Devil's Capital

Chapter 26 Provocator

"The bell..."

The bell rang and Su Fei closed the textbook. He basically didn't hear anything in this "Xinghe Balance Axiom". When he first entered the classroom, the eyes of the students looked at him very uncomfortable. After thinking about it, Su Fei couldn't calm down for a long time. This matter can't be settled like this. He must find an explanation from Alice. Thinking of this, Su Fei stood up and left his seat to go up to Alice to question her.

"Big Su Fei, are you going to teach her a lesson? Do you want me to gather the brothers below and ask the boss for an explanation? Cassie saw that Su Fei was a little angry and looked gloomy, as if he might burst out at any time.

"You don't have to intervene in these things. I'll just explain them myself." Su Fei whispered, but the unquestionable tone made Cassie stunned on the spot and speechless for a moment.

"Alice, come out, I have something to do with you." Su Fei walked to Alice and said her purpose.

Alice's arrival was unexpected. After seeing Su Fei come over and confirming that she was looking for herself, Alice's heartbeat began to accelerate and her blood began to boil. Is it possible that this guy finally showed his fox tail? Now he is ready to use it! Alice is actually thinking about another thing now. She never thinks that her original judgment was wrong. In her opinion, Su Fei is a complete conspirators, deliberately trying to do something for herself.

"What's the matter! Can't you make it clear here?" Alice resisted the fear in her heart and couldn't help questioning Su Fei, with a trembling tone in her tone.

"Are you sure?" Su Fei turned the storage ring on his right hand and was uncertain about asking Alice for advice again.

Alice was scared by Su Fei's playful eyes. Although she believed that Su Fei would not do anything out of the mark in public, Alice felt unsteady when she was seen by this look. Although she was reluctant, Alice stood up and left her seat, ready to follow Su Fei out.

"Say, what else do you want! I have exposed your conspiracy. Don't think you are powerful in the sickle demon's collar. This is a West Point, not in your father's territory. Don't expect your elders to support you!" Walking to the corner, Alice saw Su Fei stop, afraid that there would be an ambush around him. After looking around and confirming that there were no other demons, Alice was relieved and said to Su Fei.

"Damn! Has this woman watched too many dog-blooded plots? Is she a fan of the alien version of Sherlock Holmes? Su Fei secretly thought that this girl's association ability was too powerful! In order to end this farce quickly, Su Feiqiang suppressed his anger, calmed down and took a deep breath, and said calmly to Alice, "I'm not here to talk to you about this!" As for your misunderstanding, I don't bother to explain anything. I just want to tell you that I have no intention of you at all, and I have no other intentions against you. The previous one was purely a coincidence. If there is a similarity, it will not be as you imagine. I came to you with a purpose! If it hadn't been for what you did later, I wouldn't have known that you were a woman!"

The fantasy world established collapsed in an instant, and Alice subconsciously took a step back. I really can't believe it's true! How can it be? Su Fei's words were definitely lying to himself. Seeing that the matter was exposed, he came to make up for his image in the hearts of other students, so he came to lie! But reason told her that it was illogical, because if Su Fei knew her true identity from the beginning, what she seemed to do was only between friends and maintain a simple friendship. These facts told Alice that the previous ones were just her reverie and were not true at all!

It's just that Alice can't let go. It's impossible to apologize to Su Fei. Even if Su Fei was wronged, he asked for it. Who told him to meet his own criteria of suspicion? There are many coincidences, but there are many coincidences over and over again. What is this? This is premeditated, so this can't be regarded as my Alice being suspicious, but Su Fei for meeting herself! If she is a simple demon girl, she may easily let Su Fei cheat and then fall into Su Fei's trap. Alice comforted herself like this in her heart and only pretended that she had not heard Su Fei's words, but in view of her own fault, Alice did not refute it. She thought that she would not slander Su Fei at most from now on, which was worthy of him!

Seeing that Alice fell silent, he knew that his words had worked. After all, although he was the party to this matter, he was not an insider, and he did not harass her in the following days, which indirectly proved the frankness in his heart! I'm going to continue to explain clearly to Alice to improve my image in the hearts of the students. Isn't it good to simply solve the matter like this?


