Devil's Capital

Chapter 24 Ellis, Alice?

" boss, get up! It's seven o'clock in the morning. If you don't get up, you'll be late!" Last night, several people talked very much, so they went to bed very late. Now Su Fei is going to school at West Point. It is not allowed to be late during this period, so Smod got up early in the morning and made breakfast and ran to Su Fei's bedroom to wake him up.

"Ah! It's seven o'clock, and it's still more than ten minutes away from here to school, so hurry up!" Su Fei was disturbed by the knock on the door outside the room. She was about to turn over and change her comfortable posture and make up for a beautiful sleep. Hearing Smod's words, she was shocked and immediately climbed up from **, found her clothes and dressed neatly. Then she got out of bed and opened the door.

I have to say that Zhongzhou is a relatively peaceful environment. Compared with other places in the demon world, there are few bloody events here. The cold air in the morning came into his nose, and the fresh breath made Su Fei suddenly refreshed and suddenly woke up. He took the soaked handkerchief from Smud, wiped his face, and then took out a green bean and put it in his mouth. This is specially used to freshen the breath among the people in the demon world. Of course, the demon poor who live at the bottom of the demon world all year round cannot enjoy this treatment.

What kind of strength determines what kind of treatment you get. This sentence applies to any world. After breakfast, Su Feicao wiped his oily mouth with a soft paper towel, explored the storage ring with mental strength, and found that the professional books were lying quietly in it. Now it was time to leave for school.

The teacher of the course "Xinghe Balance Axiom" is Valles. He is a very punctual teacher, and what he hates most is naturally the student who is late for no reason. During this period, the principal has just returned, and Su Fei doesn't want to commit crimes in the past few days.

Walking on the quiet avenue, the West Street is deserted. The store outside has not opened in the early morning, and those business demons are probably still dreaming in the warm quilt! Sure enough, the most painful person is always the student. Su Fei said something in his heart and tightened the neckline of his clothes. Although the cold winter had already passed, the cold wind in the early spring morning still made people uncomfortable. Quickly walked out of the West Street, and Su Fei strode in the direction of the school. Yesterday's roommate Walter's words are still vivid. Su Fei must figure it out. For unknown reason, he carried the name of a sinister villain, and no one will forget it like this.

There have been no major changes in the class recently. Su Fei saw that the four characters of 'West Point Military Academy' were close in front of him. He stepped into the school gate and walked on the quiet path. This is a shortcut to reach the teaching building more quickly. When he took this path for the first time, Su Fei still walked with Ellis, but I don't know why Ellis has ignored Su Fei in class since he had a conflict last month. Some time ago, Ellis turned away, which made Su Fei depressed for a long time.

Su Fei actually cherished this friendship, especially during the period of his amnesia, and Ellis took good care of himself. Seeing that he didn't want to mention the past, he didn't take the initiative to ask. Now that Su Fei went to the meeting, of course, he felt that Ellis was a good partner, but now when he wanted to save this friendship and explained it to him, he had already turned away. Thinking about things, Su Fei was not in the mood to watch the beautiful plants. Because of this incident, he also began to restore his silent and lonely personality in the class. Of course, there was also the reason for his loss of memory, but it is also worth mentioning that this is also related to the attitude of Cassi and others towards Su Fei.

Cassie is one of the insiders of the scarlet plane incident. She has a certain understanding of Su Fei's real identity. In addition, after returning to the family, her father had specially told him, so after figuring out that Su Fei had another class with him, Casey would run every morning. Su Fei said hello in front of him, and the direct consequence was that a large group of younger brothers behind him also came over to say hello to Su Fei. So the foreign class said so about their second class: Although Cassie and others have been hanging out all day long and gangs, in fact, Su Fei is the only one who really carries the flag in Class 2, and he is the boss of the underground world of Class 2!

In this way, many gentle students in the class, even if they usually have a good relationship with Su Fei, heard such rumors and saw the actions of Cassie and others, they also subconsciously stayed away from Su Fei. This once confused Su Fei, but he got used to it after a long time, and Cassie and others inadvertently saved Su Fei a lot of trouble. At least no one among the students dared to force Su Fei to do what he didn't like.

There should be a new student in the class. When I get to the classroom, I will ask Cassie about it. Su Fei thought about it and took a few steps under his feet. He looked up. Class 2 of the first grade turned out to have arrived. It seems that it won't take long to get to the classroom from the West Street. Su Fei looked at the clock in the classroom at 745. It seems that he can sleep more in the future.

