Devil's Capital

Chapter 35 Unordered Chapter (1W4 Outbreak, please click to collect!)

At first, God created heaven and earth.

The land is empty and chaotic. The abyss is dark. The Spirit of God runs on the surface of the water.

God said that if there is light, there will be light.

God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light and darkness.

God calls light day and darkness night. There is evening and morning, this is the first day.

God said that there should be air between the waters and water up and down.

God created air and opened the water below the air and above the air. That's how it happened.

God calls air heaven. There are evenings, mornings, and the second day.

God said that the water in the world should be gathered in one place to expose the dry land. That's how it happened.

God calls the land the land and the gathering place of water the sea. God looks good.

God said that the earth will produce grass, seed-bearing vegetables, and fruit trees, each with its kind and fruit wrapped in cores. That's how it happened.

So grasses, seeded vegetables, their own species, and fruit trees, their respective species, and fruits are all wrapped in cores. God looks good.

There is evening, there is morning, it is the third day.

God said that there should be a light body in heaven, which can divide day and night, mark, set festivals, days and years.

and shine in the sky and shine on the ground. That's how it happened.

So God created two big lights, big tube day and small tube night. Then he placed these lights in the sky and shone on the earth.

Manage day and night, light and dark respectively. God looks good.

There is evening, morning, and it is the fourth day.

God said that water should breed more living things. Birds should fly above the ground and in the sky.

God created big fish and all kinds of living animals in the water. He also made all kinds of birds according to their own kind. God looks good.

God blessed all these things, saying, "Prosperous and full of water in the sea." Birds should also be born on the ground.

There is evening and morning, which is the fifth day.

God said that the earth should give birth to living things according to their own kind. Livestock, insects, beasts, each of its kind. That's how it happened.

So God created beasts, each with its own kind. Livestock, each from its own category. All insects on the earth follow their own kind. God looks good.

God said, "We will make people in our image and according to our likeness, so that they can control the fish in the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock on the earth, and all the insects that crawl on the earth."

God created man in his own image, but made man and woman in his image.

God blessed them and said to them that they should have many children and cover the earth and rule the land. Also manage the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. And all kinds of living animals on the earth.

God said, "Look, I will give you food for all the vegetables that bear seeds all over the earth and all the fruits of the trees."

As for the beasts on the earth, the birds of the air, and all the living things that climb on the earth, I will give them grass for food. That's how it happened.

God sees that everything is well made. There is evening, there is morning, and it is the sixth day.


"New Testament?" Eveney shook her head and couldn't understand the meaning of that person. Now that she understood the reason of the matter, Alu is still in his hands, so she has to listen to the man and dares not resist at all.

Just because she recovered the memory of Paradise Mountain, her lover is not Su Fei, but a little angel named Alu, who is her lover. After knowing everything, Ah Hua, who became Evely, was miserable. She was reluctant to part with Alu, but she couldn't bear to harm Su Fei. Subconsciously, Evelyn wants to forget the mysterious man's words, but once she has this idea in her heart, she will not be able to sleep. The gloom in her heart is better every day, and her mind is full of pictures of Allu being tortured.

I don't know how many times I cried, but Ephne's eyes are still red. When Su Fei and the others asked, Ephne lied that she was in good physical, so that Su Fei and others did not have much doubt. However, once the seeds are planted, they will germinate and bloom. The seeds of hatred have been rooted in Ephne's heart. For the sake of Alu, Ephne knows that even if she doesn't want to, she has to obey the mysterious man's instructions to kill Su Fei and let Alu be free again!

Su Fei didn't know that her maid had come up with the idea of killing herself. On the way home, she thought that it was not easy for the human maid along the way, and she didn't seem to sleep well these days, so she walked around West Street, found a pharmacy, and bought two calming potions for Evelyn. Opening the door excitedly, Su Fei learned primary fighting skills for two days and had the intention to continue practicing at home, but there was no candidate to train with him. What should he do?

Smod is busy with sundries at home, and he practices secret assassins. As a weak human woman, it is naturally not suitable to use as a training partner. The only one that meets the standards is Zhu Yingjun, a simple guy.

"Smod is at home!" Su Fei opened the door and walked in. Smod was sitting in the lobby sweeping. After coming here, he always did the housework. Zhu Yingjun was too lazy, and Smod was an honest werewolf. Naturally, it was hard to say, so he took care of everything by himself.

