Devil's Capital

Chapter 29 Recovery

"Class is over! Su Fei, I heard that you rented a house outside the school. If there is no class this Friday, can we go there to play? Casey patted Su Fei on the shoulder and woke up Su Fei in thought.

"Oh, come to me! Okay, okay, when you come over, I'll ask Smod to buy more vegetables!" Su Fei habitually touched his nose, thought about it for a moment, and then made a decision.

The group quickly walked out of the classroom. In fact, most of the content of teaching professors in the classroom is theoretical, and they can't learn anything and don't want to learn it at all. Although Cassie believes that the strong man does not necessarily have to be absolutely strong in strength, and the accumulation of knowledge can continue to strengthen himself, this is also because he followed his father to visit several great sages and great wise men in the sickle demon collar earlier. In the demon world, light power is not absolute, as strong as the demon master also falls.

The strong man can't fundamentally change the status quo of the demon world. Even if the demon master has absolute strength, he can't lead the demon world to an unprecedented prosperity. On the contrary, because his so strongness has aroused the deep fear of the gods, he set up a plan to kill him. After his fall, the demon world fell into a long dark era. Without the guidance of these sages, it was difficult for Cassie to imagine how the current demon world would change.

After all, demons are demons. Root brutality and chaos cannot be fundamentally removed. In contrast, demons are much more rational than abys biological medicine. The creatures in the abyss are completely disordered and chaotic, so even if Constantine is lucky enough to stand at the peak of the world like the demon master, he can do nothing about the current situation of the abyss. Power is the only thing that all creatures with negative emotions advocate. Demons have to fall into darkness with the abyss because of their survival, so this situation cannot be changed overnight.


Walking on the quiet path, Su Fei was ready to go home after separating from Cassie and others. The only enjoyment of living outside was to have a warm nest, which also gave Su Fei a feeling of returning to the earth.

"God's words

There should be light, so when chaos first opens,

Before life was born, there was light.

God's words

Knowledge is the key to wisdom,

is the best way to perceive the world.

God's words

The confused need to be redeemed,

Belied in knowledge!

Knowledge can make you recognize the essence of your soul,

Wrave away the dirt in your soul and go to heaven after death

Get my glorious shine!

God's words

My people should help each other

A nameplate without identity between each other,

You are all lost lambs.

And I was sent from heaven

pull you from the illusory world into the real world

I am your Father God - the God of Knowledge!

I will let you see the truth of the world,

Only by believing in me can you gain a foothold in this illusory world,

You can find the truth of that world,

Only then can the soul never decay after death,

Only then can the soul ascend to heaven after death!

——————The Apocalypse. "Kazat"

Memory fragments began to overlap. Evene held her head with both hands, stood up from the dressing table, staggered up to the bedside, and lay down along the edge of the bed. Why did this motto appear directly in my mind? Eveney endured the headache and felt a little confused. What's going on? Why has she been sitting in nightmares every day since the mysterious voice disappeared?

"Dear Su Fei,

I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me? Evelyn misses you!

You know, Su Fei, I have been paying attention to you since the first day I saw you. You are so small, but you always know a lot more than others. There seems to be nothing you don't know! Humph, you big bad guy! You must also know why I always ran to you during that time, but I always pretended not to care and didn't care about others. Oh, I'm not saying you're not good! It's just that your attitude is really bad, and the boys don't take the initiative.

At the beginning, my father wanted to marry you demons, but now you don't have to worry about the generation of mutant offspring after marriage of different races! Last time, Ximen, the master of ethics who traveled in the East, demonstrated this authoritative theory: in addition to the known dragons, if other races marry each other, the dominant gene in the genes of the general offspring will only be the powerful one, and the weaker spouse will only inherit the recessive genes to the offspring, which will not affect the future of the child. Normal life!......

The current problem is that I was forced to marry the nephew of a great elder of the temple by my father in the city of God, in order to please the temple and let them let go of the Duchy of Catherine. After all, our Duchy of Catherine has been helping you demons over the years, and now there are some voices against us throughout the Norland continent. If we don't make a decision, our family and our country will suffer misfortune! ...

But this is not the ending I expected. I'm just a simple human girl. I fell in love with you little devil! You captured my heart and made me not look forward to prince and princess-like love, so that I would not dream of meeting a great hero one day, dressed in brocade, riding colorful clouds to marry me! I just want to see you now. We all bear different fates and are destined to have no fate in this life, but I hope that in the future, if you are lonely, you can think of me!