"Who am I! It turned out to be Su Fei, the leader of Class 2, ouch! Brothers, do you know this resistance of Class 2? A thick-browed man came over aggressively with a group of little brothers and stopped in front of Su Fei. With a harsh voice, the big man turned around and looked at the little brothers behind him, waiting for their answer.

These little brothers are all loyal supporters of this thick-browed man. They are used to domboyance in Class 3 and want to open up their 'territory', so they aimed their finger at Class 2, which has made jokes in recent days. At this time, as if they had rehearsed, these little brothers shouted neatly under the gaze of their boss, "I don't know!"

"So who is standing behind the beautiful woman in front of you?" In order to make the effect more realistic, Largas tried to make a puzzled expression and pointed to Su Fei, who was standing behind Alice, as if he really didn't know.

"The perverted pervert who likes obscene female students - Su Fei!" With Largas' performance, these little brothers shouted harder and even deliberately lengthen Su Fei's name according to the requirements before Largas's trip.

The atmosphere at the scene became strange in an instant, and Alice also looked at these unkind guys with a suspicious face. Of course, it was difficult to understand with her inferior IQ. What is to kick the restaurant and smash the scene!

"It's a nice day today!" When Su Fei saw the situation in front of him, his thoughts drifted back to the earth. When he was in college, except for "Time Zhou Kai" that he must pay attention to, the fun in school was to watch those school gangs fight! The sky is gloomy. To be honest, the weather is not very good today. If there were no elective courses here, Su Fei would have avoided classes for various reasons.

"I didn't expect that there would be gangs and scum everywhere!" Su Fei whispered to himself, and he immediately lost interest in these people who came to provoke the trouble. These guys thought they were children playing at home. There is no absolute truth in the demon world. Of course, peace is just a bullshit. Without strength, who will respect your opinion? Even others don't bother to look at you. Only by constantly moving forward and waiting for the highest peak of life can you sit on the top of the mountain and see the smallness of the mountains.

Su Fei's indifferent attitude made Lagas feel particularly unhappy. The most annoying thing in his life is to see the devil pretending. It's really unbearable for his uncle, and his aunt can't stand it! Largas stood a step forward, looked directly at Su Fei, and said word by word, "The resistance of Class 2 dare to gamble. If you lose, you will withdraw from the position of resistance and give it to the winner. Dare!"

"Big brother, why do you have to talk so much with him, a pervert like a pervert? Listen to my little brother, let's go and turn him over together! As a rebel, a woman can't handle it. Unexpectedly, she was bullied by the woman and couldn't turn over. This is really a disgrace to you guys. Boss, let's go up and teach him a lesson, and take this woman back to **** and let them know how powerful you are!" Before Su Fei answered, a short and obscene boy behind Largas came forward to make suggestions and stared at Alice's secret parts from time to time. His eyes were inseparable, and the saliva at the corners of his mouth was about to flow out, which was really a lost face.

Lagas probably went out to smash the scene for the first time. He didn't consider the lineup in advance. Seeing that his little brother humiliated himself, his face suddenly turned black. He kicked the obscene man in the face, kicked directly behind the crowd and lay motionless on the ground. After solving the hidden dangers around him, Lagas turned his eyes to Su Fei again. He is waiting for the other party's answer. The status of this resistance is not easy to say that it can be taken out. This is related to your social circle, contacts, and control ability in West Point, etc. Therefore, fooling around is also a kind of life. These little demons are young and can neither go to the battlefield to kill enemies nor solve problems for their elders. Since the establishment of this West Point Military Academy, gangs have gradually become a major mainstream in West Point.

"What bet?" Su Fei looked at Largas's style and knew that he would not leave like this without doing anything.

At this time, Alice had been scared. She ran directly behind Su Fei and hid. I don't know if it was fate. This time, Su Fei has stood up in front of her twice. Thinking of this, Alice's heart was inevitably touched. The weather is bad today. When she went out, she specially wore tights, a thin silk scarf outside, and snow boots, which gives people an infinite reverie from a distance. Originally, Alice wanted to ** Su Fei and let him show his fox tail, but she didn't expect that it was just a farce. In the end, it was not easy for her to step down. Just now, the obscene man's unclear eyes made Alice tremble. Today, if it hadn't been for Su Fei, it would be difficult to predict her future. Thinking like this, Alice's eyes looking at Su Fei were a little complicated.