"Master Su Fei, there is no class?" Smod stopped mopping the floor and looked up at Su Fei and said happily.

"Ye, the class is over this afternoon. Is Evelyn still upstairs? Su Fei looked at it. There was no trace of Evelyn in the lobby downstairs and couldn't help asking.

"What, is the master looking for Miss Eveny? Do you want me to go up and ask Miss Eveney to come down?" When Smod saw that Su Fei asked about Eve, he thought that Su Fei had something to do with her.

"Oh, it's nothing. I heard that she doesn't sleep well these days, so I bought her two bottles of calming medicine. I'll get it for her later. Su Fei didn't care when she heard the words. In her heart, she only thought that Evelyn was afraid of life and did not dare to communicate with Smud.

Once the estrangement arises, it is not a matter of one or two to eliminate it. Evely has the idea of killing Su Fei. No matter how good Su Fei is to her, she will not bear to kill her. Evelyn naturally thinks so.

There are many unpredictable things in the world. Who can say the outcome in advance?


"To establish the world and control things, we must first observe the similarities and differences, distinguish the words of right and wrong, see the words inside and outside, know whether there is a number or not, decide on the plan of safety, determine the matter of relatives, and then it is the measure of power. It is hidden, it can be collected, it can be sought, it can be used, it can be used, lead the words of hooks, fly to the words of hooks, hooks, its words are also different at first glance, its use or called Qizhu, white jade, and Caiyi are used to do things, or they can set up a situation to hook them, or they can be used to catch them. They will use the world to measure the power and see the rise and fall of the time! The vast and narrow terrain, the difficulty of obstacles, the amount of people's wealth and goods, the friendship of the princes, who is close to each other, who loves and hates, the worries of the mind, the judgment of its intention, knows what it likes and dislikes, is to say what it is, with the words of flying pliers, hook its good, to seek it, use it to others, measure intelligence, power and financial resources, material momentum, to welcome it for the three cardinals. Then, with the fit, with the right intention, this flying pliers are also embellished. For people, it is empty and practical, embellished without losing it, and it can be followed, it can be drawn to the east, it can be led to the west, it can be led to the south, it can be led to the north. It can be led and reversed, and it can be reversed.

This is a Huayan Classic. At this moment, Edmund, who turned over this book, fell into a brief confusion. The events of that year involved many secrets. With his in-depth investigation, those old things surfaced one by one. Edmund would not have thought that his biological parents were killed by those demon nobles because of their involvement in this book.

But what does this book have to do with the matter of the Envegas Mountains, but Edmund can't connect these two things no matter how he thinks. However, after knowing the real murderer of his mother, Edmund already had a general idea in his mind that maybe his strength is not enough to revenge, but he is still young and has enough time to strengthen himself, and the devil's life is long enough that he has enough time to wait. I believe that one day, he will stand in front of his mother-killing enemies and watch them tremble in the face of the fear of death. I don't know if they can predict this end!

The prologue slowly opened, the demon world showed full of vitality, and the lords launched a great expedition against the alien plane. With the support of Carlsas, Moffett gathered a lot of good hands and accelerated the vigorous development of the occupied four planes, including the Prist plane and the Monroe plane. On the other hand, Lucifa is also unambiguous, and Bruce, his ally, has also accelerated his journey to the heterogeneous plane.

Naturally, Standin couldn't stand loneliness. After two or three tentative attacks, it was confirmed that Caesar and other powerful main gods had gone to the endless plane passage to explore the ancient ruins. So Standin had no worries and acted more indulgently. He invaded the main material plane along the way, burned, killed and plundered, and did everything. For a while, all the human beings living in the main material plane were in chaos and panicked all day long.

After Hades went to heaven to meet Caesar last time, he and his wife returned to the underworld and began to keep a low profile. He finally understood that in this world of great strife, his strength and team could not be put on the stage. At this moment, he only prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the gods could win the war again. After shrinking for thousands of years, he had already sharpened Hades's spirit. He just wanted to live, and it was not important to continue to be the slaves of the gods.

The hurricane was generated by the starry sky, and a gorgeous nebula collapsed silently. The resulting hurricane blew towards a thousand planes, but this time, I don't know how many people can win their fate in this war!