Location: Redwood forest five miles southeast of the sunset city.

Your friend,


3002 years of the new calendar


The broken memory began to piece together. Eveney found that her headache suddenly got much better and felt that her condition was much better. Eveney began to stand up to check her body to see if there was anything uncomfortable. Eveney walked around in the mirror and didn't find anything else. Evelyn only felt that she had a lot of memories in her mind. Evelyn seemed to hear a voice calling her in her heart: open it, open the depths of your memory, follow your inner will, and do it boldly!

With this deep voice**, Ephne couldn't help but be curious and tried to touch the memory hidden in her heart:

The Kingdom of Light God is called the heaven by their own believers. Here, the four seasons are like spring, and flowers are everywhere. From time to time, there are two teams of little angels behind them carrying flower baskets coming in and out of the flowers. This place is heaven for believers!

"Ahua, how much pollen have you collected today?"

A little angel waved his wings around his partner, stared at the flower basket in his partner's hand with wide eyes, and asked attentively.

"Alu, I warn you that today's pollen can't be given to you anymore. Today, Brother Angel has Carducci cake, and I haven't eaten Carducci for a long time. Do you know that you can't change the price of Cardochi for a year? The angel brother who handed over the task took it out as a reward in order to take care of us.

The little angel named Ahua waved his wings to make himself farther away from Alu. He held the basket containing pollen tightly in his hand and looked at Alu. Because the two were born in the same holy spring, they have known each other since childhood, and Alu is too lazy to collect pollen and hand over tasks. Every time they come to her to rub pollen and hand over tasks. In the past, for the sake of A Lu as his only good friend, Ah Hua, he basically left some for A Lu every time to use. Receive the flower spirit.

You should know that these little angels can only cultivate with flower spirits, and if they have bad talent, they can basically only live in this sea of flowers all their lives. Although they have almost infinite lives, loneliness will burn their souls. Ahua and Alu don't know how many older little angels have experienced the decline of heaven and man. Although the angel's heart in their bodies is still alive, their souls have begun to decay and gradually become a part of the kingdom of heaven and disappear into the world.

Seeing that his companions were so difficult to deal with, he had to think of other ways. At this time, he suddenly saw two men in black flying over the sea of flowers, and the oncoming strong dark atmosphere almost suffocated Alu. A Lu stood in the air in a daze, his four wings stopped swinging, and his unsupported body began to fall straight to the ground.

"Alu, Alu, what's wrong with you? Isn't it pollen? I'll give it to you. I'll give you all the pollen. Don't worry! Without you, how can I survive in the future? I will become strong with you, walk out of this sea of flowers and see more beautiful scenery! Alu, Alu!"

Because the attention has been focused on Alu in front of her, Ahua did not notice the two unusual breaths. At this time, when he saw Alu fall straight down, a bad idea flashed in his heart. He hurriedly waved his wings and glided towards Alu, hugging Alu's body. Because his strength was too small, the two of them staggered to the ground. Seeing that Alu gradually lost her breathing, Ahua panicked. Although she didn't like Alu's laziness, her heart was blank when she saw that Alu was in danger. At this time, she put all the angel's advice aside, thinking that the little angel in front of her could open his eyes, even if she woke up and continued to rub her flowers. Powder,

After the two figures left, A Lu continued to stiffen his face and hide his surprise. He suddenly opened his eyes, hugged Ahua from below, and said seriously, "Ahua, that's what you said! Hurry up and give me all the pollen, and I'll get the Carducci cake!"

At this moment, Ah Hua, who reacted, was held tightly by Ah Lu, feeling the vigorous heartbeat of the people under her and the warm breath from the skin next to her. She had no time to resist A Lu's almost naughty words and lay quietly in A Lu's arms. Ah Hua thought to herself that if she was with A Lu every day and hugged each other every day, she would not feel lonely after 10,000 years like this! But why does Brother Angel always warn us not to feel this way? Ah Hua was puzzled and then immersed herself in this warm moment...

With the opening of a page of memory, Ephne's mind 'sees' the little angel named Ah Hua and the little things in Alu's life. Their lives are so yearning and enviable.

"Ahua must be a happy little angel!" Eva thought silently from the bottom of her heart.