally found when I just turned things over. I don't know who was so carelessly dropped this exquisite comb here. I just want to keep it for a while. I really have no other idea. Also, I don't know anything about what you said before! Besides, weren't we all together during the beginning of school? When did you meet me to seduce which lady? After listening to Walter's excited words, Su Fei immediately understood that Walter should have misunderstood himself. He had never seen a girl named Alice.

But it's better to ask this kind of thing clearly. If you have been wronged like this, you will really be notorious at school! If I find out who wronged myself, I Su Fei must show him what real pain is and dare to slander my personality. Does Su Fei look like a pervert? Even if it's like, just think about it in your heart. Do you need to say it all over the world? Unforgivable, unforgivable!