When Su Fei came in, several students were sitting in the classroom. Seeing that Su Fei came in, everyone lowered their heads and stared at the textbook on the table. Especially the female students, who were afraid of being seen by Su Fei's true face, went down one by one and were about to stick to the table. When Su Fei saw this appearance, he was helpless. He showed a astringent smile at the corners of his mouth and walked towards the rows behind the classroom.

"Oh! This student's face looks so familiar..."

"Is it possible that I really blame him?"

"It's really familiar, as if I've seen her somewhere, but I can't remember where she is for a while..."

"If I wronged others, wouldn't what I said to them the other day be slanderous? Oh, what's wrong with this!"

Alice sat in the first row and watched Su Fei walk straight to the last row as usual. When she saw Cassie and others bully her, Su Fei stood up to help her end, and a few words were done, as if it had been rehearsed in advance, which aroused Alice's vigilance. She was burdened with the mission of family rejuvenation. The family's blood feud must be washed away with blood. It was not easy to change her identity to enter West Point to study, so she was exposed, so she was quite hated Su Fei in her heart.

Waiting about the* behind Su Fei, Alice is not easy to react excessively, but it is only a small matter for her to release rumors and ruin Su Fei's reputation properly. So after she successfully changed her identity, after adding some vinegar, she slightly exaggerated the facts through the mouths of some female students and spread the previous dormitory siege.

In this way, Su Fei became famous at once, such as sinister and cunning, sinister intentions, with a devil's face and a devil's heart... Anyway, Su Fei has no impression in all the hearts of the new students, and because the headmaster has found Su Fei after coming back in the past two days, although Cassie and others have faintly heard some bad rumors, they have not been able to tell Su Fei at the first time, so that our Su Fei still knows nothing, even if this fabricated story is Su Fei is the model.

I don't know why, when Su Fei first saw the female student in the front row, he always felt as if he had seen her somewhere, but he couldn't remember for a moment. No matter how much you think about a girl, you won't think about the boy! Sitting in the back row, Su Fei took out the textbook "Xinghe Balance Axiom" from the storage ring this morning. As for the demon who looks a little familiar, don't think about it if he can't remember it.

Looking at the time, it's almost 7:50. The Valles teacher arrives at the classroom on time at 8 o'clock. It takes one to three seconds to open the roster. It takes three minutes from student No. 1 to student 45, while Cassie's serial number is after 30, so they always wait for 8 o'clock now. After knocking, he immediately got into the classroom, and it only took a minute to get it done. That is to say, when the teacher begins to read their names, they still take a breath, take a sip of water, relax, and then respond.

"Ring Bell!"

"Okay, let's start the call now!" Valles' figure appeared at the door of the classroom on time. He quickly walked to the podium, took out the roll, and began the routine roll call.


"You guys are really punctual!" Su Fei looked at Cassi, who was sweaty, and said with admiration. After the number of students in the classroom, Su Fei felt that the atmosphere in the whole classroom was a little strange, especially Walter, who was a little afraid of himself yesterday. Today, it was completely different. His eyes were full of naked contempt and contempt. Although Su Fei felt a little puzzled, when you found that the whole classroom was aimed at you alone, this feeling was quite horrible!

Cassie saw that Su Fei's face was a little bad, and she quickly stopped panting and her ears turned red. He remembered yesterday's rumor about Su Fei. Although he knew that he did not disdain to do such a thing as Su Fei, and the matter was still dominated by him. As a participant and planer, he knew that it was a complete misunderstanding, but he didn't know whether other demon students would think so. Moreover, he also has a rough guess about Su Fei's age. As the son of fate, Su Fei is not more than two years old. No matter how precocious he is and there are so many good people around him, he will hold on Alice!

Cassie decided that this was slander, thought about it for a while, and decided to tell Su Fei the truth. If Su Fei created a gap between himself because of this, it would not be worth the loss.

"Actually, Ellis's student is Alice. He transferred a few days ago to avoid suspicion, and now he has returned to Class 2 as a woman. As for Lord Su Fei, you play an extremely disgraceful role in it as the first protagonist... I didn't know about this until two days ago. When I was about to tell you, I found that you had moved out.

"What? Ellis is Alice, the Alice that Walter said that I was deliberately trying to calculate? Su Fei felt that his world was in darkness, and now he couldn't wash it even if he jumped into the Yellow River!